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Guest fanofcoils

WWE concerned over Raw rating

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Guest fanofcoils

WWE is extremely concerned over the RAW rating from Monday. The overall rating was a 3.6, the same as last week. However, the show lost viewers as it went on and the last segment featuring Randy Orton and Evolution drew a lower rating than the show average. When the main event program is not drawing the highest rated segments, it is a source of concern.

Credit: pwtorch.com


It boils down to nobody caring about Randy Orton. When he interacts with HHH/Evolution, there is interest because people want to see the heels beat, but when it is a 1v3 handicap match when Orton has no chance of beating Evolution, nobody cares (because nobody cares about Randy Orton), now if it was somebody over like Jericho then people will watch the match just for Jericho, not that he has a chance to win. Orton got NO reaction when he came out for his match in the main event of Raw, but of course if he mentions HHH in a promo and how he sucks, the crowd would cheer Randy because he made fun of HHH. But when Orton isn't talking about Evolution or with Evolution nobody cares (his entrance). Also when Orton faced HHH and Unforgiven, Orton got a reaction during the match when he was attacking HHH or when he was in trouble and people were rooting for him to make a comeback against HHH (but of course that doesn't mean people care about Orton). I don't remember Orton not talking about Evolution yet when he did a promo so it is just his entrance so far that I know of that gets no reaction.

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Guest croweater

They pulled the trigger on RO way too soon. It's so obvious that the fans don't give a shot about him. I think the belt should be hotshotted back to Benoit at the next PPV (possibly by interference by RO) and then RO and HHH made a secondary fued on RAW until it can build up some heat. But I don't think that's gonna happen at all.

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I think it's obvious that Orton isn't the big hot thing that they wanted him to be based on his reactions at live shows alone. I can't remember the last time a main event angle has recieved such little of a reaction.


I mean, I even like Randy Orton, but I can admit when something isn't flying like they thought it would.


When I see Randy Orton, I don't see a world champ or even a contender. I see a guy who would be lucky be have the IC strap right now, if even that. He is a nobody to me right now, he simply isn't a superstar yet.


Then again, there are few superstars in WWE right now anyway, it's not just Orton. There are just too few guys who have that superstar feel to them.


Why the hell should anyone give a damn about Orton?

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Guest croweater

I just want to know why the HELL Jericho is still in the mid card.


He's an established Main eventing superstar, yet he's stuck with a mid card belt. They're short of main eventers at the moment, but they are just WASTING Jericho.

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I know it's cliche to scream "Jericho this and Jericho that", but the fact is that he IS a superstar just waiting to bust totally out. The guy could be huge, just huge, if they allowed it to happen.


Even if he doesn't get a push though, he still at least has that feeling of a superstar, while Orton just doesn't. To me Orton "feels" like a midcarder, or less. Again, it's nothing against him, I like the guy, but that's what he feels like to me.


Heck, Benoit feels more like a superstar to me than Orton does. I could list any number of guys who feel like a superstar over Orton.


I know no one will agree with me, but in MY eyes all of the following feel more like a superstar than Orton. I can't really place why I think like this, but here you go anyway. Maybe it has to do with his age or his young look?




Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho


Shelton Benjamin



Ric Flair

William Regal


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I thought Orton was an excellent heel but I personally don't like him as a face. He first came in as a humble face as was boring as hell, he got very cool as a cocky heel but as a cocky face it's just not the same. I think the switch really set him back a lot.

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They turned Orton too fast. They should've let heat build up to an obvious break up with Orton and Evolution. They hot shotted this turn and it up and bit them in the ass. I think they thought that since Orton was getting favorable reactions vs. Edge that meant they should turn him, but Edge is so not over right now I think I could debut on Raw and get a better reaction than Edge would get. It's just another case of WWE booking based off of fan reactions too much. They sort of did the same thing with Eugene, except with him, they over exposed his character when his character would work way better in limited doses. They put him out there too much and the crowd regurgitated him as a top guy because it's hard for the crowd to get behind an incompetent person. His mentally slow character will get a crowd reaction because it's easy heat, but it doesn't translate to more people tuning in and buying ppv's. It just means there's more noise in the arena they are taping in.

