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Minor point of interest, just wondering what you all think about it: Bernard was a dentist before the crash ... and yet they showed his teeth last night, and they're among the worst looking ones on the island.


Inside "joke" by the writers, or something we should keep in mind moving forward?


I'm guessing inside joke. I mean, I know doctors who smoke and don't eat healthy, so it's not that much of a stretch for an older dentist to have crooked teeth. ;)

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They need to have something really fucking supernatural happen on the island sometime soon, because they are killing the mystique of the whole thing. Clearly it's a science experiment now, whereas before I was on the fence about the whole thing.

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Does anyone see the barefoot others being 'crazy' people? Kind of like the Reavers on Firefly?

It was a nice little thread until you had to mention crap like Firefly. :asshole2:


Minor point of interest, just wondering what you all think about it: Bernard was a dentist before the crash ... and yet they showed his teeth last night, and they're among the worst looking ones on the island.

Reminds me of the old joke:


What do you call someone who didn't make it into medical school?


A dentist.


Maybe that's why Bernard didn't want to talk to Jack about making the SOS.

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Does anyone see the barefoot others being 'crazy' people? Kind of like the Reavers on Firefly?

It was a nice little thread until you had to mention crap like Firefly. :asshole2:


Yeah, since you don't like Firefly...

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Does anyone see the barefoot others being 'crazy' people? Kind of like the Reavers on Firefly?

It was a nice little thread until you had to mention crap like Firefly. :asshole2:


Yeah, since you don't like Firefly...

No I don't and of course I'm teasing. Thread doesn't go 129-odd pages without references to everything else...

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Dude can't work on his own teeth, after all.


I agree that this is clearly some sort of weird psych experiment now, though I'm wondering how plane crashes factor into it all. I really just want to find out how goddamn Lostzilla works. Smoke that can grab people? That's still really weird and supernatural.

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Also, we've never seen the black smoke:

a) kill anybody

b) grab anybody

c) rip/throw trees out of the ground

not saying they're totally unrelated, just saying we don't know for sure it's doing these things

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The island is at a nexus of one of the many "triangles" or "energy vorticies" in our world. The faith healer, Isaac, was at Devil's Rock, or nearby, I believe.


Isaac was based near Uluru, or Ayer's Rock, in the Northern Territory of Australia.

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Seeing Bernard tell Rose that they'll never leave made me think of a certain line from season one......


"Our very own Adam and Eve"


And didn't Jack find on them two rocks (gems?) - one black, one white?

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Just watched the episode tonight, (it killed me to see the thread grow without looking) and I DID love the episode. I guess I am soft for the happier ending.


Count me in on the Michael is turning theory. Although I think he may have been drugged, and does not have genuine ill will. Although the thought to see Walt again would make him be desparate.


The Rose-Locke connection was fascinating to me because I thought for sure the first person who knew about Locke's condition would be someone who is in a conflict of interest and therefore Locke would have to silence them. Obviously this is not the case.


The fake Henry Gale continues to be a great, complex character. While hearing Locke lamenting and then seeing his smile was sinister, I still cannot shake the cowardly "I'm not a bad person!" from last week.

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You didn't hear the machine concealed inside the smoke? There's the science sucking the fun out of the mystery.

Yeah, I've heard that, but what the hell kind of a machine is it that moves completely fluidly through the jungle like that? Or maybe it'll be, like, a very small motorcycle.

Also, we've never seen the black smoke:

a) kill anybody

b) grab anybody

Kill no, grab yes. Season 1 finale, trying to drag Locke into the ground.

