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Guest CronoT

I found a massive illegal video game distributor.

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If they don't care, why do they spend time shutting down ROM sites?


(probably easier to do than getting their lazy asses to the mall)


Most ROM sites I imagine just break even, and like it or not, there are TONS of people who bought games in the past, but don't want to spend $50 on eBay again, since carts inevitably break down.


These guys are clearly profiting from someone else's work. It's fucking ridiculous to say that they have mouths to feed. So do bank robbers, hit men, drug dealers, etc. They don't have mouths to feed, they want to live lavishly by stealing. period.

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Just got off the phone with Nintendo. They are WELL aware of the problem, but they don't want to act until they have concrete information. So how about this:


Post the location of your mall in this thread, and where the booth is located. Hopefully, we can gather enough info.

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Augusta Mall in Augusta, GA. Bottom floor, in the middle, directly across from Hot Topic, for this area. Im not 100% sure if this is the same company, but they have the same old NES games played directly from a Sega Dreamcast controller that plugs into a tv.

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Guest CronoT
Just got off the phone with Nintendo. They are WELL aware of the problem, but they don't want to act until they have concrete information. So how about this:


Post the location of your mall in this thread, and where the booth is located. Hopefully, we can gather enough info.

El Paso, Texas

Cielo Vista Mall Lower Level near Sears exit to the center area of the mall

Booth near the Children's Recreation Area

Cielo Vista Mall owned by Simon Managed Properties

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I saw this today. It was in the Galleria at Crystal Run in Middletown, NY. I think it was on the top floor near Filene's, but I'm not sure.

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Just got off the phone with Nintendo. They are WELL aware of the problem, but they don't want to act until they have concrete information.

Well how about Nintendo go to a local mall and spot a vendor.


I'm not doing the gruntwork for these hippies...

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I've been seeing those at flea markets for years, buddy of mine had one and said it worked like crap. While I don't support them, I have a hard time supporting Nintendo rereleasing 8 bit games on the Game Boy Advance. The kinds of games they're making now you know they could fit multiple games on one of those little cartrages.

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Guest CronoT

I got an e-mail back from Nintendo today. Here it is, with my name and e-mail removed. :P


Dear CronoT:


Thank you for your report.

Nintendo is investigating this matter worldwide.


If you run across other booths/malls offering them, don't hesitate to

let us know.


Thanks again for your cooperation,


Kind regards,



Uri Geisser

Nintendo of America Inc.

Anti-Piracy Group

[email protected]




Hi CronoT:


Could you give us the contact information of the mall where you saw the

Power Player?


Thank you for your cooperation.




Uri Geisser

Nintendo of America Inc.

Anti-Piracy Group

[email protected]

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I believe the operative phrase is, "too much time on your hands".


I saw them selling these things at the local mall here in Ann Arbor, and I don't think twice about it. I actually played Galaga on it for a few minutes.


Would I buy one? Hell, no. They look like they will stop working if you so much as breathed on them, much like the original NES system. But as is said before considering they are ripping people off by releasing the classic games one at a time on the GBA at an inflated price, I don't have much of a problem with it, either.

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Gee, let me get a violin out for poor poor Nintendo. Yeah, I feel really bad that they are losing the 40 dollar value of a cartridge of a game that was released in 1986.


Yeah, I feel so bad for them. Poor Nintendo.


If this was recent games, yeah I'd say go after them. But for the old school games that Nintendo wants to re-sale for 30-50 bucks a pop for graphics that you literally need to slow down your brain to adjust to? No, screw them.


I don't feel bad. Plus it's a god damn inferior product and it's basically free ad time for Nintendo. Some guy sells a cheap worthless product of an old Nintendo game, it plays for maybe 7 days before it breaks and then the person heads out and buys the port that Nintendo sells for an elevated price.


Nintendo wins out and the only real reason they aren't after these guys is that the product the mall fellas sell a cheap product that breaks and doesnt' effect Nintendo in the least. If it was an excellent product, Nintendo would have stopped them in a weekend.

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They look like they will stop working if you so much as breathed on them, much like the original NES system.

My original NES still works, and breathing on it helps :D

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As mentioned by others, yeah, they're pieces of crap. If people buy them and they break easily or don't work well, cry me a river.


