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Unforgiven this Sunday

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Wait... he won again ?


What the hell was the point of putting the belt on Randy in the first place ?

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Wait... he won again ?


What the hell was the point of putting the belt on Randy in the first place ?

So they could say he's the youngest guy to ever hold a world title in WWE.


In other words: so Brock doesn't hold that title anymore.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Now that I think about it... isn't this match 7 months too fast ?

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Orton screwed out of his title. Bring on the long Orton title chase!

How'd he lose?

Ref bump, Evolution and Coach came down and he beat them off for a while but eventually they over came him and he got a Pedigree on a chair.

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Orton prevented interference from Flair and Batista. Orton then took a chairshot right on the head which was SICK! Pedigree on the chair for HHH's 9th world title win.

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Wait... he won again ?


What the hell was the point of putting the belt on Randy in the first place ?

So they could say he's the youngest guy to ever hold a world title in WWE.


In other words: so Brock doesn't hold that title anymore.


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Guest JRE
Wait... he won again ?


What the hell was the point of putting the belt on Randy in the first place ?

He got the belt off Benoit when HHH couldn't. Then they showed how much of a greedy bastard HHH is by having him "STEAL!" the title back. Now Orton has the odds highly against him and he gets to chase the title.


Basically Orton winning the title gave him the credibility for the fans to get behind him as he chases the title against HHH.

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Seriously... give DAVE a chance. Give Christian a chance. Jericho a chance. Hell, give Batista or even Flair a chance... can HHH get himself out of the motherfucking spotlight for once...

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What the hell was the point of putting the belt on Randy in the first place ?

Maybe they didn't want to job out Benoit, and Orton was just a transitional champion.


Should Benoit get a shot next at Triple H tomorrow night? Trips has never defeated him? Then Batista ruins it for Benoit, and we get that feud going. And the following week the Main Event would be Benoit/Orton vs Batista/Trips?

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Seriously... give DAVE a chance. Give Christian a chance. Jericho a chance. Hell, give Batista or even Flair a chance... can HHH get himself out of the motherfucking spotlight for once...

He's the best and most convinving heel in the company. That's why he's always in the title picture

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That was kind of overboard with all the fuckin interference and screwing around.


Jesus christ, can a heel (not named Randy Orton) ever win cleanly?

If they are pushing for a HHH/Orton rematch at Wrestlemania with Orton going over. Then putting HHH over clean is useless.


HHH doesn't need to be put over clean.

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Guest Coffey

Triple H is consistantly the focal point of the Raw brand shows, so he should be in the title picture as long as he has such a significant role to the product.

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9, actually


5 WWF/Undisputed.


4 World Heavyweight

Only 7 more to go!




So let me guess: these two feud forever, Batista/Benoit/Flair/Regal feud, mix and matched, Jericho/Edge/Shelton/Christian feud. Yep, got the next 3 months of Raw figured out.


At least the IC division should be somewhat entertaining/interesting.

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Guest Rrrsh

Why didnt HHH just beat Benoit and wait closer to WM for an Orton title win then?



This company is retarded.

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