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The following is a collection regarding "Th3 Snowman" In summary, this man is a ops agt working for Candle. All the things below are from websites that can have their ownership traced to LOST producers or ABC


Read at your own risk. Its not the best of formats




>>Read Site From the Bottom Up<<<br />

<div id="msg">


<p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 1.2em;"><strong><br />-- GRAVE MOE --<br /></strong></span></p>


<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 1.2em;"><strong><br /></strong></span></p>


<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 1.2em;"><strong>4 8 15 16 23 42<br /></strong></span></p>


<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 1.2em;"><strong><br /></strong></span></p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 8 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Mission Accomplished</h3>

<p><p>well we did it. thanks to amanda. she mad it wrk mch betr than the plan dr. c and i had. in order to trigger the overload we hd to input the sequence backwards. it caused the focsed enrgy to surge back into the genome squencrs and explode. amanda is aslep right now but teh doc thks she wil be fne.</p>


<p>we thnk alvar may have escapd but apollo ws left behnd. we ar heded back to zanzibar.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 8 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>#####################<br />#AUTOMATED MESSAGE#<br />#####################</p>


<p>>> TERMINAL OPEN. #<br />>> ACCESS GRANTED. #<br />>> SENDING STRING. #<br />>> 42 23 16 15 8 4 | EXECUTE #</p>


<p>###END MESSAGE###</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 8 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>remote presense</h3>

<p><p>Amanda is stnding nxt to me but at the sme time she is inside alvars compond. she can see evrything that is gong on.</p>


<p>Alvar is in his throne with a metal cap strpd to his head. he seems to be in some knd of transe. there is a rack of computrs and apollo is entring nmbrs at a terminal. there are a few kidz there too. she says they are talking bckwards. they are chanting 'push the button'. </p>


<p>amanda can see the access codes to the system. dr. c has stablizd the xna sequnce by sending the scurty systm into the holding link. now i need to revres the flow and cause the xna machins to over heat.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 8 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>We are in positn. the key is to revers the security systm and send it back up the Mobile hlding link. if this fails i probbly wont be arund to tll you about it. but then again if we fail you will know it by teh burning sensatn in your arm.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 8 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Up 2 Speed</h3>

<p><p>Wht a wld 2 days it has ben. the last tim i updatd you was back on the plne flying to the island. i was scard for my life and thougt young amanda was dead.</p>


<p>turns out apollo never tossed amanda frm the plane. insted he wrapd her in sum blankts and hid her in the storag bay. then he took me into see alvar. </p>


<p>alvar didnt want to kill me, he just wanted to do some prety hardcore experimnts on me. by the end of it i was badly bruised and unconscious. turns out im not on the good list. all the experimnts did is drain my batteries. </p>


<p>next thing i knw is i woke up unbound in an uloked cell. i quckly got dressed and ran down sum prety long coridors until i made it outside. i could tel right away i was on the island. i knew i had to mak it to the north shor if i wantd to make conact with doctor candle.</p>


<p>hatch 0 was never usd for anything more than prototyping. the doc and i workd there for a year almost 2 decades ago. i knew ther was some eqipmnt in there i could use to contct the outside world.</p>


<p>turns out i didnt need to worry about conactng the doc cuz he was in hatch 0 when i got thre. what a relief. he had a spare mobile hanso that i used to disable alvars acess to all of our systms. he also had some bad news. </p>


<p>jessica never left zanzibar to cme see me in englnd. that means the girl i met in london was eithr a clone or a twin sent by alvar to get informatn from me. there a many copies.</p>


<p>next thing i knew amanda came runing into the hatch saying "They know where you are!". dr. candle did a bug swep and found a micro-dot under the skin on my left leg. we cut it out and headd into the jungle. apollow blew up an emty hatch.</p>


<p>sory about the message i snt tht looked like we were dead. i had to make alvar thnk he had kild us so he would tell us what he was up to nxt. it looks like xna for everyne eh? dnt worry we have a plan to stop him. </p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Saturday - 7 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>AH: You Missed!</h3>

<p><p>Lng story short. we are stll alve. we are working against teh clck howevr. Alvar has already strted the xna sequences localy. let's just say it is a good thing we stil hve amanda on our side. more later. - snow</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 6 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p class="MsoNormal">teh doc and i hve reunitd in an old unfinishd hatch. i tld hm my plan and agres that whil it is dngrus it has to be atmptd. escaping from alvr was a snp, but i hve a sneky feling i was follwd. Jessica is on âîìå ÞÔʹ¿Æ·²§¨´ Øæð÷ûÿ—ýìâÜÔÈÀ¹³«¥¡¢> <¥¥£©¹ÉÓãæ ï÷ùö << TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Thursday - 5 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Miss Me?</h3>

