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No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

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Let's see, Taker takes time off in Sept. 99 after walking out of the six pack challenge (in reality a groin pull) and misses 8 months.  In 2002, he takes the chokeslam of the ramp and is gone for 3 months.  In 2003, at Survivor Series, he is "buried alive" and misses 5 months.  And now he is killed again by vehicular homicide, think he will be a "Suprise" entrant in the Royal Rumble again this year?  I swear he must have it in his contract that he doesn't have to work from Sept. to December, which are coincidentally  usually the slowest business points of the year for WWE.

Don't forget he vanished off TV between late September and early November 2000, returning just in time for a title shot.

Yup, you are right. I thought it was odd he wasn't at No Mercy but main event Unforgiven, then came back before Survivor Series.


Maybe he just likes to hunt or something and it's that time of season.

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Let's see, Taker takes time off in Sept. 99 after walking out of the six pack challenge (in reality a groin pull) and misses 8 months.  In 2002, he takes the chokeslam of the ramp and is gone for 3 months.  In 2003, at Survivor Series, he is "buried alive" and misses 5 months.  And now he is killed again by vehicular homicide, think he will be a "Suprise" entrant in the Royal Rumble again this year?  I swear he must have it in his contract that he doesn't have to work from Sept. to December, which are coincidentally   usually the slowest business points of the year for WWE.

Don't forget he vanished off TV between late September and early November 2000, returning just in time for a title shot.

He also accidentally took time off between Royal Rumble 1994 and Summerslam of that year because he forgot to update his 1993 calendar, thinking Rumble 1994 was the middle of August.


True story.

That makes no sense...I don't understand what you mean. I'd think he would know it's in January or do you care to clarify?

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Let's see, Taker takes time off in Sept. 99 after walking out of the six pack challenge (in reality a groin pull) and misses 8 months.  In 2002, he takes the chokeslam of the ramp and is gone for 3 months.  In 2003, at Survivor Series, he is "buried alive" and misses 5 months.  And now he is killed again by vehicular homicide, think he will be a "Suprise" entrant in the Royal Rumble again this year?  I swear he must have it in his contract that he doesn't have to work from Sept. to December, which are coincidentally   usually the slowest business points of the year for WWE.

Don't forget he vanished off TV between late September and early November 2000, returning just in time for a title shot.

He also accidentally took time off between Royal Rumble 1994 and Summerslam of that year because he forgot to update his 1993 calendar, thinking Rumble 1994 was the middle of August.


True story.

That makes no sense...I don't understand what you mean. I'd think he would know it's in January or do you care to clarify?

I believe he's joking.

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Don't forget Taker's feud last summer with Cena, which consisted of Cena cutting rap promos on Taker while Taker didn't do anything. The man has it EASY, people! B-)

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I just got back from the PPV, and overall, I would say that I was pleased and had a great time, but the main event was just a HUGE let-down. Here's a quick rundown.


Before the doors opened to the arena, me and my brother were just hanging out on a sidewalk near the doors, away from the majority of the crowd. Some random guy is walking a dog. We thought it was Fifi, and when Rene Dupree came out later, it was confirmed. We saw Fifi up close! You can imagine how special I feel.


My seats were on the floor, in the aisle section opposite of where the hearse was later in the night. Me and my brother were in the very last row, which isn't actually that far, and seats 3 and 4, which was away from the actual aisle. There wasn't even a railing behind our chairs, just the tech area with security and one of the big cranes with a camera. The seats were amazing and very close to the pyro, especially Booker T's. As a result, we definitely got some good photos.


It seemed like a really hot crowd in the arena, but I don't know how it came out on TV. Here's my ratings for the matches, although they're all probably off more or less.


