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You know, the SWAN station could really have been doing an experiment.


Notice that PEARL had a camera in it as well, as they were being observed.


Now, how would the observers in PEARL function if they themselves thought that they were part of an experiment, versus feeling like they are a party of the organizers.


Or, how would their observations change if they knew the SWAN station really wasn't a null experiment, and something could go disastrously wrong.


There is more to this than one may think.



Also, Michael now becomes the perfect Trojan Horse. C'mon guys, pretend like you're following Michael. Have the others spring a trap, like they're planning, to nab the leaders of the tailies.


Then have Sayid (and badass army) spring the real trap. Stupid others, set themselves up real good.

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I don't think the numbers being put in to the computer in the Swan is an experiment. If it is, the Pearl could be an experiment as well. Notice the camera observing the Pearl? That could be someone in Dharma keeping an eye on them, or it could be another hatch monitoring the Pearl's experiment on behavior.


Now, I am certain that the Pearl was NOT the "?." The orientation video said it was station 5 of 6. There were 6 stations surrounding the "?," so to me that means that the "?" is yet to be discovered by our survivors. I know there was a "?" salted into the grass, but that is a red herring for Locke and Eko. How they are doing the dreams, I have no idea, but someone wanted them to find that.


Also, Dr. Marvin Candle was the same guy as Dr. Mark Wickman, only he had two working arms. The copyright on this video was 1980, and I think it was the same date as the other orientation video. Either the "incident" happened during 1980 between filming the tapes; OR the Swan tape was made to look older than it was; OR there is cloning involved; OR Candle was using a prosthetic much like the Others use theatrical makeup. I have no idea what is going on with him, but that is a big clue for us to figure out. Spoiler on Candle/Wickman:

The actor's screenname is listed as "Dr. Waxman" for the finale.

Candle, Wickman, Waxman? Is he in charge of "The Flame" station?

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You hadn't posted that by the time I was typing up my stuff, SJ. You are thinking the same as I am on the Pearl, though.

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I think that there's some relevance in the fact that in the video, the Pearl workers are told it doesn't matter what the button-pressers *think* they're doing. It has to matter. I think that that isn't the end of the weirdness, as there's probably a deeper experiment going on.


Furthermore, either that hatch has a different entrance, or no one has been in it for a long time.

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I see what you are saying, but I really don't think that's it. If you see all of the big "x's" marking all the tunnels, you will see that they are unpassable anymore. There is a note somewhere on there saying the escape conduits are blocked now.


That small "?" is right at the sealed off tunnel, and I am thinking he is asking if it is really blocked, or what is right beyond this wall? They were a good ways further away from the Swan to find this station, and that would not make the 6 stations thing fit either.

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just because it was orientation 5 of 6 doesn't necessarily mean it was hatch 5 of 6. They didn't find a video in The Arrow, nor did it look like there was any means of viewing a video tape



EDIT: Although there is a "CV IV? The Pearl?" note on a different part of the map, so I dunno

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True, they didn't find any there, but....that doesn't mean there were never any orientation films for those places.

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Watch who you sleep with on the island, Charlie has a dream and follows it, after Eko's dream we see he's sleeping next too....Charlie. Eko and Locke camp together and Locke has a crazy dream. Look out for whoever bunks with Locke next.

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Add me to the list of "The Pearl is the real psych experiment"... I'm glad some other people caught that as well.


I'm now thinking that the Psychic works for Hanso/Dharma and the whole Eko flashback was a scheme to get him on the plane. After all, the Psychic said right to Eko's face that he collects information and manipulates people. Maybe he's head of intelligence or something. My only question lies with the miracle girl. I want to believe she had good intentions... but the skeptic in me says she's working with the Psychic.


Could Candle and Wickman be twins?

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Twins is another possibility that I didn't cover with Candle/Wickman.


The psychic has to work for Dharma, yes.


One other thing I forgot to mention from the video...Candle said when your 8 hour shift is up, return to *SPLICED* take you back to the *QUICK SPLICED*. To me, I thought for sure he said "return to the ferry and it will take you back to the barracks." Anyone else have a guess?

