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Unforgiven this Sunday

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Even though I'll agree they pulled the trigger too soon on Orton's face turn, he's doing a good job trying to get over as champ, and I'd hate to see his momentum killed by having him lose the title one month out.



*raises sheilds and braces for attacks*

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I'll agree with KOAB and reiterate by prediction from earlier in the thread.


World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton vs. HHH



HHH wants Orton to look good, so Randy willl be put over huge. Orton wins by DQ via interference, or new Evolution member Shelton Benjamin costs Orton the match, either of which will prolong the feud.

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Guest Coffey
Would I be the only one who would mark out if HHH nailed Orton with three straight Pedigrees straight out of the gate and pinned him right after that?

More than likely. I have been wondering how long it'll take Triple H to hit the "Pepsi Plunge" ala CM Punk and Pedigree someone off of the top rope. Seems like a Wrestlemania moment to me.

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No, Nick Dinsmore is the new member of Evolution! DUH

Maybe they could bring him in as Eugene's normal "twin" brother.


He could do backstage segments with himself like the retarded guy on "All My Children".

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DQs don't make anybody look good.

Well if Randy looks like he's about to win, and Evolution interferes causing a DQ, I'd say Orton looks fine. Granted HHH seems weak, but he's got enough heat so it won't matter.

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Results so far ?

Benoit/Regal beat Batista/Flair

Trish beat Victoria.

Tomko defeated Stevie Richards.

Jericho won the ladder match over Christian.

HBK pinned Kane following Sweet Chin Music.

La Resistance beat Rhyno/Tajiri.

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Winners: Benoit & Regal. Trish, Tomko, Chris Jericho, HBK, and La Resistance.


Orton & HHH is still going.

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Results so far ?

They pushed the idea hard that Eugene was at home with a dislocated shoulder. It was done in a way where you'd think he's showing up in the Regal match or the HHH match tonight.


Maven vs. Rodney Mack is the Heat match. Maven won with a school boy after kicking out of a rolling reverse, kicking Mack into Jazz, who had just interfered. Bad.


Flair & Batista vs. Benoit & Regal are starting off the show. Benoit beat Flair via tap out with the crossface. Ordinary match, not nearly as good as most of their TV bouts.


Christian is wanting to take Tyson Tomko away from Trish Stratus. They look to be breaking up Christian and Stratus. Christian wanted Tomko back but then Trish promised sexual favors to Tomko to keep him. Christian called Stratus a slut.


Stratus vs. Victoria for the women's title is up now. Stratus won with the stratusfaction. Tomko attacked Victoria after the match until Stevie in the women's garb made the save. The whole crowd was chanting "Stevie."


Tomko challenged mystery woman. Lawler & Ross are selling like the identity of the woman is the worst kept secret in wrestling. This was a worst match of the year candidate. Tomko pulled Richards' wig and dress off and he worked the match in granny panties and black socks. Crowd turned on this match as bad as you'll ever see. Tomko beat him up forever and won with the rack into a neckbreaker.


Jericho beat Christian in the ladder match to win the IC title. These two worked their asses off, and Jericho nearly lost his ass near the end. It was a hard crowd, probably the residue from the previous match. Lots of big spots. The stunt spots got the crowd going. Jericho used a facebuster off the ladder and climbed up to win. Jericho took a bad bump off the ladder and Jericho's BUTT landed on the ladder.


Jericho did an interview and they already teased Jericho vs. Edge as the next program once Edge returns.


Shawn Michaels vs. Kane in a no DQ match is up now. Michaels won with a superkick after escaping a choke slam. At one point Kane was going to use a chair (Michaels had used it earlier), but Lita took the chair from him. Michaels juiced and also went through a table. He looked rusty in spots but still a good match.


La Resistance vs. Rhyno & Tajiri are up right now. Greiner used a flagpole shot on Rhyno for the pin. It was in the death spot on the card, but they did a good job with the match.


credit: Meltzer

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