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When Did You Stop Watching On A Regular Basis?

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For me It was after The Co. blew the surefire "Invasion" Storyline with WCW/ECW circa 2001. I knew then that If Creative couldn't be bothered to write an angle that practically wrote Itself such as the Invasion one, there was no hope for The Future. What about some of you?

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bout the same time...when WWE guys were joining the WCW/ECW side I gave up on the whole deal...I tuned in every once in awhile between then and around WM 20 and have been back to watching it regularly ever since...I basically missed about 2 1/2 to 3 years of storyline...

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Guest Elgyn

I stopped watching regularly around the time Randy Orton won the title last year. I Tivo Raw now and skim through it to see what might be good after reading the results. I haven't watched Smackdown in at least a year.

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I stopped watching as soon as HBK became World heavyweight champion back in 2002 and RVD was starting to get buried by HHH and WWE management, now I TIVO RAW every monday (Batista might be the one to bring me back to watch it live) and haven't watched SD in its entirety since Crapshaw became the........ ugh...... Champ, just typing it makes me sick.

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I stopped watching Raw regularly when they botched the Orton push, although I have watched quite a bit of the show the last two or three weeks due to some good matches and the Batista/HHH storyline.

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Guest Loss

I considered it a must to watch all wrestling programs, even the weekend ones, until the Monday Night Wars started and some shows were then seen as more important than others. Before that, they all had equal importance and I made sure to watch them all. I lost interest in Smackdown at some point in 2002 when it was obvious after the split that it was treated as a B-show and there was almost never any major angle development on the show.


If they'd start advancing storylines and doing big matches on the weekend programming, and if they'd treat Smackdown with the same respect they treat RAW, I'd make it a point to watch all of the shows again on a regular basis. One of the problems is that the Internet has made discussing the show an accessible thing all week long whereas back in the early-mid 90s, I hadn't had anyone to talk about wrestling with all week so was excited when the weekend shows started, even if they were just RAW/Superstars recaps.


I miss Saturday evenings at 6:05 Eastern watching TBS dearly. That was sort of a childhood tradition.


Admittedly, I haven't watched as much of RAW lately either, and the main reason is that nothing ever changes. HHH has been on top for six years, HBK for over a decade (give or take) and Flair is *still* around after all these years. I'd be more excited about watching RAW than I am, but Monday night wrestling isn't nearly the *event* it used to be. I don't blame that entirely on the collapse of Nitro, either, as RAW was always a show to get excited about from 1993-1995 as well.


Honestly, if RAW was taped and spoilers were available, I'd only catch the shows where something cool looks to happen in the audience report.

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Guest Fook

I stopped watching Smackdown after WM when they started the Bradshaw push. The last one I watched was the one where Big Show threw Angle off the ledge.


I'd been watching Raw on and off since Orton won the title. I started solidly watching it again after Survivor Series when they had the dispute over the world title, but since 24 started I haven't watched at all (I know I could still watch the second hour if I wanted to, but I hate doing that without seeing the first).

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Guest BrokenWings

I stopped watching SD, again, after they fucked up the London/Kidman feud.

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A few weeks after the Booker T/Bagwell fiasco, when I officially gave up on the Invasion.


Interestingly enough, the only time I turned into Raw every single week was during the trainwreck period where Nash was feuding with Triple H.

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I stopped watching Smackdown regularly right when the Bradshaw push started. I flicked over to see what was happening on SD for a few minutes at a time until around September, at which point I stopped watching it altogether. The only time I ever watch any of SD is if anything big happens, which is very rare, and even then all I watch is that one segment before turning over to something else.


I stopped watching Raw regularly when Orton won the title. I still check it out, but I rarely, if ever, watch it live anymore, and I stick to taping it and skimming over the crap to watch anything of value that might happen to take place.


The only wrestling I watching regularly now is OVW or New Japan, with some ROH thrown in.

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I kept watching Smackdown until GAB when the JBL push became complete with the title win. At that point, I either only caught a bit of the show or missed it altogether, with some weeks not even bothering to read the spoilers.


