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Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

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The UPN Network plans to drop WWE Smackdown from its roster of shows when their contract with World Wrestling Entertainment expires next year, according to statements made by Viacom's co-President in an article published by California newspaper The Oakland Tribune earlier this week discussing UPN's future plans.


The statement, made by Leslie Moonves, co-President and co-Chief Operating Officer for Viacom, the parent company of UPN and CBS. Moonves and Tom Freston took over the positions in June 2004, when former President Mel Karmazin resigned the post.


According to the article, which looks at plans to change UPN's image into a more serious network, moving away from sillier fare like "Amish in the City." According to Moonves, Smackdown no longer fits the network's vision.


"It still makes us a decent amount of money," said Moonves, "When you think about the powerhouses of CBS and NBC on Thursday night, it's great counter-programming. (But) it doesn't fit into the overall (programming) strategy."


WWE and Viacom came to terms on a "multiyear deal" to continue broadcasting Smackdown via The UPN Network in March 2003. It is believed the deal expires in the fall of 2006. The arrangement provided for UPN to pay WWE a licensing fee and also allow the company to produce several primetime specials.


Smackdown debuted as a UPN special in April 1999, paving the way for the weekly series, which has been running since August of that year.


I blame Bradshaw

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Simply awesome. I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw the thread title. Then this.


Sir, they will erect statues of you in future times so all my reville in your awesomenous.





I said erect.




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What a shock, they've been treating it like their #2 show for over a year anyway. They lose Benoit and Brock Lesnar on the same day, then Kurt's out for a while, and do little to compensate those loses. They tease HHH on Smackdown, but kill that off, anytime Rock shows up, it's on RAW.


They need another show with their huge roster, but I hope they do it better next time.

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Guest Trivia247

Well fuck UPN and everyone representing UPN...


I guess Smackdown takes away Valuable Girlfriends and Enterprise Space huh...

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

They should end the brand extension. Make Sunday a more important show, and put all of their development guys on Thursday. I'd screw them.

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Considering Smackdown! is the only good show on UPN. that network is screwing themselves if they do cancel the show. espeically sence its their top rated show(or one of)

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Maybe USA will pick them both up? Anywhere else they could go?


When is RAW's contract up?

I think RAWs contract ends in October. I haven't heard anything regarding the status lately though.

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Vince pulls the mother of all sucker deals and gets USA to air SD! thinking that it's the old WCW show that beat them for 83 weeks straight in the ratings.


Greatest. Carny. Ever.


But yep, they're fucked with SD! now. I guess Spike! can interrupt one of their CSI marathons on Thursday to free up space for the show.

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couldn't they just move it to Spike? everything else is there.

I don't think Spike would want to have another 2 hour prime time wrestling show on their network. Also, having both his prime time shows on the same network would take away a negotiating tool from Vince McMahon. If he has Raw and Smackdown on different networks, he can play them off each other when negotiating a new deal.

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This could give them a good opportunity to change the name of the show, if they so pleased. It's sorta dated since Rock's effectively gone.

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WRONG, Cruiserweights are nothing more than jobber fodder and things for me to touch in the shower. NEXT ISSUE!

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I don't think Spike would want to have another 2 hour prime time wrestling show on their network. Also, having both his prime time shows on the same network would take away a negotiating tool from Vince McMahon. If he has Raw and Smackdown on different networks, he can play them off each other when negotiating a new deal.


Uhhh, genius. UPN and Spike TV are owned by the same company.


Spike would want SmackDown because it'd get higher ratings than whatever they'd be showing instead of it. And if not, another channel (USA or FX spring to mind) would.

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Guest Astro

Smackdown is a known name, it'll take years to reestablish name recognition within the casual fan...

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Guest NitroJMS
Considering Smackdown! is the only good show on UPN. that network is screwing themselves if they do cancel the show. espeically sence its their top rated show(or one of)

*cough*Veronica Mars*cough*

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Guest Trivia247

Well remember he said that Smackdown was still making them money, it wasn't like SD was dragging the network down...


this is purely a Selfish Ohhh SD doesn't Fit with our program scheme bullshit.

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