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Most comic philes are unanimous in their evalutions and love of Spider-Man and especially Batman. What do you think of Supes? I think he's a great iconic character who is tremendously boring in his own comics, but is the ultimate guest star, to play off of whomever's book he's appearing in. your thoughts?

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Guest JMA

*raises hand*


In my mind, Superman is the first and greatest super-hero. Although there are many other comic characters I like (both from DC, Marvel, and others), Superman will always be my favorite. Superman has many unique traits in terms of super-heroes, and he's managed to stay at least somewhat relevant all these years.


My favorite Superman stories:


Kingdom Come

For the Man Who Has Everything

Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

DC One Million

Last Son of Krypton (a novel, not a comic)

Miracle Monday (also a novel)

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Probably the most overrated comic character ever, and that's saying something what with Wolverine wandering around out there.


I've always thought Superman was "okay", and certainly iconic, but I've never really LOVED the character or anything. He's just too ridiculously powerful for me to care about him - he's a fucking GOD, essentially. Pretty much only two things in the entire universe can hurt him, which is why you have 43 billion stories out there with the villain trying to harm Lois or Jimmy Olsen or Perry fucking White, because they sure as hell don't stand a chance against the boy scout themselves.


Give me Batman any day of the week.

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Noone will deny that the guy's an icon, but I've never really gotten into the character. To be honest, I generally have a hard time getting into most of the DC characters, because they're simply more godlike than most of Marvel's characters.


And it's probably why I love Superman I and II, because first they gave us the man, and then added in the Super. Well, and they had Zod.


As for the comic, well, I think that Crisis was a good thing for Supes, because his reboot grounded him a bit more, and gives Clark Kent a bit more meaning than just being a cover for Superman.

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You know, the thing is it IS possible to do an uber character and make him interesting. They just barely seem to try with Supes. Miracleman and Samaritan are good examples of this.

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Guest SP-1

I like Supes when he's done right. Which is when the MAN is the focus and not the SUPER. Some examples of this JMA listed above.


I like that, within the framework of the DCU, he's the top. And, whether they realize it or not, most others follow his lead and look up to him. Which every universe needs, I think.

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Guest PlatinumBoy

I've always liked Superman. He can be written as a boring character, but written correctly--he's great. What's so wrong with having a guy who does what's right because it's right in the gritty world of comics. He had what I consider the best awe inspiring scene in all of comic history in Kingdom Come. Heck, there is tons of good Superman stuff in there--but the one that truly gives goosebumps is his return to Metropolis and the public where he saves the trolley car. He's represented as something truly iconic there--more than just a hero. Also, he can play a good badass, who didn't like in JLA when Amazo went on a power hungry rampage and beat like 50 leaugers, only for a bloodied and battered Superman to still be standing. I also agree he is the perfect guest star, as when he shows up it's truly the "Oh crap I'm done" moment for the villain. I still like the guy, even if he did fight Doomsday like a COMPLETE moron in their first fight...


Oh, and anyone else who likes Superman and Golden Age stuff (old Mad Magazine's even) should check out Alan Moore's Supreme Story of the Year. Great stuff... and also ironic as the man who helped make comics realistic and dark comes to an Image character in the vein and turns him into a more pure, golden ageish character.


Also, it's hard to write any insanely superpowered hero. A great Hulk is fun to read, but when it's a cliffhanger ending of Hulk fighting soldiers for 20 pages only for Rhino to run in and punch Hulk away and leave us with "CAN HULK POSSIBLY DEFEAT THE RHINO!?!?!?" can be pretty boring to read as well.

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Noone will deny that the guy's an icon, but I've never really gotten into the character. To be honest, I generally have a hard time getting into most of the DC characters, because they're simply more godlike than most of Marvel's characters.

I think that's why Marvel's characters, and Spider-Man in particular, have been so successful - they're more easily related to. Guys like Spidey have always had real fears: am I going to be able to make the rent this month? Will I find time for my wife / girlfriend and still handle my responsibilities as a superhero? It's not the same with most of DC's characters.


What's so wrong with having a guy who does what's right because it's right in the gritty world of comics.




But when you make him ridiculously powerful to the point where 99.99% of villains don't realistically have a shot at taking him down, it just becomes boring.


Marvel has a better "Guy who just does what's right" character in Captain America.

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I will say also that it's very possible to have a hero with a high sense of morality who STILL has mental conflict. The previously mentioned Samaratin is a good example of this. He goes to bed and wakes up exhausted, because every second he sleeps or talks or even makes time for a conversation, someone he could help is dying.

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I think Superman is great when written correctly. I just read the current issue of Adventures In Superman, which ironically Rucka wrote, and I was impressed. There have been times, though, where Superman stories have left me horribly disappointed.

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Having thought about it, it must be REALLY hard to write an omnipotent hero with an interminable series. While I loved Astro City, pretty much all that had to be said about Samaratin was done in a few issues, and Miracleman couldn't have continued forever. It was a story with a beginning middle and end.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Never really cared for him. Over powered and he was missing a personality for most of his existence.

