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Rob Van Dam DVD

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the alternate commentary on the RVD/Balls match doesn't actually make me want to rip my hair out.

It did for me because they hardly say anything. :angry:

I agree with you, Smilac. The Sabu-RVD match alternate commentary was better, as it went into a bit more detail about how they had to work around the broken ropes. Heyman talking about Kimona's prematch act while they fixed the ring was funny too.

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Got mine for $5.99 thanks to the DDD misprice and it just came in the mail today. Looks great; can't wait to dive into it. I think I'll use this to chase down the Andre disc.

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Yeah I will admit I was kinda confused by the way this 1st disc would have his career retro, then bam all of a sudden we have RVD vs. Axl Rotten. I mean maybe a clip is fine but save the matches for the 2nd disc. Having them in their entirety on the main disc kills the momentum a bit.

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Guest DVD Spree

Yeah, this is a little bit of a system shock – it's not like the Hogan, Mysterio, ECW or any of the other WWE releases where there's a main feature piece and a load of matches on separately; it's basically more like the Shawn Michaels DVD with Rob yakking for a couple of minutes, then the match in its entirety (although there are a lot more matches on this set). It's REALLY jarring at the beginning because, when it starts, it really looks like it's going to be the traditional feature piece, and then they show the start of Raven-RVD and you keep waiting for the narration to start… but it doesn't.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

Usually I also prefer a feature and then matches as extras but this is one wrestler for me i'm willing to say just give me as many matches as possible.


I think it worked out well.

Right before the Eliminators/RVD-Sabu match Rob talks about how Sabu would pull him to the side and say "This is what the eliminators think their gonna do but this is what were really gonna do and it was totally like that."

You can tell it's the actual case in the included match because Saturn just looks completely lost 90% of the match and you can tell Kronus is getting pissed a couple times from the heat RVD and Sabu were getting off their double team moves.



WWE has two styles of doing a dvd.The RVD/Flair/Foley/Michaels kind or the Benoit/Guererro/ECW which in the case of single wrestlers seems like it will be exclusive to Chris and Eddie.

So the next time someone tries to bitch about their burial they can always think about the pimped out dvd treatment they got. :D

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That Eliminators match was in some ways the most intriguing on the disc. It was blatant that you could tell the Elims just flat out couldn't keep up. My brother was watching and was like "Who is this jobber with Saturn? This guy sucks." Hell half the time the Elims never really hit their finisher right.


There's a lot better Sabu/RVD tag stuff out there...why not sure their tag title win over Candido and Storm? They showed a clip of RVD getting his eyelid ripped nearly off vs. them, but not the actual match. Or how about the tag title win over the Duds in Japan? That was a good match.

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Yeah, this is a little bit of a system shock – it's not like the Hogan, Mysterio, ECW or any of the other WWE releases where there's a main feature piece and a load of matches on separately; it's basically more like the Shawn Michaels DVD with Rob yakking for a couple of minutes, then the match in its entirety (although there are a lot more matches on this set). It's REALLY jarring at the beginning because, when it starts, it really looks like it's going to be the traditional feature piece, and then they show the start of Raven-RVD and you keep waiting for the narration to start… but it doesn't.

I'd compare it a bit more to Foley's disc, minus narrations about some matches, plus RVD's comments about other subjects.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
My brother was watching and was like "Who is this jobber with Saturn? This guy sucks."

I actually thought Kronus did a way better job in that match then Saturn who literally stops and looks around like he doesn't know what he's doing or where he is.


How about in the Sabu match when RVD does the monkey flip and as he's rolling over the chair his head hits it and it bounces up folded out but in the upside down position.Really scarey moment.

Sabu was so lucky he didn't get impaled.

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they actually have it at Target? I have yet to ever see a WWE dvd at my local target. I better go there and check. The target website lists it at 18.76 though.






after paying 29.95 for both benoit and foley, I will not let it happen again

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I think it worked out well.

Right before the Eliminators/RVD-Sabu match Rob talks about how Sabu would pull him to the side and say "This is what the eliminators think their gonna do but this is what were really gonna do and it was totally like that."

Haha, that's great. I say again that they should've put all 3 RVD-Sabu/Eliminators matches on it.

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After seeing the Sabu/RVD vs Elimators match, it just looked like a big clusterfuck after a few minutes. Kronus was no selling a lot, after the RVD splash and Sabu legdrop combo, he just bounced right back up. I haven't seen a lot of Elimators match but the match just looked like everyone got confused.

