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Guest Phenom

OAO Armageddon Thread.

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My picks:


-JBL retains.

-Cena retains

-RVD and Rey retain.

-Spike retains.

-Team Angle somehow beats Big Show, though Big Show beats them in singles rematches somwhere down the road before moving into a feud with JBL.

-Dawn wins using the ropes and Charlie misses it or something like that.

-Puder beats up Miz


Wow this show isn't very exciting. I'm thinking they add another match on Heat, because they only have 7 booked and after the main event I don't see anything else going over 10. (Maybe the tag, I guess)


Heat match prediction: Chavo and London over Kidman and Akio.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I honestly forgot this show was tonight.


The card is insanely weak; when the only appeal of the show is the possibility of a murder (in the case of the Dogfight match), you know you are fucked when the buyrates come in.


Hopefully they add an extra match to this weak card such as a Chavo/Kidman or Kidman/London but I'm not betting on that.


Spike Vs Funaki

-What a waste of a match. I'm sorry but I'm not one of those who love Funaki for the sake of loving him. Funaki isn't anything special and doesn't deserve a title shot and Spike doesn't deserve the title either. Meaningless heatless match with Spike cheating to win. *3/4.


Dixie Dogfight

Daniel Puder Vs Mike Mizarian

-Puder murders Miz in about 20 seconds (18 seconds of playing to the crowd). Puder makes an open threat to the back saying he can take any of them on and Al Snow(the ref of the match) takes exception to that. Puder lays Snow out as well. No rating.


Dawn Marie Vs Jackie Gayda

Special Guest Ref.=Haas

-Horrible abortion of a match that thankfully will be kept short, Dawn cheats to win...Haas doesn't see it. Jackie throws a fit. DUD.


WWE Tag Title

RVD/Mysterio Vs Kenzo/Dupree

-RVD and Mysterio need to retain. The only over team on SD needs to stay a unit for awhile now. Could be a good to decent match considering how well they know each other now and the fact last thursday was pretty solid. ***


U.S Title Street Fight

Cena Vs Jesus

-Should be kept short. Cena will be "incapable" of finishing the match to excessive "internal injuries". Jesus wins the match via Forfiet but Cena punks out the ref for calling the match. *1/4


Handicap Match

TBS Vs Team Angle 2.0

-TBS likley dominates Jindrak and Reigns for a few minutes and Angle avoids action. Finally Angle is alone and tries to run around and TBS chases him leading to Jindrak to smack TBS with a unexpected chairshot to the face. The heels work him over for a bit but TBS awakens and goes nuts. Chokeslams Jindrak and Reigns simetanously but Angle runs away from them as TBS does another double Chokeslam for the victory. Jindrak and Reign go to the back and protest but Angle manipulates them to believe he did the right thing. **


Fatal Four Way

Eddy Vs JBL Vs Taker Vs Booker

-Should be a bloody match. JBL will retain in some outlandish manner, likely 'Taker hits Booker with a Last Ride, Eddy Follows with a 5 star splash as 'Taker goes for the pin, 'Taker takes Eddy up for the ride but JBL throws a chair to Eddy and comes out of nowhere to clothesline 'Taker where eddy on the way down smacks himself with the chair (I'm sure they can design that type of situation) and JBL covers all three of them). ***1/4

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Predictions, with predicted star ratings...


WWE Title: 4-Way

Usually, when the announcers hype the fact that the heel champion is at a major disadvantage with THREE challengers, the heel automatically walks out the champion. But, I think they want the belt off JBL without him actually jobbing. Really, I can see anyone winning. Looking ahead to WM, I think they want Cena to win the title, so who's the best bet for a Cena title match. Better than JBL would be Angle since they have an unsettled history. So, I figure Eddie wins the title here and jobs it to Angle at the Rumble in a "Final Encounter" match, similar to HHH-HBK at Bad Blood (no cage, not that long, and they can fight again in a few months).

Prediction: Eddie

**1/2 tops


U.S. Title

Cena vs. Jesus

I love the way the match reads on paper... they couldn't given Jesus a last name or something? Anyway, Cena wins, no doubt in my mind.