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Just watched Superman: the Movie for the 1st time. Great fucking movie. However, it is mired in the Superman infallible mythos. If Christopher Reeve ever met someone who could portray Batman, it would have fucked it up. Batman resents and challenges Supes every step of the way. Of course, Batman's defining trait is his humanity, and the filthiness of Gotham. He's like Superman in that he does what he does, and has a code of morality, but he knows he does as much as he can, becuase he limited to the confines of mortality.


I must add, though I liked the movie, Lois's YOU RAPPIN' COOL poem was absolutely fucking horrid.

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Guest JMA
I like Supes when he's done right.  Which is when the MAN is the focus and not the SUPER.

Personally, I prefer the SUPER to the MAN myself (Kingdom Come has a bit of both). The concept of a god-like alien who loves humanity more than humans do themselves has always fascinated me. His powers being at the level they are now (and even greater in the past) have never bothered me, I've always believed that he's SUPPOSED to be uber powerful. To change that aspect would be to greatly alter the character.


But what I enjoy most about the character is his strong sense of right and wrong.


In my view, the writers who "got" Superman the best were Elliot S! Maggin, Alan Moore, Mark Waid, Jeph Loeb, and Grant Morrison.

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Guest SP-1

I would pretty much agree with you. I think we're seeing the same favorable traits, just grouping them differently.

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Guest JMA
I would pretty much agree with you. I think we're seeing the same favorable traits, just grouping them differently.

Exactly. In the end, Superman is about the best aspects of Man.

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I think Superman is great and one of the best creations in comics history....that being said I also think that hes still quite over rated, in my opinion.

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Guest SP-1

When there's a balance between the personal stories and the OMG IMPOSSIBLE villains, I think his true worth will be more visible to the mainstream audience. Despite it being another mega-crossover event from DC, the villain in OUR WORLDS AT WAR was a good match for Clark.

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Guest netslob

he NEEDS to update the costume. or at the very least, ditch the red panties...he looks like a fuckin moron.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

The Superman costume should NEVER be changed. It doesn't have to be functional or cooler looking because it's iconic.

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Agreed. Any attempts that have been made to update the suit (Superboy, Eradicator, Elseworlds stories) have been retarded. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Didn't they already try and change the suit a few years back to a cape-less silver coloured suit that the fans absolutely shit on? I'm positive I saw that somewhere.


Regardless, I've always loved Superman and always will. However, my true childhood hero will always be Batman.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
Didn't they already try and change the suit a few years back to a cape-less silver coloured suit that the fans absolutely shit on? I'm positive I saw that somewhere.


Regardless, I've always loved Superman and always will. However, my true childhood hero will always be Batman.

It wasn't just a silver costume. Superman's powers went out of control, and he became "Energy Superman". His skin turned blue, his costume was blue and white, and his powers changed. Now when he was Clark, he was totally human, but as Superman.... he could manipulate energy, had magnetic powers, could teleport, along with the superstrength and flight. Energy draining weapons I believe were like the new Kryptonite. His magnetic powers were strong enough that he could stop Neron and friends from moving the moon into the Earth.

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I love Superman. Then again I haven't read much Superman with him away from the JLA.

But I did buy that huge Return of Superman Graphic Novel so that should help.

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For such a boring character, he sure has been popular for a long time.


Not every Superman story has been good, but there have been enough to justify seeing the flaws with particular writers, and not with the character itself.


Handled right you get "Smallville" (okay, some episodes, anyways), Superman 1 and 2, John Byrnes' run, the Max Fliecher cartoons, Kingdom Come, and the 90s animated series.


Handle wrong you get Worlds at War, the Death of Superman, "Lois and Clark", "Superboy", and movies 3 and 4.

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Guest BDC

My favorite villian for Superman is pretty much Darkseid. You put those two toe to toe and cut loose, you've got some good stuff. Darkseid is about the only being in the universe able to just kill Superman outright and can match him physically. It's the ultimate villian versus the ultimate good guy.

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I love how they handled the Supes/Darkseid fights in the cartoons. Darkseid kills that cop and Superman goes absolutely batshit when they fight later on but when he has the chance to kill him off forever, he doesn't. Just a wonderful way to give Kal-El a bit of an edge.


Also, when he shows up in Justice League and Superman doesn't even wait a second before trying to pound his skull in. His whole interaction with Bruce in that two-parter was awesome from when they pulled him off Darkseid in the beginning to when Bats teleports him away before Brainiac's base blows up before he could finish Darkseid onc and for all.


JLU needs Darkseid, dammit...


Oh, and Ra's Al Ghul, as well.

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Has anyone read Kurt Busieks "Secret Identity". Amazing story. it just came out in graphic novel form, and i highly reccomend it. It's almost an "ultimization" of Superman, and the writing is pure poetry.

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Handle wrong you get Worlds at War, the Death of Superman, "Lois and Clark", "Superboy", and movies 3 and 4.

...I liked Lois & Clark pre-Lois finding out and marrying Supes.


So since I never read Superman comics, could someone clarify if Lois & Clark officially married in the comics?



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Guest PlatinumBoy

Handle wrong you get Worlds at War, the Death of Superman, "Lois and Clark", "Superboy", and movies 3 and 4.

...I liked Lois & Clark pre-Lois finding out and marrying Supes.


So since I never read Superman comics, could someone clarify if Lois & Clark officially married in the comics?



They got married in the comics as well.

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