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Guest Trivia247

the Latest ECW is returning Bullshit rumor

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Guest Trivia247

Reported by Matt Boone on 11.23.2004



There continues to be talk backstage about how well the ECW DVD is doing. Many of the wrestlers still miss that company and would really like to see it return at some point. It has been the talk of the town over the past few weeks.


For those still hoping for an ECW return, there are pretty much two factors that will keep it from taking place. The first is that Vince McMahon will never give complete creative control to anyone involved in a company that he owns. He will always be the man in charge.


The only way ECW could be successful is to take someone who knows the company inside and out and knew how to make it work in the past. That person is definitely not Vince.


The second thing is that Executive Producer Kevin Dunn is said to be 100% against anything to do with ECW.




onto my thing on this. How many times a year do we hear about an ECW return? \

and what pray tell do they want to see precisely? The Hardcore age is pretty much over. the WWF's experiment with it was Quaint in their attempts but it paled compared to ECW's own depths of personal Disfigurement for ratings. I loved ECW myself, I prefer collecting the Tapes of the ECW events before their PPV years. My favorite year with them is 95 personally. When all the big angles were born. But I don't advocate the ECW's return in some compacity and heres why.


ECW would have to have its own 2 hour show devoted to it. And its not gonna get that. ECW has to be left alone and not so constrained by rules and guidelines. You try to put a WWE spin on it then it will be clownish knockoff version of itself. Seeings how both Language and Graphic Language are the cornerstones of what people think about ECW you'd probably never see it on any network or cable channel, unless it was a another watered down version like they tried with TNN.


there maybe ways that it can be done however. if Vince was a big enough man to Let Paul Heyman Run with it, but Vince Ultimately has control over the Finances then that would be one thing. Another is keeping in mind ECW is now XPW, meaning that it isn't just garbage matches. many stellar matches I have seen came out of ECW. 2 cold Scorpio vs Eddie Guerrero, Dean malenko vs Eddie Guerrero, the whole RVD vs Jerry Lynn series. so there is actual quality wrestling mixed into the product. Now to deal with the language and violence, they could always go the route with ECW as TNA does. Put the show on IN demand. if ECW fans want to see it, they pay 10 bucks a week or 20 bucks a week for two shows for ECW in all its glory.


the thing is, the fanbase is no longer in 1995 mode. the wrestlers themselves most of which are not up to going back to those days. Look at the list of Former ECW wrestlers currently employed with the WWE and OVW for that matter in relations with Lance Storm. though some may enjoy the hardcore aspects I bet plenty are glad they don't have to bust out the cheese grater everyweek.


if the ECW still had a rabid fanbase and maybe there was a monetary incentive to the WWE, like the ECW DVD really sky rockets in sales and the WWF 24/7 really goes up in ratings during ECW events playing. then perhaps there will be enough grounds to make it come back. But I doubt it. ECW is gone the way of AWA USWA UWA and the collective Entity of NWA, before it was broken up.

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Guest LooneyTune

The main problem with a "new" ECW would be that hardcore wrestling is dead. When ECW started, hardcore wrestling was new and exciting. Now it's just dull, repetitive, and boring. Bringing it back will be a good idea for maybe 2 weeks for nostalgia, but after that it will be the same stuff week after week.

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The second thing is that Executive Producer Kevin Dunn is said to be 100% against anything to do with ECW.

How many different ways can this guy prove that he is a fucking moron?

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The main problem with a "new" ECW would be that hardcore wrestling is dead.

WWE hardcore wrestling is dead, but if an ECW was still around it could work. That said, the WWE version of ECW would more than likely just be the WWE hardcore style, and the last thing we need is an entire TV show dedicated to it.


The only way it would work is if Vince created the base of a new ECW, funding it and all that jazz. Give total creative control to Paul Heyman, and perhaps a few other guys who would be picked out by Heyman. Let Vince control everything having to do with money, and that is all. It would have to be almost totally separate from WWE.


That said, we'll never see that, ever.

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Guest LooneyTune
The second thing is that Executive Producer Kevin Dunn is said to be 100% against anything to do with ECW.

How many different ways can this guy prove that he is a fucking moron?

