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Kidman + SSP = horror?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Whew, I'm not feeling optimistic here....


What if this incident lead to restriction/ban of most top rope moves? Kinda like when WWE limits the moveset and/or ban the overhead belly-to-belly due to lots of neck injuries on the wrestlers in recent years. I hope I'm wrong here.


Anyways, I hope Chavito will be alright.

Wouldn't shock me if they did ban moves like the SSP, making the WWE style even more tedious.

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Guest JebusNassedar

I think there's a term for this from Fire Pro Wrestling...




In all seriousness, that sucks for Chavo, and Kidman. I think they'll remember that come contract renewal time.

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From wrestlingobserver.com


Chavo Guerrero was knocked out by Billy Kidman's shooting star press in a Smackdown match taped last night in Fresno. He was out cold for a few minutes. He suffered a concussion and was taken to the hospital and held overnight for observation. He has since been released, but it was a scary situation. Jamie Noble was all shaken up and there were a dozen officials and EMTs in the ring. Both Stephanie McMahon and John Laurinaitis came out and met the stretcher at the curtain area.

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Guest wildpegasus

Ban the move. No questions asked. And while the WWE is at ban Flair from ever wrsetling again. Something seriously bad is going to happen to him or his opponent one of these days.

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Guest Rrrsh

They should ban the move from Kidman. I bet if London did it, the move would injure as much poeple as any other move from the Top.

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Well, if you think about it, it is a dangerous move to the person doing it. Kidman's hurt himself a number of times with it, and has now hurt someone else. Brock nearly killed himself with it at WM XIX. Not in WWE, but Jericho in SMW broke his collarbone attempting the move. Maybe it'd be best for hte move just to banned altogether. London doesn't need the move, because his 450's pretty sweet. The only person it'd be bad for is Kidman.

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With Jericho and Brock though, we had factors mixed in with their doing the move that led to them screwing it up. After they screwed it up, they never attempted the move again.


With Kidman, he's fucked it up time after time after time. It's plain out obvious to me that the move just is not for him anymore, and hasn't been for a very long time.


The right guy can do the move with just as much risk as most other high flying moves. It's just, some moves just aren't right for some wrestlers.


The SSP is no longer right for Kidman.

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They could very well ban the SSP. Brock got hurt with it, Kidman's been hurt plenty of times with it, and a variation of it seriously hurt Hayabusa (before the Asai Moonsault, that is). There's plenty of safer top rope moves, and if Kidman can't do another move from the top rope he can get a new ground finisher. Give him the X-Factor, even, it's not like Pac's coming back soon...


(I hope not, at least.)

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Kidman should use the Guillotine Legdrop... I'm sure that he couldn't hurt anyone with that

Collapsed trachea?

Yeah. Kidman might hit his neck on the top rope on the way down.

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How 'bout Double Axe Handle from the top? Top rope fist Drop?

These are the safest (lamest, too) top rope moves I can think of. Or just use the flying crossbody, making Kidman fell into negative zone of genericism.

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Guest syncer55

Kidman has always been sloppy with it, yep leave it for the more capable wrestlers.

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Guest BDC

It seems to me that since Kidman has bulked up a bit, his flying has suffered. Not his fault, the WWE probably got on his case about it.


At this point, I want to see a simple move get the rub of being an effective finish. Make Kidman's move be a DDT that he just snaps off. It'd make for a great sequence with, say, London's 450 or whatever and give him an awesome move he can do to anyone.

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Guest Basswitch

Kidman sucks at that move so i hope they do ban him from doing it.


Guys like London do great ones, Kidmans is lopsided, and dangerous.

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Guest Anglesault
Anyway, I like Kidman's SSP also. It's at least a different take on it. It would do a world of good if it weren't performed so tightly in the corner, which is where a lot of the problems with it comes from.

That's the major problem. He gives himself no room to do it properly.

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