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Jose Canseco Book

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Guest MikeSC
I like how a lot of ESPN guys are treating him as instantly credible because he's saying something they want to be true.


I don't really believe anything he says. It kills what little credibility that he has when he's naming names for guys he nevered played with.

Is he lying?




I don't quite get why I'm supposed to give two shits about it.


If somebody wants to do steroids, let them.


No skin off my balls.


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So what's more dishonorable? Ratting out FORMER teammates or cheating at what you dofor a living and tainting records?

Personally, I don't think today's records are tainted, anymore than pitching records are tainted from the dead-ball era. The records are a statement of fact. Barry Bonds hit 73 home runs in 2001. No number of asteriks can erase the fact that somehow, it happened. Walter Johnson won 417 games. Do we care that Johnson got to throw a baseball that was scuffed, soaked, and spit upon? I haven't seen anyone lose sleep over it.


A smart baseball fan knows that raw numbers are meaningless unlessed placed within context. Barry Bonds isn't going into the Hall of Fame because he hit 700 home runs. He's going in because he stood far above his peers. That's what makes a Hall of Famer. Was he on steroids? Almost certainly. But so were many of his competitors, it seems. And let's not forget this steroid epidemic is NOT related to hitters. Bonds certainly had to hit baseballs thrown by steroid-enhanced pitchers. Notice that strikeout marks are also at their highest levels since the early 1890s, when pitchers stood 50 feet from home plate.


If Canseco were doing this for noble reasons, I might buy it. But he's ratting out what his teammates did as far as fifteen years ago purely in an effort to sell a book. He's at Pete Rose levels of whoring oneself.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Canseco is going to be on the radio program I listen to daily in a little while. After they upload it I'll leave a link to it here for people.

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Guest Smues

I caught the 2nd half of Canseco's XM interview. (and maybe it's just my setup but the sound quality on the mlb xm station was terrible. I kept having to adjust the volume as one minute it'd be too faint to hear and the next it'd blast my ears) Apparently he's writing a 2nd book, which from what I could tell will talk about the 'real' reason he was in prison. He said something about some forces conspiring to keep him from writing his 1st book, and it will all be covered in book 2. Shill shill shill.


And funny enough, the next guest after Canseco was Pete Rose.

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That was the funniest fucking thing I've heard in a while. Among which, the "This is just the tip of the iceberg.", "Waah, the media is holding me down." and "I'm not answering any more of your ignorant questions." comments stood out. He'll probably blame MLB for his cell phone cutting out.

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My favorite was Canseco's complaining about being blackballed. Apparently, it was because he brought in steroids, and since they paid A-Rod $250 Million, and since so many people were putting up similar stats, they had to give them all similar cash. Hence, they wanted to get rid of the cause. Riiiight. It had nothing to do with hitting .188 in Charlotte.

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If he had come out and said all this 2 or 3 years ago when there wasn't so much of a steroid controversy already, this would have been A) A big deal and B)taken a whole lot more seriously. As it is, its obvious that no one would have cared about his book if he didnt accuse everyone he ever met of taking steroids and trying to make money off it. His book would be in the bargain bin 2 weeks after it was released if he didnt and no one would care about Jose Canseco.


I cant believe so many people are giving this guy interview time and attention for this.


Im waiting for the "The secret to Brady Anderson's 50 HR season wasn't bacon" to come up next..

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And heres a big Fuck You to Jose for this:


"I can just throw up watching the total phonies go to work, guys like Cal Ripken or Alex Rodriguez; everything out of their mouths sounds like it was tested by some kind of focus group beforehand,"


Someone in the Orioles Organization must have pissed him off pretty bad..

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First of all, yes he's saying this to sell a book, but if you had a monstrous story like this, that could change the landscape of sports, you'd be a fucking retard to give it away for free.


