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Guest Trivia247

top 10-20 bad angles in WWE/WWF

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02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.

It was bad, but the DDP stalking of Taker's wife in 2001 was much more tasteless, and of course it killed DDP of ever being a taken seriously star in the WWE.

It never would have happened anyway. Remember, in HappyVinceLaLaLand, wCw = inferior. DDP would still have ended up feuding with pre-Capt. Charisma Christian (if he was lucky). Besides, I think people overestimate just how good the guy was. Take away his long-standing "friendship" with Bischoff, and I doubt his wrestling skill would have taken him far.


But yeah, the stalker angle was just horrendous on so many levels.

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DDP was a really good worker. He could sell, bump, and had some good moves. His only problem, and to be honest it was one he should have worked on, was that he always wanted to lay his matches out move for move beforehand. Apart from that, he was a real good worker, and I don't think his skills were ever overestimated.

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Daww did I insult your wittle hero, Sorry you take it so personally that you blew that out of proportions.

I hate Steve Austin. Or rather, what he became as GM and Sheriff - and for that matter, wife-and-girlfriend abuser. For that alone, the guys deserves shit. Nevertheless, I think that saying Austin wouldn't wrestle people because of his neck is pushing it.


I have no problem in saying that Austin wouldn't wrestle some people, let alone put them over, because of his ego. However, I think his record shows that even with a busted-up neck he was prepared to give it all he had. Unfortunately he kept going too long, past the point where he could put on decent matches any more, but his physical dedication to the sport is unquestionable. His willingness to relinquish the grip on his spot is very, very dubious though.


And responding to a reasonable and well-constructed argument (admittedly with an insult at the end) with shoddy grammar and writing like you're talking to a child is pathetic.

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Guest Anglesault
poor wittle Austin's hurt neck


Yeah, because his neck injury was so trivial. That Steve Austin, what a pussy.


The guy is almost paralyzed by a sit-down Tombstone, works through the pain (at the main event level) for two years, finally has no choice but to have neck surgery because of the additional abuse this has put on his bad neck, comes back 12 months later with a fused neck and instead of falling back on the WWF brawling style, he busts his ass to give us a slew of ****+ matches, taking Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit's German and backdrop suplexes every night for months on end...sometimes over 10 in one night. All to entertain us, because he gets paid the same money either way. This balls-to-the-wall style results in Austin destroying his neck, but he keeps on plugging until 2003, at which point he can't flat-back bump at all without being in excruciating pain and is forced to retire.


And you act like Austin "lost his smile".


Fuck you, asshole.

Daww did I insult your wittle hero, Sorry you take it so personally that you blew that out of proportions.

What the hell is going on?


You ranted about something that couldn't be true, people called you out on it, you responded with an even more confusing rant, someone called you out on that, and now this?


I have no idea what happened.

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Personally, these are the worst angles/storylines of the past few years.


1) Katie Vick: This made me embarassed to be a wrestling fan. It made me embarassed to have ever been a supporter of Triple H. It made me hate Raw, and I spent the next few months more or less ignoring Raw while checking out Smackdown (SD 6 era) and NWA:TNA. I don't think I watched another Raw after this until the HBK vs RVD World title match.


2) The last month of Chris Jericho's World title Reign: I was marking out. Chris Jericho was on his way to main eventing Wrestlemania against an opponent who he'd had terrific matches with in the past (Triple H). Surely since it was the main event, the build-up would be tremendous. Instead, Stephanie McMahon inserted herself into Jericho's corner, and Y2J was made an after-thought. Stephanie would be the one having tense encounters with Triple H while Jericho was busy walking the family dog. Then the match finally happened at WMX8 in front of a crowd burned out from Hogan/Rock earlier that evening and not all that interested in the story of the match. Triple H and Jericho put on a disappointing match and Jericho goes back to becoming a career mid-carder while Triple H went on to bury the entire Raw locker-room over the next two years.


3) HLA: This sort of ties into the Katie Vick thing, since it was happening around the same time on Raw. It was pathetic, and made me embarassed to be associated with the product.


4) The Raw Diva Search: Gee, Raw comes up a lot here, doesn't it? I cannot believe anyone thought this would drive ratings. 12 mostly unlikable and forgettable women participating in tedious and unimaginative contests so fans could choose winners. This contest lasted for months, despite the audience crapping all over the segments week after week, ratings slipping during Diva Search segments, and the overall low quality of the segments themselves. I'll admit, the contest became a bit more bearable when it came down to the last five or six, but when there were a dozen of them it was just plain hell. Watching each of them try and do the same stupid thing (seduing Kamala, trying to be sexy with ice cream) was grating and once again I felt stupid to be a wrestling fan.


