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Guest Vitamin X

Simon Cowell blasts Beyonce...

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If a performer, and I use that term lightly for both Beyonce and Ashlee Simpson cannot perform live and be "legit" meaning no lip-synching etc, then they shouldn't go on tour...period.


If you lip-sync you are a phony..I dont care how much you dance around. Anyone's voice can be made to sound good in a studio, but if you cant hack it out on stage...then find another profession.



Question: Do they make money? The end.

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If a performer, and I use that term lightly for both Beyonce and Ashlee Simpson cannot perform live and be "legit" meaning no lip-synching etc, then they shouldn't go on tour...period.


If you lip-sync you are a phony..I dont care how much you dance around. Anyone's voice can be made to sound good in a studio, but if you cant hack it out on stage...then find another profession.



Question: Do they make money? The end.

I never brought up the fact about making money. Of course they make money. The music they make is for the general population who watch MTV, and wouldnt know a good song if it smacked them upside the head....


When I go to see a band live, I dont expect to hear the song exactly like it was on the studio album...I expect a live performance of the song....if fuckups happen they happen...

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Your implication that they should find another profession indications there's something wrong with the current one. If their goal is to make money, they have no need to find another profession. This line of thought is similar to firing the pitcher because they can't hit very well.

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To say this Yuna/IDRM coupling is remarkable would be an understatement.

I will have to kill their children, you know this.


Remember. Remember that it is my burden to do so, and judge me not for my sins, for I commit them for the benefit of us all.

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Guest Vitamin X
I never brought up the fact about making money. Of course they make money. The music they make is for the general population who watch MTV, and wouldnt know a good song if it smacked them upside the head....

That's a ridiculously stupid generalization to make. Millions of people watch MTV. True, millions of people listen to pop crap as well, but who the fuck are you to judge what is good music or not, regardless of what your taste is? Music is largely subjective to one's own opinion. If you're implying that just because it's on MTV, it's not good music (which it seems like) that's asinine. Maybe to you, but there are quite a few people who'd disagree with you.


And I say this even though I don't personally watch MTV on a regular basis either, but the whole subject matter of whether music is good or bad is, again, dependent on one's own taste. It's like comedy in that aspect, certain people find certain things funny that other's won't, and vice versa. It's the same principal with music.

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To say this Yuna/IDRM coupling is remarkable would be an understatement.

I will have to kill their children, you know this.


Remember. Remember that it is my burden to do so, and judge me not for my sins, for I commit them for the benefit of us all.

That is if our wild bouts of animalistic copulations ever produce children. We could just fuck like rabid bunnies...without breeding a single soul.


We could, instead, choose to sacrifice human children to our pagan God in heathenistic rituals, starting our own cult, and therefore acquire many followers. They will be the ones producing offspring, not us. When the time comes, said babies will be our sacrifices.


................ :huh: Don't ask me where all that came from. I just woke up twenty minutes ago.


Do get somewhat back on topic, Vitamin X's post was quite beautifully worded and I whole-heartedly agree ^^;

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I mean... damn.

*nervous chuckle* Heh.. I'm not sure which muse to blame that one on. Perhaps Sands? He's insane like that, plus that sounds like his quirky sense of humor. Or perhaps Mort? Or both?

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I never brought up the fact about making money. Of course they make money. The music they make is for the general population who watch MTV, and wouldnt know a good song if it smacked them upside the head....

That's a ridiculously stupid generalization to make. Millions of people watch MTV. True, millions of people listen to pop crap as well, but who the fuck are you to judge what is good music or not, regardless of what your taste is? Music is largely subjective to one's own opinion. If you're implying that just because it's on MTV, it's not good music (which it seems like) that's asinine. Maybe to you, but there are quite a few people who'd disagree with you.


And I say this even though I don't personally watch MTV on a regular basis either, but the whole subject matter of whether music is good or bad is, again, dependent on one's own taste. It's like comedy in that aspect, certain people find certain things funny that other's won't, and vice versa. It's the same principal with music.

