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How Many People Here Actually Have Dreams..

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Yeah... Pretty much what the topic says. There's probably a few of these threads, but what will another one hurt.


Do any of you still have a dream to wrestle in the WWE(WWF)..


If you do, what would you gimmick plans, entrance music, wrestling style be... before WWE Screwed you around lol... Just want to get some ideas floating around.


After I hear a few people's I'll post my own.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'd rather work in the creative department. I could cut a promo but the actual work isn't my thing.


I'd never work for WWE though unless they canned Gerwitz.

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Guest LooneyTune

No... unless I either want to make $20 a night wrestling or have to worry about being fired by WWE because they can't come up with anything for the lower level people to do and then worry about where my next meal is coming from.

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Guest LooneyTune

Theme music means nothing if you are in WWE. You get what WWE wants you to have unless you are a special case.

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Guest uyaljg
"Well you know something, BROTHER, when Vince hired me you had to go in there and play you're gimmick straight up, BROTHER. There was no acting like youself, BROTHER. You had to BE your gimmick, BROTHER."

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I've never had the dream to become a wrestler since I'm too small.


But I've always wanted to work on the creative side. That dream went away once I realized that Vince would shoot down everything.

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I've asked my friend from the Can-Am school about this a few times. I've often wondered what the goal of a wrestler is - to have the best matches they can, or to make it big financially. His response was that, while ideally, a wrestler would love a world where they could have celebrity status and do the kind of match they wanted to, most would just love a big guaranteed contract from WWE. In the end, it's a job, and you work to make money. That was his take, anyway. He went on to say that naturally someone like him or Petey Williams generally don't expect employement from WWE anyway so their goal is just to have good matches while making good money on the indy scene, hoping TNA takes off as an alternative.


This has almost nothing to do with the question asked, but I thought I'd share that.


Myself, I've always wanted to wrestle since I was a kid in 1991, and in fact my friends and I used to wrestle on mattresses in the attic back then. We were really stupid kids and I'm frankly surprised we're all ok when I look back at the way we did things (being kids, we naturally assumed to do a DDT, we had to grab the guys head and crash it down without any protection). I've thought about going to the school with my friend but I have a fear of failure and anytime I've tried practicing lock-ups with him I've punched him in the face and given up. He assures me that's natural for beginners, but still, fear of failure and all that.

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I spent a few years in IL and FL when I was younger and ALOT smaller (5-9, 145) as I got older my chest and arms and neck got bigger, and now my comfortable (ie healthy) weight is about 200. I can't jump like I used to be able to, but, I still remember alot of my bumping and takedown skills. Hell, to impress people I still take chairshots or a quick backbump off the pool table to show how it's done.


So, I hold onto the thought of giving it a go again. My brothers (both 6-8,350) and I had a cool gimmick back in the day. I was the PRESIDENT and they were THE SECRET SERVICE.


I have a buddy who refs for an indy occasionally who said he'd love to see me be a manager type...so...we'll see.

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I do dream of becoming a wrestler, but my dream went from working for WCW when I was 12 to working for the WWF when I was 13, and then working for ECW when I was 14 until its closing. Now, it's to get trained and work for New England Championship Wrestling.


My preferred gimmick would either be (GASP!) Corey Lazarus or Andrew Crow. Lazarus would be the fratboy, degenerate type, the prick that makes bad jokes about his opponents and takes every shortcut possible in the ring. Crow is the brooding, depressed character, always self-doubting himself, but somehow finding a way to believe he can succeed.


Theme songs would vary, depending on whether or not its used, but on the indies, I'd use Slayer's cover of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" for Laz, or White Zombie's "I, Zombie" for Crow.


Wrestling style would be heavily influenced by the hardcore brawlers of the mid 90's, with a touch of strong-style thrown in, but mostly straight-up brawling.

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Guest JebusNassedar

It is my full intention to be a professional wrestler. After collage, I'm going to look into my options for wrestling schools. My big dream would be to be trained by the Texas Wrestling Academy, and actually make it out of the school.


I wrestle at my school. Not sanctioned amateur, but just catch-stuff. See, we have this little padded mat at school by the swings. I've only lost 4 times out of 9. But I had a good reason. Once I was folded, once I had a fat kid sit on me wearing shorts that are WAY too short, once because I was wrestling a Judoka without my knowledge, and once because I wore myself out.


I want to become a brawler, basically, with decent mat skills. I dont want to get dropped on my head every night, or deal with stiff UWF-i fanboys. My goal was best said by Terry Funk. On the Legends of Wrestling 2 interview he did, he said the way he wanted to be remembered was "We always got out money's worth with Funk", and I'd like to go out in the same way. I'm not sure if I'd like to work in WWE, though, as I'm not a very good actor at all. I make Orton look like Marlon Brandau (or however it's spelled).


The other thing I have going for me is that my name is cool enough to be a wrestler's. John Cross.

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I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that I will never be a pro wrestler of any sort.


However, if I were to ever actually succeed in being trained and becoming one, I'd be perfectly happy working the indies.