Eddie-Luther: **1/4

Spike-Nunzio: **1/2

Kidman-London: ***1/4

Tag Titles: **1/2

Angle-Show: **

Cena-Booker T: **1/4

Six-Man Tag: *1/4

JBL-Taker: *


Here's the funniest part of the night. From my seats, you can get a perfect view of the back of the hearse, even though it's on the other side of the entrance. About a minute into the JBL-Taker match, the guy next to me says quietly, "There's someone in the hearse." I turn around, and there's apparently some light in there. What do I see? Some big guy with bleach-blonde hair. I immediately yell, "Heidenreich! Heidenreich! Heidenreich's in the hearse!", causing just about everyone in my section to turn around. Everyone seems to realize that there is no chance that Taker is going to win, and thus, the main event is ruined for everyone in our section, as everyone realizes what's going to happen.


Post-show, JBL gets on the mic and just rips into NJ and uses some of his insults from his internet column a few months back, like, "You don't like me because I was the one who beat you up in school." Nothing special at all.

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***1/2? Maybe I was just too depressed by seeing Heidenreich earlier. Plus, with most of the match taking place outside the ring, it was hard to watch anything but the titantron. I guess I'll have to rewatch when it's out on DVD.

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***1/2? Maybe I was just too depressed by seeing Heidenreich earlier. Plus, with most of the match taking place outside the ring, it was hard to watch anything but the titantron. I guess I'll have to rewatch when it's out on DVD.

Eh, I'm sure he's just an idiot.


So why the hell didn't they do anything more special for the Booker/Cena feud? They couldn't even put the final match in a cage or do SOMETHING to make it more interesting? Pretty stupid.

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I was surprised that Book-Cena was even given such late placement on the card. They actually made it seem important, giving both guys the pre-match walk to the curtain, along with a decent video package. Match was pretty average, but Cena is rediculously over no matter what. Personally, I was hoping for Booker to win, because I find Cena to be way too bland lately, and his raps suck as a face. I didn't dare try and cheer against every other person in the arena, though, so I just sat back for that match.

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No Mercy just finished and what I think is the most weird and shocking ending to a ppv ever this year has just happened. Of all people, Heidenreich comes down to the ring and drugs the Undertaker and puts him in the hearse, which is also being driven by PAUL HEYMAN I might add, and then drives another car right into the hearse! While he is still in it! Talk about a holy s**t moment.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns: This was okay for an opener. I wish Eddie was still in a title match, but I predict he will be at Survivor Series. Anyway the crowd was in Eddie's corner the entire time. Eddie steals the nightstick off a security guard and hits luther in the head with it and wins. Good opener. 7.5/10


Nunzio vs. Spike Dudley: Nunzio appeared in December of 2002 and hasn't won any title at all, not even the crusierwieght championship. Well after this match he can add another month of dissapointment. The dudley's screw him out of the title in an okay match, but bad because of the ending. 7/10


Paul London vs. Billy Kidman: Hey, this wasn't too bad. Some high flying moves in this one. I swear to god these guys could be brothers. Paul London gave a spectacular shooting star press, but kidman raised his knees and won. After the match is over Kidman waited until London was strapped to a stretcher then gave london another shooting star press when he was tied down. A good match. 8/10


RVD and Rey Mysterio vs. the weirdest tag team in history: This was the only let down of the night, besides the main event. The two most different men compared to each other win and RVD and Rey Mysterio lose. The guys I'm talking about are Dupree and Suzuki. A bad match. 7/10


Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show: Holy crap, the Big Show is balder than Kurt! A good match, as always that these two have together. Big Show snapped the tranquilizer gun in half after Kurt brought it into the ring again, and a chokeslam later pins kurt. A good match but distracting because of Show's head! 8.5/10


John Cena vs. Booker T match #5: Hey, Cena wins and becomes a two time us champion! This was the best of the five matches because it was the last one. A good match, very back and forth. Not the best of the night, but definately should be viewed by Cena fans. 8/10


The dudleys and Dawn Marie vs. Miss Jackie, Rico, and Hass: Seems like Dawn likes what she sees in hass, but this whole storyline is something we have all seen too many times. As for the match, it was alwright considering it was made on Heat a few hours before. Watch this because of Dawn and Miss Jackie! 7/10