It seems I have touched a nerve...


I should have prefaced my earlier post with a IMO...but I did not.


To put it bluntly, yes I think everything that is on MTV or is MTV related is crap. I think MTV caters to the lowest common denominator for music aka teenagers who listen to whatever is "new" at the moment not even caring about the music.


It happened with the boy band fad, the the Britney/Christina era and now with the pop/punk era with Good Charlotte etc...


I know everyone has a different taste in music. People probably think some of the stuff I listen to(Metallica, Slayer, Shadows Fall, LOG etc)...suck and thats fine.


I was just expressing my opinion on Ashlee Simpson, and that type of music nothing more nothing less, and if I touched a nerve then Im sorry...lol

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Guest Vitamin X

No nerves are touched. As I said, I don't even watch MTV so I can't even be in the "I froze when I read what skullman80 said. It was incredibly offensive at best" group. It's just a stupid, stupid statement to say that "Well, if *I* don't like that music, then it sucks!"


Like I said, musical taste is subjective to one's own personality. Just because it caters to the lowest common denominator doesn't mean it's bad. It's just trying to find something that the majority of people can agree on, and for MTV, it's worked quite successfully.

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To say this Yuna/IDRM coupling is remarkable would be an understatement.

I will have to kill their children, you know this.


Remember. Remember that it is my burden to do so, and judge me not for my sins, for I commit them for the benefit of us all.

That is if our wild bouts of animalistic copulations ever produce children. We could just fuck like rabid bunnies...without breeding a single soul.


We could, instead, choose to sacrifice human children to our pagan God in heathenistic rituals, starting our own cult, and therefore acquire many followers. They will be the ones producing offspring, not us. When the time comes, said babies will be our sacrifices.




You know which school has a cool fight song? Notre Dame.

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Come on MX, rant away.


Tell me how Beyonce wouldn't be better served being some sort of famous dancer instead of singer?


Why is it that I've seen her perform on TV in concert without even the pretense of a mic, just blatent lipsynching?

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it's been answered before Eric, but she lipsynchs because intense dancing is a part of the show and if she didn't lipsynch, her vocals would sound like shit...I'm not saying I agree with it or I care for her music or anything, I'm just telling you how it is...why do you think most rock and metal vocalists sound like ass at live shows? Because they're jumping around,r unning around and all so they're out of breath whenever they try to hit all the notes...take a listen to GNR Live Era, for example, Axl sounds like shit through most of that album because of how intense he is on stage...it works for those kind of acts, not for pop stars...I don't like it, I just accept it...

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Beyonce doesn't even fucking sing in televised concerts.


MX, defend that shit.

I second this. *awaits the defense*

I think he or anyone else can defend it because she does sing live at televised concerts.


Doesn't get much more easy than that.


She doesn't sing live on EVERY song, but anyone that has actually seen her or destinys child perform know that they have the "sit on the stool and sing to the crowd so that the performance feels all intimate, when what you are really doing is getting your wind back from dancing 20 minutes straight and allowing the dancers to change into their next outfit and get ready for the big close of the show" period in the show, where she will sing the slower songs (or groups slower songs) like that "daddy" song and such. In Destiny child, this would be the harmonizing section with no musical backing. The girl can sing, and proves it at live shows.



so...um...defendeded or something.

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if you're going to sing, sing. If you're going to dance, dance.


There ARE people who can sing AND dance. They do it.


Even one lip synched song is too many.

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forget it Ripper, this guy doesn't get it...what they do is part of pop music, that's just the way it goes...if a fan pays 50 bucks to go see NSync, that fan doesn't want to see them sit on stools or stand around and walk around the stage as they sing "Pop"...no they expect to see the intense dance moves as well...in that same token they don't wanna hear Justin Timberlake huffin and puffin so the simple compromise is dance and lipsynch to "Pop" and then rest and sit on stools and actually sing on a slow song...okay I'm gonna stop before I type the EXACT same thing you typed...this horse has been beaten enough!

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