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Guest Vitamin X

College sports

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Guest Vitamin X

OK, so here's my thing. I used to be into college hoops and football when UCLA was doing really well back in the mid-to-late 90's. I saw them play during the Finals tournament the year they won the championship, because my mom was going for her masters there at the time. But since then, I've gotten much more into the pros and I don't see what the strong appeal is behind college sports really is. I know it's not my dissatisfaction with my teams, it's that there's so much change in the players and so many different teams, and of course the whole BCS system, but on top of it all, doesn't anyone here ever feel like watching it is so minor-league? Like, it's pretty obvious the competition is on a whole other level in the NFL from NCAA Division I football, just from watching those rookies try to even make it onto teams and fail when they were superstars in college. Do you guys watch to see who will make it into the pros, or because of school spirit or what? I don't understand the appeal, quite frankly, so maybe I could get a second perspective and see if perhaps I could deem it watchable again.


I feel quite similar to baseball as well, but that's another thread for another time.

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Guest Brian

For basketball, I like the pace of play and I think the rules are better for the game, such as charges in the paint. Pro-basketball favors showmanship and high scoring too much IMO.

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Watch Wake Forest play Georgia Tech and then watch the Pacers play the Pistons, and tell me which one looks like it's at a higher level. The NBA game might feature taller players who are slightly better at beating someone off the dribble, but it won't be anywhere near as entertaining.


The college game will be up-tempo from start to finish, with fluid offenses that consistently work to get the ball to the open man, and the whole game will be poetry in motion. Meanwhile, the NBA game will feature a bunch of players who don't care, who won't play defense, and who are more worried about their PPG average than winning the basketball game.


Once you get into the playoffs, the NBA game can be a little higher quality than it's college counterpart, but you can't convince me that anyone plays better basketball than the ACC from November to March.


As for the NFL, it's the play clock. It's 45 goddamn seconds. I can hardly ever get into an NFL game because it's so slow-paced that a possession can last almost an entire quarter. I'll watch the Jets if they're playing a big game, but I probably watch ten college football games for every NFL game I watch. If I-A football had a playoff system, I might stop following the NFL altogether.

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To me, it's the energy first and foremost. A crowd can be nuclear for an entire game in the college ranks, and much bigger. A pro stadium maxes out at 80,000 or so, but you've got 109,000 people at college games. Also, since colleges often coordinate fans all wearing the same color or something, you'll get a whole sea of the same color surrounding the field. A home game in college makes a much bigger difference.


Also, the players aren't paid. You're not going to hear about college players refusing to play because of a contract dispute or anything. It also makes you feel closer to the players, since they aren't on Cribs showing off their big houses and nice cars. They're playing because they'd like to have that stuff eventually, but for the most part, they play for pure love of it.


Professional football is also hindered by college having a good 20-25 year head start, historically. You've got games in college that have been going for a whole century.


And there are so many teams! 118 in Division 1-A alone! In the professional ranks, you have to resort to rooting for the nearest large metropolitan area or some other big city, but just about everyone has a 1-A school within 100 miles of them.


More people also end up graduating from colleges over time than are from big cities. In college, you're exposed to your team colors and logo and mascot everywhere whereas in a city you can avoid coverage of its sports teams without really trying too hard. This leaves a sense of extreme loyalty, whether you meant to end up cheering for your school or not. Then you've got people who have relatives from colleges, which greatly expands a fanbase.


Those are my theories, anyway.

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm glad noone so far has gone the "because pro atheletes are paid so well and college kids are all heart" route yet, because I think that's bullshit. Good reasoning for basketball, though I'm not so sure about it being poetry in motion. What about those countless numbers of players who make the jump to the pros and then are never heard from again? That obviously says something about the level you're playing on and how good you really are, in my opinion.


I also don't think the play clock is too long in the NFL. You have time to think about what happened on the last play, and strategize as to what the offense or the defense will do next longer, making it something of a live action chess game when it gets close, like last week's slew of close games and of course the Super Bowl. How long is college football's again?

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In NCAA football, the play clock's 25 seconds, and they really have plenty of time to figure out what play they want to call and then run it.


Also, one thing I didn't mention is the impact the games have. Just having a Top 25 where teams are constantly struggling to move up and get national respect makes games more interesting, and makes upsets feel more important.


For instance, when the Dolphins beat the Patriots last week, it was a topic of conversation for a day or two, but it didn't really mean anything. The Pats are still 12-2, and will likely still get a first-round bye, whereas the win doesn't move the Dolphins forward much at all.


