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The Mandarin

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It can be morons overly obsessed with the tights HBK is wearing, locker room whores or the asshole who nearly hit you with his Honda in the MSG parking lot.


No name-dropping anybody at this site.

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Guest LooneyTune

Fans who cream their pants when a wrestler says the name of the city. YAY! HE SAID TORONTO! YAY!

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The people that go to non-RoH or "smark-oriented" shows of indies that try to ruin everybody's fun by shouting smark chants. "Wow, that was fucking fake!" was yelled a few times at an NECW show, and I was pretty angry, because that's the only company I can go see and revert to being a mark again.

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Guest OSIcon
The people that go to non-RoH or "smark-oriented" shows of indies that try to ruin everybody's fun by shouting smark chants. "Wow, that was fucking fake!" was yelled a few times at an NECW show, and I was pretty angry, because that's the only company I can go see and revert to being a mark again.


Along those same lines, at a recent ROH show (the 11/5 Liger show), Low Ki was wrestling Chad Collyer. Ki of course, as been a big time heel since his return to ROH and was heeling it up big time in this match. So I was cheering on Collyer for his comebacks and booing Ki.


At one point, Low Ki did his "headstand kick to the face" thing that he does. He did the move to cut off Collyer's offense, so I booed. The guy in front of me turns around and goes: "Come on....didn't you think that was cool?" I gave him some kind of short answer (along the lines of "No" since I didn't think a long explanation was in order). He shoots me a look as if I was "not cool" for having the audacity to actually boo a heel regardless of how "cool" the move was. It's an experience to be at a live show and have someone get on you for actually booing a wrester who is doing a good job palying heel.


Vince Russo fans are also a really interesting breed. You know, the really hardcore ones who believe that unless wrestling is the hot mainstream fad of the moment, it is "dying" and think that the solution is for wrestling to be more like other types of television.

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The people that go to non-RoH or "smark-oriented" shows of indies that try to ruin everybody's fun by shouting smark chants. "Wow, that was fucking fake!" was yelled a few times at an NECW show, and I was pretty angry, because that's the only company I can go see and revert to being a mark again.


Along those same lines, at a recent ROH show (the 11/5 Liger show), Low Ki was wrestling Chad Collyer. Ki of course, as been a big time heel since his return to ROH and was heeling it up big time in this match. So I was cheering on Collyer for his comebacks and booing Ki.


At one point, Low Ki did his "headstand kick to the face" thing that he does. He did the move to cut off Collyer's offense, so I booed. The guy in front of me turns around and goes: "Come on....didn't you think that was cool?" I gave him some kind of short answer (along the lines of "No" since I didn't think a long explanation was in order). He shoots me a look as if I was "not cool" for having the audacity to actually boo a heel regardless of how "cool" the move was. It's an experience to be at a live show and have someone get on you for actually booing a wrester who is doing a good job palying heel.


Vince Russo fans are also a really interesting breed. You know, the really hardcore ones who believe that unless wrestling is the hot mainstream fad of the moment, it is "dying" and think that the solution is for wrestling to be more like other types of television.

Similarly, I was at the 10/15 ROH show, and some dumbass kept yelling "Hey, I saw you lose to AJ on IMPACT!" to Roderick Strong.

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Similarly, I was at the 10/15 ROH show, and some dumbass kept yelling "Hey, I saw you lose to AJ on IMPACT!" to Roderick Strong.


Heh, I think that's kind of funny actually, and it's not exactly breaking kayfabe :P

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Marks in general especially the ones that actually believe the angle is legit.

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When I was leaving WrestleMania X-8 in Toronto some jackass in a plastic Kane mask (this is outside the arena after the show as everybody was leaving) pushed my friend and said "Watch out or I'll send you back to whatever country you're from in a bodybag". The stupid thing is that 51% of Toronto's population are immigrants. My friend is brown but he's also a native Torontonian. Dumb racist bastard. Definately the worst person I've ever seen at a wrestling event.

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Similarly, I was at the 10/15 ROH show, and some dumbass kept yelling "Hey, I saw you lose to AJ on IMPACT!" to Roderick Strong.


Heh, I think that's kind of funny actually, and it's not exactly breaking kayfabe :P

My friend almost got into a fistfight with him at 3PW, lol.

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The marks who make up stories to explain things that happen on TV but get "explained" behind the scenes.


Austin walking out on RAW because he didn't like the angle? Not according to this guy I know. No, Austin definitely had cancer. Also the reason he started shaving his head.


That sort of thing.

