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American Idol Season 4

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And you are tring to tell me that you'd rather watch crappy reality TV shows, which are actually game shows, then a good ol' fashion drama? Or a funny sitcom?


Say, what happened to your Real World/Road Rules avatar and "RW/RR #1 fan" title? Conveniently gone?


Get your panties out of the knot. Some people find this more entertaining than a "normal" show. I like "normal" shows on FOX (24, mostly), but to appeal to all of your viewerbase is necessary as a network. Playing non-stop dramas may appeal to someone like, say, you. But you only count for .00000000000000000000001 of the ratings while American Idol brings in what? 18's? Almost 19's?


Basically, this is you lashing out over a show that you don't like and you think that by having a tantrum like a six-year-old is going to make people stop and think "gosh, maybe that mole is right...I should stop watching!!! MAYBE THERE IS A GOOD OL' FASHIONED DRAMA ON RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! OR A FUNNY, PAINT-BY-NUMBERS SITCOM!!!!!" All tv shows hit a wall at some point...it takes innovative shows like 24, Seinfeld, etc. to change it. There are about 1650496723590238 sitcoms on network television right now, and about three of them are different from one another. Out of all the dramas out there now, there are at least 6000 kinds of Law & Order. You're telling me that THAT'S more entertaining than some blockhead getting up on national television because he/she thinks he can sing...but he/she is so off-key that the judges laugh them out of the room? Bullshit.

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so are there any front runners yet? I've missed the first couple of audition shows. During season 2, I knew Ruben Studdard was going to be up there somewhere when i saw his audition and latched onto him, which kept me watching the entire season...no one stuck out in season 3s auditions so I just kinda tuned halfway in other than rooting for George, who made it to the top 5, right?

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

Telling the triplets they were fat was hilarious to me, as well as Paula telling the contestant "Rat voice overs are hard to do" or something similar

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Say, what happened to your Real World/Road Rules avatar and "RW/RR #1 fan" title? Conveniently gone?

It has been gone a while. And this is what I said about MTV before:


That is why I don't mind reality TV shows on MTV because there isn't any scripted shows on MTV. Since MTV isn't taking jobs away from writers, then I'll watch.


Get your panties out of the knot. Some people find this more entertaining than a "normal" show. I like "normal" shows on FOX (24, mostly), but to appeal to all of your viewerbase is necessary as a network. Playing non-stop dramas may appeal to someone like, say, you. But you only count for .00000000000000000000001 of the ratings while American Idol brings in what? 18's? Almost 19's?

Yeah, I am aware people like other shows too. But like I have said 1000s of times, it takes away from scripted television. I don't really care if it entertains other people, it annoys me that a show like this is on the air. I think it is crap and a waste of time.


Basically, this is you lashing out over a show that you don't like and you think that by having a tantrum like a six-year-old is going to make people stop and think "gosh, maybe that mole is right...I should stop watching!!! MAYBE THERE IS A GOOD OL' FASHIONED DRAMA ON RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! OR A FUNNY, PAINT-BY-NUMBERS SITCOM!!!!!" All tv shows hit a wall at some point...it takes innovative shows like 24, Seinfeld, etc. to change it. There are about 1650496723590238 sitcoms on network television right now, and about three of them are different from one another. Out of all the dramas out there now, there are at least 6000 kinds of Law & Order. You're telling me that THAT'S more entertaining than some blockhead getting up on national television because he/she thinks he can sing...but he/she is so off-key that the judges laugh them out of the room? Bullshit.

Yeah, I sure sound like a 6 year old.


I'll say it once again, so maybe you hear me this time. American Idol is taking away from scripted TV shows, so that is why I won't watch it. And I think it is dumb that people would rather watch it than a good ol' drama.


But this "people getting up there and singing badly" stuff only goes on for the first few weeks. After that, the majority of the show is some kid singing songs, that I don't like from the original artists, until their voices go blue. Wow, that is just so damn entertaining to me.


Then for so many weeks, a certain singer will be on stage and try to "get to the end" so they can be the American Idol. Which will only last for a few years until people stop caring about them.


