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CBS says it can't vouch for Bush documents

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When I say the left I obviously don't mean everyone. I do know that a LOT of people was looking at this as a chance to just nail Bush. If you aren't one of them then that's great, you are smarter than many.

It's not smarts, it's just common sense. The people you talk about jumping at the chance that this is more anti-Bush ammo is as non-sensical as the Freepers going on about how this is proof that the MSM was against us from the start, bitch bitch moan.


Besides, it seems to me that most the American public has accepted that some sort of political trick was played to get Bush his spot in the National Guard. It casts a rather sinister shadow over the rest of his service, one that I don't feel Kerry needs to exploit.

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NBC, ABC, FOX, and CNN can't get enough of this! It was all over the segments today, just them constantly ragging Dan Rather and CBS about it. :lol:

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And rightly so. I dunno if Rather deserves all the initial blame, I think he's pretty much a figurehead, but he deserves a lot of shit for stubbornly lying.


The WORST though, was Rather insisting that Bush answer the charges. That's asinine.


Jeremy Shockey called Bill Parcells a big homo! Bill Parcells! How do you asnwer these serious charges!

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The WORST though, was Rather insisting that Bush answer the charges. That's asinine.

Oh, I know it! Why should a Commander-in-Chief have to answer any questions about his military career? Thats just totally ridiculous...

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Before someone said 'hey, these are forged' sure but after?


Read my football analogy. If someone has absolutely no valid evidence against you, ignoring them is the best recourse.


A: the documents were already clearly forged

B: They've been analyzing this shit for 4 years now. I hate Bush, but this path is going nowhere.


Both Bush and Kerry could have things to hide about their records I could give a flying fuck. I like Clinton, he dodged the draft! I did not care!

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Guest GreatOne
And rightly so. I dunno if Rather deserves all the initial blame, I think he's pretty much a figurehead, but he deserves a lot of shit for stubbornly lying.


The WORST though, was Rather insisting that Bush answer the charges. That's asinine.


Jeremy Shockey called Bill Parcells a big homo! Bill Parcells! How do you asnwer these serious charges!

Or 'Mick Foley, Ric Flair says you're nothing more than a glorified stuntman, and we agree! How will you address these charges?' :D

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Before someone said 'hey, these are forged' sure but after?


Read my football analogy. If someone has absolutely no valid evidence against you, ignoring them is the best recourse.


A: the documents were already clearly forged

B: They've been analyzing this shit for 4 years now. I hate Bush, but this path is going nowhere.


Both Bush and Kerry could have things to hide about their records I could give a flying fuck. I like Clinton, he dodged the draft! I did not care!

Shut up, Special K. We all know you're just a homo. :lol:

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Another POV:


I don't want to argue it, but the docs were fakes.  Period.  I thought they were fake before Drudge thought they were fake.  I've seen enough TANG paperwork come through my office at the fucking state of Texas to know what their stuff looks (and looked) like.  I'm a professional archivist, for crissakes.  The IBM typewriters that sit in my Texas office with all the gadgets and do-dads TODAY were bought in the early 70's at the same time TANG bought theirs.  I've tried and tried and tried to make letters like those.  It doesn't work.  The things are fake.  Rather fucked it the same way he called Florida for Bush too early.


He's one of the laziest, most hot tempered, goofiest, senile old bags on TV.  This whole thing was probably cooked up by Rove who fed these docs to Stone in order to punk Kerry.  Rather, by not placing a single phone call to the Texas State Archives (I know, I checked) just fucked our boy large.  He deserves worse than Scarborough.  Just when we thought the Nam thing had died, shit head Rather has to crap it out full on the front page.  Next time he makes a speech at the University of Texas I'm gonna personally walk up Speedway and kick his ass.


just his opinion though.. such as on the Rove thing.


But yeah.. there's a lesson to this.. it should be pretty fucking obvious.



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Uhm...missing pay stubs? Etc? You Republikids realize that most soldiers aren't allowed honorable discharges under such circumstances right?


Theres some explaining to do here...but we'll never get that, because theyre questions that Bush cant answer, and his party disciples have no desire for the facts.

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Whoever "cooked" these documents up made the critical mistake of not realizing that the majority of americans ALREADY consider it a forgone conclusion that rich, privelaged, sons of high profile government folks, don't have to go to war, and generally get hooked up with the champagne unit, if anything military at all.


