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Unforgiven this Sunday

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The walls spot on the ladder is being done. IMO that's a little crazy considering he's just coming back from a back injury...but it looks like they did it safely as in, not as extreme as the Benoit/Jericho time, because instead of being on teh top he was like on teh side.

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Worse than Test vs Steiner?


Nah, almost as bad as Steiner / HHH though.


Edit: Jericho wins!

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Jericho said in an interview once the IC belt was his favorite title because Ricky Steamboat had been an IC Champ.


That'd be like me saying I want a toupee because Sean Connery used to wear one.

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Guest Coffey

You know, the "worst match ever" shit has REALLY been beaten into the ground. Granted WWE consistantly puts on a few "exhibitions" every now and then that rejuvinates the arguement, but let's just save everyone some time and move away from the discussion. It'll just end with people dropping Hebner Vs. Patrick, BoD Vs. Kronik and other shitty matches and comparisons that we've all heard time and time again.


The best bet is probably to just act like the Tomko/Richards match never happened. I'm sure that's what WWE will do, and it's doubtful if either man will even be on Raw come this time tomorrow.

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I love how Kane's wearing the wedding ring.


Edit: Yay, Jericho is a 7 time IC champ.

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Cool match, I hate to sound ungreatfull but I was expecting something more from that match. However I can understand why it might not have been quite as good as i was expecting as Christians just come back from a back injury ands thats his first match back, which seems a little unfair on Christian to me.

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Am I mistaken or do Jericho just say he was a 7 time champion? If so that clears up allot of cotraversy from this thread earlier on.

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Guest Coffey
Lita/Kane promo, and now after seeing it, I'm sensing a lita turn..even though yea, I know most have been for a while.

Yes, a lot of people were predicting the Lita heel turn a few months ago or so, but that was back before Matt Hardy went and got himself injured. So, if she was to turn now, who would it be on? Is she just going to wait until Matt comes back? Is she just going to befriend Trish again?

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Guest Coffey
Ummm...what matches are left? There should be three, but the only ones coming to mind are Kane/HBK, and the main event..

Rhyno/Tajiri Vs. La Résistance?

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Ummm...what matches are left? There should be three, but the only ones coming to mind are Kane/HBK, and the main event..

Rhyno/Tajiri Vs. La Résistance?

ahh ok, well...kind of odd that's going on after Kane/HBK.

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I love the fact that he's playing up the 7 time Champion thing.


While I can understand while Jericho being back in the midcard may upset most of you, personally, it reminds me of the days where the IC Title was the "wrestling" title and usually got you ready for the next level. After Orton's 7 month reign and now with upper midcarders like Jericho, Edge and rising stars like Christian make the belt seem more important again.


If they play up on it...it would work.



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