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Great ep. Anyone notice the #44 on the T-Shirt?





I really enjoyed this ep but at the end of it the only thing I could think of was how much I'd like to marry Sun.

Are you talking about the episode when Boone dies?

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Guest wildpegasus
I just finished a night school class that had a woman who not only looked like Sun, but was actually hotter.


I propose a PICTURE BATTEL, to pass the time between episodes.


An incentive...



Very hot. The big question is could she heal me if I was on the verge of death?



But you see, Sun's hotness from this episode comes from her ability to heal stuff. Maybe she could heal my .. Well, anyway that's a woman that can look after you.


She's also got that innocent but yet rebellious/wild side to her. Remember when she unbuttoned the very top button of her shirt?



Are you talking about the episode when Boone dies?


Can't remember.

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Guest wildpegasus
Great ep. Anyone notice the #44 on the T-Shirt?





I really enjoyed this ep but at the end of it the only thing I could think of was how much I'd like to marry Sun.

I got dibs on Sun.

Oh well, since you'll be too preocuppied with Sun that just means I now got dibs on your sisters' buns.


Just teasing you my friend.



Terrific ep. They could've slept through it because they had so much interesting stuff going on but they still put the effort in. I like that

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Guest wildpegasus
What does the #44 on the t-shirt mean?

Foreshadowing of the amount of known survivors on the island?

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The article in EW this week is decent, albeit weakly constructed (they focus on Michael more then Locke or Charley) and it says, in not so many words, that Boone may not be the only guy kicking it this season.

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Read an interview with Ian Somerhalder(Boone) in the TV guide the other day. He says about how frustrated he was about his character being killed off. He also says that he'll be back next year. He doesn't know in what type of role since they don't know what to do with him yet.

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Read an interview with Ian Somerhalder(Boone) in the TV guide the other day. He says about how frustrated he was about his character being killed off. He also says that he'll be back next year. He doesn't know in what type of role since they don't know what to do with him yet.

This isn't a spoiler, but I'm going to use the text to reply to what you said


I think that Boone, Jack's dad, Rose's husband and the other people in the back of the plane will play a role in upcoming episodes, I guessed that a while ago and I'm starting to think it'll happen before the end of the season.

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Fun lil tidbit that will blow your minds:


Hurley and Locke's mom both spent time at the same mental institution. When Hurley is visiting Lenny in "Numbers" you can read "Santa Ana Medical Institute" (or something close to that) on his visitor's badge. When Locke's P.I is reading him his mom and dad's history he mentions that his mom had done some stints in the same place.


The numbers just got all the more important.

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Next week is the recap show.


April 27 - Recap Show

May 4 - 1.21: The Greater Good (Sayid II)

May 11 - 1.22: Born to Run (Kate III)

May 18 - 1.23: Exodus: Part 1

May 25 - 1.24: Exodus: Part 2 (Two Hours)

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I lied about Lost being the best show of this decade so far.


It's tied with The Shield.


Why, you ask?




This smarmy fuck has a lot to do with it.

Oh my brotha, TESTIFY!!!!


I love Lost, but The Shield is my favorite show to come along in a long time, maybe forever.


Damn recap, just get on with the end already

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Here are previews for the rest of the season:


1.21 - The Greater Good (Sayid II)

airdate: 5-4-2005

After another funeral, tempers rise as the survivors suspicions of each other grow, and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. The events that landed Sayid on Flight 815 play out as he engages Locke in a psychological game of cat and mouse to uncover the truth about the mishap that claimed Boone. Jack goes after Locke believing he had caused Boone's death. Meanwhile, Kate struggles to keep Jack from acting on his rage. Shannon also makes plans for her brother's alleged killer. Claire and Charlie attempt to calm her new baby and Sawyer proves to be the best thing for Claire's very unhappy baby. Sayid's past involves the CIA and a suicide bomber.


1.22 - Born to Run (Kate III)

airdate: 5-11-2005

Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft. Meanwhile a secret from Kate's past is revealed, the mysterious hatch is shown to a few of the survivors, and Walt gives Locke a warning.


1.23 - Exodus (Part 1)

airdate: 5-18-2005

The French woman -- Danielle Rousseau -- shocks the survivors by showing up to the camp with a dire warning about "the others" who are on the island. Meanwhile, Michael and Jin ready the raft for sailing.


1.24 - Exodus (Part II, Two Hours)

airdate: 5-25-2005

The castaways who make it on the raft are surprised at sea by something unexpected that happens. Meanwhile, remaining islanders attempt to blow open the hatch that's in the forest, and visitor French woman Danielle Rousseau who comes to the encampment might be a threat to Claire's infant son.


BTW, Michelle Rodriguez is listed as one of the guest stars in the finale.

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About the finale.

So the finale isn't about anyone's past? Or is it just about everyone and how they got on the plane?

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Isn't there going to have to come a point where they can't do flashbacks anymore? I mean, after another season or so they are going to run out of things to flash back to.

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Isn't there going to have to come a point where they can't do flashbacks anymore? I mean, after another season or so they are going to run out of things to flash back to.

Bringing in new characters should help

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You honestly think they won't show a flashback about how Locke was paralyzed?


The recap ep was good enough for what it was, it was cool seeing how everybody's beards had grown (clean shaven Sawyer? That was weird.)


Next week looks off the chain, though I don't like how the focus is seemingly on Jack vs Locke even though it's Sayid's ep. I suppose that the feud will integrate itself into Sayid's story.


Seeing Sayid and Locke go at it intellectually should be a fucking treat.

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next week will own my face


EDIT: SHIT! FUCKING SHIT! I found out I got some academic award, and the ceremony is March 4th at 7 :angry: :angry: :angry:


I WILL be recording it....

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