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Guest Vitamin X


I think that one's real. I heard an audio clip of that guy arguing with the phone company over being charged .002 cents vs. .002 dollars.




I loved this ytmnd, but the main problem there was that Verizon didn't realize that they were really talking about dollars, not cents. Obviously. And the guy, having worked in customer service before, was being a bit of a smartass about it.


Point in case: I have Sprint, and I recently got charged about $100 in internet usage which led to my phone unexpectedly getting turned off a couple mornings ago. I don't have a landline, so this is pretty important. Apparently they charged me for the dreaded internet usage as well, I'm sure using a similar system. What had happened was that I had picture mail already on my account (I send and receive a ton of pictures from friends, but this month was much more than usual because of my drive across the country) but I was getting charged anyways for sending and receiving (which is internet usage) which led to being charged something similar per kilobyte, blahblahblah.


Anyways, I just got on the phone with them and worked a solution and asked if they could just give me a service credit for staying with them, and they gave me a $125 credit right then and there and fixed whatever was wrong with picture mail. That's that. I didn't need to be a smartass about it and tell them that they were charging me the wrong amount, or that they didn't know math, etc. etc. or GOD FORBID *POST THIS ON MY BLOG*. That's the most retarded threat I've ever heard in my life.

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Most customer care calls with phone providers are always disclaimered with a "This courtesy call may be recorded blah blah etc." for the caller, right? I bet if it came up, dude could just turn the wording around on them maybe.

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Ya then Verizon is screwed. But the moment anything is being recorded, you are to disconect the call or freeze the account (which we did at Capital One)

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah, I moved before graduating college. Although I'm pretty unstable and hated Miami, so that's a given.


Although I hope to be in New York for a little while myself, if I get accepted to NYU, of course.

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Guest Smues

My god it's the Terminator. Maybe that's what the latest model will look like in T4 if they ever make it.

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