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Frankie Williams

Not that I care, but...

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Its sure to be better then last years winner I can tell you that.

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Guest LooneyTune

I don't think its been released yet. What was last years winnier? Brock/Angle? (blech) Not many good choices last year anyway...

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Guest LooneyTune

I would pick Angle/Benoit from RR as the 2003 MOTY, although everyone will complain it's basically them repeating the same spots and Angle no-selling like crazy.

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Guest krazykat72

I opted for Marufuji & Kenta vs. Hashi & Kanemaru from the 9/12/03 NOAH show.


-Paul Jacobi-

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Guest LooneyTune

I wish I could find my 2004 PWI Almanac... I could only find my 2002, and a Puro match has never won a MOTY from whenever-2001, so picking a non-US match is a wasted vote (when it comes to PWI that is. Personal votes that aren't for PWI everyone has an opinion)


Edit: Just checked for 2002 & 2003... WWE wins, and my original comment stands.

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Guest LooneyTune

They ARE?! No wonder Angle/Brock Iron-Man won...


I thought at least the three most important were real votes. Ones liek "Most Improved" are obviously fake. Who can tell?

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Guest Flang

Rookie: Monty Brown

Inspirational: Eddie Guerrero

Woman: Victoria

Comeback of the Year: Edge

Most Improved: Randy Orton

Most Popular: John Cena

Most Hated:HHH

Match of the Year: HHH vs Benoit vs HBK (WMXX)

Tag Team: AMW

Wrestler of the Year: Benoit

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These are the actuals winners.

Where did you find this out? The book isnt out yet is it?

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Guest Flang

Well, it's out in Canada. I live in Québec and i bought it thursday night where i work.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Rookie: Monty Brown




He's been wrestling since 2002 at least.

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JBL really should have won most improved, considering he went from a lowly tag team wrestler to a world champion in a span of a couple of months. Unless PWI is no longer pandering to kayfabe...

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Guest Flang

JBL was first runner-up for most improved.


I forgot the winner for feud of the year: HHH vs Benoit.

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