Prediction: Cena

*1/2 tops


Tag Team Titles

RVD & Rey vs. Dupree & Kenzo

The match on Smackdown really hurt any anticipation for this match. Normally, logic would say that the heels get the titles back, but RVD & Rey work so well as a team right now, it would be horrible to break them up. Plus, do we really want Rey back in the Cruiserweight title picture... again?

Prediction: RVD & Rey

***1/2 tops... most definitely lower


Big Show vs. Team Angle

There should be no way Show is able to beat three guys. But this is WWE, and Show is winning at house shows. Still, I think they work Show's ankle the entire match, and Show taps out to the Ankle Lock.

Prediction: Team Angle

* tops


Cruiserweight Title

Spike vs. Funaki

I'm happy that Funaki's finally on a PPV (not counting his WMXX appearance). There's no way they're giving Spike's big loss to a comedy guy like Funaki, though. I figure they tease a Funaki win big time by giving him some major offense the entire match, but in the end, Spike wins via cheating.

Prediction: Spike



Dawn vs. Jackie

I think that Dawn will cheat, and Haas will miss it, and reluctantly count the pin, making Jackie suspicious. Seriously, whenever it seems obvious that someone is going to turn heel like this, WWE never actually goes through with it.

Prediction: Dawn



TE Boxing Match

I really don't care, but Puder will kill Miz.

Prediction: Puder


Overall, the show looks horrible on paper. I predict it will be nothing special, but it won't be worse that Judgment Day or GAB.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

JBL is Vince's darling. JBL is holding onto the title into Mania.

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Stuff like this reminds me that I should've ordered Turning Point last week.





What do JBL and Stephanie McMahon have in common?


They both retain too much.



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- JBL retains

- Cena retains

- Kenzo & Dupree win. Why would they move the titles thursday if the foreigners weren't winning here?

- Spike retains

- Show wins

- Miz does his best Bart Gunn impression

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Guest Phenom
...so, is this going to become the OAO Armageddon thread now or no?

I don't know....we'll just have to wait it out.

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...so, is this going to become the OAO Armageddon thread now or no?


Yeah sure, why not? :P

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The only prediction I have is that this Pay Per view will sucks some serious balls, and the 30 bucks I spent on the ECW DVD was more well spent than buying this abortion of an event.

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If the webcast price was still $17 I still wouldn't get this show. Maybe I'd get it for $5...but not much higher than that.


Is anyone here going to be watching? Will there be anyone to keep us up to date?

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I should be watching the PPV. Of course, I'm expecting the absolute worst to happen :throwup:


Edit: FUCK! London pulls Heat duty! Ah well.

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New prediction to add:


Predicted winners for the Heat tag match: Paul London and Chavo Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman and Akio

London and Chavo. This crowd needs something to keep them happy on this card.

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Might as well make this the thread for the show as well.


Then again, I don't really think anyone ordered the show.

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Well, London/Chavo will probably win...then have London beat Spike for the title and do London-Chavo, London-Kidman, London-Mysterio.

That is, if Funaki doesn't win the title tonight.


I'd love to see Funaki with the Cruiserweight gold for some reason.

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I'm wondering who will get pinned by the respective winner.


If Taker wins: JBL no doubt.

If JBL wins: Probably Eddie.

If Booker wins: most likely Eddie, though I could see JBL as a possiblity.

If Eddie wins: JBL.

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So, did anyone actually order the show?


I'm interested in seeing the buyrate for this, as I personally can't see it being above 150-175,000. Especiially when taboo Tuesday did what? 195,000 buys?

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Guest LooneyTune

Since I see no thread, Heat has Akio/Kidman vs. London/Chavo tonight. SWEET (Whoops, someone mentioned it... blind me)


I don't think I made any predictions, but...



JBL retains in 4-Way. No one in WWE has ever lost the WWE Title in 4-Way matches.

Cena retains vs. Jesus

Kenzo/Dupree wih titles back from REY-V-D

Marie def. Jackie for the obvious reason

Puder murders Mizanin

Angle/Jindrak/Reigns def. Show

Funaki def. Spike

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