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OAO New Years Revolution Thread

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Guest Dazed

Did *anything* fucking happen over the 2 1/2 hours I just watched? Seriously, any sort of angle continuation or resolution, other than HBK kicking Edge?

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Everyone knew HHH would win anyways, but the result of the match was REALLY given away when Orton pinned HHH on RAW.

And I despise it every time they do it. One of the biggest problems with WWE, if not the biggest problem, is giving away the outcome to your PPV main events on the show before the PPV. They have done it all year with HHH and JBL, and it just kills any motivation for anyone to order the show, since you already know who's going to win. I know that there have been shows that I have not ordered and otherwise would have, just because they foretold the main event finish in advance. I think it is a major cause of the decline in PPV buyrates.

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Did *anything* fucking happen over the 2 1/2 hours I just watched? Seriously, any sort of angle continuation or resolution, other than HBK kicking Edge?

Kane beat that dastardly Gene Snitsky! Hurray for the rapist necrophiliac!!

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By the way, how many slingshots can they pull off in one match? There IS more than one way to throw a guy into the chain wall.


Either way, despite the fact that the undercard was absolutely terrible, I have to give credit to Maven for a brilliant mic performance in his match. Say what you want, but he was able to hold that crowd in the palm of his hand. This cocky heel thing really should work out well for him. He really just needs to learn how to work a better match, which is going to come to him in time, but I definitely saw glimmers of Rock-like micwork tonight.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
This show was a bigger disgrace than the play of the Packers today.

Joe Buck agrees. That damn Randy Moss is SHAMELESS!

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They were so close to getting something good...multiple times...they coulda had HHH tap just as Batista got in there to keep HHH a heel and turn Batista later but no....they coulda had Flair and Batista give the Electric Chair via Orton on Raw but no....hell HBK was only there to further his feud with Edge...one minute he was beating the shit outta Flair the next he's raising HHH's hand for the win(most surreal part of the night BTW)...and the damn thing ended almost a full half hour early! You were all right...it was predictable and a waste of money...I wish I could get a refund but Vince doesn't care...I hate the WWE...I don't even see how they can go anywhere else with HHH and Batista because it's obvious now after weeks of teasing that he's solidly in HHH's corner...that was the whole point to putting him in the Chamber right?

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Guest jumpingbombangel

Wow...wrestling is so boring now. I remember when I used to get so psyched all day on a Sunday for a PPV. I never got excited one time during this show.


The WWE is going to have to turn Batista against HHH very soon, and when I say very soon I mean like tonight it should've happened because stretching the turn out any longer (God, even until Wrestlemania) is going to be torturous boredom.


The only thing remotely interesting is the suck-ass first couple of matches, because I realized my ouija board curse of Kevin Nash struck and struck hard.


Take that, WWE.

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In terms of match quality, The Elimination Chamber match was about 3 to 4 stars. I'd say that's about correct.


Horrible booking, but the perfomance was stellar.


Performance of the night has to go to Jericho. He took a man-size beating but ended up a strong sentimental favorite with the crowd I was watching with.


Jericho = Cinderella!

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By the way, how many slingshots can they pull off in one match? There IS more than one way to throw a guy into the chain wall.


Either way, despite the fact that the undercard was absolutely terrible, I have to give credit to Maven for a brilliant mic performance in his match. Say what you want, but he was able to hold that crowd in the palm of his hand. This cocky heel thing really should work out well for him. He really just needs to learn how to work a better match, which is going to come to him in time, but I definitely saw glimmers of Rock-like micwork tonight.

Maven was reallly great tonight. I haven't seen anything like that since the Rock was about.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

Stop blowing your collective loads, they just didn't want to pull the trigger. Dave saving H's reign and not getting his credit is a good angle. They still have time to properly build this angle. Plus, they need more footage for the feud’s video package.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

You know; I think they might just end up doing the original Taker/Angle and Orton/HHH mania plan now.

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Sounds like this was a typical below average PPV. Sucks that they used the main event to give Triple H his Tenth(10) chamionship. Should have just left it vacant! lol

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The only thing I didn't like about the match was how Batista was eliminated.


Nutshot, RKO, pin.



If the boos when he was eliminated didn't tell the front office something, nothing will.




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I guess I'm alone in this opinion but I loved how they did the chamber match. HHH could have made the save for Batista but chose not to, then went on to win because of his clothsline. This indirect betrayal is a lot more subtle than HHH hitting him, thus giving them nowhere to go but with an immediate Batista turn. It furthers the storyline of Batista, that gullible lug, being trapped in HHH's spell and gives more momentum to the slow burn of their inevitable confrontation.


I really think they've got to make Batista/HHH the mania match now though. It's gained so much momentum that they've got to put this match on one of the big PPV's. Rumble would be too soon and Batista would look like a total idiot if they carry it through to Summerslam.

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By the way, how many slingshots can they pull off in one match? There IS more than one way to throw a guy into the chain wall.