These fucking stupid pieces of paper weren't even necessary to prove that point. Fucking Idiots.

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Whoever "cooked" these documents up made the critical mistake of not realizing that the majority of americans ALREADY consider it a forgone conclusion that rich, privelaged, sons of high profile government folks, don't have to go to war, and generally get hooked up with the champagne unit, if anything military at all.


These fucking stupid pieces of paper weren't even necessary to prove that point. Fucking Idiots.

The Bush fanboys dont believe that though...


They would rather disparage the actual service of John Kerry.

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Whoever "cooked" these documents up made the critical mistake of not realizing that the majority of americans ALREADY consider it a forgone conclusion that rich, privelaged, sons of high profile government folks, don't have to go to war, and generally get hooked up with the champagne unit, if anything military at all.


These fucking stupid pieces of paper weren't even necessary to prove that point.  Fucking Idiots.



They would rather disparage the actual service of John Kerry.

Ok, but Bush and the national guard has nothing to do with Kerry & Vietnam.....I mean they are two seperate issues and stories all together. Hell Kerry could be guilty of everything the swift boaters for truth claim, but that doesn't somehow make Bush innocent or anything.

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Guest MikeSC
Whoever "cooked" these documents up made the critical mistake of not realizing that the majority of americans ALREADY consider it a forgone conclusion that rich, privelaged, sons of high profile government folks, don't have to go to war, and generally get hooked up with the champagne unit, if anything military at all.


These fucking stupid pieces of paper weren't even necessary to prove that point.  Fucking Idiots.

The Bush fanboys dont believe that though...


They would rather disparage the actual service of John Kerry.

Nah, just disparage Kerry for a political move lower than anything Nixon would have considered.


Sad when Nixon is more honest and trustworthy than the last two Democratic Presidents.

Ok, but Bush and the national guard has nothing to do with Kerry & Vietnam.....I mean they are two seperate issues and stories all together. Hell Kerry could be guilty of everything the swift boaters for truth claim, but that doesn't somehow make Bush innocent or anything.

Except you clearly can't prove even an iota of your claims --- or else your side wouldn't need to forge memos to make a point.


Do you realize how insanely scummy that is?


Can you trust a man who'll forge memos to do ANYTHING worthy of respect?


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the biggest grudge that Mike probably has against Nixon is that he was dumb enough to tape his conversations, and fire Archibald Cox. Or just the part about taping. Granted, the biggest mistake for most criminals is leaving evidence against themselves.


So.. Nixon is more honest than Carter and Clinton.




somebody who is linked to forged documents talking to an advisor is worse than sending the Plumbers to break into a room at the Watergate to get dirt on the Democrats.



"Mike, You're back on the Christmas card list, you son of a bitch"

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Except you clearly can't prove even an iota of your claims --- or else your side wouldn't need to forge memos to make a point.


Do you realize how insanely scummy that is?


Can you trust a man who'll forge memos to do ANYTHING worthy of respect?


Nah, just disparage Kerry for a political move lower than anything Nixon would have considered.


Hmmm, what "move" are you talking about here? There was no move by Kerry, see. I assume that YOU assume it is already a forgone conclusion that Kerry wrote up the documents himself on MS Word, and filtered them down and got them to CBS with a big shit-eating grin. Of course that would be too kind for your mentality, so what else, ahh yes, he also sprinkled some anthrax on the documents to try and take out some infidels in the process all the while, secretly meeting with the terrorists.....



And what the hell are you speaking of when you say "your side" the democrats aren't "my side" And again "can you trust a man who'll forge memos to do ANYTHING worthy of respect" What in the hell are you implying? That Kerry forged some documents? Please come clear here.


I would venture to say that misleading the country via post-9/11 fear and confusion into a war which has resulted in over 1000 U.S. soldiers' deaths and over 10,000 Iraqi civillian deaths, might also be along the line of doing NOTHING worthy of respect. :ph34r:

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ready... set... SPIN!



Wed Sep 22 2004 00:05:20 ET


Bill Burkett, the man identified yesterday by CBS as the source of the controversial documents used in its September 8 “60 Minutes II” report questioning President Bush’s Air National Guard service, plans to sue the network, the NY SUN reports.


Burkett has had “several meetings with lawyers to determine the best course of action.” The planned lawsuit would center on “defamation of character and libel.”