<p><p>i am bak! candle broght me a replcement mobile Hanso. we managed to unlck all systms and blck access by those who shdnt be there. upates shrtly. - snow</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Thursday - 5 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>#####################<br />#AUTOMATED MESSAGE#<br />#####################</p>


<p>>> Security Protocols Restored. #<br />>> Passwords Changed & Encrypted. #<br />>> IP Blocks Initiated. #<br />>> All Mobile Keys are set to 'th3 sn0wman'. #</p>


<p>###END MESSAGE###</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Thursday - 5 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>I See You Candle!</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://www.th3sn0wman.com/Photos/hs_0423.jpg" /></p>


<p>We detected a helicopter landing on the north shore about 15 minutes ago. It appears everyone's favorite one armed scientist is up to no good. It must be time to release the 'bait' and see if we can catch a non-believer.</p>


<p>The dawn of a new era is near. I can feel the future and it is tickling my veins with its power. All who doubt me will be destroyed; all who believe will be rewarded with eternal life and powers beyond your dreams.</p>


<p>Your Friend,<br />Alvar Hanso</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Thursday - 5 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>On The Island: AH</h3>

<p><p>>>Sent Via Satellite on mobile Hanso *42 (Alvar Hanso)</p>


<p>My beloved followers,<br /> A quick update to let you know that I have landed on the island. It won't be long now and my plans will be unveiled to you and the world.</p>


<p> And for those of you looking for your friend 'Frosty'. He is still alive for now; I may need him for bait.</p>


<p>Your Friend,<br />Alvar Hanso</p>


<p><<End Transmission</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Wednesday - 4 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Your Frosty Friend</h3>

<p><p>This is Alvar Hanso. I have seized control of the Snowman's mobile Hanso device, taken over this web portal and locked up <a href="http://www.kingcrossstatepolice.com">Dr. Candle's intranet</a>.</p>


<p>A few of you have come forward in support of my efforts and are leading me down a path of victory. Because of your help I now know that the good Dr. Marvin Candle is on his way to save his frosty friend. Fear not followers; his attempts will be in vain. </p>


<p>In just under 5 hours I will be landing on the island and will make preparations to put my master plan into action. And Candle won't be able to do a thing about it.</p>


<p>Your Friend,<br />Alvar Hanso</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Wednesday - 4 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>#####################<br />#AUTOMATED MESSAGE#<br />#####################</p>


<p>>> SECURITY BREACH. #<br />>> Hanso root42.ss Virus Detected. #<br />>> Web Portal Compromised. #<br />>> Remote Posting Disabled. #</p>


<p>###END MESSAGE###</p>



<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Wednesday - 4 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>dreadful news</h3>

<p><p>i awoke in the mddl of th nght to ear piercing screams. they were cming from just outside of my sight but i could hear everything quite clrly.</p>


<p><strong>Alvar:</strong> Why Amanda? After everything I have done for you! Why would betray me? </p>


<p><strong>Amanda:</strong> I am sorry <em>(sobs)</em> please don't hurt me!</p>


<p><em>(electric sounds, sizzles and pops)</em></p>


<p><strong>Alvar:</strong> You know that I must do this. You brought this on yourself. <em>(screams)</em> Try not to cry it will be over soon!</p>


<p><em>(screams, the lights go dark)</em></p>


<p><strong>Amanda:</strong> <em>(faintly)</em> I am sorry father... </p>


<p><strong>Alvar:</strong> Me too. <em>(more zapping noises, burning smells in the air)</em> Apollo, toss the body from the plane and bring me the Snowman!</p>


<p><strong>Apollo:</strong> Aye sir.<br />



<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Wednesday - 4 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>thy came at us frm all drections. there was litle we coud do. it was amazing to see amanda in actin though. she put a frce feld around us for almost 15 min but then she grew too tird and colapsed. i am undr guard and back on the plane. </p>