However, if say Washington State has knocked off USC, it would not only completely derail the Trojans' title hopes, it would also make the whole season for WSU. They could say that they were the team that kept USC out of the championship, and have national attention as a giant killer. The win would still carry significance into the rematch last year, and even years later would be brought up by fans and alums.


College basketball games are less meaningful than college football games, but are still much more interesting than NBA games. The NBA regular season is a huge grind that seems to go on forever and lead to nowhere. Having home advantage in a seven-game series is virtually meaningless, so the teams that know they'll make it to the playoffs have nothing to play for.


Meanwhile, the vast majority of college hoops teams know they'll need an impressive resume to assure themselves spots as at-large teams, and even the teams that are assured a spot love the prestige of being ranked in the top ten, or being ranked number one. Also, winning your conference really means something in college sports, whereas being the "Atlantic Division champ" or "NFC North champion" doesn't really carry as much weight.

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Lots of people have already covered the different pace of college football and basketball, so I'll make another point: If you're a fan of pro sports, what makes following college sports fun is knowing how good "the next ones" really are. Of course, you can only watch so much, but if follow it well enough, when NFL Draft Day comes, you'll have a better idea of who's coming in than the average NFL fan, since more fans follow pro sports than college. In fact, you might know certain players well enough that Tom Jackson's or Ron Jaworski's or whoever's opinion on ESPN on Draft Day (or whenever) is mediocre compared to yours. Point being is you'll have a nice heads up on the future of your favourite sport, especially if it's football or basketball.

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This sums up my feelings pretty well: College basketball is better than the NBA, but the NFL is leagues better than college football.


The NBA is only good when you have two actually decent teams out there who DON'T play bone and club 75-72 kinds of games. Suns/Sonics and last night's Heat/Kings game are good examples of good NBA play.


Besides, the NBA season just lasts forever. I mean sure we know without a doubt who the best team is, but it's often a tedious ride getting there.


College basketball sometimes doesn't end up with the best team winning, but it's at least usually a CONTENDER that wins.


College football though? Fuck it. There's no real legit champion, no playoff or tourney, none of it makes any sense. My boys U of L went 10-1 and have our best team EVER this year and what reward do we get? The fucking Liberty Bowl. We should at least have a SHOT at competing for it all, as should anyone that is top worthy.


Besides, the NFL gets rid of lame stuff like running the option and all that.

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I personally can't stand college hoops, because honestly, its a bunch of guys that kinda suck now with a few standouts. I mean honestly, its just BAD basketball most of the time.


In a NBA that is 60-61 at the end, I can still enjoy because I like a great defensive effort. Hell, I have watched every single Hawks game this year and i will watch Josh Smith play a thousand times over before I watch too many Tech games. I think the energy of the crowd makes college sports look better than the pro game honestly. Because when it comes to the pace and the skill level, college basketball can't really compete.


College football...i actually do enjoy. not more than the pros mind you, but I do enjoy it. The players still look very skilled and don't look amatuerish like the BBall player do to me.


I guess thats just me though. I prefer the NBA and NFL anyday though.

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College hoops just has a way of regenerating itself no matter who leaves early. The rivalry games are still intense and if you think the games are weak I suggest checking out the tourney last year and seeing UConn/Duke, UAB/UK, Bama/Stanford, or any number of intense, thrilling games.

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The thing about college hoops is it can look amateurish depending on what you watch. Most mid-major leagues, and even Conference USA and the Pac Ten can put out some shitty looking basketball games.


However, if you watch ACC games, games between ranked teams, or any game from the NCAA Tournament after the first round, you will see some fantastic basketball that looks just as polished if not moreso than the pro game.

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College football is a waste because there's no true winner at the end.


I like college hoops in that the March Tourney is awesome, what with all those games going on at once in the first two rounds.


Other than that, I don't give a shit about college sports -- except for women's soccer and volleyball which I will watch every now and then, but that's only because I'm a sexist pig...

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I love the excitement of College sports especially basketball. The fans are always going crazy giving the games a great atmosphere. Have you ever watched Duke play at home? Those kids go crazy and its fun to watch. And the NCAA basketball tournament is one of the funnest sporting events to follow all year.

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I love Big Ten or ACC basketball, but man, college football, I'm just not feelin' it.

Big 10 hoops hasn't been good in years. Illinois, and Michigan St. are the only real Top 25 teams. Sorry, but Iowa needs to prove it the whole season.


You should? It's a great game, and opinions on the playoff shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game.