5) The Invasion: Yeah, this one makes pretty much everyone's "worst of" list. Not only was this rushed, but it was poorly planned. To make matters worse, McMahons took over the whole storyline, and WWF guys jumped onto the WCW/ECW team and became the leaders. Personally, I did not want to see a WCW invasion being lead by Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon, and Stone Cold. The invasion lasted for over four chaotic months of superstars appearing and disappearing without much explanations. This storyline was pretty much when the WWF jumped the shark.


6) Poop-stain Patterson: Most people forget this, but it was an aspect of the McMahon-Helmsley Faction of 2000. Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco were members of the Faction and were being allowed to feud with top-babyfaces. Rikishi and Too Cool had been continual enemies of the Faction, and during one match, Patterson lowered his pants to give his own version of the "stink-face." Patterson exposed his white old-man undies with a disgusting shit stain on the bottom. It was beyond disgusting. A show or two later, Patterson would show up with the stained undies in his hands and he would jam it into Rikishi's face. Just awful.


7) Tazz vs Austin: This might sort of belong in the Invasion profile, but this was pure crap. Week after week, Alliance segments were the entire WCW/ECW stars standing around listening to Stone Cold hog the attention. Most of these segments also included Austin picking on Tazz and frequently beating the shit out of him. During this entire time, I remember desperately wanting Tazz to mount an offense and take a good fight to Austin. That never happened. Tazz never got anything resembling revenge and after the Invasion was over, Tazz enjoyed a brief Tag title run with Spike and then became a full-time commentator.


8) The Radicalz Reunion: Late in 2000, after WWF deemed Chris Benoit unworthy of continuing his main event push, he was teamed back up with Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, and Perry Saturn. This was exciting because Makenko and Saturn had lacked direction for months at that point, and it was a great opportunity to use them again. WRONG! Instead, we got to see lots of Radicalz vs Hardy Boyz matches, where the Radicalz were frequently made to be the Hardy's bitches. The Radicalz were never allowed to look good and eventually Benoit turned on the group and proceeded to destroy all three of them one by one. It made Benoit look really strong, but the others were hurt badly in the image department.


9) Test/Steiner/Stacy: This was just one big mess. It started with Stacy "getting Test over" by referring to Test's fans as "testicles." This would have been a lot funnier if my friends and I hadn't used to call Test that years earlier as a joke. Thus, Stacy was about as creative as a 15 year old. Anyways, then Steiner and Test form a tag team of suckiness, never really getting any significant wins and doing a big J.O.B. to La Resistance in their pay-per-view debut. This leads to Test being a big jerk and being all mean to dumb old Stacy. The best part of this feud is their Bad Blood match where Steiner falls flat on his face when he jumps off the apron at Test. This was in June, by the way. Months later in SEPTEMBER Test and Steiner have another match, this time if Test wins than Steiner must become Test's bitch. So at this point, there are heavy suggestions that not only is Test sexually abusive to Stacy, but he desires to do the same to Steiner as well. Gross! So Steiner becomes Test's bitch, but now inexplicably turns on Stacy and becomes buddies with Test, thus making the past five months of tedious feuding absolutely pointless.


10) The Corporate Ministry: This was total overkill. It was actually a really fun storyline until Vince McMahon was revealed to be the higher power, controlling the Undertaker. So this meant that the entire storyline had been Vince McMahon feuding with Vince McMahon. This was one of those Russo swerves where it didn't make any sense, but dammit, he sure fooled all of us.

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Guest Trivia247
poor wittle Austin's hurt neck


Yeah, because his neck injury was so trivial. That Steve Austin, what a pussy.


The guy is almost paralyzed by a sit-down Tombstone, works through the pain (at the main event level) for two years, finally has no choice but to have neck surgery because of the additional abuse this has put on his bad neck, comes back 12 months later with a fused neck and instead of falling back on the WWF brawling style, he busts his ass to give us a slew of ****+ matches, taking Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit's German and backdrop suplexes every night for months on end...sometimes over 10 in one night. All to entertain us, because he gets paid the same money either way. This balls-to-the-wall style results in Austin destroying his neck, but he keeps on plugging until 2003, at which point he can't flat-back bump at all without being in excruciating pain and is forced to retire.