<p>we are heded for the island. please tell candle we need him!</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Tuesday - 3 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>update from dr. c</h3>


an update from dr. c says that we should head back tu the arport to

meet hm; as he will be there shrtly. but amanda is aprehensive. she is

sensing danger. i hope she is wrng but she rarly is.</p>


<strong>updte:</strong> at the airport and a new hanso crusr jst landed and alvars men are a on edge. they are pacing and loking for somthng. i hope a double agent didnt tip alvar off to our plns.<br /> </p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Tuesday - 3 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>tracking alvar</h3>

<p><p>in an effort to stp alvr amanda and i have travld to a church. amanda had a vison that alvar would be conducting business and that we woud find him here. it looks lik we just mssd him. she thnks it had somethig to do wth the priests and cargo on the plane.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Tuesday - 3 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>what a night</h3>

<p><p>sory for the dely in posting. amanda and i stayed prety low last night. she is a great securty systm. she could sense peple comin about a minut befor they showd up, gave us pleny of tim to hid.</p>


<p>amanda said her parnts enrold her in a giftd progrm when she was 7 yrs old and tht is how she met alvar. at the tme he was vry kind and paid for all the clases. 4 yrs ago though alvar kidnapd amanda and has been doin expriments on her. she said he was interstd to see how much radiatin she could withstand. she wasnt sure why. by exposing her to high amounts it hitend her abilites, but she lost one of her arms. i didnt believ her at frst becuase her fake arm is so realistc.</p>


<p><strong>updte:</strong> i just got word tht dr c is snding in the calvary. i hope to get out of here soon. in the mean time we ar loking for alvar. amanda thinks she knows where he wnt.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Tuesday - 3 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">




<p>the grls name is amanda. she and i are hiding out in the shack untl the madness dies down. alvars plane exploded. that was cool.</p>


<p>amanda says she has ben uder goin experimnts at avlars lab outside fenwick for ovr 4 yrs. she and the othr kids were on their way to get mor advancd traing on an island near australia. i thnk i know about that island but i didnt want to scare her so i ddnt say anythng.</p>


<p>amanda says she can see throgh walls and lift thngs with hr mind. that is some freky stuff if you ask me. she looks like she is about 8 but she told me she is rely 15 yrs old. </p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Tuesday - 3 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>gun battle</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://www.th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_142.jpg" /></p>


<p>we just arrived in <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Lagos,+Nigeria&spn=0.036460,0.082191&t=k&hl=en">lagos</a> and armed rebls boarded the plane. there was gun fire and many of alvars men wre killd. Orion doesn't look like h will mke it, but apollo was only grazd. Ado the head of security on the ground hre is dead as ar a few of his men.</p>


<p>i manged to escape the plane and am hold up in a shak near the runway. severl children also fled for covr. one of them is jst outside the door. she is shaking and seems to be in a transe. i can't understnd what she is mumbling. it is almost like anthr language? </p>


<p>I jst got a txt from my gal jessica, she is fne and still shoping in london. she wll be heded back to zanzibar wher it is safe.<br /> </p>


<p>i have lost sight of alvar. he may have gotten away in teh car that was stowd in the plane. the plane is on fire.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Monday - 2 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>moving again</h3>

<p><p>we made it 2 land and hve now borded a very lrge jet. It is one of thse hanso long haul cruisers. I wndr where we ar goin? I heard one of the gards apollo say it will be nice to b bck on the island. </p>


<p>also some men dressed lke priests gt on. i thk we ar dropping thm off somewhre. they had some crates that neded to be loded and securd.</p>


<p>i am starting to halucinate a bit. i thought for a mment i was bck in the lab with dr. candle. i can't feel my arm anymre.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Monday - 2 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>i hate boats</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_123.jpg" /></p><p>i took this phto lst nght. it is a bit ot of focs but they are thrwng dead bodies int teh ocean. they are wated down with large nets and somethng heavy. they ar each missng an arm. aftr about 3 hrs in rough wtr we met up with a much lrgr boat nd I am now in a hlding cell there.</p>


<p>i got word from candle sayig that he is able two trak me back at the lb now that it is functonig again. he has tapped int my mh but my gps is on the fritz. hopfule he can rescue me son. i hate boats.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Monday - 2 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>on a truck now</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_112.jpg" /></p>