The show is a fad and a waste of time that good TV should be on.

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The show is a fad and a waste of time that good TV should be on.

It's in it's fourth season, so I don't really think you can call it a fad anymore. Desparate Housewives and (I really hate to say it) Lost have a more legit claim to being a "fad" than American Idol at this point, since they haven't even finished their first.

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I don't really care if it entertains other people, it annoys me that a show like this is on the air.

Lol..so, wait, you see that it's obvious the show entertains others. (A lot at that) Yet you believe it should be taken off the air...just because you don't like it? Umm..interesting. Even though it's like one of the highest rated shows there are. So...what else don't you like, so the rest of the world can try to do something about getting rid of it?


That is why I don't mind reality TV shows on MTV because there isn't any scripted shows on MTV. Since MTV isn't taking jobs away from writers, then I'll watch.

Well...shows like 'Undressed' say hello. That was a scripted show. Maybe if they weren't showing those stupid RR/RW shows, or stuff like Pimp my Ride, and Wanna come inside all night, that might still have a slot. :angry: (Yea, I'm aware I like RW/RR, but making a point. :P )


I think it is crap and a waste of time. / And I think it is dumb that people would rather watch it than a good ol' drama.

From what I've seen though, you don't think that just because it's reality TV, taking slots away from scripted shows, but just because you don't like it..Because, didn't you say the same thing about The O.C.? Possibly even in this thread..And that's scripted television. And as for the second part, the thing is there is NOTHING BUT, 'good ol dramas' on, all over television. People talk about how networks are showing reality TV so much now, but seriously, you can't turn the channel without seeing a Law & Order, or a CSI on. Then you have your 24, Alias, The O.C., now Point Pleasant, Lost, Half of the stuff on Lifetime, Tilt, etc. I mean isn't there enough, why should they add more? (I mean..they could, but no need to take away reality TV) Shoudn't there be some variety? You have your cartoons for kids, you have movie channels for people into movies, sports, Drama (or scripted TV) on pretty much every channel...so there should be reality TV for people who like Reality TV. It shouldn't be taken off..because there are a few people who don't like. (BTW, there aren't half as many reality TV shows on, as there are of dramas and the like, the few I just named probaly aren't even 1/10 of them all, but just some of the more popular ones.)


And if your biggest problem is it takes away jobs from the people who work on those shows...do you realize how many people work on American Idol!? :huh: It's not just 4 or 5 people sitting in a booth editing video as seen on many of the behind the scenes things last season. So, if it were to ever get cancelled as you seemingly want, a LOT more people would lose their job, then say, cancelling one television show.


The show is a fad and a waste of time that good TV should be on.

I'd say 3 years/season (whichever or both) is a pretty long ass time for a fad, and another season going on now.


And yea, I know I'm rambling, but I don't know, it's kind of 'struck a cord' or something like that, that people want this show cancelled...because they don't like it. I don't like 24, but I know there are people that do like the show, which I personally find 'stupid', so there's no reason why it should be cancelled..

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There hasn't been a truly funny new sitcom since Family Guy. That's why the genre is failing, not the onslaught from reality shows. Dramas are doing just fine, but the public doesn't want all drama all the time, they need something more light-hearted as a change of pace, and the crummy sitcom writers sure aren't doing it.


Why don't you complain about professional sports while you are at it?

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When a show like American Idol is on, it takes jobs away from scripted writers. About 10 years ago, that 2 hour block that American Idol fills up would have gone to a show that was written by writers. It takes network television away from people, which is annoys me.


For example, Wonderfalls was on Fox last year. It isn't on this year so Fox could fill up timeslots with reality TV. The writers on Wonderfalls lost their jobs for reality TV shows like American Idol.


That is why I don't mind reality TV shows on MTV because there isn't any scripted shows on MTV. Since MTV isn't taking jobs away from writers, then I'll watch.

This is the most insane logic.


First off, many reality TV shows have been exposed to using scripts for particular moments, so it's not like they're completely eliminating jobs.