And you act like Austin "lost his smile".


Fuck you, asshole.

Daww did I insult your wittle hero, Sorry you take it so personally that you blew that out of proportions.

What the hell is going on?


You ranted about something that couldn't be true, people called you out on it, you responded with an even more confusing rant, someone called you out on that, and now this?


I have no idea what happened.

it couldn't be true and people act like assholes when they call me on it and you expect me to not respond in kind?


Its not lost on me that I was wrong in the original statement, but it was Also an Exaggeration not a statement of fact. Of course it wasn't an issue of Austin about his neck taking Tazz's suplex if he Could take Angle's and Benoits. Seeing how taken a dozen or so Germans would be as bad as anything Tazz could have thrown. But was also something to do with irony. benoit and angle up and comers so people Austin would either allow or, perhaps required to wrestle them as if they were in "His league" but someone like Tazz who could have only clawed up to mid card status as his highest spot before hanging it up totally. Was beyond below Austin to have anything that Looks competitive in a match.


But it goes back to again how people act on here anyway. People would have gotten a better reaction and the usual apology for inaccuracy had they not gone to childish depths. Fuck you asshole oh yea that would Make me want to respond Nicely to Anyone.


But I guess that doesn't help your confusion.

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Guest wildpegasus
01 the Aborted Tazz vs Austin angle. It could have been at least money for one day, but poor wittle Austin's hurt neck couldn't take a Suplex so we had to scrap that, even though alot of us thought this would have been Tazz's moment to step up.

Somebody obviously slept through all those Austin/Benoit and Austin/Angle matches...

People may not notice it now because all of Benoit's suplexes are toned down but Benoit at the time did tone down his suplexes for Austin. People can see the difference between them and the one with Angle in the cage match which happened shortly afterwards. Now that wasn't because Austin was being a wimp. He still took 10 german suplexes and credit has to be given for that. And it was Austin's idea for the 10 suplexes! so he certainly wasn't hiding from them. And on top of that he had a bad neck! So did Benoit.


Kind of off topic but if memory serves me right Austin credited Benoit for being able to look after him on both the superplex spot in Edmonton and the 10 german suplex spot.


I don't think we could expect Austin to take Tazz suplexes either. Really, how many people did? Neck damaging suplexes have always been frowned upon in the WWF and Austin's neck was something you didn't fool around with. Yes, it would've made Tazz look pretty cool and get over with the fans if he dealt out some of his neckwrenching suplexes but the price was just too high for that. Now, if they didn't let him do suplexes that weren't neck wreching I must say I don't agree with that and it's not fair but to be truthful everybody has to vacate their moveset in the WWF. Look at Benoit or Jericho. I don't agree with but it's some kind of law in WWF land.

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99 The formation of the Corporate Ministry with Vince McMahon as the higher power.


10) The Corporate Ministry: This was total overkill. It was actually a really fun storyline until Vince McMahon was revealed to be the higher power, controlling the Undertaker. So this meant that the entire storyline had been Vince McMahon feuding with Vince McMahon. This was one of those Russo swerves where it didn't make any sense, but dammit, he sure fooled all of us.


Am I the only one who liked this storyline even with Vince being the higher power?

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What about the 'kiss my ass' stuff? Only Katie Vick was worse in my mind. Anybody care for an explanation/analysis of the whole nightmare because words just fail me on that one. Has McMahon ever revealed more of himself (not just his arse) than we wanted to see than he did in those segments?


Good shout on Stephanie undermining Jericho's title run as well, it was incredibly frustrating to watch that happen and you truly felt for Jericho. A bloody pet made its way into that sorry spectacle as well. Oh for the love of animals and wrestling angles!

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Guest Valcourt

Katie Vick has to stand out as the worst angle EVER.... What were they thinking? Most disapointing is Jerichoand the dog with Steph. I remeber being SO surprised when he won the title and became undisputed champ. A buddy of mine and I were jumping around being the biggest marks in the world, just totally digging the surprise of him winning... and then a little bit later, steph comes in and there is a dog, and boom, jericho is out of the picture.


One thing about Jericho, he might not be on "top" but with the smarks, he always will be.


I'm gonna go get some dong dong ju and get drunk. Korea rules

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99 The formation of the Corporate Ministry with Vince McMahon as the higher power.