Last Ride match: As I said before, what the hell? Heidenriech comes down and gives us another month of JBL as champion. As for the match it was good. Steel steps, chairs, tv monitors and an announce table were used in this one. A good moment when JBL got chokeslammed onto the Spanish announce table while the Undertaker was on the other announce table. The ending sucked though as heidenreich cost taker the match. 8/10


The post match action was crazy. Heidenreich and heyman drive the hearse outside and heyman gets out. Then Heidenreich drives another car head on into the hearse where the undertaker is supposedly inside. A weird, yet shocking moment to end the ppv.


I'll leave it up to you whether you want to buy this or not, but the last ride match is a must see to be believed.......

A No Mercy review from some guy on Amazon...



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Ok, ok this is getting a little out of hand and a little too graphic. First of all people keep getting in the business of the Undertaker vs. JBL matches for the WWE championship. Heidenrich is a psychotic freak driven and mentored by Paul Heyman and they made Undertaker lose the match and then rammed into the hearse where he was laying. The WWE's pay-per-view content used to be extroadinary, now it is predictable and crazy. The other matches were exceptionally well except for the final one which was way out of hand.




1.Please, please, please let DUpree& Suzuki retained their title at No Mercy 2004, I hope thy cheated with the help from mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns when DUpree distracted referee.Good macth if Dupree& Suzuki retained.

2. Please, please,please let Undertaker became champion with Holly at black hearse with the steelchair and blasted Viscera and Gangrel, who cheated during the macth.Udnertaker won the title for the 5 time.

3.Please, please, please Kurt Angle won by DQ from the Gaint when Big SHow hit Angle with Chair and brought him to Parking Lot, but Jindrak saved his master.

5.London vs Kidman. The two men were suck, I don't know who will win at No Mercy

6. Please, please, please let John Cena won the title with his FU.

I knew we want avoid udnertaker from cost( with lose) at WWE CHamp he almost won the WWE Title at:

1. Intercontinental Casket macth vs Goldust helping hand Mankind

2. WWE championship Casket Match vs Yokozuna RR 94 10 men helped YOko

3.Survivor Series 2000 vs Kurt Angle Eric Angle avoid his brother from the Last COunter.

4.Royal Rumble 98 Casket macth vs Shawn Kane set on fire

5.Judgment Day 2001 vs STone COld Triple H hit slegdehammer

6. No Mercy 2003 vs Brock Lesnar FBI and Mr.Mcmahon interfered

7. Summerslam 2004 vs JBL Orlando caught Undertaker

and Non- Title at:

1. King Of The RIng 1995 vs Mabel KOTR 95

2. Sumemrslam 96 vs Mankind Paul bearer tuned on Undertaker

3. RR 97 vs Vader Paul turned on Undertaker

4.SS 97 vs Bret Hart Title Shawn wicked Udnertaker with chair

5. Badd Blood vs SHwn HIAC KAne tombstoned Udnertaker

6. IYH 19 vs Jeff J Kane chokeslammed Jetreet caused Udnertaker was DQ by the referee.

7. NWO 02 vs The Rock Ric Flair interfered.

8.SS 03 vs Mr.Mcmahon Buried Alive Match Kane interfered

How they are? I hope they are not loser again.

One more No Mercy review from Amazon, and that second one is whatever you want to make of it...



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Okay--quick question--I heard Mr. H was in the hearse, and he jumped out and the hearse blew up. A bomb? Collision with another car or something? I'm not sure about the details.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen
I just got back from the PPV, and overall, I would say that I was pleased and had a great time, but the main event was just a HUGE let-down. Here's a quick rundown.


Before the doors opened to the arena, me and my brother were just hanging out on a sidewalk near the doors, away from the majority of the crowd. Some random guy is walking a dog. We thought it was Fifi, and when Rene Dupree came out later, it was confirmed. We saw Fifi up close! You can imagine how special I feel.