Secondly.. is he lying? I doubt it. Look, we know steroids are a huge problem in baseball, it's not like Canseco was the only guy on steroids. Whether he's an asshole for "ratting out" his teammates or not is up to you, but I believe 100% the people's he's naming are juicers. Like I said, he's not the only one doing it, it's a big problem, so it's not hard to assume all these guys that coincidentally look exactly like him(in terms of bulk) and that some of these guys who's numbers increased when Canseco joined their team, or when they started bulking up are also juicers.

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Any possible "whistle blower" support Canseco could have gotten out of this has gone out the door with his stance that steroids are fine to use. Even if McGwire and the others did really do steroids it's a shame that the man that could tear down their legacy is Canseco.

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Guest Smues

Now that I've heard the whole thing (good rerunning of it on XM on the drive home) I think the best part was one of the hosts saying that there's only 2 chapters in the book on steroids, and Canseco saying that the book is mainly about his life, not steroids, and that the media is just latching onto the steroids. Problem, the title of the fucking thing is "Juiced : Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big" Somehow I don't think people are going to see that and think "WOW CANSECO'S LIFE HOW COOL!"

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If he had come out and said all this 2 or 3 years ago when there wasn't so much of a steroid controversy already, this would have been A) A big deal and B)taken a whole lot more seriously.

He had been trying to get a publisher for his book for years, it is all he talked about while he was in jail with Greta Van Sustren (sp?) and even before then.


It was not until that the steroid scandal broke that anybody gave him the time of day.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Secondly.. is he lying? I doubt it. Look, we know steroids are a huge problem in baseball, it's not like Canseco was the only guy on steroids. Whether he's an asshole for "ratting out" his teammates or not is up to you, but I believe 100% the people's he's naming are juicers. Like I said, he's not the only one doing it, it's a big problem, so it's not hard to assume all these guys that coincidentally look exactly like him(in terms of bulk) and that some of these guys who's numbers increased when Canseco joined their team, or when they started bulking up are also juicers.


Except for the fact that his story has completely fallen apart over the last 4 days of interviews. He got nailed to the wall more than once on 60 minutes.


I don't buy his story for a minute because it reeks of a bitter old man trying to make a buck. I'm pretty sure that not everyone he played with was doing steroids. I'm also even more confident that players already knew about steroids and guys like Pudge and Palmero wouldn't need fucking Jose Canseco to find out about them.


It also kills his credibilty that he basically tacked this stuff on because he couldn't get his book published. It's like when that guy on Seinfeld bought Kramer's life stories to make his book more interesting.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Since Canseco admitted to using steroids Mike Greenwell wants MLB to give him the 1988 MVP. He doesn't want any money or anything, just the title of 1988 MVP. He came in second in the MVP voting to Jose Canseco that year.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Mike Greenwell would kick Sheffield's ass in a fight. Then he'd feed Sheffield's carcass to his pet gators.

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Mike Greenwell would kick Sheffield's ass in a fight. Then he'd feed Sheffield's carcass to his pet gators.

Greenwell's a candy-ass.


He's out of shape now, bald, and anybody who recognizes him in public gets a death glare from him until they walk away.

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Guest Smues
When was Canseco in jail and what was he there for?

He can't talk about it.....until you buy his next book.


And I don't remember what he was there for, but I vaguely recall him spending a couple months in jail like 2-3 years ago, and then being under house arrest and having a tracking bracelet on his leg.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly
When was Canseco in jail and what was he there for?

He can't talk about it.....until you buy his next book.


And I don't remember what he was there for, but I vaguely recall him spending a couple months in jail like 2-3 years ago, and then being under house arrest and having a tracking bracelet on his leg.

I never heard a thing about it.

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Now I haven't read the book but I thought one of ESPN's talking heads brought up a good point about the book if this is true.


Canseco dropped the names of the roid guys but the book would have seemed more noble if he had focused more on the negatives about using steroids rather than trying to drag some through the mud.

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Just wanted to link to this thread, which has an interview with Dave Meltzer on a Boston sports radio station talking about steroids and HGH. It's pretty interesting, actually.

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