<p>i am on a trck headed for boston i thnk. they need to pick somne up thre before we get to teh boat?? I am in the bck with an orangutn but it isnt jooop. i am stll a ltle light head and my arm is on fire with pain. </p>


<p>I jst snt the doc a coded message bjt it bouncd back. I hpe he is ok. i hate boats.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 1 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>covrt audio</h3>

<p><p>destination: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.th3sn0wman.com/audio/mh-record-23.mp3">audio</a></p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 1 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>on the move</h3>

<p><p>got my mh back from alvar. he thks i am sleping. they are mvoing me by train. my arm really hurts.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 1 January 2006</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>#####################<br />#AUTOMATED MESSAGE#<br />#####################</p>


<p>>> System Failure. #<br />>> Data Recovery Started. #<br />>> No Datasets Available. #<br />>> All Mobile Keys are set to 'Alvar Hanso'. #</p>


<p>###END MESSAGE###</p>


<p>RE: <a target="_blank" href="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_108.jpg">108</a></p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Saturday - 31 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>help me</h3>

<p><p>trapd in htch2. genome sequencer activated. 2 children with specil pwrs hlding me in mid air. must send to canlde:</p>


<p>######BEGIN ENCRYPTED TEXT#######</p>


<p>M;L:'_1&5F)Y>AJ>@_]BQC D$^[:</p>


<p>######END ENCRYPTED TEXT#######</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Saturday - 31 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>hatch 2</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_54.jpg" /></p>


<p>i found an alt entrance to hatc2. i am going to go dwn. i may not hav wirelss acess in ther so i will updat when/if i get out.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Saturday - 31 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Mi locatin</h3>

<p><p>i got my gps to work again. Here r the cordinates of Alvars Secrt Lab. (53.644129,-1.095371) <a href="http://snipurl.com/l61p">MAP</a>. Thre are 3 or 4 HATCHES around me. the childrn are bing kept abov grnd near the road.<br /> </p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Saturday - 31 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>under the road</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_73.jpg" /></p>

<p>i got wrd that alvar may be on to me. I am in hiding until the trble passes. the doc is ok-- he is putting the lab back togetr and shold... i gotta go.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>sn0wmail flush</h3>

<p><p>#####################<br />#AUTOMATED MESSAGE#<br />#####################</p>


<p>>> sn0wmail Reset Start. #<br />>> Updating Hive Matrix. #<br />>> System Malfunction...... #<br />>> Could Not Reset. #</p>


<p>###END MESSAGE###</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Mobile Hanso 23</h3>

<p><p>HEY! ive herd from the doc! I snt him some data on the leeds complx. if the hijak wrked he should se somethin on his mobile.</p>


<p>i was able to warn him about sn0wmail, but it mite b two late. if we ar both on the sstem at the same tmie, the hive matrix may include all msgs and not jst those from me. so i am sory if you get sn0wmail from Alvar. I wil try to reset the system remotly to flush it out, but it mite not work.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>i hve more tim to talk now. I need to gt a stats updat to dr. c. I lost contact with him after the fire; but hopefuly he will think to reactvte his moble Hanso so I can get him sume data.</p>


<p> I frist entered alvars secure compnd in leeds and got on bord a suppli convoy. the convoy apprs to be using the same mobile holding link tech that we had in Zanzbar lab. I tok a phto of the wiring for ref. </p>


<p>i thnk we drve in circls for some tim. we mst have back tracked a few tims. i thnk they were being followed. i am in a fild outsid of the faciliti.<br /> </p>


<p>if this is alvars new secrt lab, thn we hve some serius prblms. there are too many kidz here. why are ther so many kids? is he stll doing life xten or is this somthng els? i wish i could typ beter on ths small kybrd.</p>


<p>i will gather mor phots and data. please snd a msg to the doc. he should be able to txt me on moblie *4. my gps device is on the fritz.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>m62 phto</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_42.jpg" /></p>

<p>Here iz a pic of the sign. i hav also seen sum for great heck? the convoy is slowing now.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">


<p><p>I see signs for M62.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Alvr Holding Phto</h3>

