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Bruiser Chong

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Time for Omar to break the bank on Delgado and set his team up for major financial restraints come 07.

Cost of a hot dog and beer at Shea next year: 89.55. Don't even ask for Cracker Jacks; you might have to take out a second mortgage

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Vendor: Hot dogs, get your hot dogs!

Man: I'll take two!

*vendor cuts off all of the man's limbs*

*Pedro's arm comes flying off*

Mets Announcer: That's a rotator cuff...his career's over

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Vendor: Hot dogs, get your hot dogs!

Man: I'll take two!

*vendor cuts off all of the man's limbs*

*Pedro's arm comes flying off*

Mets Announcer: That's a rotator cuff...his career's over

Kid: YAY! A souvenir!


(Replace Pedro with Zambrano)

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Guest Failed Mascot
Time for Omar to break the bank on Delgado and set his team up for major financial restraints come 07.

Cost of a hot dog and beer at Shea next year: 89.55. Don't even ask for Cracker Jacks; you might have to take out a second mortgage

still cheaper than taking in a movie.

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New York Mets -


C- Mike Piazza/Jason Phillips

1B - Phillips/Valent

2B - Kaz Matsui

SS - Jose Reyes

3B - David Wright

OF - Floyd, Beltran, Cameron (I'd probably put Beltran at center and Cameron in right, not sure what they're planning)




Pedro Martinez

Tom Glavine

Kris Benson

Victor Zambrano

Steve Trachsel

Closer - Braden Looper


That has the makings of a very potent team, no major holes. Wright showed major promise last year and could be a stud this season, and the rotation is hella-solid. Looper was great as their closer in the few chances he got to actually close. The biggest thing for the Mets will be luck, ie. avoiding injuries. Reyes, Piazza, Floyd and Cameron all missed large chunks of time last year, that can't happen again if they want to compete. If Reyes stays healthy he's a difference maker and a great 1-2 punch on the bases with Beltran. Another key is Randolph in his first shot as the man, but I have a good feeling about him.


Let's compare to ATL:


C - Johnny Estrada

1B - Adam LaRoche/Julio Franco

2B - Marcus Giles

SS - Rafael Furcal

3B - Chipper Jones

LF - ?

CF - Andruw Jones

RF - ?




Tim Hudson

John Smoltz

Horacio Ramirez

Mike Hampton

John Thomson

closer - Danny Kolb


I'd probably give the edge to Braves' pitching out of habit, but talent wise it's very, very close. Smoltz is a big question mark in my mind, no telling how his arm handles the return to starting. Could be a huge success or a lost season. Kolb is tough, but no better than Looper IMO. The Braves' lineup has some solid producers in Chipper, Giles, Estrada and Furcal, but also major question marks in the OF, and Andruw Jones is in Mike Cameron territory in terms of consistency.


Now the Marlins:


C- Paul Lo Duca

1B - Jeff Conine

2B - Luis Castillo

SS - Alex Gonzalez

3B - Mike Lowell

LF - Miguel Cabrera

CF - Juan Pierre

RF - Juan Encarnacion




Josh Beckett

AJ Burnett

Dontrelle Willis

Al Leiter

Ismael Valdez (?)

closer - Guillermo Mota


Another good staff, and a tighter lineup than ATL at present.


The NL East looks like a toss up to me.

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That has the makings of a very potent team, no major holes. Wright showed major promise last year and could be a stud this season, and the rotation is hella-solid. Looper was great as their closer in the few chances he got to actually close. The biggest thing for the Mets will be luck, ie. avoiding injuries. Reyes, Piazza, Floyd and Cameron all missed large chunks of time last year, that can't happen again if they want to compete. If Reyes stays healthy he's a difference maker and a great 1-2 punch on the bases with Beltran. Another key is Randolph in his first shot as the man, but I have a good feeling about him.

The biggest hole the Mets have is that bullpen. I hope they trade for somebody (I heard BK Kim from the Sawx). But a nucleus of Beltran, Reyes and Wright for the next few years = :wub:

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Guest Failed Mascot

Please take Kim. We'll give him to you for a few Beltran autographs.

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Guest Failed Mascot

No. You can have Millar though. C'mon...a Korean submarine-style pitcher and a drunken cowboy first baseman for a few autographs...make the deal.

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No. You can have Millar though. C'mon...a Korean submarine-style pitcher and a drunken cowboy first baseman for a few autographs...make the deal.

How about Jae Seo, who said he couldn't see Piazza's signals "because [Piazza's] thighs were obstructing his view"?

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OF - Floyd, Beltran, Cameron (I'd probably put Beltran at center and Cameron in right, not sure what they're planning)

Cameron is the better defensive center fielder so he should stay put, although I have a feeling he'll be the one changing positions.

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A few replies to random people in this thread...


1. I could write a column about "Wrong Hole" Buster Olney, but its been done to death. Larry Mahnken was quite adept at bursting the bubble of productive outs.


2. I think Scott Boras gets too much of a bad rap. He's an agent, and he is good at his job. He sets high prices and works his way down. He works as an agent should, getting the best deal for his client. Blame the Astros for basing their offseason around what they knew would be a risky signing.


3. The Brewers had an excellent offseason, and have good prospects coming down the pike. With the Astros weakened by the loss of Kent, Beltran and possibly Clemens, it would not shock me to see the Brewers finish in the first division.


4. The Yankees should seriously consider a trade for Mike Cameron. Cameron's offense is not good enough for a corner outfield position, and the Yankees could use a good defensive center fielder.


5. Carlos Beltran's talents are well suited to Shea Stadium, in my opinion.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Yankees have nothing the Mets could want though. Maybe Duncan...that be it.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Ya but then Bernie Williams has to DH and Giambi has to play 1B...that aint gonna happen.

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Yankees have nothing the Mets could want though. Maybe Duncan...that be it.

The Yanks have some people in the bullpen (Gordon would be good, more likely Quantrill) that the Mets need...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

we didn't really miss you anyway Al.


with David Wright around the Mets would have no use for Duncan. And the salary they want to dump is Floyd which would still leave them minus an outfielder.

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2. I think Scott Boras gets too much of a bad rap. He's an agent, and he is good at his job. He sets high prices and works his way down. He works as an agent should, getting the best deal for his client. Blame the Astros for basing their offseason around what they knew would be a risky signing.

Best deal isn't just about what team pays the most. It's what fit the player best. In the case of Beltran it was 2 million dollars. With that small a difference, the decision should be determined by more than money.

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Ace pitcher Randy Johnson was in New York on Monday morning to take his physical examination before formally signing with the Yankees, but he wasn't quite in "start spreadin' the news" mode.


The notoriously cantankerous left-hander was angered when he and his security man were approached by a television cameraman and a couple of reporters as they walked on a midtown Manhattan sidewalk, ostensibly as Johnson was on his way to take the physical.


Johnson snapped at the cameraman to get out of his face, and when the man pleaded that he was only taking pictures, Johnson demanded, "Don't talk back to me!"


The accompanying security man reached out with his hand and covered the lens during the incident with the crew.




BTW, this looks awesome


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