"Most ROM sites I imagine just break even, and like it or not, there are TONS of people who bought games in the past, but don't want to spend $50 on eBay again, since carts inevitably break down."


Carts last a helluva long time. The only problems you usually run into with them is if gunk is on the contacts and won't come off, or if batteries in them die.


I think the average cartridge game probably has a longer life span than a CD/DVD, because the latter requires great care, and often when you get used games, you see some people just are careless or don't give a damn.


The kinds of games they're making now you know they could fit multiple games on one of those little cartrages.


Definitely. I'd have snapped up a Donkey Kong Trilogy, but not that waste they released. Hmph, I got a 10 year old Game Boy title for 10 bucks that's far superior to that piece of junk.


If you try opening an NES cartridge, most of the time you'll a tiny sliver of actual guts to the thing. It's almost all plastic. That's almost 20 year old technology, folks. Nowadays Nintendo can stick those games on E-Reader cards. Nintendo should be releasing compilations like Konami, Namco, etc. are doing. You're basically paying for the packaging and the wireless connectivity with the NES Classics. Almost every single one of the NES Classics titles are available in compilations or in another superior form on the GBA already.


Imagine, some people call Sony and Microsoft "evil"...


I don't mind paying for old games if it is a good value. Mega Man Anniversary Collection, Midway Arcade Treasures--those are worth it to me.


Yet, Nintendo isn't re-releasing titles that were quality and could win people over with a little bit of marketing muscle. NES Punch Out and Wrecking Crew (which was in the Classics line in Japan, actually) would be neat to play again. After their crappy remakes, I'd love to see a revival of Crystalis or River City Ransom.


Oh well, I guess that's asking too much, though.


That's why Xevious is a great choice, IMO. It was a great game, hasn't been remade into a far superior game for a better price, and still is enjoyable today.


Did ANYONE like Ice Climbers even 20 years ago?

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Concord, California in the Sunvalley Mall on the bottom floor.


I don't care if I'm ratting these guys out or not it also takes buissness away from stores like Gamecrazy, Gamespot, etc.. etc.. etc.., who sells those games.


I'd love to see a revival of Crystalis or River City Ransom.


I know Crystalis got redone for the GB color years ago (I love that game also.), and I think River City Ransom did get re-released for the GBA or that could be a different game altogether.

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I agree with 2GOLD.


Fuck the N and their worthless product line.


I also hope that none of you stupid twits complaining about this "massive illegal video game distributor" even has an "illegal" mp3 on your computer, or a ROM, or any sort of pirated software... because, yeah, that would just be hilarious.

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I know Crystalis got redone for the GB color years ago (I love that game also.), and I think River City Ransom did get re-released for the GBA or that could be a different game altogether.

You didn't read the post thoroughly--both of those were screwed up, and the NES versions are still better. :P

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Guest theanswer1824

no shit, these guys are a bunch of narcs.


everyone should then take out whatever pics you guys use in your sigs then. I know you're not making money but wouldn't the people from wwe, yu-gi-oh, mlb, nba, nfl, etc. be pissed that you guys are using recorded images of their product? or how about the masses of us that have bootleg tapes of wrestling ppvs? what about them cats that stand out in the streets of nyc sellin bootlegs of movies and audio cds? they got mouths to feed and this is the only way. something in society fucked these guys over from having a "regular" job. some sell crack, some sell bootlegs, and some become homeless. these guys are selling games no one cares about anymore, except for old school diehards (they should really just got a modded x-box. Mine is loaded with almost every game from snes, nes, genesis, neo-geo arcade games, etc. You gonna narc me out and the rest of the people that hack their x-boxes? Please...).


america was built on capitolism. let these guys live and make their money. there's far more worse things out there, like the goverment.

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Guest CronoT

no shit, these guys are a bunch of narcs.


everyone should then take out whatever pics you guys use in your sigs then. I know you're not making money but wouldn't the people from wwe, yu-gi-oh, mlb, nba, nfl, etc. be pissed that you guys are using recorded images of their product? or how about the masses of us that have bootleg tapes of wrestling ppvs? what about them cats that stand out in the streets of nyc sellin bootlegs of movies and audio cds? they got mouths to feed and this is the only way. something in society fucked these guys over from having a "regular" job. some sell crack, some sell bootlegs, and some become homeless. these guys are selling games no one cares about anymore, except for old school diehards (they should really just got a modded x-box. Mine is loaded with almost every game from snes, nes, genesis, neo-geo arcade games, etc. You gonna narc me out and the rest of the people that hack their x-boxes? Please...).


america was built on capitolism. let these guys live and make their money. there's far more worse things out there, like the goverment.