Either way, despite the fact that the undercard was absolutely terrible, I have to give credit to Maven for a brilliant mic performance in his match. Say what you want, but he was able to hold that crowd in the palm of his hand. This cocky heel thing really should work out well for him. He really just needs to learn how to work a better match, which is going to come to him in time, but I definitely saw glimmers of Rock-like micwork tonight.

Maven was reallly great tonight. I haven't seen anything like that since the Rock was about.

I never thought I would hear Maven and great in the same context .

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Guest combat_rock

This is... wow. Honestly, they build up this tension between Batista and Triple H, and all the fans shell out their money to see it come to a head when... it'll probably happen tommorow on Raw for free. I'm glad I didn't spend money on this, but I might get the DVD to see the actual match and because I'm interested in all of this hype for Maven's promo.

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Did *anything* fucking happen over the 2 1/2 hours I just watched? Seriously, any sort of angle continuation or resolution, other than HBK kicking Edge?

No....I don't think the Women's title match went as planned...Regal and Eugene would retained based on the backstage stuff...they set up HBK/Edge a little more and once again KILLED off the best angle they had...I don't know how they'll recover Batista from this...the crowd boo'd the hell outta that result and was chanting Batista throughout the arena...at first I was against a Batista title run this early but FUCK! He didn't have to go all out for HHH like that...Now we have nothing on Raw planned for the Rumble and Mania is looking like a mess already..they really booked themselves into a corner with this one...

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I take JBL reign over HHH's anyday and twice on Sunday.


I watched this PPV and was waiting for the turn too, but what happens at the Rumble? Orton/HHH ? Batista has to strike then cause it'll be no more Raw PPVs til Mania

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HHH winning isn't the problem. It is that it is soooooooo obvious that they are doing HHH/Orton at Mania, and nobody gives a flying fuck about that feud or to a lesser extent Orton in general.


I take JBL reign over HHH's anyday and twice on Sunday.


Oh easily. JBL is a great character, and although he isn't a fantastic worker he can be carried well enough by guys like Eddy & Angle. Smackdown's lower card is pretty good too, with all the cruisers and guys like Luther & Carlito. Their problem is that aside from John Cena, they have absolutely nothing between the low card guys and the main eventers so they are forced to promote guys that belong in no way shape and form (Heidenreich). They could really use someone like Jericho.

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It's kind of a boring time in the WWE.


There are plenty of great in-ring workers, yes, but it's not their time. Jericho, Benoit, Eddie, Rey, even a solid worker like Booker...their job right now is just to put others over. They aren't going to receive any big push anytime soon.


There are plenty of new young guys on the rise...but are any of them exciting? Shelton Benjamin is, I'd have to say. But Hassan? He showed tonight he can't work a match. Chris Masters? He'll be debuting soon and get a huge push, but he's just another musclehead who can't work. Cena? Over like crazy, but isn't much in the ring. Snitsky and Heidenreich? Do I really need to say anything?


Eugene is starting to get booed, and it's only a matter of time before they HAVE to turn him. Undertaker is back to his cartoonish days, and nothing he does interests me. All the women on the shows are just a random set of tits.


So okay, some of the workers aren't the best. But good writing can make up for less than great in-ring talent, right?




Is there anything at Wrestlemania you people are excited about? If they do HBK vs. Edge and not HBK vs. Angle, is there ANYTHING you're dying to see at this point?

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This is... wow. Honestly, they build up this tension between Batista and Triple H, and all the fans shell out their money to see it come to a head when... it'll probably happen tommorow on Raw for free. I'm glad I didn't spend money on this, but I might get the DVD to see the actual match and because I'm interested in all of this hype for Maven's promo.

Dude it wasn't that great... they dicked us on the IC match after two matches had already gone short...not worth the money I spent nor the money you will spend later...just download it and rent the PPV for 3/4 of the main event....

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Honestly, I don't see them going with HHH/Orton for Mania anymore. Even WWE has to realize they've run the match a little too far to expect a decent buyrate. Looking through history, the title match at WrestleMania has never really been one that was repeated constantly through the months before. Perhaps Triple H and Michaels last year was the exception to the rule, but Benoit was in there to give the match a fresh dimension.


Seeing that they've done HHH/Orton at Unforgiven, HHH/Orton final showdown at Survivor Series, HHH/Orton on Raw last week, and the HHH/Orton final showdown tonight, I really do not feel they are going to set that match at WrestleMania. I'm pretty certain, at this point, they've decided to rely on the momentum this Batista/HHH tension has had, and will schedule that as the title match at WrestleMania -- with a chance of throwing Orton in there for a Triple Threat.


It's going to be Triple H vs. Randy Orton for the Heavyweight Title at the Royal Rumble, which will likely be the blowoff for their feud. Triple H vs. Batista at WrestleMania.


They have to know, at this point, HHH/Orton will not fly as the Main Event at Mania. Especially after the boos with Orton eliminating Batista tonight, and the cheers with HHH pedigreeing Orton minutes later.

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