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Genesis V comments

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I'm getting this started early to say PARTY OVER HERE IN THE REV-0 CAMP~! but the feeling about this show from CC is pretty obvious. We as a fed suck now, and do not match up to the standards of our forebears.


The whole promo thing: well, I did one before the show but I never really felt comfortable with doing a promo IN the PPV itself. it's like 'you're here now, shut up and fight'. Maybe that's not the approach I should be going with.


The no-showing thing: OK, no argument here. I know Muzz no-showed, I know Sly no-showed, and in what HAS to be the biggest surprise for me - Johnny apparently no-showed. Not sure what was going on there.


Maybe the problem is that a lot of people on the card haven't been in Genesis before and don't know what's expected?


Either way, we need to sort out what's happening here and make sure that things pick up. This has to be one of the longest-running e-feds around and we need to make sure we keep it alive!


That's all for now.

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My problem was just work and computer errors.


Otherwise I would have put a match in for the show.


But rest assured, this isn't over. Max has a good bullshit excuse for why he didn't win, and he's going to get obsessive.


Think Bass against Megaman obsessive. Think Zennigata against Lupin obsessive. Think HHH to the World TItle obsessive.


He's THAT obsessed with beating Manson.

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My problem was just work and computer errors.


Otherwise I would have put a match in for the show.


But rest assured, this isn't over. Max has a good bullshit excuse for why he didn't win, and he's going to get obsessive.


Think Bass against Megaman obsessive. Think Zennigata against Lupin obsessive. Think HHH to the World TItle obsessive.


He's THAT obsessed with beating Manson.

Is it bad that I do not know any of your analogies? I mean, I read them, and I was like "Who? What? BORT!"


Actual Genesis comments forthcoming...

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First, I'd just like to say congrats to Duran for a hell of a match and closure for two characters. I'd like to say I co-wrote, but it was just a small contribution towards the overall match. Of course, that's all I've read so far, but I'll try my damndest to get this whole thing down.

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HHH was obvious, but of the other two I only got the Zenigata reference.


Anyway, sorry about my match.. Very sorry. I procrastinated and let myself keep getting distracted all week, ran up against bad timing on Sunday and just choked again. I was just going to no-show (yes, I know) until I heard King didn't turn in anything.

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I'm annoyed that I didn't get to finish my ladder match. It would of been spot-tastic.


I'm also annoyed that my italics didn't work.


But overall, Rev-0 walks out of Genesis with 3 of the 4 titles we went in challenging/defending. Not bad. I really liked the way the tag match came out. Plus, I bust out the I Just Broke Your Neck for the first time in over a year. Its the new Demonstar. I swear.

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Of course, some disappointment in losing, but Team Face wrote a helluva match, and did us proud. And Raynor attempting the Demonstar on Edwin? Awesome. Cheers!


Notes on the two matches I marked:


The ladder match was ridiculously close between Birdman and Dustin. Ridiculously close. Jenkins' match was going strong too, up until the part where everyone blew up and died (:P), but regardless, that was one of the closest matches I've marked yet. A super-hurrah to all the participants.


And for the tag match, I feel a little guilty after finding out the reason for HB's lateness. When I got home and found their match in my inbox, Z had just barely started posting the show, so it was a little too late. I'm sorry guys.


But there's always the rematch clause! :P


More comments to come when I finish reading the rest.

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Consider this my public apology to Landon and Mark. I was sick and dismal and firing on empty all this last week and weekend, and I didn't get to contribute much more than maybe 1200 words to the big tag match. Yet they came through, and did it well. Thanks for letting the old dog come back for one last little sputter, guys. As Z joked, if I make another last-comeback-ever, the over/under on my participation is gonna be at 6 words.


Congrats to all the winners! This fed is old, dude.

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Guest Horse hockey!

Tom's retirement promo brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. Either it was that moving or I'm just very emotional, and it was mildly moving. Take your pick, Tom. ;)


Otherwise, wish there hadn't been so many no shows. And Spike, you did an awesome job with the tag, and I feel terrible that you sacrificed your ladder match to do it. I am sorry for letting you down. (OMGZ, Spike didn't let anyone down this time!)


w00, Toxx! Rev0 in da house!

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Guest Suicide King

I am going to read the show completely tonight, but I wanted to throw some preliminary comments out there.


First of all, Sean Davis, you are one lucky bastard. ;)


Second of all from preliminary skimming it looks like the opener and the main event are both fantastic matches. I look forward to reading them in depth.


Third and finally I wanted to thank Chris and Tom for all their hard work on our match. Tom in particular was the driving force and planner for our match, and I frankly think it was pretty good. I would encourage everyone to read it in the losing match thread. Sorry Chris and I couldn't send you out on a win, Tom.

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The no-showing thing: OK, no argument here. I know Muzz no-showed, I know Sly no-showed, and in what HAS to be the biggest surprise for me - Johnny apparently no-showed. Not sure what was going on there.

I thought Johnny said it was doubtful he could write Genesis on a card a while back, since he might be out of town.


And yeah, I no-showed, but I got a job which is more important than anything right now.