His dental hygiene makes him look like a hillbilly.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
The second thing is that Executive Producer Kevin Dunn is said to be 100% against anything to do with ECW.

How many different ways can this guy prove that he is a fucking moron?

hey JAxl, you can tell me he doesn't come up with new and innovative ways to look like a moron though.


THAT'S why he's making the big bucks.

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Guest fanofcoils
The second thing is that Executive Producer Kevin Dunn is said to be 100% against anything to do with ECW.

How many different ways can this guy prove that he is a fucking moron?

His dental hygiene makes him look like a hillbilly.

He looks like an unfunny Jerry Seinfield.

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Guest Thrashist

ECW in WWE would be a disaster.


First, the style of wrestling will more resemble the sanitized snoozefests of the Attitude era's hardcore division. Second, the great thing about ECW was that half of the roster was comprised of indy-nobody's trying to make it to WWF or WCW by putting everything on the line. With this ECW, it would be a mostly stable roster with a bunch of guys earning six figures and not necessarily needing to take that extra step to please the fans. And as wrestling fans, with the amount of severe injuries wrestlers have gotten in the past couple of years due to all of those TLC matches, do we really need to see more careers shortened anyway?

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The only way ECW could be successful is to take someone who knows the company inside and out and knew how to make it work in the past. That person is definitely not Vince.


Amen to that.

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Guest Gary Busey

The ECW people want is dead. It was a once in a generation thing that can not be reproduced. They are not going to get the old roster back together. They aren't going to set things on fire or jump off things like they used to, because the whole deal was they were fighting against the machine. If the WWE were to relaunch it, even if booked by Heyman or other "independent minds," it would be part of the machine, not raging against it.


It'd be like trying to recreate the Attitude era by bringing back Rock, Austin, Foley, HBK and Taker. It wouldn't be the same, because times have changed.


ECW was about young talent going out there and giving it their all to show the world, and the crappy large wrestling organizations, what fans want. If you want to find that today, look to ROH. It's the closest we're going to get to that old ECW mentality and quality of fan appreciation.

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The first is that Vince McMahon will never give complete creative control to anyone involved in a company that he owns. He will always be the man in charge.

And this is why any attempt at relaunching ECW will end in doom.

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Why not bring back WCW? Personally neither one has any real legs to stand on, but at least WCW is a more recognized name.

Because WCW is dead and buried as far as having any name value. The Invasion saw to that. ECW is a cult deal, and you still sometimes hear "ECW" chants. Even when they were alive, you never heard anyone chant "WCW".

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Chants don't equate to successful storylines.

No, but when the fans regularly chant the name of the promotion, over that of one particular wrestler, it's a pretty good sign that the promotion as a whole is over with the fans. WCW never had that. At this point in time, the ECW name means more than the WCW name.

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It all depends, if Heyman and a few guys who actually went through ECW, maybe like Taz or Dreamer had the creative part, and maybe Vince had some of his people deal with the bookings of buildings and other buissness areas, then it could work. Maybe also give Heyman or Dreamer, hell even Lance Storm maybe talent scouting and not let talent be forced to do the watered down wrestling of the WWE. It might work. Otherwise it wouldn't.

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I personally think ECW reforming would be a great idea. To be honest Vince was always giving Heyman money under the table and they did talent exchanges and all that. Vince gave them time on Raw to plug their PPV too. Vince doesn't think of ECW as an equal, or a threat...with WCW he did. That's why he buried WCW and pays lip service to ECW.


There's all sorts of talent out there. Heyman has ALWAYS had an eye for talent and how to get people over. And he wouldn't have to worry about the mass defections with Vince totally funding him.

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Guest W_Hillard

ECW, during its time, had several things going for it.


1) ECW was a great place for Indy wrestlers to get name recognition. Many wrestlers used ECW as a jumping-off point for their WWE or WCW careers.


2) ECW was more about workrate and putting on good matches than it was anything else. Sure, they had the storylines and promos, but it was what they did in the ring that made the fans beg for more.


3) ECW had great fan interaction. When was the last time somebody threw Spike Dudley into the crowd, which then bodysurfed him back to the ring? When was the last time you seen a WWE wrestler actualy accept foreign objects from fans in the crowd to use during the match? ECW got the fans at the shows involved. And that was important.