You should go to the Current Events folder. It sounds like you and "A MikeSC" would really get along well together. :P

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Irony: Bitching about a crappy product breaking copy right laws with crappy games while breaking a copyright law themselves in their sig.


These toys are only for people who want to play a few old school games without having to go through the trouble of getting the NES and a bunch of carts. It doesn't hurt NES sells or any of those used game sellers(U.G.S for short for now on) in the least since most of the games those U.G.S. sells are newly made games for PS2/X-Box/Gamecube. Now if there was a product doing this to PS2 games then there is a reason to bitch, as this product is. It is worthless to get mad over seeing this product will die within a year do to it being a crappy made one. NES should make a game system like this and in one swoop sell the whole NES classic series for like 100 bucks with the system looking like the old NES.

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Irony: Bitching about a crappy product breaking copy right laws with crappy games while breaking a copyright law themselves in their sig.

Irony: claiming people are "breaking copyright law" when they themselves have no clue what they're talking about.


This "crappy product" is using those works for commercial gain and could affect the market of the copyright holder(s).


Although, 2GOLD may have a point, and these probably break so easily the only losers are the suckers who actually shelled out money for these things.


I know you're not making money but wouldn't the people from wwe, yu-gi-oh, mlb, nba, nfl, etc. be pissed that you guys are using recorded images of their product?


Considering its free advertising, probably not. In the strictest sense, whether or not it's "fair use" is kind of nebulous, but I fail to see a valid comparison between that and a crystal clear violation.


Incidentally, here are the provisions of Fair Use:


§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use38

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include —


(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;


(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;


(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and


(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.


Mine is loaded with almost every game from snes, nes, genesis, neo-geo arcade games, etc. You gonna narc me out and the rest of the people that hack their x-boxes?


I'd rat you out if I had your information, yes. :D


It is worthless to get mad over seeing this product will die within a year do to it being a crappy made one.


Actually, this has been being sold for *years* already, but I guess you missed that part. As long as people are not aware of the lack of quality, they'll be able to keep selling them. The least we can do is spread the word about it.


what about them cats that stand out in the streets of nyc sellin bootlegs of movies and audio cds? they got mouths to feed and this is the only way. something in society fucked these guys over from having a "regular" job. some sell crack, some sell bootlegs, and some become homeless.


Funny, and I thought the bootleggers were mostly single losers living in their parents' basement.


Yes, "society" is at fault. Cry me a river, commie.


And anyone selling crack should be busted. I have no sympathy for scumbags like that. Of course, that's a "victimless crime," right?


If this was recent games, yeah I'd say go after them. But for the old school games that Nintendo wants to re-sale for 30-50 bucks a pop for graphics that you literally need to slow down your brain to adjust to? No, screw them.


It's 20 bucks per game, actually. It's still a ripoff, but you don't need to exaggerate. I'm not actually going to support Nintendo by buying them until they stop ripping off people with crappier versions of games that are already out on GBA in updated forms or in compilations.


NES should make a game system like this and in one swoop sell the whole NES classic series for like 100 bucks with the system looking like the old NES.


They feel they'll make more money this way, so if they don't want to bother, its their decision.


However, I find it interesting that these sorts of devices seem to pre-date the "TV games" trend that we've seen lately.

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Copyright: Um, if iIS illegal to take pics from a site and post them in your sig. A prime example of this is if anyone goes to Kevinbigsexynash.com and look at his multi-media page with the big ass warning not to host, link, or save pics for anything but private use. A message board is not under fair use rule. The reason this site calls them fair use is to make it a simple rule(Pics are ok but mpegs and the likes; mp3s and the likes are not).


Next up: do you have ANY mp3s on your PC. filesharing IS illegal with nobody geting a gain from it. Freeware and free mp3s are getting people sued multi thousands of dollars.


Lastly: If this product is such a massive illegal video game distribution problem, don't you think it would have been killed off by now. Seeing how Capcom, NES, Sega, ect ect ect could form its own RIAA comp and squashed this like a bug. Seeing how they haven't done anything and that rom sites are all over the place, I fail to see them do anything about it.

