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Guest netslob

"awkward"...is that what you guys call it these days?


If I ever deleted the MST3K thread, no less than 4 people would actively hunt me down and kill me. Rest assured, it's safe.


that's right...NEVER forget it...

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Ha. It's funny how no one noticed me at all for like 3 years + (counting the old board) and then as soon as I switch to an Ashlee Simpson avatar/sig, all my quality contributions (which, again, no one ever noticed) are disregarded and I'm labeled a fag.


Nobody noticed your quality because there obviously was none to notice, or else it would have been noticed.


On top of that, I'm labeled a fag for having an Ashlee avatar when Kotz has all that Kylie stuff and is infinitely more effeminate than I am. Plus we have actual homosexuals on this board. I must also note that those guys (I'm thinking of Kotz and Loss in particular) are amongst my favorite posters, so please don't think that my comments are meant to be derogatory.


Kylie is a woman of talent and fame, Ashlee Simpson is ugly and shit. Since you have a message board shrine on your set up that would make a 12 year old girl blush with embarassment, you are labelled with the fag term.


mole wouldn't even go that far, I think. You don't want to be like Mole do you? That would be like saying "Oh shit I worship UseTheSledgehammerUh". Ironicandenza couldn't even make that shit workable. Don't try saying that those people are good either, because then you'd be a lying fag.


P.S. I'm not a feline.


Shut the fuck up.

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I just now noticed that earlier in this thread I was named as someone who could one day become a murderer. You guys forget I'm Italian; I don't kill anyone, I just have others do it for me.

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On top of that, I'm labeled a fag for having an Ashlee avatar when Kotz has all that Kylie stuff and is infinitely more effeminate than I am.

Just because Kotz is gay doesn't make you any less gay.

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Nobody noticed your quality because there obviously was none to notice, or else it would have been noticed.


That's not at all true. I'd equate myself (not so much now, but when I gave a fuck) along with quite a few other posters to good technical wrstlers who put on good matches night in and night out but never get noticed because there's nothing flashy about them. That was me. I'd make quality posts on a fairly regular basis, but they'd get passed over because I wasn't a "big name" poster.


Kylie is a woman of talent and fame, Ashlee Simpson is ugly and shit. Since you have a message board shrine on your set up that would make a 12 year old girl blush with embarassment, you are labelled with the fag term.


You state your opinions like they are facts. That's what you think? So what?! Your views mean nothing more than mine do. I will state for the record though that I find nothing offensive about Kylie. As far as the "shrine" goes... I like Ashlee Simpson, I like those pictures, and I choose to use them because of that. I'll likely be changing it in a few weeks anyway. I don't usually keep one thing for long. I could give a fuck less if people think I'm "gay" or a "fag". It's your reasoning that bothers me.


Just because Kotz is gay doesn't make you any less gay.


Jesus, can't you guys think of anything to call me besides gay and fag?


Oh, and Thumbtack- I think someone forgot to notify you that being a bitter asshole and playing a "heel" on a wrestling message board went out of style 5 years ago. You have some serious anger issues and apparently are not fully comfortable in your sexuality judging by the amount of times you use derogatory terms for homosexuals.


I am most certainly not a homosexual (although I do have gay friends that are much better people than you seem to be based on the limited evidence I have to go by). I do okay with women, I just don't feel the need to discuss it or brag about it because nobody cares.


I find that most of the people who act the way you have been on message boards are generally the ones that fit the traditional internet wrestling fan stereotype of being a worthless, hideous, unsociable loser who tries to act "cool"

on the internet in order to feel some sense of acceptance and self-worth. You give the rest of us a bad name. Of course, I could be completely wrong about you as far as that last point goes, because I don't know you well enough to judge you. Apparently, though, you don't let that type of thing stop you from judging others.


Wait... was somebody talking about WDI?

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Pretty good post with some valid points, but Thumbtack isn't a bad guy.

He was always a poster I enjoyed and, of course, he has a great user name. Maybe he is a good guy at heart. I don't know enough to judge him as a person overall. I'm just addressing his words and general demeanor in this topic.


I'd really rather not get into a long back and forth argument about something this insignificant with him, but I felt as though what I said was necessary.

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Oh, and Thumbtack- I think someone forgot to notify you that being a bitter asshole and playing a "heel" on a wrestling message board went out of style 5 years ago. You have some serious anger issues and apparently are not fully comfortable in your sexuality judging by the amount of times you use derogatory terms for homosexuals.


What was that about going out of style 5 years ago?


You want bitter asshole? Ok, I'll play Banky for a minute.


You really have no fucking clue.


I find that most of the people who act the way you have been on message boards are generally the ones that fit the traditional internet wrestling fan stereotype of being a worthless, hideous, unsociable loser who tries to act "cool"

on the internet in order to feel some sense of acceptance and self-worth.


Correction: I'm the tradition internet wrestling fan stereotype of being a worthless, hideous, unsocial loser, except I *AM* cool.


You give the rest of us a bad name. Of course, I could be completely wrong about you as far as that last point goes, because I don't know you well enough to judge you. Apparently, though, you don't let that type of thing stop you from judging others.


Guilting me doesn't work. I'm pretty much incapable of feeling that emotion in any meaningful way. Nice job of throwing your whole post into a feedback loop though.


The only people here I actively dislike are JAxl, Molestomp, UseTheSledgehammerUh. If I'm fucking with you otherwise, it's exactly that. But really, you are not acting like someone who can be cool enough to have that horse's ass chick in your sig and make it work. That's the difference between you and Kotz.

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I hate WDI.


It's like a beat up old car that you don't want to get rid of because that's where you got your first blowjob.

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