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If Vince hasn't cared about the declining ratings for Raw for the past 3 years, he probably won't start now. Besides, It only matters If HHH, Steph, and Vince are entertained, not us fans.

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Guest croweater

I think Ortons fued with Edge and Benjamin after Mick Foley really killed his heat.

He should have been put up against someone like Jericho (yes, he is the answer to everything) who is closer to the ME rather than just slingshot him up there after ONE notable feud.

Flinging people directly onto the belt only works if they are tremendously over (SEE:ROCK). Even Stone Cold had feuds with ME people before even thinking about going for the gold (Bret Hart, Undertaker, Final Four ect.)

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It's obvious they only did this to erase Lesnar's mark as youngest world champion.

Yeah I noticed that. A bit harsh on Brock but hey, has vince ever played fair to people who he feels screwed him over in the past

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I just want to know why the HELL Jericho is still in the mid card.


He's an established Main eventing superstar, yet he's stuck with a mid card belt. They're short of main eventers at the moment, but they are just WASTING Jericho.

You're not used to this by now?


I think the teased E&C reunion should happen the second Edge is good to go. I mean, they can both (E&C) be unified through their hatred for a man that has 'screwed' them out of the title, so the angle would at least have some form of story or purpose. Edge can always play the Rocky card too when he gets back. He bled, he sweat, he fought and the fans gave him jack - use it to your advantage.


As for Randy - ...well he has great music.



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So, a 3 on 1 'OMG, BISCHOFF IS EVIL, HOW CAN RANDY DEFEAT EVOLUTION!?!' match, where you just knew here'd be a post match run in from every face on the roster that's had something to do with Evolution in the past month didn't draw a good rating? Well, colour me surprised.


I agree Orton was turned too quick though. Plus, Vince seems to have forgotten how to handle face turns nowadays. It seems like every over heel that gets a face turn suddenly becomes dull and predictable. It's happened with Eddie and Cena on Smackdown, Orton, Jericho and I guess Rhyno on Raw...hell, you can go even further back. 2001 Angle. Most recent Rock turns. Lesnar's turn in 2002 to some extent. Almost every Big Show face turn. If someone gets over as a heel, they instantly get hot-shotted into a face...without thought for the fact that they're over as a heel because something is being done right. Why fix what isn't broke?

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Sadly Jericho has had his gratis title reign. And it SUCKED. I personally doubt Benoit will get another run with the World Title, but even if he wasn't anywhere near the top of the card in terms of airtime at least he looked strong in the ring. The impression may have been that the World Champion was not top priority, but at least he looked good in there.


Eddie WAS top priority as a champ, and also looked pretty good, but it doesn't look like the WWE Title will be heading back to Radical #2 anytime soon either.


Jericho was booked like a bitch in and out of the ring. He played second fiddle to Stephanie, he got yelled at over lotion, he had to cheat and fluke his way around and then got pinned in one of the shortest Wrestlemania Main Events ever.


I don't want to go the tradiational "OMGZ VINCE HATEZ WCW PEEPOL AND HHH RUNS TEH COMPANY AND JERICHO IS HIS BITCH!" line... but can you name an ex-WCW star who has REALLY been treated well? Benoit, Eddie and to a certain extent Y2J seem to have been given "pity" runs, almost like a Lifetime Achievement Oscar. Sort of 'yeah, we employ you, you've been a good wrestler for quite a while, have a title run so no-one can blame us for not giving you one, then go back to the midcard where you belong'.


Meanwhile Randy Orton is WWE-trained, he's got 'the look' and Hunter (who must have SOME pull, even if not as much as rumoured) has publicly stated that he'll do whatever it takes to get him over.


