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Guest Brian

I think it's just a tease. My guess is something goes down where Sayid breaks free and either chooses not to beat her or gets stopped. And based on the high crime, I'd bank on the latter.

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Guest Vitamin X
Goodwin being one of the others was very predictable IMO.


Agreed. Anyone who paid attention to last week's episode and Analucia's little synopsis of what happened to them, including "what happened with Goodwin.." would've been able to figure it out. I'm surprised so many people here were swerved. Although, the one thing I was a bit surprised by was that Nathan (I made the Nathan-Ethan Canada connection as well) wasn't working with the Others.


btw, didn't the "Others" seem a little small?


Seems to me like some of those might be the kidnapped children.. some of you may remember the episode a couple weeks back with "The Others" all walking barefoot, and the teddy bear (who we can now relate to the little girl from the tail section).


So I guess the new theory being discussed where The Others, being the Dharma Initiative, are taking the children to raise them because they're pure and free of moral setbacks like the adults are, and are learning from the other plane crash survivors in how to build stronger communities. In other words, the giant social experiment does seem more likely now.


I also have to say I liked Analucia more in this episode, I just really, really can't stand Michelle Rodriguez.

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Could it be that Nathan was with the Others, working with Goodwin, but did something to fall out of favor with him, which got him killed. I guess the main argument against that would be that he had to ask for the direction of the beach.


Great episode, I got drunk last night and missed my usual midnight showing on the DVR, so I was struggling today not to check out the fourms or talking to people at work.


Is Ana-Lucia gonna be paranoid as hell with the flight reunites since she doesn't know any of them (except Jack)? And count me in on the anticipation of the Locke-Eko meeting.

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Guest Evolution
The girl Ana Lucia killed was a young, blonde girl. Could it be Alex?


I thought the majority of us here agreed that the girl who threw the bomb onto the raft was Alex. If so, then it can't be because the chronology is wrong: "Alex" was murdered before throwing the bomb on the raft.

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Alex is Rousseau's (the French chick) daughter, who was taken from her by 'The Others' as a baby.


I doubt they would kill her off without Rousseau being a part of it. It's not very dramatic for Ana Lucia (hereby known as Anal) to tell Roussea 'by the way, I killed a girl, it may or may not have been your daughter. Don't ask me where the body is.'

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Sayid wasn't a pussy because of Shannon, he was a pussy because of the Iraqi chick he was going to LA for




Wrong answer.


Sayid Pre-Shannon: Getting into fights, chopping wood and torturing people with bamboo.


Sayid with Shannon: Getting into conversations, chopping up fruit and lighting candles.

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It's a water pipe.
I thought you meant a bong at first, Mole ... I was wondering what episode you saw that I missed. Then I backed up the 1 page and saw what you were responding to ... made much more sense.


Agreed. Anyone who paid attention to last week's episode and Analucia's little synopsis of what happened to them, including "what happened with Goodwin.." would've been able to figure it out. I'm surprised so many people here were swerved. Although, the one thing I was a bit surprised by was that Nathan (I made the Nathan-Ethan Canada connection as well) wasn't working with the Others.


Not to toot my own horn, but I bitched about that in this very thread, some time late last week ... I thought it was dumb for them to give a cliff notes version of what was going to happen in the next episode, by having Ana Lucia give a 30 second speech of what happened to them. It made for a cool ending to Wed's episode (with the parts from where we first met the tail-enders through the shooting of Shannon) but still gave away too much in the episode before, IMHO.


Could it be that Nathan was with the Others, working with Goodwin, but did something to fall out of favor with him, which got him killed. I guess the main argument against that would be that he had to ask for the direction of the beach.

No, Goodwin explicitly explained that he killed Nathan because Nathan would have still insisted that he was on the plane while AL was cutting his digits off. If he was one of the Others, then that's what Goodwin would have explained to AL before she killed him. I don't think the writers would put a swerve like that into an episode, without explaining it before the hour was up.


Sayid Pre-Shannon: Getting into fights, chopping wood and torturing people with bamboo.