I'd be less enamored with the fame aspect of the business as I would just the opportunity to put on a good match with someone - even if it's a match only a few dozen people would see.

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I too dream of becoming a wrestler. I actually had a dream about this a few nights back.


I was cutting a Jake Roberts-esque promo. I love the Arn Anderson and Roberts style of mic work. It's amazing.


I'm 20 and a Junior in college. When I graduate, I plan on trying to pursue this as a career. If it works out, great. If it doesn't, at least I can say I tried.


My gimmick? I'd love to be known for mat wrestling. The "sweet science" is what I'm going for. My favorite wrestlers were the one's that, despite not looking like bodybuilders in the ring, were fluid in the ring. Their movements, whether in the ring or on the entrance way, were smooth and natural. (Tully Blanchard, Anderson, Roberts, Bret Hart, etc.) I think a lot of that has to do with pacing and being in command of the match at all times. Speed is important, but having control over your body is paramount and is at the heart of the art of professional wrestling.


Music? I love Shawn Stasiak's 3rd theme (before Planet Stasiak), but it's a production theme. So, I'd probably go for either the Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven or Interpol - Obstacle 1 (just for the intro - Amazing!).

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I'd rather be a heel manager that causes problems for the faces. I'd never get touched by them until it's part of a major angle. Then I'd take the beating of my life. I'd manage an average tag team with no personality or mic skills, or a talentless hoss.

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Guest uyaljg

I'm training to become a wrestler. I've had about 6 months training in Atlanta, from March '04 - October '04. I had about 12 matches in front of live crowds.

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Guest Brian

I've been keeping a notebook packed with all kinds of ideas I have for gimmicks and angles, neat directions and storylines for matches, as I want to stay open to the opportunity. Hopefully I'll get a chance, as physically right now I'm in my best shape (sans my miniscus) and with my masters I should be able to get into a teaching program which will open up my schedule to working shows over the weekends and travelingduring the summer. Hopefully I can come into OVW; HWA also looks attractive to me.


As for character, the chracter I'm currently dreaming of I've written months of storylines for. I want to start out playing a double character, one under the mask and one without. I have a friend my age who will be graduating in 2006 with his bachelors and will follow me if I go into the sport, so I want to book this to help introduce him. The hunter, my alter ego under the mask (the name is tentative and I'll probably shoot for something in Spanish), and Brian Castillo as my ring name without the mask. On one hand, I'm a straight shooting but boisterous heel, modeled in some ways after Cassius Clay but without the flare in style. I'm a guy looking to move up the ladder, looking to take out people, not really attentive to the fans. When I when the title, I want adopt Islam, because I feel that as Filipino, the Christian faith is not apart of my heritage, that Islam would have been adopted by my culture rather than having Christianity forced, and that the Spaniards (and hence Christianity's) is naturally oppresive in Southeast Asia. I want there to be some historcial grounding in all of it, with a moral gray area. On the other hand, the hunter is all the things I am not, and should play to my quickness for my size. He'll dive all over the place, give his body for the fans. I want to eventually bring these characters together , but by that point my friend should be ready to go, and he assumes the man under the mask. He's nearly the same height as me, though not as muscular. The styles converge between the characters, as I reach some middle ground. As the characters head toward their eventual meeting, with me holding the title, I unmask him out of total disrespect, and the revelation that my frined has come here to betray me sends me into shock. I drop the title, lose a second match (hair vs. title) and go bald. I lose it. They find me the next weeks sleeping at the arena, curled in a ball, scruffy andtotally out of it. No motivation, almost despondent. It'll take a few matches to break out of it, at which point I re-discover my talents. I shave my head to signify I've adopted my fate, grow out the beard. I want to tease the face for a few weeks, but the natural heel tendencies emerge.


That's the basic thing.

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Id love to book (not big enough to actually portray) a character based on this mythical ideology of perfection. His name would be Zyon. He would wrestle in the WWE and in the 1st few months of career save legends (such as those portrayed by Three Minute Warning). He would wrestle the icons of the business, assimilating and perfecting their moves. He would be a face, and have moves such as the Whirlwind Suplex (Inverted Atomic Drop into a Butterfly Suplex which is then transitioned into a a very rough Crossface), the Pacifier (Drilling Piledriver type Pedigree), the Messiah Nose Dive (being a 1080 degrees dive off the top of a ladder in the ring to an opponent outside of the ring on the floor), the Nirvana (being a loose Indian Death Lock arching the back to a facelock submission), the Takedown (a combination of the Spinebuster and the Spear), the Patent (a very stiff inverted face plant), the Clincher (a spinning frog splash) and the Iconiser (being the putting of the opponent on the top turnbuckle, outstreched, facing downwards, Zyon jumping up on to the bottom ropeand DDTing the opponent down into the mat).


He would have a brother called Seth, whose face and body would be covered in yellow paint, with asian black writing, like the guy from Battle Dome. His moves would include the BuzzCut Bomb (a running spinning pinning Ganzo Bomb), the Punisher (whereby the opponent is in the Old Skool Explusion position, with Seth trapping his leg and pulling it out from underneath him) and the Urinage (being an inverted piledriver but the other way round).


