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Paul Heyman Released

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Just a reminder who were the NBT'S(Natural Born Thrillers)

Chuck Palumbo

Mark Jindrak

Sean O Haire

Mike Sanders


Shawn Stasiak (i think)

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Guest sek69

I think its clear that Vince and Paul are that couple that went to your high school that broke up every 2-3 months only to get back together a week later.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I really find it interesting how Paul and Vince got along for the most part during ECW and even worked together and yet now, are incapable of doing so.


Yet; Bischoff and Vince? Mortal Enemies. Not a SINGLE incident.


Yes, Bischoff is merely an actor with zilch power now but still.

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Guest LooneyTune

Bischoff getting humiliated on T.V. every few months must be joy for Vince McMahon though.

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Guest sek69

I still crack up thinking about how pained Vince looked saying all those good things about Heyman on the ECW DVD. It looked like he was shitting a brick sideways just to get the words out.

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Wow, did that article just drag on... that could've easily been done with 1 paragraph maybe instead of constantly bitching about unfair treatment to some, while others get off with barely a slap on the wrist.

You're the "no" dude from the Capital One adverts. I'll bet you wake up and bow to a massive minus symbol every morning 'cause you're so negative.

i agree that the article is waaaay longer than it needs to be


why does it matter if looneytune was negative?

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

The best part of the dvd still remains the Three way arguement


Heyman: WCW stole and raided our talents.

Eric: We didn't steal them. They made their choice to come to WCW for whatever reason. Be it finiacial stability or whatever. We never raided ECW.


Vince: Actually, we did raid ECW's locker room.

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BTW what is the difference now between a booker and a writer? I hope Heyman is released because it's obvious that they will never do anything with him so he'd be better off trying his hand at another company. Is his debt to Vine repaid now ya think?

Not too much, but bookers put together feuds and writers just write scripts for promos/skits.

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Sounds just like rumor-mongering. If Heyman was really a free agent you can bet every site would have the info. I also don't see anything on 1wrestling about it now.


Vince isn't stupid enough to release Heyman... especially after they just put a DVD out putting ECW over huge. There's a lot more indy talent out there these days and WWE can't afford to sign up everyone. Many WWE wrestlers are loyal to him and he could get them to jump ship.


All Heyman needs is a business partner with some business sense and creative control. I'd think the natural place for him would be to work in Philly for a while until he saw how the TNA situation worked out.

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Guest LooneyTune

Explain how anyone in WWE can jump ship? Remember Brock wanting out of his contract? 1 year without being allowed to do anything anywhere. I don't think Vince is a stupid man. Egotisical, definitely, but not stupid.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

That was his "guy". You think he cares if Rhyno or Tajiri or the uber stale Dudleyz leave?

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Guest Ransome
The best part of the dvd still remains the Three way arguement


Heyman: WCW stole and raided our talents.

Eric: We didn't steal them. They made their choice to come to WCW for whatever reason. Be it finiacial stability or whatever. We never raided ECW.


Vince: Actually, we did raid ECW's locker room.

Man, the WWE production team are total professionals. It must have been a nightmare to edit all those hours of interviews with wrestlers into one coherent documentary, especially given the Rashomon-like way that Vince, Bischoff and Heyman seem to remember history differently.


If Heyman truly is released, at least we'd have a great Shoot interview video to look forward to.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Amazingly; I can't think of any inaccurate points in the ECW dvd; which is remarkable.


The amazing thing about that dvd feautre was how they didn't give anyone MORE attention, they explained certain people and close the door on them. Kinda made me want to see more of the Raven/Dreamer stuff.


Which should be a dvd on it's own.

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Guest Thrashist

I'm not so sure the internet crowd should always blindly follow Paul Heyman.


When ever an issue like this comes up, people always seem to want to take sides quickly--and in the battle between a great wrestling mind who has a track record of entertaining us versus Stephanie, Hunter, and the Hollywood writers, it's easy to be biased in favor of Heyman. And in doing so, it always seems like people like to make this a simplistic argument where the core issue is the righteous Heyman wanting to bring workrate-friendly, quality programming, yet the evil management didn't want that and fired him.