Mr. Burkett “told me everything about the process” of his dealings with CBS and how he came into possession of the documents at the heart of the controversy, a lawyer close to Burkett said.


The lawyer said the CBS News producer, Mary Mapes, promised to protect Mr. Burkett with complete anonymity and CBS was to “expend both time and money authenticating” the memos.


“Bill Burkett went with CBS News on this over ABC News, the New York Times, and the Washington Post because they promised to work the hardest to protect him and authenticate the documents. ,” Mr.Van Os told the Sun. “Bill leveled with [CBS] about his doubts over the papers, and they promised him they would take their time. They spent all of three days, maybe less, on authentication.”




In case you didnt guess from the last word, that's from Drudge.


I like the part about ABC, NYT, and the Post... :lol: maybe it's because they weren't quite as stupid as cbs to buy the shite hook line and sinker.


This is becoming a funner than expected political season :)

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Some people think that Burkett could get a quick settlement out of CBS and I think they may be right...


Do you think that CBS wants something like this to get dragged into the press over the course of a few years? I think they'd rather take the short-term financial hit by paying him off rather than give this story even MORE legs.



That being said, if this thing ever goes to trial, Burkett would be laughed out of court then probably charged with document forgery by Texas authorities.

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Guest MikeSC
John Kerry forged the memos?


The delusion is becoming quite hilarious at this point Mike.

I'll say it --- Kerry's campaign peddled them. We KNOW Burkett spoke to two high-ranking members (Lockhart and the perennial sandy vagina, Max Cleland) and we KNOW that the Dems somehow had ads with stuff from the forged memos (that they didn't see, mind you *wink*) on the air the day after the memo story hit.


I'm not worried about your disrespect --- considering how many of you claimed they were real in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

the biggest grudge that Mike probably has against Nixon is that he was dumb enough to tape his conversations, and fire Archibald Cox. Or just the part about taping. Granted, the biggest mistake for most criminals is leaving evidence against themselves.


So.. Nixon is more honest than Carter and Clinton.

Clinton? Infinitely so. Ridiculously so. Nixon OWNED Clinton in terms of honesty.


And I meant to say candidates.


Carter may have been a boil on the ass of humanity as President (gee, Jimmy, thanks for the Iranian theocracy), but he didn't lie too much.

somebody who is linked to forged documents talking to an advisor is worse than sending the Plumbers to break into a room at the Watergate to get dirt on the Democrats.

Somebody linked to intentionally planting stories to turn an election they're losing BADLY is worse than somebody covering up a 3rd rate burglary.


I figure since nothing is true unless confessed to, Nixon MUST be right.

Hmmm, what "move" are you talking about here? There was no move by Kerry, see. I assume that YOU assume it is already a forgone conclusion that Kerry wrote up the documents himself on MS Word, and filtered them down and got them to CBS with a big shit-eating grin.

He took a story the Gore campaign shot down (Burkett contacted them in 2000) and peddled it to CBS.


The ties between CBS and Kerry's campaign are WAY too close for an "impartial journalist". You don't see FNC contacting Bush's people on behalf of a soul, do you?

And what the hell are you speaking of when you say "your side" the democrats aren't "my side" And again "can you trust a man who'll forge memos to do ANYTHING worthy of respect" What in the hell are you implying? That Kerry forged some documents? Please come clear here.

Kerry peddled OBVIOUS forgeries and his lackeys at CBS lapped it up.


I remember the uproar by people like YOU about Bush's campaign and the SBVT sharing a lawyer --- but this MUCH MORE BLATANT case of collusion is just no big deal.

I would venture to say that misleading the country via post-9/11 fear and confusion into a war which has resulted in over 1000 U.S. soldiers' deaths and over 10,000 Iraqi civillian deaths, might also be along the line of doing NOTHING worthy of respect.

Except he didn't. Keep convincing yourself of that.


Thank God, Kerry will never be in office.


God willing, this will also drag that perpetual bitch Cleland out of the limelight, too.


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Guest MikeSC
Some people think that Burkett could get a quick settlement out of CBS and I think they may be right...


Do you think that CBS wants something like this to get dragged into the press over the course of a few years? I think they'd rather take the short-term financial hit by paying him off rather than give this story even MORE legs.



That being said, if this thing ever goes to trial, Burkett would be laughed out of court then probably charged with document forgery by Texas authorities.