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I agree with that to some degree. Once the tables and ladders got involved the Elims especially seemed to try to do really bizarre and contrived stunts instead of naturally occurring wrestling spots. Who the hell would really put a ladder on top of a table and then put the opponent in between, etc?


The Sabu/RVD HH96 match on there is just sick, sick shit. I concur with that one monkeyflip onto the chair with the legs sticking out....that is just frightening and fucked up. That's one of the craziest matches I've ever seen, it's amazing both guys didn't get killed, haha.


The Matter of Respect 96 match is also insane...gotta love the diamond cutter from the top rope with RVD's LEGS TANGLED IN THE TURNBUCKLES! God I thought he was broken backwards on that spot.


Earlier when I said RVD wasn't shit before 98, I sorta misspoke. He had those good matches in 96, but those were really more about Sabu than him. It was 1998 when RVD got REAL good...I'd tune into ECW just to see him.

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The RVD/Tommy Dreamer match is my favorite just for how overbooked it is. The sequence with the referees and everybody getting a low blow just had me laughing for a few minutes.


I agree with whoever echoed the sentiments of wasted potential. RVD had such a strong following by the time ECW ended, if only WWE took advantage.

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i think RVDs style hindered him in the wwf at first. Most were reluctant to work with him because of his stiffness, especially his kicks. you even had kurt angles wife going online and complaining about him making angles nose bleed with his kicks


plus no one besides Austin was willing to put him over. They had their last chance at unforgiven 2002 and when that didnt happen, RVD was thru


and why do you want a main feature so much. The only real good ones was benoit and eddie s (and ecw of course) others like hogans sucked.


do you really want 45 mins of fluff, revisionist history, and hhh praising (like Hogans where he had a whole chapter kisiing hhhs ass)


or do you want matches?


duh matches


like flairs

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Got it for fifteen dollars at Wal-Mart and I knew it was worth the purchase after watching his match against Jeff Hardy from InVasion '01. I saw that match on PPV and never really saw how ECWish it was until rewatching it on the DVD, the crowd was pumped. Everything else on the DVD is great, so far I've watched the ladder match against Christian and his Living Dangerously match against Jerry Lynn. Would've like to have seen a little more commentary from RVD on his career with the matches going in chronological order, but it's good nonetheless. The piece about almost ripping his eyelid off made me cringe.

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I rewatched that Living Dangerously match and aside from the ultra retarded ending (ref almost gave Lynn the title on a time limit draw...WTF???) that was one bad ass match. You gotta love Jerry bashing RVD with a chair as both were on the top rope, then BAM, Rob kicks him and Jerry falls through a table, haha.


And yes, the Dreamer match was a blast. Had that insane sell of the piledriver (the single greatest sell of a move maybe EVER, hell I rewound and watched it 3 times I bet) and the overbooking was fun up to the very end when Stevie arrived and it got silly. Van Dam and Dreamer had lots of good ones back in the day.

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I have to admit, Sabu's style is VERY entertaining. The way he uses the ropes to randomly create a high flying move is just great.


RVD/Sabu vs the Eliminators is interesting because the two teams are definetly not on the same page. Kronus gets right up after the double splash and you can legitly see Sabu pissed as he yells at him. Sweetest thing about the match? The Eliminators finisher (Elimination) is just SICK. It looked like they literally took RVD's head off.


And RVD/Sabu REALLY had some nice double team moves, their chemistry was pretty nice. I would of loved to seen those two against the Steiner Brothers or the Rockers.

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Why the hell ISN'T there a Kurt Angle DVD?  That'd be fucking sweet.

Well, there's the Kurt Angle VHS they put out in 2000...





