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Real World 15...

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That's why they had all of those specials after the season was over; because the season was so damn popular.

"The Shit They Should Have Shown" special was hilarious. The burials at sea and Randy talking smack in his Luigi costume ("Come down here, backpack. I knock you out") had me rolling.

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Yeah but CT was fucking cool so he made up for the rest of the morons on that season...nothing but whiney bitches, including that pussy Adam...you know, I'm not a hit first ask questions later kinda guy, but he got punked out on MTV, and whether I got beat down or not, CT would have caught a fist to the face if that was me he was pushing around...


Best Real World Moment Ever:


*CT gets in Adam's face* "I will work you dog!"


*screams* "WORK" *on the right side of his face* "YOU!" *on the left side*


*Adam does nothing and walks away sulking*

That was gold.


And when Darell(sp) was mocking Adam on the first episode of RW/RR Challenge.


I wonder who is going to be on Battle of the Sexes. The Miz will be on it because that is all that he has going for him.

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I think there are two gay guys on this season.


And the next Challenge (Battle of the Sexes 2) is scheduled to start as soon as the current Road Rules season finishes up.

Awesome I can't wait, I'm a sucker for that crap for some reason.


I think I enjoyed San Diego more than Las Vegas. The only redeeming quality Paris had going for it was CT. I'm going to miss seeing Brad get all pissed off at people when he's drunk and then getting locked up in the drunk tank.


Hopefully this next season won't be just all sex like Las Vegas because that will grow tiresome.

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I actually liked CT a lot better on the challenge for some reason. He did tend to bitch all the time in Paris and never that much in the challenge. Plus the fact he was gangsta and never lost anything.


And he is from Boston.

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I actually wanna see this season because I've heard that people have been taunting and heckling the Real World people all over Philly the past few months.

The same thing happened in San Diego and they didn't show any of it till the "The Shit they should have shown you."


I don't know this for a fact, but I bet that it happened in every city. People are just jealous that they didn't get on the show, so they made fun of them. Ten bucks says anyone would love to be on the show.


Has anyone else been watching Road Rules?

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I actually liked CT a lot better on the challenge for some reason. He did tend to bitch all the time in Paris and never that much in the challenge. Plus the fact he was gangsta and never lost anything.


And he is from Boston.

I'm tellin you, him, Randy, Brad and Jaques would be on my allstar lineup if they did a huge RW allstar season...toss in Teck as well...

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I actually liked CT a lot better on the challenge for some reason. He did tend to bitch all the time in Paris and never that much in the challenge. Plus the fact he was gangsta and never lost anything.


And he is from Boston.

I'm tellin you, him, Randy, Brad and Jaques would be on my allstar lineup if they did a huge RW allstar season...toss in Teck as well...

Also Randy and Brad, the RW team has a better chance when they face RR in another challenge.


The Miz, Randy, Brad and CT are all strong guys who will help the team. I don't think any of the ladies from San Diego will help though. I can't see Cam kicking ass.

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I don't know, I can see big titty momma (fuck I forgot her name), doing some damage in a challenge...i bet she'd beat Veronica's ass if she tried to pull shit on her (though I know Katie would have....ohhhhh Katie :wub: )

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I don't know, I can see big titty momma (fuck I forgot her name), doing some damage in a challenge...i bet she'd beat Veronica's ass if she tried to pull shit on her (though I know Katie would have....ohhhhh Katie :wub: )

Coral? She doesn't wrestle. She beats bitches up.



Here's the line up for BotS2 as I understand:


Girls Team:

Cameran (San Diego)

Robin (San Diego)

Arissa (Las Vegas)

Tonya (Chicago)

Aneesa (Chicago)

Coral (Back to New York)

Ruthie (Hawaii)

Genesis (Boston)

Cynthia (Miami)

Beth S. (Los Angeles)

Rachel (Campus Crawl)

Sophia (The Quest)

Katie (The Quest)

Tina (South Pacific)

Ayanna (Semester At Sea)

Veronica (Semester At Sea)

Angela (Xtreme)

Ibis (Xtreme)


Boys Team:

Brad (San Diego)

Jacquese (San Diego)