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Well, to Edwin, I was down too and didn't get much done personally, so credit from me to Grand Slam...to add to your credit to me and GS...yeah. Then again, I have an excuse for not writing that much which may or not be anemia (sp?). Yippee.


Anyway...when I get some spare time (and any sort of energy) then I'll try and give actual comments, but for now a big salute to Taamo on an awesome 'career'.

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Guest Suicide King

Phase one of a planned commentary on every match begins now.


The ladder match... I knew it would be good from the participants therein, but I have to admit going in I thought Z might have overstated its goodness a tad. Well, I was wrong. Z was absolutely correct in naming this match of the night. To write a good ladder match is hard enough. To write a triple threat is one of the things many writers in this fed loathe. To do both, and to do it so damned well is almost impossible.


And Ryan Dustin did it. This is the best ladder work I have read since the classic Flesher/Magnifico. I have mentioned a few times in the past that Dustin had tremendous talent and he showed everyone that exactly here tonight. I will say right now that if Dustin can keep showing regularly, he will certainly be ICTV Champion at LEAST and sooner rather than later. A fantastic job Ryan, and worthy to be recognized as the best match on the show.

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Guest Tonights Highlite

Comment time.


I was impressed with what I saw on the show. Oye, and once I get the time I'll comment on the matches indivually. But for now I'll go over the show in general. While lacking the glossy exterior of G4, from what I've seen in Mark's signature, this had some high quality matches. Toxxic's match was a great display of storyline action. A brawl that had tons of emotion behind it and an ending sequence that, while clique, FELT appropiate. The tag title match actually had me buying into some of the nearfall sequences and Spike even had his ribs taped up... how was he to know I'd pull out the win and have pretty much all of his bumps be nutshots :P. I kid, I kid. Andrea's ending was very well executed. Plus her have Ann Onita come down got a laugh. Andrea for the World title, bitches! It's a celebration! John Duran brings back Charlie Matthews and they both nearly die in the ring. A good fairwell IF that's the end. And I was completely surprised with Cross' handling of the Candian Deathmatch stip. He did much better than I intially thought he might. Be on the look out for this guy, cause he's got skills. But finally, the six-man tag having all the star power in the world, did what was right. When Landon Maddix got the tag and went after King towards the end of the match, I was really getting into it. And Flesher going out on his back after dismissing Landon was a awesome story. I didn't see it coming until the end and it brought a smile to my face. I should have known with Flesher not having any time. The retirement promo rang of true emotion, much like Gardner's at the Olympics. Good stuff.

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These partial comments brought to you by me listening to a continual loop of 3 Rush songs. RRRRRRRUSH!!!!


::Ladder Match:: (Of doooooom!!)


- I agree with King about multi-man ladder matches being hard to write, as the four-way involving Storm, ELM, McCheese and myself was quite the bitch. And stuff.

- The only problem I had with the ladder match (And it may just be due to all the blading I do in chat) was the lack of selling. It seemed like people were falling off ladders, but getting back up after a few seconds. But overall, a very good match.


::Battle Royale:: (With cheeeese!)


- I smell. That is all.

- Well, this is all. I now realize that I should have had Annie deliver a couple dozen Hollowpoint Drivers, but you know what they say about hindsight.


::Hardcore Match:: (Now with 1/2 the gargoyles!)


- Uh, this match is short. Because Sly smells and no-showed and because Jackie had REAL LIFE PROBLEMS!!!!!

- I would like to say this, though, as it is very minute and insignificant: For golf, one would say 'fore'. As I mentioned in the battle royal section, I know, I smell.


::Caged Fury:: (Of BORT!)



- Nice work of the cage, what with the throwing people into it.


More comments laterz!



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Well... I have to say I was planning on writing a little promo for the PPV, but then I got wind of someone retiring.


... Actually what happened was Tom talked to me in chat one day, and asked if I could forego writing for the show. He said he was gonna try his hand on a little bit of the first-person, and since he knew I'd been planning on returning, and using that very style...


I was touched, and though I'd been thinking about doing a third-person promo for myself for the show, I just thought it better that I not write, and let it be Tom's night. I'll get my triumphant return soon enough. :)


And man... I'd gladly give up any spot in any show for as good a writing as that was. Very traditional, very cool... In short, a stellar ending for a stellar career.


Comments on the rest of the show when I get back home.

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More comments, brought to you this time by various Thoth Reports/Rants. I think.


::Duran vs. ???:: (Brought to you by Jostens. Go Jostens!)


- Oh my fucking God, you're kidding me. It's Charlie Matthews!!

- John Duran will be henceforth referred to as Biggie Smalls. Or B.I.G. And stuff

- OHMYGODZY!! Neck snapulating action!!

- Bah @ finish. I wanted to see something where both guys' heads popped off. Now that's entertaining!!


::HB vs. R0:: (GREMLINS!!)


- Fast-paced, hard-hitting ACK-Shun~! from teh challengifiers.

- Spike 'n' Sean amz go WHAM on Todd. And not the good 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' WHAM.

