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Be Glad You Don't Go to This College...

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Good ol' Bob Jones U, when you want the very best in insane religious education.



This part cracked me up tho:


Music must be compatible with the University's music standards:

New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.

Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).


What the fuck else is left? I'm assuming rap/R&B is out, so do you have tap your own music on the walls or what?

Actually, I'm not sure rap and R&B would be banned. Rap artists are predominantly black, and you wouldn't want to get nailed with a race discrimination lawsuit.


But what's so bad about Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman?


For that matter, what did Ambercrombie and Fitch do that was so against Christ aside from overcharging for their clothes?

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Good ol' Bob Jones U, when you want the very best in insane religious education.



This part cracked me up tho:


Music must be compatible with the University's music standards:

New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.

Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).


What the fuck else is left? I'm assuming rap/R&B is out, so do you have tap your own music on the walls or what?

Actually, I'm not sure rap and R&B would be banned. Rap artists are predominantly black, and you wouldn't want to get nailed with a race discrimination lawsuit.


But what's so bad about Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman?


For that matter, what did Ambercrombie and Fitch do that was so against Christ aside from overcharging for their clothes?

Dude...they had a ban on interracial dating. They would literally kick you out of school if you dated someone outside your race. They only allow it now if you....wait for it.....HAVE A NOTE FROM YOUR PARENTS SAYING IT IS OKAY TO DATE SOMEONE OF ANOTHER RACE.


I am PRETTY sure the same place that threatened to have a student arrested if he didn't leave the campus be cause he was gay is going to worry about a racial discrimination suit.


Seeing as they are a private institution they can do whatever they want.

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Dude...they had a ban on interracial dating. They would literally kick you out of school if you dated someone outside your race. They only allow it now if you....wait for it.....HAVE A NOTE FROM YOUR PARENTS SAYING IT IS OKAY TO DATE SOMEONE OF ANOTHER RACE.


I am PRETTY sure the same place that threatened to have a student arrested if he didn't leave the campus be cause he was gay is going to worry about a racial discrimination suit.

Eh, whatever. Honestly, I don't even like rap music. but right now I'd blast it just because it isn't directly banned if you actually read their guidelines.


Anyway, just a couple of things I noticed last night looking at this since I needed a good laugh.


Necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are not permitted.


Does that include....WAIT FOR IT...gold crosses?


Classroom/general dress consists of a dress or top and skirt; however, pants may be worn for some recreational activities.


Um...isn't it easier to see certain body parts you probably shouldn't be seeing when you're wearing a skirt as opposed to wearing shorts? And isn't that basically the only difference? OK, so they mean lyou can wear long skirts, but I don't know too many people with a knee fetish.



Combat boots, hiking boots, or shoes that give this appearance are not permitted.

Hairstyles should be neat, orderly, and feminine. Avoid cutting-edge fads and cuts so short that they take on a masculine look.


So much for closet lesbians.


Televisions and DVD/videocassette players are not permitted in the residence halls; computer DVD players may not be used to view movies.


All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.


Sesame Street is banned, but you can put a pistol into storage as long as the safety is on. Seriously.


And people wonder why Christianity gets a bum rap these days.

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Guest Failed Mascot
the girl that I am fucking with goes to this school.

What's your girlfriend's name so I can call the school and tell them that she is having unprotected sex with a black man and watch the hilarity ensue.

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Loyalty to Christ results in separated living. Dishonesty, lewdness, sensual behavior, adultery, homosexuality, sexual perversion of any kind, pornography, illegal use of drugs, and drunkenness all are clearly condemned by God's Word and prohibited here. Further, we believe that biblical principles preclude gambling, dancing, and the beverage use of alcohol.


I hate this school even more and more. Thanks for posting this link, my friends are going to have a field day laughing at this.

No poker games or dancing?

Christ, I'd likely go mad.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered

These people chose to go to this school. The rules are stupid as hell but they chose to suffer through it.

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Good ol' Bob Jones U, when you want the very best in insane religious education.



This part cracked me up tho:


Music must be compatible with the University's music standards:

New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.

Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).


What the fuck else is left? I'm assuming rap/R&B is out, so do you have tap your own music on the walls or what?

