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Unforgiven this Sunday

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Guest Tjhe CyNick
Wait... he won again ?


What the hell was the point of putting the belt on Randy in the first place ?

So they could say he's the youngest guy to ever hold a world title in WWE.


In other words: so Brock doesn't hold that title anymore.


They could have had HHH beat Benoit for the title instead of Orton. And then have Orton chase Hunter to Mania with the underlying story being this is only shot at winning the title, and also winning the "youngest WWE world champion" title.


Now, I dont know what they have.

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Orton never should have won the belt in the first place, but at least Benoit never got his comeuppance against Trip. How long before Shawn Michaels gets another shot at HHH?


Next month. ;)

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Guest Rrrsh


Seriously... give DAVE a chance.  Give Christian a chance.  Jericho a chance.  Hell, give Batista or even Flair a chance... can HHH get himself out of the motherfucking spotlight for once...

He's the best and most convinving heel in the company. That's why he's always in the title picture

He is the only heel in god damn company. He turns ever heel who is better than him face.


Orton and Jericho were miles nbetter than him at being a heel.

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Seriously... give DAVE a chance. Give Christian a chance. Jericho a chance. Hell, give Batista or even Flair a chance... can HHH get himself out of the motherfucking spotlight for once...

Meh..when the WWE tries to do that, mostly everyone still shits on it, so what's the point?


Person I'm talking about is Eugene. (Orton also fits in this case) Granted...the Eugene character is retarded literally...but I can remember so many people pissing and moaning about guys like Dinsmore and Conway being in OVW forever, they wished they'd bring them up and at least do something, well, with Dinsmore they did something, even put him in the 'main event' scene. People complained. Orton's someone new, and people complained. I have reason that if Jericho ended up in the main event somehow...against someone other then HHH, then even still, people would complain about something in that feud.

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Seriously... give DAVE a chance.  Give Christian a chance.  Jericho a chance.  Hell, give Batista or even Flair a chance... can HHH get himself out of the motherfucking spotlight for once...

He's the best and most convinving heel in the company. That's why he's always in the title picture

He is the only heel in god damn company. He turns ever heel who is better than him face.


Orton and Jericho were miles nbetter than him at being a heel.

Don't forget, Christian and I personally think Benjamin could be a better heel.


But HHH is more of a draw name.


Personally I think HHH is just plain stale. After Orton wins at Wrestlemania, maybe HHH should take some time off.


Heres to hoping another quad injury happens! :cheers:

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but at least Benoit never got his comeuppance against Trip.

But then thats probably how they fill up the gap between now and Orton getting the title back

Too late. He's already lost the belt so it doesn't matter anymore.

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Guest Coffey

I think Triple H should change his wrestling name to "Hunter." "HHH," & "Triple H" both look and sound stupid...and I think Hunter would sound more appealing and legitimate as opposed to being too gimmicky.

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But HHH is more of a draw name.

The only way to save the business is to create more draw names.


People won't accept the new stars until the old stars get out of the way.

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Heres to hoping another quad injury happens! :cheers:

Shut the fuck up.


I think Triple H should change his wrestling name to "Hunter." "HHH," & "Triple H" both look and sound stupid...and I think Hunter would sound more appealing and legitimate as opposed to being too gimmicky.


I actually always wondered why he didn't have a proper name, especially since he's now trying to be a Flair-ish heel. So yeah, I agree with ya Coffey.

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but at least Benoit never got his comeuppance against Trip.

But then thats probably how they fill up the gap between now and Orton getting the title back

Benoit went from main-eventing Summerslam to opening a second rate PPV in a month. It's going to be a long time before Benoit gets another shot, if ever.

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Heres to hoping another quad injury happens! :cheers:

That's not going to stop Triple H. It didn't in 2001.


Getting Stephanie pregnant, that might put him of action for a few months, it worked for HBK. Then again, the only guy HHH would job before leaving is HBK, so whatever.

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I haven't been online all night, and I didn't watch the show. I read the results quickly, so... how was the PPV? Good matches or what?

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Heres to hoping another quad injury happens!  :cheers:

That's not going to stop Triple H. It didn't in 2001.


Getting Stephanie pregnant, that might put him of action for a few months, it worked for HBK. Then again, the only guy HHH would job before leaving is HBK, so whatever.

How about a Quad Tear AND a Stephanie Pregnancy at the same time?

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And seeing JN News' signature made me think something evil...


...The Rock comes back, wins the World Title, and then jobs it to whoever they want to try to build up.


Wonder what the reaction to THAT would be...

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So if HHH is trying to get the record for most title wins.....why can't he lose it to Beniot or Jericho one more time?

Hey, one can hope.


How about a Quad Tear AND a Stephanie Pregnancy at the same time?

How about you shut the fuck up too?

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And seeing JN News' signature made me think something evil...


...The Rock comes back, wins the World Title, and then jobs it to whoever they want to try to build up.


Wonder what the reaction to THAT would be...

People wouldn't cheer for the guy until Undertaker put him over in a HIAC match?

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Benoit went from main-eventing Summerslam to opening a second rate PPV in a month. It's going to be a long time before Benoit gets another shot, if ever.

I'll just point out that Kurt Angle went from main eventing Vengeance 2002 to opening up Summerslam. No big deal, as he held the WWE Title two more times after that. Relax just a little.

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How about a Quad Tear AND a Stephanie Pregnancy at the same time?

How about you shut the fuck up too?



I was just doing it tongue in cheek, didn't think someone would take it so seriously.


<Producers mode>For that, I am truely guilty.

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Here's to HHH's torn quad impregnating Stephanie.

Oh you! Stop being so witty!


Floundering in the Midcard, looking horrible in the Main Event... each scenario sucks. The difference is, I'm not the one advocating either


Alright RRR, fantasy booking time! What else can the two magnificent Canadian Chris' do?

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