Randy (San Diego)

Ace (Paris)

Adam (Paris)

Frank (Las Vegas)

Steven (Las Vegas)

Mike (Back to New York)

Eric (New York)

Derrick (Xtreme)

Nick (Xtreme)

Patrick (Xtreme)

Abram (South Pacific)

Chris (South Pacific)

Shane (Campus Crawl)

Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)

Dan (Northern Trail)

Mark (USA Tour 1)

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I don't know, I can see big titty momma (fuck I forgot her name), doing some damage in a challenge...i bet she'd beat Veronica's ass if she tried to pull shit on her (though I know Katie would have....ohhhhh Katie  :wub:  )

Coral? She doesn't wrestle. She beats bitches up.




Robin (San Diego)

Robin...THAT'S the one!


and MORE Katie! woohoo! I hope she beats Veronica down!

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And he is from Boston.

It's funny, CT has announced that he's from so many different parts of Boston now it's hard to guess where he's really from.


When the actual Paris season started they showed his hometown as being Methuen, which is actually 25 minutes or so north of Boston, and is such a little suburb it's not even funny.


But once he was on the Challenge, he said he was from Charlestown (I think it was C-town) which is much closer to Boston and a much tougher town, as well. And I think before him and David announced that they were buddy-buddy from back in the day, he pretended he was from the actual city of Boston, most likely Southie.

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Robin...THAT'S the one! 


and MORE Katie!  woohoo!  I hope she beats Veronica down!

I wish somebody would put Veronica in her place.


I just noticed that BTNY Mike and LV Steven are on the same team. I wonder if anybody's ever tried to connect cast members by who they've hooked up with, like a R-rated six degrees of seperation.

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what would have been better was if Trishelle came back for this one...any word on why she didn't? Did MTV not approach her or did she find out that both of those guys would be on the show?


BTW, how many return appearances does this make for Mike, Coral, Veronica and Katie? Do these people do ANYTHING in their real worlds?

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By my count, cast members with the most challenge appearances (including the upcoming one) are as follows:


Veronica (Sem. @ Sea) - 6

Beth S. (Los Angeles) - 4

Coral (Back To NY) - 4

Mike (Back To NY) - 4

Mark (USA 1) - 4

Eric (New York) - 3

Syrus (Boston) - 3

Julie (New Orleans) - 3

Tonya (Chicago) - 3

Emily (USA 2) - 3

Dan (Northern Trail) - 3

Holly (Latin America) - 3

Yes (Sem. @ Sea) - 3

Ayanna (Sem @ Sea) - 3

Theo (Maximum Velocity) - 3

Katie (The Quest) - 3

Rachel (Campus Crawl) - 3

Abram (South Pacific) - 3


Then there are a bunch more with one and two appearances.

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Awesome, the first Battle of the Sexes was my favorite "season". The guys are gonna take this challenge easy, just like last time, and for the same reason: the girls are all drama.


And the golden rule of the "Challenge": Whichever team Coral is on will lose. Although I think she was part of the winning team in the Battle of the Seasons challenge.

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Ok...I wasn't to intrigued by this season at first..but after the first episode (still watching it, because I didn't see it fully) but I have to say damn this looks like it will be a great season.


First thing I have to say is...HECTOR! :o I was 'encouraged' to make this post when Willie 'The Gay Guy' said he was an actor on Ghostwriter...and holy shit I remember him...:|. :lol: I still remember the episode where he had the bully while playing handball and all of that...that's just freaky.


And they tried to throw in a 'swerve' this season (spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen first ep yet) This season there are...TWO gay guys..and they tried to play him off as straight at first...odd.


But anyways this looks like it might be a hell of a season like I said.

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I like the trampy broad who threatened to walk around naked.

Me too. Hell of A rack on that Girl. If I was M.J. I'd be all over that from the start. :headbang:

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Guest Dids
What was everyone's favorite season?


Mine is San Diego, followed by Back to New York and Las Vegas.

Jesus Mole, those have got to be some of the worst ever.


San Diego was a bunch of stupid drunk people who wanted attention. Nothing about it was good.


Best Real Worlds


1- Original NY, the only time the show was the least bit meaningful.