CBS has NO desire for their close ties to the Kerry camp to become more obvious.


Thank God Bush is requesting Schieffer get yanked from the debates. The GOP clearly cannot trust ANYBODY at that shithole of a network.


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I would venture to say that misleading the country via post-9/11 fear and confusion into a war which has resulted in over 1000 U.S. soldiers' deaths and over 10,000 Iraqi civillian deaths, might also be along the line of doing NOTHING worthy of respect.

Except he didn't. Keep convincing yourself of that.


Thank God, Kerry will never be in office.


God willing, this will also drag that perpetual bitch Cleland out of the limelight, too.


Oh yeah, that's right, the war was a result of the Clinton/Gore recession due to the dot-com bubble burst. My bad.

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Guest MikeSC

I would venture to say that misleading the country via post-9/11 fear and confusion into a war which has resulted in over 1000 U.S. soldiers' deaths and over 10,000 Iraqi civillian deaths, might also be along the line of doing NOTHING worthy of respect.

Except he didn't. Keep convincing yourself of that.


Thank God, Kerry will never be in office.


God willing, this will also drag that perpetual bitch Cleland out of the limelight, too.


Oh yeah, that's right, the war was a result of the Clinton/Gore recession due to the dot-com bubble burst. My bad.

No, the war simply fulfilled US official policy in regards to Iraq.


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I would venture to say that misleading the country via post-9/11 fear and confusion into a war which has resulted in over 1000 U.S. soldiers' deaths and over 10,000 Iraqi civillian deaths, might also be along the line of doing NOTHING worthy of respect.

Except he didn't. Keep convincing yourself of that.


Thank God, Kerry will never be in office.


God willing, this will also drag that perpetual bitch Cleland out of the limelight, too.


Oh yeah, that's right, the war was a result of the Clinton/Gore recession due to the dot-com bubble burst. My bad.

No, the war simply fulfilled US official policy in regards to Iraq.


Well I would say it is kind of hard to disarm yourself when you, ya know aren't even holding anything.

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John Kerry forged the memos?


The delusion is becoming quite hilarious at this point Mike.

I'll say it --- Kerry's campaign peddled them. We KNOW Burkett spoke to two high-ranking members (Lockhart and the perennial sandy vagina, Max Cleland) and we KNOW that the Dems somehow had ads with stuff from the forged memos (that they didn't see, mind you *wink*) on the air the day after the memo story hit.

I'd say that you were confusing the other documents with the Burkett documents, but that's like explaining poker to a dog or calculus to Paris Hilton, it won't do a damn bit of good


Clinton? Infinitely so. Ridiculously so. Nixon OWNED Clinton in terms of honesty.


Which president declared "Well, when the president does it that means that it is not



It was Nixon.


Nixon has such a huge record of bullshit and distortions. From his campaign against Voorhis. To Helen Douglas (and the Vito Marcantonio distortion) on until the end.


Nixon tops Clinton in paranoia. The guy was concerned about losing in 1972, in a situation where he had a certain chance of winning over any candidate, especially over McGovern.


Somebody linked to intentionally planting stories to turn an election they're losing BADLY is worse than somebody covering up a 3rd rate burglary.


Do you remember what was going on as they were burglarizing the Democrats offices in the Watergate?


It was an election.


Basically.. in your own distorted world. It's OK to lie about all that.


You, being the Watergate Revisionist that you are, probably won't admit to what good DNC documents would be good for in this situation. I guess knowing what your opposition is going isn't too bad. I guess covering up something so fucking scandalous isn't so bad.


When compared to the horror of two people talking to History's greatest monster, John Burkett.


Then again, the difference could be subtle "It's worse.. since Nixon was winning"


I figure since nothing is true unless confessed to, Nixon MUST be right.


Well.. Nixon never admitted guilt. So you can go on and declare him right all you want.


Thank God, Kerry will never be in office.


We're going to have a kickass time with President Kerry. You should start preparing for a career in talk radio. John Kerry will create jobs for apologists like you in that exciting field.


(Kerry's poll numbers probably mean that Gore was doomed when he went down by 10 in a Gallup poll in October)


God willing, this will also drag that perpetual bitch Cleland out of the limelight, too.


Will you be in a wheelchair of your own when you bitchslap Max Cleland, or will you tell him "It's your fault you have no legs"

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