Sayid with Shannon: Getting into conversations, chopping up fruit and lighting candles.

And banging Shannon.


If I was given the choice, I'd be pussy-whipped to. Torturing and chopping is fun and all, but getting laid is a bit more fun.

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I think the others in the rags are under the influence and orders of the others like ethan and the ones on the boat.



I also find it funny that when people talk about all these people on the island and all the people that have been to the island ( the others, our plane survivours, ressous' team, the nigeria drug smugglers etc) but noone ever mentions the fact that when Jack first goes to the caves, it is like a crypt with bodies and skeletons in there.

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Guest Vitamin X
I also find it funny that when people talk about all these people on the island and all the people that have been to the island ( the others, our plane survivours, ressous' team, the nigeria drug smugglers etc) but noone ever mentions the fact that when Jack first goes to the caves, it is like a crypt with bodies and skeletons in there.


Okay... so where are you going with this?

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He's overstating things a little. There were two bodies, one male and one female. This is also where the black and white rocks were found in the pouch that one of the bodies had on them.

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I also find it funny that when people talk about all these people on the island and all the people that have been to the island ( the others, our plane survivours, ressous' team, the nigeria drug smugglers etc) but noone ever mentions the fact that when Jack first goes to the caves, it is like a crypt with bodies and skeletons in there.


Okay... so where are you going with this?



Umm...I'll get back to that *cough*


Meanwhile here's what the whispers were in "abandoned" for those who care:



on: Nov 18 @ 08:31 AM

Enjoy! (courtesy of Lost Links)


Who's this in the woods



I’m in someone’s dream

Ich Weiss Nicht

(German for 'I don't know')

She’s heavy

Black Rock

Bring the boy

I’m in someone’s dream


Look in the eyes, right?

Do you see her?

(or possibly 'Lucia')

It’s the brothers that help us

I can see eye to eye


Did she see?

Bossy eh missy?

I’m in someone’s dream

I know it all, I know it all

It’s the eyes

(or possibly 'Lucia')

I can see eye to eye

I’m in someone’s dream


I know it all, I know it all

Do you see her?

(or possibly 'Lucia')

I can see eye to eye

Did she see?


Hide behind me

Bossy eh missy?

I’m in someone’s dream

I know it all

(repeated in background)

Under the eye

(or possibly 'Eye to eye')

It’s the eyes

(or possibly 'Lucia')

I can see eye to eye

She’s bossy

I’m in someone’s dream





From 'Abandoned'


Combined Transcripts By 'Penyours' & 'RVTurnage'

Overlapping Left, Center & Right Audio Tracks



Relax dude

She likes the guy

She’s coming

I don't know if I can run, but I can (or can't) yell

Shannon sighs


Dying sucks

Hurry up



She likes this guy

Dying sucks

Hi sis

Here she comes, here she comes

His mouth

She drives me crazy

Hurry up

I see eye to eye

I see...


Relax dude

She likes the guy

What do you think we should do?

She’s coming

We should hide, we should run

Heard some voice

See ya

(or possibly 'Lucia')

Hide the scope

Hurry up



For the seperated sounds, go to www.lostlinks.net/whispers.htm they're creepy-sounding

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Wait, why should he get a banning? For that, or something else?


For what it's worth, if those whispers are real - I find the ones from the first season more telling.

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Guest Vitamin X

That would be interesting though, if

the transcripts regarding the whispers were true and Boone was saying "hi" to Shannon.. though I would expect that would have more to do with the paranormal/psychic aspect of the Others or things having to do with the Others than any purgatory thing... that was obviously a joke.

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It's on, childrens.



Tempers flare when Ana Lucia and her group stumble upon Sayid and the other castaways.


credit: ABC.com


Pretty self-explanatory preview. Discuss!~

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Well I guess from looking at the trailer for tonight's episode, I'm guessing that Eko gets the better of him somehow, although I don't think he got tied up without putting up a fight.

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What a surprise Michelle Rodriguiz is a cop


Is she ever not gonna play a 'tough chick'

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