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The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

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Guest Ronnie755

From the Observer site.


--We don't have anymore names right now regarding those being cut by WWE. Morale is horrible, as you can imagine. I don't believe anymore cuts other than the ones already done (which may include people not yet announced but already cut) will be done at this point. I think they are going to send less people on the road to house shows, since they draw so poorly, so as to save on transportation and payoff costs. Because of that, the people who weren't going to be sent on the road were cut. Some of the stories out there, including the idea that the company won't be paying for surgeries for the talent that gets hurt, is total b.s.

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Picked this one up from Ben Johnson, found it at lordsofpain.net


As expected, the 1Wrestling report that WWE will be cutting wrestler surgery fees has been deemed completely false.


On that subject, there are also no serious plans to end the roster split. This is the story we first reported, before 1Wrestling's rumor came out to the contrary. While "anything can happen" in WWE, the roster split won't be ending anytime soon.


As this website has adequately covered, the cost-cutting will come from the money saved by releasing talent WWE had no further interest in utilizing at the house shows. They will not be seriously cutting into any crucial benefits at this time.

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- The latest word is that up to five more wrestlers and many other developmental talents could be cut soon. WWE has released 10 wrestlers this week already.

Credit: PWInsider.com


Oh boy...up to FIVE more?! Good bye Cruiserweight division, we hardly knew ye.

Rajah said "two more" were cut that haven't been announced yet.

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With all these roster changes and releases....wouldn't it be nice if Vince did the smart thing...sending some money over to TNA a la ECW...let the recent guys go there....and form some decent comptition...


Hell....take some of these guys....add in Teddy Hart more often...convince Goldberg, Rikishi, Austin, Kanyon et al to come on over...and TNA might not be too bad if done right....



All it takes is a nice Vince investment...



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Guest LooneyTune

TNA must be salivating at the thought of possibly bringing in...well, a bunch of midcarders, but still known talent is known talent.

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Vince giving money to another company is the furthest thing on his mind, right now.


Much less a company with JEFF JARRETT as champion.

It's interesting that someone mentioned that, as in this week's Observer, Meltzer mentions about how when the company was starting, TNA talked with Vince about secretly funding it, and serving as kind of a "feeder system" for new stars to go to WWE much like ECW. Vince turned it down without much thought. It might have been something to think about though, as WWE biggest problem right now is lack of competition and no stars on the horizon to draw from. Without ECW or WCW around to pick up "already made" stars from, WWE has failed in creating bonofide new ones.

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Vince will never do legitimate business with Jeff and Jerry Jarrett, he hates them. Now, it's obvious that he isn't out to crush TNA, as he easily could have by now, and I think deep down he'd like to see them carve out a niche as a minor league, but that's very different from investing time, money and resources into the promotion.


A "feeder" system is a necessity though, which is why I think they should do more with OVW, and wasn't there a rumour a little while ago of west coast and Florida OVW-style developmental leagues starting up? We might be seeing the first steps towards that, with the capital saved from all of these cuts going towards the developmental programs.

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Guest DVD Spree
Without ECW or WCW around to pick up "already made" stars from, WWE has failed in creating bonofide new ones.

Remember a few years ago we used to bust on WCW for that?


Man, how times change.

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Guest Brian

Meltzer is saying the firing of Madigan is seperate from the cost-cutting, so they'll hire someone in his place.


Still waiting for two more I guess.

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Guest Trivia247

I guess they are running low in a Billion dollar company.


Maybe Vince should devote himself to wrestling then, and not movies, or Football, or Bodybuilding, or any other crazy venture to try to make his company mainstream, even though just being a Wrestling fed was in of itself gotten into the Main stream.... twice

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With all these roster changes and releases....wouldn't it be nice if Vince did the smart thing...sending some money over to TNA a la ECW...let the recent guys go there....and form some decent comptition...


Hell....take some of these guys....add in Teddy Hart more often...convince Goldberg, Rikishi, Austin, Kanyon et al to come on over...and TNA might not be too bad if done right....



All it takes is a nice Vince investment...



Rikishi? Get lost..

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Guest Trivia247
I feel bad for A-Train and Rico....they were good. And i never thought Test would get fired.

The "Friends with Shane" Umbrella must have been busted.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Shane has no pull anymore so he couldn't save Test anyways and he couldn't save Blackman either.


I'm glad HHH has control...His friends...HBK and Orton (can at least go)...Shane's? Test and Blackman.

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Guest Evolution
I'm glad HHH has control...His friends...HBK and Orton (can at least go)...Shane's? Test and Blackman.

Hey, I liked Blackman.

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Speaking of Blackman...isn't he still under contract?


I've heard one of the two unannounced cuts is someone who hasn't been used in a while (don't know if it's *true*, just saying that's what I've heard somewhere), and if that's the case...we've got Blackman, Steiner, Ultimo, and...Linda Miles? I could be wrong on some of those still being under contract, though.

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I've heard one of the two unannounced cuts is someone who hasn't been used in a while (don't know if it's *true*, just saying that's what I've heard somewhere), and if that's the case...we've got Blackman, Steiner, Ultimo, and...Linda Miles? I could be wrong on some of those still being under contract, though.

Isn't Ultimo Dragon due to comeback to WWE soon?

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Guest Trivia247

Various Sources]


- Many say that Rico is by far the most shocking release out of everyone that WWE released over the past little while. One well placed source within WWE said “Rico is a great guy, and a natural worker. I cannot understand the reasoning behind letting him go. He’s so much better than some of the other guys on the roster.” Rico always arrived on time for shows, never complained about anything or anyone, and was praised by management since his debut in 2002.



- Apparently, all of the recent WWE releases were done over the phone. They were told about their firings by John “Ace” Laurinaitis. Many within WWE believe that they should have been told in person about their job losses, and not over the phone.


This coming from steveswrestling.com


Now if thats is true, that is a bitter pill, WCW did that to Stunning Steve. If it was a Main eventer they were heave hoing, there would be a candle light dinner, a night on the town and Vince n Company saying a tearful goodbye and promising profusely that they will rehire them...


but nooo mid and low carders



Ring Ring..


Hey so n so, You are the weakest link......... Goodbye

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Many say that Rico is by far the most shocking release out of everyone that WWE released over the past little while. One well placed source within WWE said “Rico is a great guy, and a natural worker. I cannot understand the reasoning behind letting him go. He’s so much better than some of the other guys on the roster.” Rico always arrived on time for shows, never complained about anything or anyone, and was praised by management since his debut in 2002.

And he also signs for everyone and anyone.


Did they just read this thread when posting that on their news site? I mean, including myself and the majority of the website, we've said the exact same thing about Rico. Almost word for word.


By the way...they let Linda Miles go a few months ago. She went back to OVW and got into it with a bunch of people and that was it.

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According to PWInsider.com, WWE has released developmental talent Desmond Thompson, best known as Lamont.


You may remember him appearing on Smackdown late last year as a butler to introduce Ernest "The Cat" Miller in segments and vignettes. When Miller was released back in February, Lamont was kept under contract to WWE. He continued working as Morris in OVW. He signed a developmental deal with WWE in November 2003.

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