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I thought it was surprisingly good and not at all what I thought it would be. I liked it better than Crouching Tiger. Definitely worth seeing. 9/10

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I'll post a few more comments soon. Until then, guys, you really should go and check this film out. It'll leave you breathless.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm hoping to see it tomorrow. I've heard that it made over 6 million on Friday. I haven't checked that out, but if it's true then that's great for a subtitled foreign film.

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I bought the import months ago. Good flick. Waiting for all the wankers to praise Tarantino for "bringing" this flick to the US. Whatever.

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Guest El Satanico

Tarantino allowing his name to be attached did get a uncut version of the film into american theaters, so what's the problem again?


If the movie is good, who cares if Tarantino's name lured a wider audience.

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Tarantino allowing his name to be attached did get a uncut version of the film into american theaters, so what's the problem again?


If the movie is good, who cares if Tarantino's name lured a wider audience.

I'm not saying that. I've already heard people [generally misinformed movie-goers] thinking that he "made" this movie, so I'm just expecting people to give him more credit than he's due.

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It's going to be really hard to get my girlfriend to watch Hero if it's subtitled. I haven't gotten her to watch Once Upon a Time in China or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon yet because of that.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

I was rather disappointed.


While I do not disagree, it was a beautifully filmed movie with interesting twists and a very realistic ending. The feeling of the movie was more visual fantasy/mythology, with a right or wrong. The fact that neither side was truly good/evil took that feeling away. I say that because they spend the whole movie plotting for something, the thing they fear being taken away, to find out it rests in their souls. The point seemed to be mixed up as it never really seemed like we were in China's (real)past to begin with.


However it was definitely one with a message. An interesting message indeed.




My basic thought, if you like Jet Li or are a fan of these style films... See it in theatres. If not, wait till video. It's pretty simple.

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Subbed...thank God.


If it had been dubbed I would have got up, walked out, and then would have demanded a refund.

It's the main reason it is not at my theater.

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I absolutely loved this movie. It may have been the most beautiful movie I've ever seen in terms of cinematography. Every scene was just gorgeous. I loved the plot, too, even though it wasn't at all what I was expecting. I like moral ambiguity. It's nice to not have a typical black and white goodguy and badguy. The ending was great too, which is rare for this kind of movie. I loved CTHD also, but the ending there was entirely too abstract, to the point of being rather silly.


I'd recommend seeing it in theaters just because you'll lose some of the epic feeling if you wait for the DVD. I don't think it would have been as impressive on a small screen.

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Zhang Yimou (the director of Hero) always known for captivating visuals in his work. In fact, recently he had released another movie called 'House of Flying Daggers'...same beautiful cinematography, but slightly inferior story (IMHO) compared to Hero. And no Jet Li.


And look out for Donnie Yen, who fought Jet Li over the lake in Hero (as well as the star for Iron Monkey IIRC); these guys had an awesome fight scene in Once Upon A Time in China 2. Check it out, for this is my fav Jet movie aside from Fist of Legend.

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In general I am not really a Jet Li fan(besides Fist of Legend), but this flick looks pretty damn good, and doesn't appear to be the typical Jet Li stuff.....I will check it out in a week or two.

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doesn't appear to be the typical Jet Li stuff.....

i.e. movies with rappers and singers trying to be action heroes, horrible soundtracks and final battles taking place in a ring of fire?

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doesn't appear to be the typical Jet Li stuff.....

i.e. movies with rappers and singers trying to be action heroes, horrible soundtracks and final battles taking place in a ring of fire?

Well those were his attempts to get into mainstream American cinema. Most of his stuff from the East is actually pretty good.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00




bad rappers or not.... Romeo Must Die was a pretty sweet flick. As was Kiss of the Dragon...




Well for the others... I do like most of his stuff back East.

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you know Romeo was OK at best, but when they showed the internal shot of the bones breaking...i had to turn it off...


I will agree with Kiss Of The Dragon, that one was good...but this last one with DMX...which one was it, I get the DMX/Jet Li/Ja Rule/Steven Segal movies all mixed up...Cradle 2 The Grave I think? sucked ass...the one where he fights Marc Dacascos at the end in a....ring of fire...

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It was pretty good. absolutely gorgeous cinematography though. This is one of those films that if it was a silent (no dialogue) film, you could put it on a wall-mounted flatscreen monitor, and loop it and just have it play in lieu of a painting.

i did think it dragged at some points, and the multiple perspective thing got kind of irritating at times. Still it was a good film. Good move subtitling it and not dubbing it.

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I'll post a full review later on, me and Rudo might whip out an RCI Presents on this one but this movie isn't even fit to lick the sweat from Crouching Tiger's Hidden Ballsack, despite them ripping off CTHD at all points.

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Perhaps it's my fault.


My disappointment, that is.


I went in expecting an epic revenge movie. Jet Li's people are killed, he goes through hell to get revenge. It's been done a thousand times before, and you know why? Because when it is done well, it is great.


There are spoilers here...


It started off with Jet Li and the Emperor. "OK" I sez, "He does the Emperors dirty work, the emperor feels threatened by his power, the emperor tries to kill him and his people, only he survives, and he spends the rest of the film killing them all. GREAT! I was happy. Jet Li is stoic-as-a-motherfucker, kicks a whole lot of ass, I go home wanting to buy a sword. Then the Emperor sez that Jet Li was bullshiting. I sez "Alright, the Emperor is paranoid and is making up a story so he can kill Li and his people and Li will survive and be mighty pissed off and kill some motherfuckers." Wrong again. The Emp is right and Li is there to kill him. Fucking great - no going through hell or anything. But there is still going to be the whompass fight scene between Li and the Emp, right? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST was I stupid.


Ok, so they missed the boat on that. By "that" I mean, my built-up expectations and hopes of a kickass revenge movie. But at least they weren't PAINFULLY REPETITIVE, right?


OOOOOH holy SHIT was I wrong on that.






It wasn't apparent to me the first time they did it, nor was it the second time, but the third time I FINALLY got it.


I'd call the movie "a piece of shit", but there were some good things in the stool that makes me not say it.

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I'm a fan of Jet Li's, I can say that much. Fist of Legend is probably my favourite MA flick ever (which includes CTHD, which I loved). Am I an expert? No way. Do I actively search it out? Not usually. Am I a fan? Depends on your definition of "a fan". I have generally enjoyed what I have seen and was VERY MUCH looking forward to Hero. I consider myself a rather patient person, but when I see the same thing happening FOR THE THIRD TIME, I tend to lose interest.




The time they spent hammering home the Snow/Broken Sword/Moon relationship, could have been used for something MUCH more productive. It started off promising, but after hour 1 I was like "GET TO THE POINT!", and they never really did. They killed Broken Sword 3 times, so how the fuck was the 3rd time supposed to mean ANYTHING to me? Ditto with Snow. Jet Li is angry at the Emperor, but we never see his town getting slaughtered and his character keeps changing so there is no emotional bond we can forge with him. Moon is COMPLETELY useless. And after all the fucking build the Emperor lives and everyone else dies. There was NO pay-off. I felt like I wasted 2 hours, when it all could have been said in 15 minutes.

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Being of chinese heritage myself, I'm really lookig forward to this movie. I do like Jet Li movies, even his Black Mask stuff, and Crouching Tiger is one of my favorite movies of all time, so you can see where I'm coming from.


Hero has been available on DVD as an import for quite some time but I always had hope it would be released. Hopefully I'll see the movie real soon.

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