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Guest Trivia247

JBL Attacks NJ Governor, verbally that is

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Guest Trivia247

[source: PoliticsForTeens.com]



WWE wrestler John Bradshaw Layfield, after already entering a huge controversy for mimmicking Hitler during a match in Germany, used another "cheap" tactic to garner boos from wrestling fans - this time, in New Jersey.


According to numerous correspondents, after Sunday's WWE No Mercy PPV went off the air, the wrestler came out and attacked New Jersey and Governor Jim McGreevey, saying that the state's only known for one thing - a governor that likes little boys.


Obviously trying to cash in on the McGreevey's recent announcement of being gay to garner "heel heat" for his character, JBL spoke without any evidence of Jim McGreevey molesting or having sexual desires for little children. A mini-controversy is already brewing over this issue amongst wrestling fans.

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Guest combat_rock

Someone really needs to make a "JBL has raped more little boys than McGreevy" sign...

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^totally agree. The worst part? WWE will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to scold Bradshaw for the comment, staing that 'hes a bad guy' like they always do. I swear, Bradshaw could do all but physically assault someone and WWE would do nothing. He could go to Hiroshima and making a nuclear comment, nothing would be done. Fuck.

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I think the report downplays JBL's comments with its "smart" terminology. Of course, JBL will say and do anything and be excused for it because he's a "bad guy". I find it funny how no other "bad guy" says what JBL says and gets away with it. It's not surprising really as I think the new school philosophy of "characters being an extension of the person or the person being jacked up in volume" is thrown out the window for Bradshaw for some reason.

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Guest Dynamite Kido



Greatest heel of all time*..........



































*Not really the greatest heel of all time

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Guest GreatOne

La Resistance/Lance Storm make anti-Bush comments=GOOD. Might as well add Foley to the list for the Orton=AWOL (you knew he was just DYING to go there) bit.


JBL makes anti-homo gov comments=BAD. Although I don't know about the little boys part, he could have probably made it 'he likes German men' and it'd gone off better..................

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The guy's going to get it one of these days.


By whom?


The Media? They already see Wrestling as Sleaze.

The Fans? Good fucking luck

The Shareholders? Most of them are McMahons and Employees

The Company? McMahon loves this stuff

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Guest GreatOne

Maybe it's by the nameless one who said after the incident in Germany 'I'm embarrassed to be a part of this fucking company'


Of course, if that was Billy Gunn then, carry on..................

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Greatest heel of all time*..........


*Not really the greatest heel of all time

I thought that accolade belonged to Triple H. I mean Ric Flair said so. :lol:

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Guest whitemilesdavis
JBL makes anti-homo gov comments=BAD


It wasn't as much the anti-gay thing as much as the pedophile accusations. That's just too much.

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Couldn't that be considered slander? It's one thing to say that about another wrestler in the context of being in character, but he said it about a publically elected official. I doubt anything will happen along those lines, but the WWE better watch themselves in these cases.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

You know....


I would love to see WWE sign Rulon (sp) Gardner, just to see him get in the ring and go totally ape shit on Bradshaw. Bad for the business, but the 2nd coming for all smarks!

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Why? If Letterman, Leno, Stewart and other comedians don't get in trouble then why would a wrestler who made some comments off camera get in trouble?

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When did Letterman claim that the Gov of NJ is a pedophile?

Exactly. Jokes about being gay are 1 thing. Calling him a pedophile is completely different.


Like I said, I doubt anything will happen, since I don't think the comments will get too far out in the public. But they should still be careful about things like this, because they could come back to bite them in the ass if they're not careful.

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Pretty tasteless stuff there by JBL. I was kinda thinking he would have done that in a promo before the match. Well...that's JBL for ya...

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Guest wrestlingbs
La Resistance/Lance Storm make anti-Bush comments=GOOD. Might as well add Foley to the list for the Orton=AWOL (you knew he was just DYING to go there) bit.


JBL makes anti-homo gov comments=BAD. Although I don't know about the little boys part, he could have probably made it 'he likes German men' and it'd gone off better..................

Who the Hell said those comments are good? The general consensus was that all that Un-American shit went over terribly. And Foley's AWOL comments weren't even politically motivated (I don't know where you made that connection), they were made to point out that Orton was a coward. And they still didn't go over well. Face it: politics should NEVER be brought up in the WWE, because they always end up embarassing themselves. Except for the Nowinski/Steiner debate, but that was because it was unintentionally hilarious.


As for Bradshaw, screw the f#cker. He's the Whoopi Goldberg of the Republican party: the obnoxious moron who ends up making the entire party look bad.

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I am getting sick and tired of this asshole. I know it's his character, but at the same time, you know that the man himself really thinks this. Worst of all, he's not going to be punished. I hoped he would be punished back during the "Nazi salute and goosestep in Germany" thing, but he wasn't. I swear, this guy could be accused of rape, and the company still wouldn't condem or punish him.


It's just fucking sad.

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You know maybe he is doing this because the wwe seems to push him HARDER after doing stunts like this. Maybe he's trying to extend his reign for all we know. Try to walk in his hat :P He isn't really talented to be a world champion and is doing anything to stay afloat. Excuse as I :throwup: trying to find excuses for this guy.

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Guest Trivia247
When did Letterman claim that the Gov of NJ is a pedophile?

Exactly. Jokes about being gay are 1 thing. Calling him a pedophile is completely different.


Like I said, I doubt anything will happen, since I don't think the comments will get too far out in the public. But they should still be careful about things like this, because they could come back to bite them in the ass if they're not careful.

hell if you think about it gay jokes aren't as slanderous as they use to be because of the very slow acceptance of the media of the gay lifestyle. Suddenly gay people are seen doing Gay jokes...


its definately the equation of the gay governor must be a pedophile that would be more insulting than just calling him gay

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