<p><p style="text-align: center;"><img border="0" alt="Img_34" title="Img_34" src="http://th3sn0wman.com/Photos/img_34.jpg" />



<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 30 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>dr c</h3>

<p><p>plz contct dr c & tell him I am ok. my efforts r gonna get uz some good data.</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Thursday - 29 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>New Domain</h3>

<p><p>#####################<br />#AUTOMATED MESSAGE#<br />#####################</p>


<p>>> New Domain Active (th3sn0wman.com). #<br />>> Still in St3alth Mod3. #<br />>> All Mobile Keys are set to 'th3 sn0wman'. #</p>


<p>###END MESSAGE###</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Thursday - 29 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>in the compnd</h3>

<p><p>I hve entrd the compnd and will attmpt a computer hij</p></p>

<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Sunday - 25 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Covrt Mssg</h3>

<p><p>I am ok. Plese reset machine 8 in server rnom 108. If you can se3 this mersage all systems are back to normbj.</p>



<p>---------<br />

Initiated wirelessly from a mobile Hanso unit.</p>

<p>Friday - 23 December 2005</p>


<div id="msg">

<h3>Archives Purged</h3>


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Guest Evolution

Wasn't that the episode where the black smoke whisped through the jungle and then came alive, trying to suck Locke under?

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Guest nokia

Lost" came in with 15.7 million viewers and a 6.6/16 at 9 p.m. It was not only the lowest-rated original "Lost" episode of the season but also down 28% from its season average.

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Lost" came in with 15.7 million viewers and a 6.6/16 at 9 p.m. It was not only the lowest-rated original "Lost" episode of the season but also down 28% from its season average.


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black smoke = nano tech? That was always my assumption, although I have read far too many sci-fi books with that kind of thing.


Damon Lindelof dismissed this theory in a podcast, IIRC.

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While I'm on the subject of theories, here is a list (for those who don't know) of theories that have been dismissed by the producers:


The survivors are dead and/or in Purgatory - dismissed by J. J. Abrams


The survivors are in a time warp - dismissed by Damon Lindelof


Spaceships or aliens influence the events on the island - dismissed by Damon Lindelof


Everything seen is a fictional reality taking place in one or more of the survivors' minds - dismissed by Damon Lindelof


The island is a reality TV show and the castaways unwitting housemates - dismissed by Carlton Cuse


The cloud of black smoke is a nanobot cloud - dismissed by Damon Lindelof

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Guest Evolution

Are the writers still claiming that everything can be explained scientifically?

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Guest nokia

We all know Episode 2x21 is called ?


Obviously it will refer too the ? that was in the middle of the map Locke saw. But its not a question mark as we know it, because the person who draw the map knew damn well what was there. Just see how much information he draw about the island including all the phrases and positions of stuff. The ? in the middle litterly stands for Dharma. In East Asia, the character for Dharma is ?, pronounced fÇŽ in Mandarin and hÅ in Japanese. Dharma means Natural Law or Reality. 108 is the natural number. Remember the mural painting in the hatch with 108 inside the sun ? The sun’s diameter approximately equals 108 times the earth’s diameter. The EYE of god = 108 and so not even god will SEE the island.


Anyways ... Dharma = a way of life. It defies dogma and thus seeks to instead align the human body, mind, and soul in harmony with nature.


We are bound by the laws of time, space and causation according to finite reality. Dharma is the foundation of this causal existence, the one step below the infinite. Dharma is the projection of divine order.


Dharma has imbibed the highest principles of Truth. Dharma is not just law, or harmony, it is pure Reality.


In the dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism), the wheel of life or dharmachakra is symbolic representation of samsara, the continuous cycle of birth, life, death. Flower of life (look into the EYE of the island = 23) by drawing the hexagram 23 (I-ching) u will get the flower ... THE ULTIMATE SECRET of life will be found on the island.

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I'd say if that is true, the series will end with Locke going to the centre and finding the ultimate secret, but at the same time, the Island is exploding with all the others escaping by boat or something. All we'll ever see of the ultimate secret of life is locke staring at something, with a bright light shining at him saying it's beautiful.

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