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Dr. Tom

Hallowe'en Political Party

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Washington, DC party - 10/31/04 2000EDT


Please join us at the Spy Lounge in Adams Morgan for a fun Hallowe'en evening of politics, live jazz, and great drinks! This event is open to the public and there is NO entry fee! The host considers sponsoring informative debate not just a civic duty but a privilege, so please consider joining us as our guest!


Although the host is a conservative Republican, our more civil and articulate liberal friends are welcome to make their case. Regardless of affiliation, should you choose, you'll have the opportunity to make a short speech (2-3 minutes in length) between jazz numbers - in return for which you'll be given open bar privileges for the rest of the night! (The Spy Lounge features one of the best drinks in the city, and possibly the world - a Dr No's Madness! Standing up to the mike won't feel like a burden after a couple of these!)


Guests include retired senior government officials and members of prestigious think tanks in the DC area, as well as politically active college students, representatives of both political parties, and journalists from a variety of national print media. Topics will range from domestic policies to foreign affairs without restriction.


Throughout the evening, the highly-regarded Danielle Westphal will be singing classic and modern jazz favorites. She's played at the White House for President Clinton (but we forgive her for that), and frequently performs at the Kennedy Center. At the moment she can be found at a number of venues including the Asia Bistro and the Sala Thai restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, as well as the Bangkok Blues of Falls Church and the Old Town Theater in Alexandria.


We hope to see you soon!



10/31/04 2000 EDT



The Spy Lounge

2406 18th Street NW

Washington, DC



Contact [email protected] for any additional details

and to confirm, or just show up!



I'd go, but I'm going to be in Columbus, Ohio this coming weekend, so that rules it out for me. I know we have serveral posters in and near the DC area, and those without plans are encouraged to attend. I think all of you know the organizer, at least indirectly, and it sounds like an interesting evening for those who are politically inclined, regardless of affiliation.


Relayed at the request of the organizer, whom you know as "Cancer Marney."

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Guest BDC

Wish I was in DC. The Grim Reaper could discuss when Kerry died and how his corpse is still animated. :)

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Waittaminute, Marney's going to be there?


.......shit, now I may have to consider this.


If I don't make it, one of you better take some pics. Then share them. With me.

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A 2-3 minute speech in return for an OPEN BAR?  Wow, can someone buy me a plane ticket to DC?

But you forgot the unmentioned cost of having to deal with being called "cretin" the whole night in return.


PS requesting Marney/Coulter make-out pics. Thx in advance.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How long do you all figure before this degenerates into karaoke? Marney's going to get all shiny-nosed and do renditions of patriotic american favorites that will have all in belly-laughs.

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I told her I would've gone if I wasn't stuck in PA. Damn it, this sounds like it would've been a blast, too.




...okay, I might go. I've changed my mind on how difficult it would be. It'd be kinda easy.


As long as I finish my work -- that means no making me post, you assholes. Liberal Legion, keep up the good work. Make sure I can go to this party.

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I would attend if I was in town (not that I could take advantage of the open bar anyway). :(


So, Dr. Tom, have you talked to Marney about returning to the forums? I can't be the only one who misses her around here. I can just imagine her diatribe about the Kerry/Edwards-Mary Cheney is gay situation being a classic read.

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A 2-3 minute speech in return for an OPEN BAR?  Wow, can someone buy me a plane ticket to DC?

But you forgot the unmentioned cost of having to deal with being called "cretin" the whole night in return.


PS requesting Marney/Coulter make-out pics. Thx in advance.

Isn't Coulter a huge homophobe? Though with enough booze, anything's possible.

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Guest MikeSC

I can't imagine the party not being something cool. Marney seems like she'd be cool in a party atmosphere.


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A 2-3 minute speech in return for an OPEN BAR?  Wow, can someone buy me a plane ticket to DC?

But you forgot the unmentioned cost of having to deal with being called "cretin" the whole night in return.


PS requesting Marney/Coulter make-out pics. Thx in advance.

Isn't Coulter a huge homophobe? Though with enough booze, anything's possible.

I think Coulter fits the description of just about anyword ending with "phobe"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

What I'm trying to figure out is why she'd invite people from here. She must have been drunk when she told Tom to post that. I would crash this party happily if I lived in the area, if only to challenge Marney to an arm-wrestling match.

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Guest MikeSC
With tits.


Plus she doesn't cower when arguing with someone who's right next to her...

She definitely won't back down from an argument.


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Yeah well, what were you wearing?


I was there from 8 til 10:40 when the guy in the Bush mask came in.


Besides, I was tired, and the metro stops running at some point.

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