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Guest BrokenWings


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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I got really hungry for White Castle someplace outside of Macon, GA. I was going to go to a Krystal, which to my understanding is the same thing, but I couldn't bring myself to do so because of an ex-girlfriend of the same name.

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Yeah, Krystal is the exact same thing as White Castle, don't listen to anyone who claims that one is vastly superior to the other.


Weird coincedence: my sister-in-law is named Krystal, and she grew up in Georgia, not too far from Macon...

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Oh wow. You decided to mock what I said. Wonderfully pathetic attempt at humor. Although, I give you credit for at least trying.


Oh wow. You decided to mock me with a type of sarcasm that is worthy of a MikeSC post. Wonderfully vicious method of crushing me. Although, I give you credit for at least leaving me with bus fare to get home after such a brutal text style date raping.

...fuck, I really did say MikeSC would've said. That was just terrible of me and I apologize.


Still though, could you at least try insulting me a little better? I mean, "brutal text style date raping"? That's quite horrendously sad for an insult. You can do much better at the insults than I can, or at least you should be. After all, isn't it your only specialty?


Oh wow. People are talking smack in a thread about fast food. HARDCORE LIKE BIG JAPAN! EXTRRRRRREME!

I've got no clue of what you are trying to get at with that. No insults are coming your way till you make some sense.


I seriously want a $6 burger. I know if I got one it would probably look like shit and just taste okay, but the promo picture of that thing is godly.

And of course, the next thing you say, does. ...I've had a $6 burger once. Best burger I ever had. Came from a little resturant that gets a decent crowd, people always knew who you were, and it was always a good time there.

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Still though, could you at least try insulting me a little better? I mean, "brutal text style date raping"? That's quite horrendously sad for an insult. You can do much better at the insults than I can, or at least you should be. After all, isn't it your only specialty?


How's your chest today?


Oh and fuck you, that line was the goodness. Not so much as an insult, but more as a sarcastic brutal text style date raping in return. Furthermore, no, insulting isn't my only specialty. I can hang in damn near any discussion this forum spits out, but I generally can't be bothered since with a good percentage of people here I don't get anything of worth in return.

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The place is called Dick's and they serve limp fries?


Unfortunate name. Their big sammich is the Dick's Deluxe, which could be a good porn name.


Better than the name of another local (horrible, and now out of business) chain: Dag's. I cannot think of a more awful syllable than dag.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I'm having Burger King tonight because its closer than McDonalds and nobody here feels like cooking.


I really wonder now how a Whattaburger tastes like.

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Guest Failed Mascot

oh man...I have the biggest shit brewing in me right now. More details as they become available.

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The place is called Dick's and they serve limp fries?


Unfortunate name. Their big sammich is the Dick's Deluxe, which could be a good porn name.


Better than the name of another local (horrible, and now out of business) chain: Dag's. I cannot think of a more awful syllable than dag.

"Dag" sounds like slang for some sort of nether-region discharge. I'd never eat dag, and never eat at Dag's.

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Still though, could you at least try insulting me a little better? I mean, "brutal text style date raping"? That's quite horrendously sad for an insult. You can do much better at the insults than I can, or at least you should be. After all, isn't it your only specialty?


How's your chest today?


Oh and fuck you, that line was the goodness. Not so much as an insult, but more as a sarcastic brutal text style date raping in return. Furthermore, no, insulting isn't my only specialty. I can hang in damn near any discussion this forum spits out, but I generally can't be bothered since with a good percentage of people here I don't get anything of worth in return.

You put that in your resume yet?


You should. No, really.

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Guest CronoT
I really wonder now how a Whattaburger tastes like.

It's better than both the McDonald's burgers and the Burger King burgers. If you're ever in Southern or Western Texas, or New Mexico, check them out. It's great.

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Guest Failed Mascot
oh man...I have the biggest shit brewing in me right now. More details as they become available.

almost 12hrs and 2 shits later and my stomach is finally empty. Man...that was a rough night.

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"Dag" sounds like some kind of weed reference to me.

You're combining "dank" and "schwag."


I thought of it as like, "dude, that guy didn't shower after he worked out, and now you can smell the dag practically seeping out of his crotch. Man, that's rank."

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"Dag" sounds like slang for some sort of nether-region discharge. I'd never eat dag, and never eat at Dag's.




D'ya like dags?

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Guest BrokenWings
It was like eating a heart attack.

I woke up this morning with chest pains and shortness of breath, which caused me to spend most of the day in the hospital. Odd coincedence?

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