10) The Corporate Ministry: This was total overkill. It was actually a really fun storyline until Vince McMahon was revealed to be the higher power, controlling the Undertaker. So this meant that the entire storyline had been Vince McMahon feuding with Vince McMahon. This was one of those Russo swerves where it didn't make any sense, but dammit, he sure fooled all of us.


Am I the only one who liked this storyline even with Vince being the higher power?

Nope, I loved it, especially the actual scene on RAW:




Then JR flips out about how horrible Vince is while Lawler laughs his head off. Vince and Shane's look when Austin is announced as CEO is also priceless.

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The Invasion had to be the worst angle ever...if for nothing else than how it could have been the biggest thing ever for wrestling, completely reversing the downward spiral, but instead was just a horrific fumble.


At this point, there seems to be a couple new additions to the 'worst angles list' just about every week on wwe television. ;)

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Guest Korgath

In no particular order of suckiness...


5. Al Wilson has been mentioned and shoved down the crapper, but the thought of a normal T&A feud reaching such god-awful depths in kinda scary.


4. Divas Undressed Special: It was good until Mae Young showed up. I could understand Rico... but MAE YOUNG just kills angles.


3. The Underfaker. 'nuff said.


2. The Resurrection of the Undertaker - Erm, isn't that Marty Jannety?


1. The Castration of Venis - better known as "I choppy your pee-pee!"

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Guest Anglesault

I can't believe the bizarre "Angle and Lesnar turn gay" angle of 02 isn't being mentioned.

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Guest Korgath
I can't believe the bizarre "Angle and Lesnar turn gay" angle of 02 isn't being mentioned.

That's probably because you took all the fun out of it. There wasn't a post you made back then that didn't decry the angle over and over again.


Still, I :wub: AS.

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Guest Anglesault
I can't believe the bizarre "Angle and Lesnar turn gay" angle of 02 isn't being mentioned.

That's probably because you took all the fun out of it.

There was no fun to begin with. :P

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Guest GreatOne

How about the famed attempt to make an angle out of Edge marrying Val Venis's sister?


And then they supposedly were punishing Edge by dropping the angle. Yeah, punishment like King Joffy making Semmi go to the Waldorf Astoria and get fully bathed in Coming To America :D


How about the 'You like getting dominated by women' comment from Albert to Kane that went nowhere? (Oh Albert where are you now?)

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1.) Katie Vick

2.) HHH / Booker T

3.) The Higher Power

4.) The Invasion

5.) Vince Vs. Steph

6.) The whole Kane & Lita crap

7.) Vince Vs. The One Legged Wonder


02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.


I didn't mind the angle, it added a great deal to the fued and we got a very nice HIAC match out of it.

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Guest Anglesault
How about the famed attempt to make an angle out of Edge marrying Val Venis's sister?

Where Edge (OMG) named Christian the best man over Val?

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The Invasion angle gets my nod as worse since that botched angle cost the company potential millions plus they had storylines that could've and should've lasted them at least a year, if not longer. WWE's downward spiral is seen by some when Austin did his unwanted heel turn after WM17, but the spiral hit warp speed once the Invasion angle kicked in.

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DDP was a really good worker. He could sell, bump, and had some good moves. His only problem, and to be honest it was one he should have worked on, was that he always wanted to lay his matches out move for move beforehand. Apart from that, he was a real good worker, and I don't think his skills were ever overestimated.

At least DDP planned out his own matches. WWE agents lay out the matches for the guys to follow.


Kurt Angle would be screwed if he ever had to work on the fly.

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Guest W_Hillard

Taz had plenty of moves in his arsenal besides suplexes. He's actually a very sound mat technician. However, I think it's naive to blame either Austin or Taz for the angle going south.


Blame the bookers and writers. After all, Austin was still a cash cow at that point, and a loss to Taz would have made him look rather week. Especially given that Taz spent more time at the announcers table than in the ring during that time.


BUT, Taz has plenty of suplexes that aren't neck-wrenchers. Let's face it, the writers dropped the ball.

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Kurt Angle would be screwed if he ever had to work on the fly.

Angle works on the fly a lot. The main reason you can tell is because his spot calling is probably the loudest of anyone beside Shawn Michaels, and you can pick it up in nearly every one of his matches.

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Guest Anglesault
The Invasion angle gets my nod as worse since that botched

They botched it when they initially tried to make WCW faces.

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