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The OAO third and FINAL Presidential Debate Thread

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I am in class on break, just following the forum to see what the debate is consisting of. My gawd this debate looks horrible on both sides, the questions are even ludicrous. Wow, just Wow.

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My parents are thinking that John Kerry sounds like Robert Stack


any comments on that?

"Theory number one: He's hanging in his fucking closet..."


- Robert Stack in BASEketball

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My parents are thinking that John Kerry sounds like Robert Stack


any comments on that?

I've been noticing how Kerry resembles the portrait of Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

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Guest MikeSC

Not a terribly solid debate. I think Kerry's social stances are, well, feeding into that whole "MA liberal" baggage.


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So, for all those who criticized John Edwards's closing statement:


Why exactly do I want to know about a painting that Bush has? Why is it important to know that there's a picture of a mountain in the White House? Is there any relevance whatsoever that Bush's friend sat there and painted something for President Bush?


Because lots of people had a problem with Edwards talking about his father studying in front of his television during his closing statement.


Does Bush's closing statement get the same criticism?


Because, truth be told, his closing statement didn't really accomplish anything. Many feel Edwards had the same problem.

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Guest MikeSC

Because Edwards has no cred on any level.


And nice to see that Cheney's lesbian daughter is such a huge deal to the Dems.


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Bush did really well tonight. He looked relaxed, comfortable and liked he was having fun.


Kerry looked tired and like he didn't want to be there.


Bush did so much better then debate #1

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I think Bush did a little better, but the entire debate was really a trainwreck. I don't think anyone would WANT to claim victor for that thing.

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Edwards tied his father studying in front of the television into the American Dream, and trying to bring the country back to the ideals it once had.


Bush said this painting made him optimistic, and then he seemed to trail away from that during the rest of his closing statement.


I certainly didn't think Edwards' closing statement was god-like, but you did an awesome job of putting words in my mouth. I did think it was a strong statement, but obviously, there were people here that didn't feel the same. Is it necessarily true from the Conservative Brigade here that Bush didn't fall into the same trap tonight? If so, why? I don't see how he tied his unnecessary beginning anecdote any better than Edwards did.

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