They would have a friend called Teddy Hawk (based on Ron Killings character) with moves such as X Marks the Spot (a reverse falcon arrow), Cash and Carry (an Olypic Slam pick-up drilling the opponent in to the opposite of the mat) and Hit the Deck (being a very delayed DDT face drop).


Zyon and Seth would wear brown and black Jedi like robes, with very light caramel and blackish-yellow trunks. They would tag also, with moves such as Alfega (Seth holding the opponent in the Jack Hammer position and Zyon jumps of the top rope taking the guys legs in the air out with a clothesline), the Shotgun (Zyon holding the opponent in the Electric Chair position and Seth delivering a dropsault London type kick to the chest) and the Dsyfunctional Effect (being both Zyon and Seth holding the opponent face down facing the mat from the sholders and legs near the ropes, and then Seth throws his legs up in the air and when they hit the rope, Zyon delivers a DDT to the mat).


The music would be the Breaking Benjamins theme from Halo 2 for Zyon and Chop Suey by SOAD for Seth.

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If not a wrestler, then I want to be doing something wrestling related in the near future. Writer, Manager, Colour Commentator, Ring Announcer, Referee, hell being a cameraman would do.


The idea of being a referee in a medium-ish sized indy company like IWA:MS or the FWA (the British fed) would be preferrable. That way you can interact with the wrestlers, maybe take the odd bump every now and then maybe do some wrestling training on the side at some point. Then, working the indies would be more than enough for me.

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Yeah, I'd like to wrestle in the WWE or anywhere. I am theoretically the right size to get into the WWE (exactly 6'3, 225lbs) and when I was younger it was my dream. When I first saw Tough Enough however, that sorta killed my dream for a while, then I read Mick Foley's books a few times. I read reports from others who wrestle to follow their dreams and it inspired me to one day follow mine. However, I'm gonna wait until after I graduate from college in 4 years and see what happens then.


I've thought about a character and promos everyday for the last year or so. I'd be a character named Goliath and one idea was to be a silent, suplex machine, similar to Taz in ECW or be a kind of comedy character similar to the Rock, called The Franchise, where I claim to be the greatest and the sole draw in the company while getting my ass kicked. Or I could be serious and be a main eventer or somewhere in the upper-card.


For those who have trained, where would you suggest going to school? The northeast, midwest (like Cincinnati), or the south (Atlanta)?

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Guest Mr. Wrestling

If you dream of getting into the WWE then I'd suggest going to OVW's wrestling school. WWE keeps an eye on that. OVW alumni include:


1. Mark Magnus (Muhammad Hassan)

2. Danny Basham

3. Shelton Benjamin

4. Brock Lesnar

5. Rico


There's more that trained there. Guys like Dinsmore and Doug Basham are excluded because I think that they (at least Dinsmore as he wrestled on WCW Saturday Night before) had some indy experience. So, OVW is definately a place to go if you want to get into WWE. Personally, I'd like to be a wrestler one day. I'd train in OVW and since I'm the right size for a WWE Superstar, I think that I'd have a good chance of getting a WWE Developmental deal at least. No idea on what character I'd play, I'd just play whatever Cornette gave me.

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Guest Coffey

I'd rather work on the creative side of an up-and-coming Indy fed. At least then you'd be listened to.

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Guest Failed Mascot
I'd be happy with just one match in the indies.

You mean the bad blood Cage Match between you and Jasmine St. Claire never ended up happening?

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I'm already part-time announcing for an indy fed and I will be training either next year or in two years. I've gotten to the point where I'd just like to make it to a bigger indy fed and get a little well known. WWE would be incredible though.



Oh and my dream entrance music would be "Gets Me Through" by Ozzy or "If I Can't Do It" by 50 Cent.

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Some of you guys have put a lot of work and thought into this, do you use these characters in e feds?

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Guest Brian
If you dream of getting into the WWE then I'd suggest going to OVW's wrestling school. WWE keeps an eye on that. OVW alumni include:


1. Mark Magnus (Muhammad Hassan)

2. Danny Basham

3. Shelton Benjamin

4. Brock Lesnar

5. Rico


There's more that trained there. Guys like Dinsmore and Doug Basham are excluded because I think that they (at least Dinsmore as he wrestled on WCW Saturday Night before) had some indy experience. So, OVW is definately a place to go if you want to get into WWE. Personally, I'd like to be a wrestler one day. I'd train in OVW and since I'm the right size for a WWE Superstar, I think that I'd have a good chance of getting a WWE Developmental deal at least. No idea on what character I'd play, I'd just play whatever Cornette gave me.

OVW's not the same beast as most schools. Alot of the guys mentioned were brought in under developmental contracts already, as OVW is the minor league. You can try out, essentially, for a spot. You fork up five-hundred for 26 lessons over 13 weeks, and at the end, they can keep you if they want to. Other schools will train you no matter what.

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Guest Trivia247

I also prefer to be at the creative end, match writer possiblity, or at least be a commentator doing play by play.

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