But, more importantly, it's completely illogical to say that, by having absolutely no scripted shows, MTV isn't taking away jobs from writers. Read that sentence again. MTV is taking away more possibilities for writing jobs than any other network by having less scripted material and, by being successful with a completely unscripted lineup, they're influencing other networks to make the same decision.


MTV has created scripted shows in the past - sure, Beavis and Butthead, Daria, The Maxx, and Aeon Flux were all animated, but that means that they were all scripted as well - and even aired other scripted shows in syndication (My So-Called Life), but the number of these shows has dwindled due to MTV's own preference for the reality TV, which brings in better ratings.


And why does it bring in better ratings? It brings in better ratings because you watch it.


One hand washes the other, Mole, and you help to engineer your own dilemma by watching reality TV on MTV and then hypocritically blasting another network for daring to attempt to follow MTV's success, which you helped to create.

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Why don't you complain about professional sports while you are at it?

Now that you mention it, the NHL has really sucked so far this year...

Americans wouldn't know, it wasn't on network television to begin with.

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Way to bring the thunder, Lambchop.

Yeah, I don't feel like arguing anymore.


Plus you kind of had me there with the whole MTV thing.

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I finally watched the second audition show and I gotta say that Dirk and Adam are my new heroes. Anyone who sings a David Hasselhoff song is awesome and on top of that Adam screwing up the "Opposites Attract" video was gold. Screw William Hung these are the two best bad singers ever.

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I might as well start the discussion here. No big surprises tonight expect maybe for Aloha getting the axe. I think while she doesnt have an original bone in her body she didnt deserve to go this week. I would have voted for Lindsey or Janay to get canned and I really hope Janay doesnt get into the final 12 based on sympathy.

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Guest Loss

I think Bo Bice did the best performance in the history of the show this week. Never thought I'd see the Allman Brothers on American Idol, much less the Allman Brothers done right.

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Bo Bice and Nikko Smith are great. I like Mikalah Gordon, she'd be a smark hate though.


I hate Constantine, he sucks sooo much and is trying so hard to outshine Bo.

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I hate Mikalah Gordon, and I have a feeling she was boning that sleazy looking guy that got eliminated last night. She was crying way too much about it.

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Top 6 guys:

Bo Bice

Nikko Smith

Scott Savol

Travis (damn i never remember his name)

Mario Vasquez

dude with dreads (forget his name too)


Top 6 girls:


uhhhhh the girsl kinda suck this year so whoever else...

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I think Bo Bice did the best performance in the history of the show this week. Never thought I'd see the Allman Brothers on American Idol, much less the Allman Brothers done right.

I have to hand it to the Idol producers - this new format has allowed people like Bo Bice to shine, whereas with the previous "semifinal" phases he'd have only one shot and would create a connection with viewers.


In short, he could be the second "rocker" to win an Idol competition (the first in the US of course).


Is Janay the single mom?

I think she's the one who stunk up the joint singing Blu Cantrell.

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Oh man those girls were awful.

And what was up with the results show? He was so quick about it and acted like he didn't care.


Oh and Kerri if from Oklahoma? And lived on a farm. WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THESE FARMS THAT ARE SO FAR FROM THE CITY!? Everytime I see somebody from Oklahoma on TV that's where they're from. A farm in the middle of nowhere and they haven't seen a big city. I wanna know where these places are! Because i've never seen them!

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Obviously, you're not looking hard enough for Middle Of Fucking Nowhere, Oklahoma...


In all seriousness, though, it just sounds like it makes for a better story.

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Obviously, you're not looking hard enough for Middle Of Fucking Nowhere, Oklahoma...


In all seriousness, though, it just sounds like it makes for a better story.

No I've seen farms. But they're usually only 20 minutes from the city.

Then again I do live in a suburb of Oklahoma City so maybe I haven't properly explored for the middle of nowhere.

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sorry for getting off topic...Dama how do you like Oklahoma City (by the way if you go to OU why do you live there?)? I've been there a couple times and I think that entire city is garbage...

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