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I wasn't saying I didn't like the show Dandy. I'm just saying that it drives me crazy because sometimes it feels like nothing happens. And plus all these questions are developing and I have this sinking feeling that the series will end with a lot of unanswered questions.


But damn Invasion was intense and had me on the edge of my seat. I really want to know what the lights really are and where they really come from. It's driving me crazy.

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I wasn't singling you out, Dama. Sorry it came at that point, but your comments made me think of all the negative comments like "nothing ever happens on Lost," or "nothing has happened this season." When you go back and think of everything that has happened since the first episode of this season, I think a TON of stuff has happened.

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Twins is another possibility that I didn't cover with Candle/Wickman.


The psychic has to work for Dharma, yes.


One other thing I forgot to mention from the video...Candle said when your 8 hour shift is up, return to *SPLICED* take you back to the *QUICK SPLICED*. To me, I thought for sure he said "return to the ferry and it will take you back to the barracks." Anyone else have a guess?


I heard "base" instead of barracks but the ferry stuff is spot-on. I think the ferry might be the "OMG" moment in the preview next week that has everybody all open-mouthed and shit.

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Maybe Wickman or Candle are the other one's "Bad Twin?" Don't know why that popped in my head, and I'm sure it's wrong. Just saying...

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Twins? With different last names?


I'm guessing it's just the same guy playing multiple "parts" for the orientation videos.

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Which should tell you something about Dharma employees and whether or not they were ever meant to meet with each other. I want to see another orientation vid and note what kind of name he uses. It would be a clue in deciphering who's really the subject of an experiment.

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Twins is another possibility that I didn't cover with Candle/Wickman.


The psychic has to work for Dharma, yes.


One other thing I forgot to mention from the video...Candle said when your 8 hour shift is up, return to *SPLICED* take you back to the *QUICK SPLICED*. To me, I thought for sure he said "return to the ferry and it will take you back to the barracks." Anyone else have a guess?


I heard "base" instead of barracks but the ferry stuff is spot-on. I think the ferry might be the "OMG" moment in the preview next week that has everybody all open-mouthed and shit.


I was thinking the same thing that, the OMG moment may be another plane crashing/boat crashing or landing, since it appears they were on the beach.



Rando dumb question: Earlier in the year Walt would appear and seemingly warn/advise the survivors about future events. Would he appear to anybody and warn them about Michael's intentions?

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Twins? With different last names?


I'm guessing it's just the same guy playing multiple "parts" for the orientation videos.



Well,with my line of thinking on that front, do we know that they really have different last names? We don't really know the names, just what they said.

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Twins? With different last names?


I'm guessing it's just the same guy playing multiple "parts" for the orientation videos.



Well,with my line of thinking on that front, do we know that they really have different last names? We don't really know the names, just what they said.


But, why would they be twins then? Why not just the same man using different names for the various videos? I'm just trying to illustrate how the twins angle seems to have been pulled out of nowhere and really makes no sense.

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Twins? With different last names?


I'm guessing it's just the same guy playing multiple "parts" for the orientation videos.



Well,with my line of thinking on that front, do we know that they really have different last names? We don't really know the names, just what they said.


But, why would they be twins then? Why not just the same man using different names for the various videos? I'm just trying to illustrate how the twins angle seems to have been pulled out of nowhere and really makes no sense.

Well, aside from the fact that they just released a book called Bad Twin, and the whole light versus dark theme introduced by Locke that ran almost the entirety of the first season, as well as the slew of references to alternating realities, I'd say you're right... it is out of nowhere and makes no sense whatsoever.

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2005 USC Trojans: 12-0

Def. UCLA 66-19

Beat the Longhorns!


Hey Spicy McHaggis, don't you think it's about time to change the sig? Not that I don't like the girl, but maybe you could change the text to "Booty is awesome" or something.

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"Three Minutes"

A determined Michael convinces Jack and several castaways to help him rescue Walt from "The Others." Meanwhile, Charlie struggles with Eko's decision to discontinue building the church.


credit: ABC.com



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