4) ECW was viewed as a renegade organization. While Vince and Eric were fighting the Monday Night War, Heyman was over in Pitsburgh doing his own thing while talking smack about WWE and WCW. This made them cool to watch.


ECW is not likely to succeed because:


1) Hardcore wrestling is, by and large, a thing of the past. You still have a few feds that are putting on hardcore matches, but for the most part it's no longer something the fans are interested in. It could be again, but it will take a lot of work, but unless real innovations are made, or some honest to God talent is brought in that is willing and able to take the kind of bumps RVD and Dreamer and company did back then, it's going to be passe.


2) ECW would have to be seen as a seperate entity from WWE. IMO, fans simply wouldn't buy a WWE ran ECW. It could not bear the WWE logo. It could not have Vince showing up on the show at all. It would have to be hands-off for Vince. As someone noted before, that is not ever likely to happen.


3) ECW, if it were to be brought back, would probably be treated as yet another feeder organization, like OVW. It might get its own national show, maybe. But I doubt it.

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Only way it could work is if it was like a branch of WWE, that was used for recruiting. Kind of like OVW, except GOOD, and not run by Cornette. Even then, there is no telling if the magic could be recreated, but it certainly couldn't get much worse then the current WWE product.

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2) ECW was more about workrate and putting on good matches than it was anything else. Sure, they had the storylines and promos, but it was what they did in the ring that made the fans beg for more.

This *is* a joke, right? ECW and "workrate" waved bye-bye when Malenko, Benoit, Guerrero and guys like Rey left in 96. And really, if you wanted good matches, why watch post-96 ECW which was when the hardcore crap really started matter more than actually putting on matches that didn't suck?

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Guys who worked in ECW post 1996 include.............


Rob Van Dam

Jerry Lynn

Super Crazy



Lance Storm



Shane Douglas

Chris Candido

Al Snow

Perry Saturn

The Dudleyz

Johnny Smith

Little Guido Maritato



Taka Michinoku

Steve Corino

CW Anderson

Simon Diamond

Danny Doring

Justin Credible



But you're right...........none of those guys could work :huh:

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Guest W_Hillard
2) ECW was more about workrate and putting on good matches than it was anything else. Sure, they had the storylines and promos, but it was what they did in the ring that made the fans beg for more.

This *is* a joke, right? ECW and "workrate" waved bye-bye when Malenko, Benoit, Guerrero and guys like Rey left in 96. And really, if you wanted good matches, why watch post-96 ECW which was when the hardcore crap really started matter more than actually putting on matches that didn't suck?


No, I'm quite serious.


Think about it.


And, no, I wouldn't use Credible to justify that, either. He had a good gimmick. That was about it.

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The whole "No one in ECW post 96 could work" statement is completely misinformed. Hell, in 1999 ECW may well have had the BEST in ring product of the 3 feds. WCW was pathetic that year aside from Spring Stampede, and the WWF was 3 minute Russo matches.


Mind you, I'm not saying that WCW didn't have credible wrestlers in 99, it's just that most were horribly misused and thus the overall product was crap.


Ironically 1999 was probably the height of the WWF's popularity and their in ring product was never worse.

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why watch post-96 ECW which was when the hardcore crap really started matter more than actually putting on matches that didn't suck?

It was only Sandman, New Jack, Axl Rotton, Balls Mahoney, Da Baldies, and Spike Dudley. Most of the time they were all in the same match so it did not really matter........New Jack and Sandman needed people to beatup while the music played.

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Eat ass with Justin Credible, he was an over heel who would work his ass off.


And I hate any time that someone about ECW happens and everyone runs with the "is it coming back" deal. Will never happen.

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Why not bring back WCW? Personally neither one has any real legs to stand on, but at least WCW is a more recognized name.

Because WCW is dead and buried as far as having any name value. The Invasion saw to that. ECW is a cult deal, and you still sometimes hear "ECW" chants. Even when they were alive, you never heard anyone chant "WCW".

I use to hear WCW chants back in the days, the only thing is the word "sucks!" was included too.

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