2- Miami- just a ton of interesting and wacky people, plus the first time they tired to make them work=hella funny.

3- Seattle/SF

5- Las Vegas


The rest, in large part, lick massive amounts of cock. With San Diego being the very worst.

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I like the trampy broad who threatened to walk around naked.

Me too. Hell of A rack on that Girl. If I was M.J. I'd be all over that from the start. :headbang:

Meh..she was the one person when I first saw I said I think I would 'hate'. Or get tired of seeing her.


For me, it'd probaly be all about Melanie...she's hot, especially in that, just might be a psycho chick way...and that just attracts me. Where as Sarah I think it was...is just kind of..eh. But she does have puffies :) lol

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My only problem with RW is that after RW 4, they stopped filling the house with ordinary looking people and starting filling it with the most beautiful or most odd looking people they could find...

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Best Real Worlds

1- Original NY, the only time the show was the least bit meaningful.

I'll agree with you on the original NY season ... it actually seemed like the people on that season were being real, unlike other seasons where it seemed like people either wanted to be famous or have the opportunity to live like or act like another person.


My favorite years, in no order:

- Original NY - see above for the reason

- Boston - the season was boring as hell, but it's my hometown & I was living in Colorado so it was wicked cool to see Boston

- Los Angeles - Dom the drunk was a riot, and I could watch Beth S be a cunt until I was blue in the face.

- London - for no real reason, I just found it pretty entertaining. Although that one girl was really talented (e.g. good looking) and that always helps.


Both Vegas & SD were horrible, but the girls were so hot that I found myself watching every week.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
I actually wanna see this season because I've heard that people have been taunting and heckling the Real World people all over Philly the past few months.

When a Philly bar isn't that big to begin with--and you have the WHOLE crew and cameras and shit taking up room, and the crew acting big and bad, of course the whole bar turns on them (at least what I've heard happened from friends in Philly)

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Melanie is a newer version of Brynn from LV season, which was hands down the worst of the seasons I've seen.



I didn't watch the first four seasons or Paris. That in mind, the best I've seen are:


1. Miami - interesting people and it was fun watching them fuck up trying to start a business. MTV put them in WAY over their heads on that one.


2. Seattle - Lindsay was hot and Dave provided some of the most unintentionally hilarious material when he was dating the show's casting director ("This is more real than anything you fucking have").


3. Boston


4. San Diego - Chock full of intentional and unintentional hilarity, even if the first half of the season was all about Frankie.


5. Chicago - I was drawn to this season every week despite the fact 6 of the 7 people annoyed the hell out of me. It was like a train wreck for me.

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My only problem with RW is that after RW 4, they stopped filling the house with ordinary looking people and starting filling it with the most beautiful or most odd looking people they could find...

Real World 4? Ordinary? Yeah cause that lameo from the band Neil, was the epitomy of ordinary guy.


That season turned me off of the Real World for years btw.

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Robin...THAT'S the one! 


and MORE Katie!  woohoo!  I hope she beats Veronica down!

I wish somebody would put Veronica in her place.


Well, Emily from Road Rules 2, was basically 10x coniving an manupulative as Veronica, not to mention a better competitor, but because she isn't as hot as Veronica, and/or not as willing to sleep with the entire male body from both casts, she hasn't been casted on a new challenege in awhile. I wish she would come back and then we could see Veronica return to scared puppy dog.

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Sarah is hot. She looks a lot like Lindsay Lohan. Melanie is all right, and Shavonda is freaking hot. So two freaking hot girls and one all right girl isn't too bad.


The look on Landon's and MJ's faces when Keramo told him he was gay was priceless. They had NO clue at all.

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I would never have known that guy was gay...he doesn't have one gay tendancy about him at all...hell I thought blonde guy B was gay (I forgot their names, they both look alike and all, except one is taller...so i guess blonde guy B would be the shorter one...Landon was it?).


EDIT: Sarah, yeah she may be fuckable, but I began to really hate her as the episode dragged on...she seems like a real "It's all about me!" chick...Trishelle 2004, I'll call her...Melanie is hot, I'd take her anyday of the week and twice on Sundays...

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