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I love Big Ten or ACC basketball, but man, college football, I'm just not feelin' it.

Big 10 hoops hasn't been good in years. Illinois, and Michigan St. are the only real Top 25 teams. Sorry, but Iowa needs to prove it the whole season.

I know that it's kind of off-topic, but I just can't let this go.


Michigan State is the most overrated team in the country, and will be lucky to even make the tournament by the time it comes around. Meanwhile, Iowa is a legit Elite 8 team, and the only team in the Big Ten who has a real shot at knocking off Illinois. Basing how good a team is off their name value can lead to egregious errors.

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I enjoy college football, but not nearly as much as the NFL. I find that while college does have tons of intense, close, last second games (which a lot of times end better than NFL ones) the majority are complete blow-outs and are somewhat un-interesting. Also, pretty much the entire bowl season outside the four BCS games are pretty un-appealing to me, whereas I will watch every NFL regular season and playoff game that I possibly can, but often times on a Saturday I'll find something like a power-house taking on a cellar-dweller, and it's a 3+ hour blowout. There is tons of fun in college ball, but it's too spread out, which is where the nearly 120 I-A schools kill it, since there is rarely more than one or two marquee matchups per weekend, and not always one that catches my interest anyway.

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I love Big Ten or ACC basketball, but man, college football, I'm just not feelin' it.

Big 10 hoops hasn't been good in years. Illinois, and Michigan St. are the only real Top 25 teams. Sorry, but Iowa needs to prove it the whole season.

I know that it's kind of off-topic, but I just can't let this go.


Michigan State is the most overrated team in the country, and will be lucky to even make the tournament by the time it comes around. Meanwhile, Iowa is a legit Elite 8 team, and the only team in the Big Ten who has a real shot at knocking off Illinois. Basing how good a team is off their name value can lead to egregious errors.

What? That's just idiotic. MSU will be there come Tourney time. Oh and iirc you're a UofM guy? Yeah okay, good luck in the NIT again.

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Ok, here's my two cents:


Penny One-College Basketball is just more.... I'd venture to say.. classic than NBA ball now. Even without the LeBron's and the Carmelo's college hoops has the "team" mentality that the NBA lacks. The NBA feels like everyone there would rather be chilling at Jay-Z's club than playing their games sometimes. Good college ball has intensity, and the rivalries mean more because there are people who go to the school, and have went to the school in the past cheering the teams on. With the pros you just cheer whichever team you like for whatever reason.


Penny Two-I'd say good college football is about even to early season NFL to me. Most of the college football I enjoy has something to do with an emotional connection to the team (for me, Tennessee) and the conference (SEC). There isn't much of a difference between the attitudes of NFL players and college players once a program hits a certain point, so you can't really say anything in that department. Late season & playoff NFL is nearly unbeatable, and the only thing that comes close is the rivalry games. Not to mention that the NCAA doesn't have the ownership problems that the NFL does. But that's not much of an issue.

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Rivalry games in college also tend to be WAY more intense than pro games.

I wonder how true that is for the players (in the major Football and Basketball ones obviously) now though? Especially with more and more underclassmen leaving early (Someday it will happen in football) each year


Obviously fans will always be amped, but you get the feeling more and more that the athletes themselves don't have the same feelings that the fans do about certain aspects of the sports



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I love Big Ten or ACC basketball, but man, college football, I'm just not feelin' it.

Big 10 hoops hasn't been good in years. Illinois, and Michigan St. are the only real Top 25 teams. Sorry, but Iowa needs to prove it the whole season.


You should? It's a great game, and opinions on the playoff shouldn't stop you from enjoying the game.

I don't think the Big Ten is that bad. But I'm saying those two conferences because I watch Illinois games, and whatever ACC stuff shows up nationally.

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Guest Vitamin X
Not to mention that the NCAA doesn't have the ownership problems that the NFL does.

No, but the NCAA has the.. NCAA.

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I love Big Ten or ACC basketball, but man, college football, I'm just not feelin' it.

Big 10 hoops hasn't been good in years. Illinois, and Michigan St. are the only real Top 25 teams. Sorry, but Iowa needs to prove it the whole season.

I know that it's kind of off-topic, but I just can't let this go.


Michigan State is the most overrated team in the country, and will be lucky to even make the tournament by the time it comes around. Meanwhile, Iowa is a legit Elite 8 team, and the only team in the Big Ten who has a real shot at knocking off Illinois. Basing how good a team is off their name value can lead to egregious errors.

Let's wait and see what they do in conference when it really matters

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