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I knew a guy in high school who always said wrestling quotes towards me. I remember when HBK started saying "don't hunt what you can't kill" and this kid said that to me ALL the time.

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Guest LooneyTune
I knew a guy in high school who always said wrestling quotes towards me. I remember when HBK started saying "don't hunt what you can't kill" and this kid said that to me ALL the time.

Please tell me you slapped the bastard every time he said that.

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Basically, anybody who has ever used wrestling catchphrases in arguments or flamewars on the internet that have absolutely nothing to do with wrestling. I don't care how many good points you make, if you end your tirade with "That's the bottom line 'cause I said so!" or "if you smell what I'm cooking!", you have lost that argument completely in my eyes.


If the remark's in jest, I can let it roll, but if the idiot was completely serious, he's lost the argument.


Hmmm, that sounds like a good internet law to follow. "McMahon's Law". I like that.



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Guest LooneyTune

Any time people yell out a wrestling catch phrase period, even though 99% of the people around the person have no idea what the hell the person is talking about.

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Guest sek69
Marks in general especially the ones that actually believe the angle is legit.

People who treat marks as retards, as if we all weren't marks at one point, tend to piss me off. It's the worst kind of elitism to me when people are all "OMG ST00PID MARK THINKS ITZ REAL, LOL~!~!"

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Stupid ass hat in my gym class last year. Pretended he was John Cena and constantly did the word life hand gensture. It was funny for the first 3 months but for the other 6, he was annoying as shit.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

At the only wrasslin' show I've ever been to (RoH in syracuse, NY), these two morbidly obese kids were being very obnoxious and markish behind me and some boring middle-aged loser standing next to me stayed quiet the entire time except whenever his tiny brain could produce some "witty" quip and then he fell silent again. Like, "AHAHAHA ... ... YUO WAR ALDO MONTOYA ... ... AHAHA". Damn, I felt like I was in a live version of the OAORaw thread, he was that bad. But then again, so were a lot of people there. At least my dad had the common decency to try not to say or yell anything, as it would've topped anything that other guy thought to say. I think Ace309 was there too, I heard someone yell "Plots not spots".

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People who treat marks as retards, as if we all weren't marks at one point, tend to piss me off. It's the worst kind of elitism to me when people are all "OMG ST00PID MARK THINKS ITZ REAL, LOL~!~!"


When you're kid, its okay to believe angles. When you're a fucking adult, no. Simple as that.

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Guest LooneyTune
Stupid ass hat in my gym class last year. Pretended he was John Cena and constantly did the word life hand gensture. It was funny for the first 3 months but for the other 6, he was annoying as shit.

:lol: What a coincidence, someone I knew ni High School did the exact same thing and annoyed everyone as well.

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What I always encounter at WWE shows are.


A. The Young Children who act as obnoxious as possible whose parents won't tell them to sit down and shut the fuck up.


B. The semi-drunk hick types who just randomly shout things at the workers even though he's on top of the balcony far away from where any of them could hear you.


C. The morons who wave their stupid unoriginal signs ten feet in the air thus blocking the view of about three sections worth of people behind them.


D. The guys who go crazy once the camera is pointed somewhere near their section and they can almost sorta see themselves on the titantron

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Guest BDC

I worked as a bodyguard on an indy show a while back. I did my job, stood there, looked mean, drug my friend out of the ring after he lost and was going to help him to the back.


That's when one of the fans tried to pick a fight with me...


so I shoved his fat ass back on his chair and went on my way. I swear, that takes the cake as the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Some 5'6 fatass picking a fight with a big guy because he didn't like me playing a heel manager? What?

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Guest LooneyTune
People that barely watched wrestling that insist there are 2 Ultimate Warriors since the 1st one died from a steriod overdose.

You know damn well there was a second Warrior, and Pez Whatley played him! He squashed Hunter Hearst Helmsley at Wrestlemania X in a Sreet Fight.*


- Sarcasm making fun of really stupid people who don't know what they are talking about.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

By far the worst person i've met through wrestling was this guy named Ken who was a chronic (i don't know if it's the right word or not) masturbator. This, apparently, played a part in why he liked it, & he would always try to act like a smart fan despite knowing nothing. Case in point, calling Rock Dwayne thinking he was inside in some capacity. So, in a half hearted attempt to reach out to the guy, i gave him a PWI almanac & told him that if he was interested in learning about the business he should just kinda look at it until he got net access. I eventually got it back, but for the sake of mature conversation it was in no condition to keep. Fucking prick.

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