As for Raw, it lasted a little longer, as I kept watching until Orton's title win, but during the summer months, my interest was fading, with Benoit, in spite of being the brand's champion, not receiving nearly as much spotlight as the top champion as a HHH would.


These days, I might catch a segment or two of either show, but that's about it. I mainly just watch a WWE DVD every now and then if I feel like watching a certain match, whether it's good or bad.

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I always watch RAW and Velocity... rarely watch ALL of Smackdown, I watch some parts because I do read the spoilers (cept when London is on the show, then I do watch).. Heat I watch when I can.. but that's not normally.


The Experience and Afterburn I dont think I've ever watched a full episode.

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About the time when HHH-mania started running wild on RAW in about Fall of 2002 is when I finally got fed up and couldn't take it anymore and finally broke my life-long habit of constantly watching wrestling.

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I stopped watching Raw in June last year when yet another Triple H/Michaels match was setup for Bad Blood.


I stopped watching Smackdown towards the end of the year. I think Tough Enough was the final straw with that.


I only occasionally watch the recap shows now and mainly use the Internet to keep up with the results.

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Guest Astro

HHH is handed the belt by Eric B in Sept 2002. i stopped watching RAw for 2 years after that. (No cable helped)

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Guest INXS

Mine was around the first chamber match, I think that was the last PPV that I went out of my way to catch. I had been slowly caring less about watching WWE since 2001. Nowadays I follow the results online, catch WWE shows every now and then and watch older tapes.

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

I stopped watching Smackdown regularly last year, about the time JBL won the belt. There's just no one I really like on Smackdown... well, there's Nunzio, but how often is he on? Plus, I can just read the spoilers and see if he has a match. If not, I generally don't watch. It's on Saturday nights here, and I have better things to watch like Fullmetal Alchemist and Ghost in the Shell.


Sometimes I watch the 2nd hour of Smackdown, but most of the time, I just don't. It's not entertaining anymore.


I always watch Raw. There's actually wrestlers I like there, it can be moderately entertaining, and we normally have a group of friends come over for it, which makes it more fun. Smackdown just doesn't have that for me anymore.

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HHH is handed the belt by Eric B in Sept 2002. i stopped watching RAw for 2 years after that. (No cable helped)

Okay am I like the only person that didn't shit his pants in fury and disbelief when HHH was handed the belt? I was just like "okay so they recognize him as champ now since he had the WCW belt last, fine" and didn't think it was a big deal. Maybe they should've had him win it proper against Flair an hour later but it wasn't the worst thing in the world.

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Okay am I like the only person that didn't shit his pants in fury and disbelief when HHH was handed the belt? I was just like "okay so they recognize him as champ now since he had the WCW belt last, fine" and didn't think it was a big deal. Maybe they should've had him win it proper against Flair an hour later but it wasn't the worst thing in the world.

A title that starts out life as being handed to someone from a briefcase doesn't start out with a lot of credibility. If only to at least make it look like the title was earned, they should have had Hunter v Flair that night be for the vacant World Title.

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Any time before 2000: Whenever I could, as I didn't have cable or UPN.


Jan. 2000 to April 2001: Every single show. Period. I would usually watch Heat and the saturday morning shows too, I was obsessed.


April 2001 to May 2001: Most shows, though I was bored with most of them.


June 2001: Every single show because I was excited about Benoit and Jericho being pushed.


July 2001 to January 2002: Most shows, but the excitement was gone, and I was frustrated with how the Invasion had gone.


January 2002 to September 2002: I'd watch if I remembered to, did not find any storylines to be interesting during this time.


September 2002 to March 2004: Almost always watched Smackdown, found Raw to be pathetic up until late 2003.


March 2004 to July 2004: Watched Raw almost every week and still tuned in to Smackdown because it was an entertaining train wreck for a while (my friend and I would make fun of it while watching).


August 2004 to present: Watch shows if I remember to or unless I'm not doing anything else. Not really interested in what's going on most of the time, though Raw had some good shows. Typically I'll also watch the first hour of each program before turning it off because it's boring and then turning it on again for the main event segment.

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