There's probably way more to this story than we'll ever know. I happen to think, and this itself is a guess, that the on-off-again relationship Heyman has with WWE has more to do with his inability to handle being lower on the chain in a strict corporate hierarchy in contrast to the low-budget dictatorship he had in ECW.

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Guest sek69

Then again you can make the argument that the reason Heyman gets riled up in the first place is that WWE has hack TV writers and ass kissers coming up with lame storylines and since he loves the buisness (as Vince said about 100x on the DVD) it pisses him off to see the largest promotion in the US being run into the ground by yes men.

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false news IMO. It's a swerve. He'll be back after the Rumble

It does make sense for the swerve, as if they are serious about the ECW reunion show. By saying that Heyman is "gone", it would make his return and the show all the more sellable.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

May Stephanie and Hunter both suffer serious crippling blackouts once every week (preferrably Monday afternoons). If it's true that these two are the reason behind all the drag-ass going on in WWE right now, then both Steph and HHH deserve every bit of criticism they draw.


As far as Paul E. goes, I'll just hope it's some kind of work leading up to the ECW PPV in a few months. If someone were to ask me if I'd rather see a show that was planned by the HHHs or planned by Heyman...I'd slap him for asking me such a stupid question.

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Guest LooneyTune

Would you rather see a show booked by the HHH & Stephanie or by Paul Heyman? :D

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Guest Loss

Has it occured to anyone that they saw him listening in on a phone call where he wasn't invited to attend as a breach of trust, and that Stephanie doesn't want to work with a writer under her who she feels is constantly trying to undermine the company? I think they doubt Heyman's intentions, whether his goal is to improve the quality of the shows or manipulate those around him so that he can gain more power in the company. I think it's so obvious that he's playing a game that they see him as too selfish, and are afraid to take him at face value. Wrestling is full of liars, but most liars are better at looking upstanding than Paul Heyman.


I do at least hope that Heyman will do a shoot interview or ten bitching about his WWE stint.

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I can't find this anywhere on 1Wrestling.


Is this a case of "Bret Hart To Lead The WCW Invasion...(added to headline 30 minutes later)...?"

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Steph may be called "The Stephanie" in the future, though I am not exactly sure how far I will go with it.

I used to call her Miss Piggy, but eventually stopped because I felt that it was insulting to the famous muppet

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Guest sek69

Wouldn't it be just a tad bit hypocritical for Stephanie to call Heyman's motives into question when her whole career as head writer so far has been to groom talent for her husband to mow down?


Shit, if anything I think Paul is too honest, and isn't afraid to call someone's lame ideas the pile of horseshit it is. People in WWE aren't accustomed to hearing they don't fart tiffany cufflinks so when someone's honest it causes strife.

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Guest Loss

Sek, as strange as it is to say, Stephanie is carrying out the interests of the company because she's the one setting that tone. I agree that she's dangerous in that position and that her being married to the top star is a conflict of interest that isn't good for business. That said, Stephanie is a McMahon and Paul Heyman is not. If the McMahons don't feel that they can trust someone, releasing the person in question makes sense. I can at least understand their motives.


Hiring or firing Paul Heyman won't make the smallest bit of difference in what we see on television, so I don't have much opinion about the firing itself. I do, however, understand the reasoning behind releasing him. While it's laughable to debate such a thing in a business like pro wrestling, Heyman was caught being dishonest and showing a lack of integrity, which is a call for immediate termination in almost any corporation.

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Guest LooneyTune
Steph may be called "The Stephanie" in the future, though I am not exactly sure how far I will go with it.

I used to call her Miss Piggy, but eventually stopped because I felt that it was insulting to the famous muppet

Don't forget to mention it sounds pretty stupid, like the "Nipple H" name RD Reynolds and the Wrestlecrap Sheep use.


Just call her Gonzo's Wife. Thats even worse, I know.

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Steph may be called "The Stephanie" in the future, though I am not exactly sure how far I will go with it.

I used to call her Miss Piggy, but eventually stopped because I felt that it was insulting to the famous muppet

Don't forget to mention it sounds pretty stupid, like the "Nipple H" name RD Reynolds and the Wrestlecrap Sheep use.


Just call her Gonzo's Wife. Thats even worse, I know.

Gonzo's not that desperate.

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Guest LooneyTune

Gonzo was fucking CHICKENS... I think that's desperate, or he was raised on a farm.

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