My seats were on the floor, in the aisle section opposite of where the hearse was later in the night. Me and my brother were in the very last row, which isn't actually that far, and seats 3 and 4, which was away from the actual aisle. There wasn't even a railing behind our chairs, just the tech area with security and one of the big cranes with a camera. The seats were amazing and very close to the pyro, especially Booker T's. As a result, we definitely got some good photos.


It seemed like a really hot crowd in the arena, but I don't know how it came out on TV. Here's my ratings for the matches, although they're all probably off more or less.


Eddie-Luther: **1/4

Spike-Nunzio: **1/2

Kidman-London: ***1/4

Tag Titles: **1/2

Angle-Show: **

Cena-Booker T: **1/4

Six-Man Tag: *1/4

JBL-Taker: *


Here's the funniest part of the night. From my seats, you can get a perfect view of the back of the hearse, even though it's on the other side of the entrance. About a minute into the JBL-Taker match, the guy next to me says quietly, "There's someone in the hearse." I turn around, and there's apparently some light in there. What do I see? Some big guy with bleach-blonde hair. I immediately yell, "Heidenreich! Heidenreich! Heidenreich's in the hearse!", causing just about everyone in my section to turn around. Everyone seems to realize that there is no chance that Taker is going to win, and thus, the main event is ruined for everyone in our section, as everyone realizes what's going to happen.


Post-show, JBL gets on the mic and just rips into NJ and uses some of his insults from his internet column a few months back, like, "You don't like me because I was the one who beat you up in school." Nothing special at all.

I thought the ppv was okay overall. The main event surprisingly was good but then again they needed to bust their asses based on their Summerslam match. The crowd was into most of the action and every match I felt was watchable.

The place wasn't nearly sold out as I figured and you know it's bad when the whole left side of the stage is mainly comped people, myself included who got the keep the chairs!

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Here's the funniest part of the night. From my seats, you can get a perfect view of the back of the hearse, even though it's on the other side of the entrance. About a minute into the JBL-Taker match, the guy next to me says quietly, "There's someone in the hearse." I turn around, and there's apparently some light in there. What do I see? Some big guy with bleach-blonde hair. I immediately yell, "Heidenreich! Heidenreich! Heidenreich's in the hearse!", causing just about everyone in my section to turn around. Everyone seems to realize that there is no chance that Taker is going to win, and thus, the main event is ruined for everyone in our section, as everyone realizes what's going to happen.

In other words, you ruined the show :P.

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Okay--quick question--I heard Mr. H was in the hearse, and he jumped out and the hearse blew up. A bomb? Collision with another car or something? I'm not sure about the details.

H. drove another car into the side of the hearse. Had me on the floor laughing that one did, but that might of had something to do with the lack of sleep i'd had over the weekend and it being around 4am when it happened.

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I might be in the minority here, but I actually liked the Dudleyz/Dawn Marie vs. Homo Superior/Miss Jackie match. Loads of fun and decent wrestling action to boot. Imagine... a watchable popcorn match that outshined the stultifyingly boring main event. Will wonders never cease?


And not for nothing, but one would think that a tombstone piledriver would cause injury to the top of one's head, and not the forehead. Unless the impact cause a blood vessel in JBL's forehead to explode, I'm not buying it. And damn, if everyone and their mother didn't call The Genius John Heidenreich interfering in the match.


And I would definitely recommend the London/Kidman match to everyone. Amazing that the crowd would actually cheer like crazy after Kidman won. And the SSP onto a stretchered London was brilliant. Can't wait for the return of a newly-face-turned Chavito.

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And I would definitely recommend the London/Kidman match to everyone. Amazing that the crowd would actually cheer like crazy after Kidman won. And the SSP onto a stretchered London was brilliant. Can't wait for the return of a newly-face-turned Chavito.