As for the other posts, I gotta ask WHATDA YA MEAN THIS DVD WON'T SELL?? LOOK AT THE MATCH LINEUP!!!


vs Pat Rose, WCW crap should be interesting.


vs Scotty Flamingo, Raven/RVD in WCW should be twice as interesting to watch. It won't be extreme, but worthy of a look.


vs Axl Rotten, I've never seen much of Axl's ECW work, so who knows when it comes to this match...


vs Sabu, Man these guys have done some wild stuff in ECW, and this match should not steer us wrong.


vs Sabu, Extreme Deathmatch. Look at that.. 2 Sabu matches. CAN YOU SAY "TRAIN WRECK"??!! :firing: :cheers: :headbang: (I can't believe I sound like such a mark)


& Sabu vs the Eliminators, RVD/Saturn kinda have similar styles, and Sabu and Kronus should be the Bar Room of this brawl. I always thought that the RVD & Sabu Tag Team was decent, so this shouldn't fail.


vs Lance Storm, Good match from Barely Legal, but an even better promo from RVD.


vs Jeff Hardy, I've seen the ending of this match, and I've heard that this match was equivalent to Monty Brown/Matt Sydel. In other words, Squash.


vs Tommy Dreamer, According to SK's review of the match, it takes them awhile to get to the extreme stuff, and the most wicked Piledriver next to Petey Williams on Sonjay Dutt happens.


vs Bam Bam, I've seen clips of the match, and judging from it, it looks good! I think this match has been reviewed on the main site, too.


vs Jerry Lynn, Meh, another who knows. Good competitors, but I know that they blow a Table spot here, so...


vs Balls, Mahoney has always been a brutal competitor, and I've heard some good about this Anarchy Rulz match, so I guess it's a good match.


vs Jerry Lynn, Ahh the last ECW match to date. Definitely worth a look.


vs Jeff Hardy, Good match where Vince lets RVD turn to his ECW roots to go wild on Jeff. Well, it was for the Hardcore Title, so that gives that away.


vs Y2J, Nothing Hardcore Extreme about this match, but the match was enough to steal the lackluster show.


vs Christian, Ahh geez, great closer match. They let everything hang out here, just enough to satisfy.


I would expect this DVD to sell as much as the Benoit DVD, or maybe as much as th Foley DVD.

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I didn't realize until I watched this disk how good RVD could be on the mic.


The WWE really fucked up by burying this guy in 2002.


And 2003.


And 2004.

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I didn't realize until I watched this disk how good RVD could be on the mic.


The WWE really fucked up by burying this guy in 2002.


And 2003.


And 2004.

That's what all the RVD fans been saying since 2002.

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Guest Trivia247

I wonder if one of those Sabu matches was his Early "respect" angle vs Sabu where Sabu wanted Respect from RVD after beating him and RVD just blew him off, which lead to a Stretcher match later on

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I remember his match against Flamingo. this is the won where he wins right? that shocked me as Robbie was just a newcomer. I thought he was just another jobber. Then he actually beats a former lightweight champ in scotty. I was greatly surprised, and became somewhat of a mini Robbie V fan till he dissapeared.


Funny thing is, when I finally got/started watching ecw tv in early 96, I didnt recognize RVD as the guy from WCW. Which should be a shock to you all cuz I remember pretty much everything about wrestling (then again it took me 5 months to realize goldust was dustin rhodes so....)



walmart has it for 15 bucks? im there dude. my sister works in their automotive tire etc center I should call her right now and tell her to look for it. however she never could find the ecw dvd there (probably was sold out for a long time) but they did have the benoit and eddie ones so.............



peace out Ive got to go get a dvd

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I wonder if one of those Sabu matches was his Early "respect" angle vs Sabu where Sabu wanted Respect from RVD after beating him and RVD just blew him off, which lead to a Stretcher match later on

The one that started it (Hostile City Showdown) is on it and so is the one right before the stretcher match. It's weird that they don't have Matter of Respect, the only match in the series that RVD won. That was kind of his break out match, wasn't it? I love the way it ended.


Joey Styles "Certaintly after everything they've been through, RVD will respect Sabu now."

Sabu gets up, grabs the mic, and puts out his hand. "Respect."

RVD takes the mic "Not only do I not respect you, you're a piece of shit!" and throws it at him.


Please tell me that's on there.

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first rvd went to shake sabus hand then faked him out and kept walking away after he said the no respect line he said I do respect him (bill alfonso outside the ring-ironic, no? considering bill became his manager after barely legal)

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I got mine in the mail from DDD the other day. $5.99 - gotta love it.


Watched the whole set today. Excellent stuff.


Easter eggs are as follows:


Disc 1:

John Finnegan/RVD post-match interview (Living Dangerously 99)


Disc 2:

RVD/Sabu/Fonzie promo (Heatwave 99)


I found them using a computer, so don't ask how to access them on a standalone player - I have no idea.

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