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Oh lord..................If you're in the mall and see this, and then proceed to go to the security desk and report a "fraud" crime is bad enough. If you then proceed to call Nintendo or write them a ltter about this fraud, then you certainly need to find some better things to do with your time. Gimme break, and get a friggin life.


Some people think if they do stuff like this it'll make their existance a little more worthy. How about worrying about yourself and your own life. Seriously, What are you the Chief Executive Officer or an employee of Nintendo? You think those guys give a rats ass about this?


Oh nooooooooooo.....poor Nintendo, they have no money because of this.



BTW< for those who did in fact DO this....please remove all pics from your sigs and any DL music on your harddrive

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Copyright: Um, if iIS illegal to take pics from a site and post them in your sig. A prime example of this is if anyone goes to Kevinbigsexynash.com and look at his multi-media page with the big ass warning not to host, link, or save pics for anything but private use. A message board is not under fair use rule. The reason this site calls them fair use is to make it a simple rule(Pics are ok but mpegs and the likes; mp3s and the likes are not).


Do you have anything but heresay and your own opinion to back that up? That's referring to image theft for other sites, and applies to copyrighted images only. I also notice you backpeddle there at the end. You can't seem to make up your mind.


Try to find something to back this up, because you're just giving me nebulous rhetoric. Of course, not that I'd actually have to do anything even if you could prove anything of the sort.


Next up: do you have ANY mp3s on your PC. filesharing IS illegal with nobody geting a gain from it. Freeware and free mp3s are getting people sued multi thousands of dollars.


All MP3s are illegal? Or if you "share" them? You don't seem to know that for sure. Do I give a shit either way? No, because I don't have any MP3s from stuff I don't own.


Lastly: If this product is such a massive illegal video game distribution problem, don't you think it would have been killed off by now. Seeing how Capcom, NES, Sega, ect ect ect could form its own RIAA comp and squashed this like a bug. Seeing how they haven't done anything and that rom sites are all over the place, I fail to see them do anything about it.


Actually, Nintendo was threatening sites that host GBA ROMs and in some cases SNES ROMs. However, that and taking care of flight-by-night individual distributors of this piece of crap obviously is a little more difficult. So either they'd opted not to bother since it's a low-quality product anyway, or they want to worry about other problems. The Gamecube is dead-last right now in the States and the excessive legal costs to take care of all those individuals would be more trouble than it'd be worth.


"NES" isn't a company, by the way.


Some people think if they do stuff like this it'll make their existance a little more worthy.


You're a fucking mindreader, sir!


Actually, no, it's just that people shouldn't get away with selling pieces of shit, in my opinion.

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It won't last much longer. I sent an e-mail to the anti-piracy division at Nintendo.com today.


And you're proud of that ? Who are you Captain America ? Mr. Justice ?

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Oh lord..................If you're in the mall and see this, and then proceed to go to the security desk and report a "fraud" crime is bad enough. If you then proceed to call Nintendo or write them a ltter about this fraud, then you certainly need to find some better things to do with your time. Gimme break, and get a friggin life.


Some people think if they do stuff like this it'll make their existance a little more worthy. How about worrying about yourself and your own life. Seriously, What are you the Chief Executive Officer or an employee of Nintendo? You think those guys give a rats ass about this?


Oh nooooooooooo.....poor Nintendo, they have no money because of this.



BTW< for those who did in fact DO this....please remove all pics from your sigs and any DL music on your harddrive

Dude, the best part is...


It won't last much longer. I sent an e-mail to the anti-piracy division at Nintendo.com today.


..like he's bringing down the Yakuza or something... :lol:

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Poor nintendo, not being able to profit off games made over 15 years ago.


Seriously though, if you have bought one of these, you probably own a nes anyway. I can't really see this cheap piece of piracy appealing to any new or casual gamers. Nintendo only gives a shit because they want to rip you off with their ridiculously overpriced classic collection. You can buy the actual nes carts for a cheaper price.


Well here's to another nintendo lawsuit and another few good years of ports.

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Guest CronoT
If I have to get rid of my avatar because of this, I'm *so* getting you guys banned.

Are you making money off of your avatar, and not paying Capcom their share/kickback? No? Then there won't be a problem.

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