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Patty O'Green

Booking for the 2/17 show!

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Only fitting that the show eminate from Cocoa Beach, Fla.




It's gonna be a HeldDown BEACH PARTY!! The ring will be outside, ala WCW's spring break programs, and the fans will be set up in makeshift rafters at ringside. HOWEVER, the entrance ramp will be an extra-long ramp that will connect to a fitness club that the OAOAST will be renting out, allowing us to run skits inside as usual, in offices, locker rooms, etc.


Basically, use the special setup or don't as you see fit, but the show'll be outdoors. The forecast, I hear, is 78 degrees and clear, with moderate humidity. A great day for a great HeldDOWN~!


Ken, if you want to let Josie take credit for this idea, it's all good. Anything I can do to help.


Oh, snap! Everyone also remmeber that we'll be just three days removed from Valentine's Day! Keep it in mind!!

Edited by Hoff

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So, anyway.


Fallout from the ending of last week's six-man tag? Will Axel and Crystal make up? Will Hoff apologize for ignoring his friends? Will Drek piss someone off? PROBABLY!! Plus Chris Stevens IN ACTION!!




...if anyone wants a match with Stevens, PM me. :)

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OMG!~! A beach?!








and if that's totally cool with ol' Hoffry, i'll gladly have Josie take credit for the beach idea.


Could we possibly have Moving Units play at the beginning? I'll write that shit.

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Guest Failed Mascot

The Dude will be in action unless Hoff's idea blows up in his face and the whole e-fed is killed by a hurricane.

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Guest Phenom
The Dude will be in action unless Hoff's idea blows up in his face and the whole e-fed is killed by a hurricane.

That would be totally fitting to be the end to the OAOAST. One big anti-climax.


More chaos erupts from the DoC. I suggest Malibu/Poppick to look out.

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-Tina vs. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez.


-Stephen Joseph Popick chats a bit with Tina in the fitness club


-And a match is made for Zero Hour. Which match though? Tina vs. Lindsay? Or Panther vs. PRL? Or will it be another member of the LC taking on another OAOAST wrestler? STAY TUNED~!


-And if I have the time, or if Papacita writes the Tina/Lindsay match, then I'll have one of The Lightning Crew members have a match against one of our jobbers

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Ken, the moving units factoring in would be tiiiiiight. I'd never even think to do that.

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Dammit...this guy was in the other thread and he said his name was Johnny Dangerous. IT HAPPENED!!

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Heeey, man...it's ALLLL cool...we're allll friends heNOW!


*a random guy shocks Hoff with a cattle prod, sending the #1 CONTENDA!~ down, twitching.*


Well...that went well.


Oh, and I decided to go with The Libertines instead. No more Moving Units...The Libertines! LIVE AT HELDDOWN!!

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I have a pretty creative idea concerning the Heavyweight Championship this week. I mean, I'm sure we've all seen the bad gimmick matches before. Kennel-In-A-Cell. Coal Miner's Glove Match. Blindfold Match. Well, folks, I've developed a new idea. One that will put all those others to shame.


And it will be for the OAOAST Heavyweight Title.


I just need an opponent.


Send me a PM if you're interested.

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Zack Malibu vs. Scotty Static. Possible stipulation to be announced later.


(Tony, Eski, GPX weren't planned for anything, right? I know they're my guys and all, but as bookers of the tag division you guys need to tell me if it's cool.)

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Zack Malibu vs. Scotty Static. Possible stipulation to be announced later.


(Tony, Eski, GPX weren't planned for anything, right? I know they're my guys and all, but as bookers of the tag division you guys need to tell me if it's cool.)

Just the Los Infernales Conferenece Finals in the Anderson Cup. GPX vs. The Saints, which Patty wrote. Eski's set to write BT-Hell's Hitmen in the MWC Conference Finals. We could push either match (yours or Patty's) back till next week.


And let me know what you think about the idea I PM'd you last night. All I need OK'd is the stuff involving the other teams because Patty liked it and it works with the strengh of the tag division.

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Mine was just an effort to try and get something in. Go with the tag match, I can dig up something to do I'm sure.


A-OK on the idea, since it was basically the same as mine, lol.

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A-OK on the idea, since it was basically the same as mine, lol.

Which one? There were two, with the one involving the teams getting involved which I was referring to.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I don't know what happened but the Blurricane should make a return. This fed is really on the short end when it comes to Faces.

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More Axel and Crystal drama as this writer gets his internet access back (YAY!), as well as BUILDUP FOR ZERO HOUR~!

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For anyone that's interested, there are still a few openings in the GREATEST GIMMICK MATCH OF ALL TIME~!


I can run the match the way it stands now, but I would certainly like to have a couple more people. Like I said before, if you're interested in getting a Heavyweight Title shot this week, PM me. Just make sure to do it soon.

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Guest Failed Mascot

ok Hoff. I sent all my stuff in and a little note too on how to order them. Don't let me down good buddy.

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Oh, no, I won't let you down. Apparently I'm not funny, so you know what? Fuck you all. Take your show and shove it straight up your asses. I quit.

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Jeez Rob, thats the second future PPV opponent of yours that has quit before your title match. Tom, now Hoff. Kiss. Of. Death. Sad times. Oh well, I voted that he was funny, so I have a clear conscience.

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For record, Adam caught it right off the bat. Of course, he now has experience with ribbing, as it were.

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