Here's how it was in my section. In the beginning, I was constantly trying to start "Let's Go London" chants. There was at least one loud one sometime in the match, but most of the time, not too many got behind the chant. There was a father and son next to me who were hardcore Kidman fans (sounds crazy, I know), who constantly tried to scream, "Let's go Billy/Kidman". Alot of people around me just knew that Kidman would do the SSP, especially after he backed down the first time. Everyone loved London's SSP, and when Kidman did it and won, everyone went nuts. When he got on the mic, everyone was chanting, "One more time" (I don't know if that's hearable on TV). By the end of the match, it seemed like the crowd hated London.

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Most of the matches were in the "OK but not great" category." The only match that sucked was the tag team match, but that was mostly due to Kenzo. UGH. :throwup:

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By the end of the match, it seemed like the crowd hated London.


It sure didn't sound like that on tv. Kidman was getting a lot of heel heat. And the 'Let's Go London' chants got pretty loud at points.

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Guest lordcaspian

I only liked two matches.


London vs Kidman (match of the night)


RVD/Rey vs Dupree/Kenzo


I thought that this match was suprisingly good. Dupree and RVD work awesome with eachother(I think Dupree is really underrated). I loved the spot they did in the beginning of the match. There were some great double team maneuvers that RVD and Rey pulled off. Wasn't to happy about the finish(if anything Dupree should have got the pin instead of Kenzo) I don't know why everybody hates this match. It was good. Kenzo does suck and everytime he was in there the match would slow down but still overall it was a decent match.

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Guest Anglesault
Let's see, Taker takes time off in Sept. 99 after walking out of the six pack challenge (in reality a groin pull) and misses 8 months.  In 2002, he takes the chokeslam of the ramp and is gone for 3 months.  In 2003, at Survivor Series, he is "buried alive" and misses 5 months.  And now he is killed again by vehicular homicide, think he will be a "Suprise" entrant in the Royal Rumble again this year?  I swear he must have it in his contract that he doesn't have to work from Sept. to December, which are coincidentally  usually the slowest business points of the year for WWE.

Don't forget he vanished off TV between late September and early November 2000, returning just in time for a title shot.

I think he had his gallbladder removed.

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I guarantee you guys could download the whole ppv tomorrow morning if u cheak out some of the bit torrent sites and can be arsed to work out how it works

That's just what I did, as I have done every time since they took away my $17 webcasts (well, I bought SS on TV). It was a very watchable PPV, I was happy with it, but I wouldn't have wanted to pay $35 for it.


Why do they need a watered-down Undertaker gimmick?


I agree. We also got one of my favorite quotes ever in wrestling from that stupid gimmick.


"Ladies and gentlemen, Mordecai has damned this audience...to hell!" - Michael Cole, Smackdown

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Unfortunately, I missed out on the PPV and I really wanted to see, so I'm commenting on the results of the match.


Eddie-Luther: **1/4


I was glad they didn't go so far as to make Eddie go further down the ladder by jobbing him out to Brock Lesnar's brother in law.


Spike-Nunzio: **1/2


Sounds decent to watch.


Kidman-London: ***1/4


Haven't seen it, but I read plenty of reviews about it being good, I just wish London would have gone over instead.


Tag Titles: **1/2


I was actually hoping RVD & Rey would win, they're a kick ass team who are both still very over with the crowd. Didn't make any sense.


Angle-Show: **


I'm still in shock by Angle jobbing, he should have won.


Cena-Booker T: **1/4


I've enjoyed this feud until Cena would job the US title in his homestate to a shitty wreslter (Carlito Cool) 2 days later, they should have let Booker win, it would have made more sense.


Six-Man Tag: *1/4


I'm glad Charlie & Rico got their JOB back from the Dudley. :headbang:


JBL-Taker: *


Taker has enough pull backstage to get a 5th reign, yet he doesn't get it, doesn't make any fucking sense at all. I'm just thankful he didn't lay down for Bradshaw.




No Mercy it looks like was another one of those PPVs from WWE with a great line-ups, good matches almost overall match almost overally, just the wrong people going over in most of them.

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