I forsee many more Orton World Title runs, but not one for Jericho.



As for superstars - i agree with everyone (especially Batista, the dark horse) except Regal (wrong body shape, interesting but difficult style, plus he's English and not Davey Boy Smith so will NEVER get out of a stereotyped role), Flair (too old. Just too old) and Christian (doesn't cut it as a star at this level). All the rest come over better than Orton.

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Guest Loss

It's worth mentioning that the Torch ran a poll on who should face HHH at Taboo Tuesday and Jericho was the runaway winner. He had 35% of the vote. Benoit, in second place, had 18%.

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It's worth mentioning that the Torch ran a poll on who should face HHH at Taboo Tuesday and Jericho was the runaway winner. He had 35% of the vote. Benoit, in second place, had 18%.

But I mean...unless it's title for title...that match would be fairly stupid. And do we really want to see a title for title..? Where Jericho would probaly lose, and HHH would hold both titles.


But he'd probaly hand it over to Batista or something...but still, I just can't understand the 'want' of seeing Jericho/HHH after Jericho just won the IC title, and at least for a month or two...should actually be involved in, you know, an IC title feud.

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I never liked Orton and even when he won the belt I didn't jump into his bandwagon, the guy had 2 years to get over as a heel and thanks to Foley he finally did, he should've stay as a heel in the midcard and then by next year if he got truly over as either a face or a bad guy then give him the main event push.

Guys like Jericho, RVD, Eddie and even Rey are what the fans are paying to see main event, the OVW guys should be the ones jerking the curtain instead of getting the World titles or their own movies.

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It's worth mentioning that the Torch ran a poll on who should face HHH at Taboo Tuesday and Jericho was the runaway winner. He had 35% of the vote. Benoit, in second place, had 18%.

Is it really? No.


An internet poll taken by almost all smart marks means nothing.


Although Jericho is wasted as a midcarder, WWE's not going to use him as a top guy anyway.

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I'm also really sick of this 'Hunter gets attacked, threatens EZE, gets handicap match' thing that they have been running for years, seemingly.

I will say 2 years ago this week. As I believe HHH got the BIG GOLD BELT handed to him in Sept. 02

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I keep seeing people talk about how Randy was turned too fast and the storyline was pushed too fast and wonder if anyone should be surprised. Ever since the WCW takeover, the WWE has been notorious (in my eyes) for rushing potentially good storylines now now now and not letting things slow boil


The unfortunate irony is that abysmal storylines like Diva Search and Torrie v. Dawn from a couple years ago seem to stretch out with no apparent end in sight

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I keep seeing people talk about how Randy was turned too fast and the storyline was pushed too fast and wonder if anyone should be surprised. Ever since the WCW takeover, the WWE has been notorious (in my eyes) for rushing potentially good storylines now now now and not letting things slow boil


The unfortunate irony is that abysmal storylines like Diva Search and Torrie v. Dawn from a couple years ago seem to stretch out with no apparent end in sight

It's because when they do 'slowboil' things...and do things drawn out, everyone bitches just as much.


For instance Steiner/Test.


Granted it's nothing no one really wanted to see, but the point is WWE actually did what everyone seemingly wants...and not rushed something. And everyone shat on it, 'because they didn't like it'. Well, general consensus seems to be everyone hates Orton/HHH and doesn't want it to be the ME at WM and all that, so now that they've taken a quick route, and it'll be over in a shorter amount of time..what are you all complaining about?

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Sadly Jericho has had his gratis title reign. And it SUCKED.

You can only do so much as a transition champion in a matter of four months where you had about two clean wins, and the rest to make you look like a joke.


No reason why Jericho can't win the belt again.

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Nobody EVER wanted to see Steiner/Test...fast, slow, or otherwise.


The HHH/Orton saga has alot of history that could have been played up and done slowly and had the right steps been taken Orton could have won the Rumble and the WM Title Match and the fans would have went batshit.

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