- Cortez amz duck (AFLAC!) Yak. kick!

- Is it because Cortez is strong that he won't stay down, or because Spike smells? I'd like to think the latter, no offense to Todd.

- Another duck (AFFLECK!) because Sporky amz dumb!

- Maskosaurus with a lead panda? Nifty.

- I Just Broke Your Neck? That's the name? Spork, Spork, Spork, that is a stupid name. Change it. Now.


::Canadian Death Match:: (Even more gremlins!)


- Yay for this match!

- I'm still confused about the rope breaks. What can the ref do in a no disqualification situation? Threaten to take away the person's pinfalls?

- Ace amz teh cheat!!

- Steve amz teh cheat!!

- Ace amz not hit discuss punch. <Insert sad panda>

- Crossz0r amz win! Huzzah for justice! Now put on the AquaMan outfit, David.


The final two matches will be commented upon soon. Or later. Or maybe never!

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Guest Suicide King

Hey, who wrote the intro? I thought it was very good and would like to give props to said person.

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Yeah, that was me.


I've commented on the matches to a few guys personally. If you want comments feel free to ask me in chat. Madprops to Spike/Sean for finally beating me, and we'll get you sons of bitches soon enough.

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Guest Suicide King

Phase 2 begins now.


Next is the first of two promos for the night. It concerns the six man as Stevens unveils his trump card, namely one returning Edwin MacPhisto! For both the people who didn't see this coming I think it probably added a nice touch to Genesis. Edwin shows his ability to rile up a crowd hasn't faded a touch and the faces seem to have a fighting chance! Until of course we cut back to the heel locker room and find a very, very happy Chris Raynor.


All things considered it was a good promo. I think if I was in charge of that section of our plot I probably would have done that on the last show and left Z's revelation as the guest referee to be the big surprise, but I understand why Mark did it that way. Classic face promo goodness, and I approve.


Next is the battle royal! Only later. ;)

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Final set of predictions (From me. King needs to pick up the pace).


::Six-Man Tag:: (With some Golden Oldies)


- OHMYGODZY!!! Zenon amz roforeee! And I amz not spell correctly~!

- Fleshy flurry~!

- Team Heel amz cheat! I am shocked at this turn of events.



- Three of Clubs is being cocky! My whole outlook on life has changed!!

- And everyone amz hit his finisher on someone else!!

- Maddix comes back and says "Sorry about not hitting my finisher. I had to poop. I'll hit it now, though." and he does.

- Cue sad walking-away music from The Incredible Hulk series as Flesher leaves...


::Title Match:: (Not just a grease compound anymore!)


- Exchange of blows that sadly did not deteriorate into a slap-fight.

- Johnny tries for the MI Slam, but it amz block!!

- If at first you don't succeed, try a while later after hitting the guy a bit more, but no, Toxxic amz block!!!


Erm, that's all I've got. BLORK!!

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Guest Suicide King

Phase three!


On to the fourway battle royal! Nice little segment giving tribute to the first great Brit of our fed, Divefire, in the beginning. Things start quickly on the outside as is only appropriate, but Andrea wisely keeps the illegal stuff to a minimum since she's right before the hardcore match. Very nice rope-assisted full nelson spot by Dagda; I can only assume that would hurt like a mother.


First elimination! Candace goes down faster than a cheerleader on prom night, as is only just. And Annie E comes down to gain vengeance for all non-stereotypical Asian women everywhere! ;) I approve of the technique used, but Annie E is no Large Cop Man. Mad props yo.


Some good wrestling follow, in particular a prolonged Iron Claw sequence that made me happier than I have been in a long time. I love me some Iron Claws. Dagda goes out next as he tries to take advantage of an opening to eliminate both other competitors. Dagda came across ok; Andrea clearly tried to establish his character. He couldn't be written as strong as JD or Andrea of course, but that is understandable since he's IL's 15th character. ;)


And a true old-school battle then begins as JD and Andrea, two people from the very beginning, compete at Genesis V. That's kind of cool. Andrea wins with a sunset flip while JD stands on the apron. Not bad, but I for one thought something a little more impactful or drawn out might have worked better.


Overall a pretty good match I think. There were a few sections that read a little dry, but I think Andrea did a fine job. Although I must call shennanigans on the springboard shooting star tornado DDT, Andrea. Sorry. ;)

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Guest Suicide King

Phase lotz.


HCG time! And to note for those who did not know, this match was precisely 1337 words in length for two reasons. One: to prevent a double no show at Genesis, which would have made CC kill a few people. Two: because this match is leet.


The match itself isn't bad for a rush job although the hardcore is certainly left to be desired. A sledgehammer shot and a briefcase shot does not hardcore make. ;)


That said, the Cyclone Driver was pretty nice. I think a Canadian backbreaker to piledriver would be sufficient though. While an airplane spin is a wonderful move, I don't think even the most diehard wrestling fan would think spinning someone eight times would improve the impact of a head dropper.


So was this match "good?" Well, no, not really. But Davis wrote and prevented a disaster on our biggest PPV, and that is certainly worth some points in my book.

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