Actually, I'm not sure rap and R&B would be banned. Rap artists are predominantly black, and you wouldn't want to get nailed with a race discrimination lawsuit.


But what's so bad about Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman?


For that matter, what did Ambercrombie and Fitch do that was so against Christ aside from overcharging for their clothes?

Dude...they had a ban on interracial dating. They would literally kick you out of school if you dated someone outside your race. They only allow it now if you....wait for it.....HAVE A NOTE FROM YOUR PARENTS SAYING IT IS OKAY TO DATE SOMEONE OF ANOTHER RACE.

Well if I went to that school and that aws the case, I'm fucked. My dad is stuck in 1973 and hates different races going out with each other.


Remember kids... A & F IS EVIL! EVIL I TELL YOU!

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These people chose to go to this school. The rules are stupid as hell but they chose to suffer through it.

I think the question is why would ANYone want to go to this school. I know some hardcore Christians, but even they wouldn't touch this school with a ten foot pole.


As for the Nazi/Communist argument, well let's just say it's totalitarian school run by an evil Christian dictator.

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Guest CronoT

Here's the final kicker. Bob Jones University is not an accredited university. Meaning, any diploma or degree certification you get there is worth about as much as toilet paper, and should be used as such.

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Here's the final kicker. Bob Jones University is not an accredited university. Meaning, any diploma or degree certification you get there is worth about as much as toilet paper, and should be used as such.

Which again begs the question: Why would anybody want to go to this place?

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Here's the final kicker. Bob Jones University is not an accredited university. Meaning, any diploma or degree certification you get there is worth about as much as toilet paper, and should be used as such.

Not really a big thing in the grand scheme of things. And actually if you live in the south, the name "bob Jones University" will get you a job in and of itself. that just means you won't get any federal finacial aid and they are devoid of federal assistance.


And non of this sounds bad to the overly relegious. Hell at any point I am expecting SpiderPoet to be in here telling us that we are wrong for mocking these students devotion to god like that time there was a thread on a school keeping males and females from holding hands. And much like last time, the reason this is stupid is because it has absolutely nothing to do with gods teachings.

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Banning shit, oppressing certain freedoms, requiring total dedication to the cause, sounds pretty Nazi to me.

If it were to be called anything by your description, it'd be a Communist school, which would be on the completely opposite end of Nazism.

Really? I know the Nazis considered themselves socialists, which I thought was pretty close to communism.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
Here's the final kicker. Bob Jones University is not an accredited university. Meaning, any diploma or degree certification you get there is worth about as much as toilet paper, and should be used as such.

Not really a big thing in the grand scheme of things. And actually if you live in the south, the name "bob Jones University" will get you a job in and of itself. that just means you won't get any federal finacial aid and they are devoid of federal assistance.


And non of this sounds bad to the overly relegious. Hell at any point I am expecting SpiderPoet to be in here telling us that we are wrong for mocking these students devotion to god like that time there was a thread on a school keeping males and females from holding hands. And much like last time, the reason this is stupid is because it has absolutely nothing to do with gods teachings.

Not as you (or I) interprut (sp?) god's words but maybe by theirs. If they believe that's God's law then they have the right to teach so. It's not like they force people to attend.


Everyone takes things SP says way out of context. He's not saying he believes these things are right, he's defending their rights to believe it.

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Those kinds of guidelines are what some people want. If they want to set that kind of standard for themselves and wish to be held accountable to it by the university, let them.

Notice that they aren't saying it's a sin to watch PG movies, they just like to keep an extremely high standard. Think of them more as monks. I do tire of religious prejudice.

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Banning shit, oppressing certain freedoms, requiring total dedication to the cause, sounds pretty Nazi to me.

If it were to be called anything by your description, it'd be a Communist school, which would be on the completely opposite end of Nazism.

Really? I know the Nazis considered themselves socialists, which I thought was pretty close to communism.

Called themselves the National Socialist Worker's Party so as to try and sway people from the very strong Communist party in Germany at the time.


I'm tempted to transfer to this college and do a massive heel turn after gaining their confidence, blowing up the gates to the place (yes, the place is walled-in) and leading everyone to the outside world.

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Guest Failed Mascot
The only religion you may have a case against is the blood drinking, baby killing satanists.

I think they kill babies because babies can't put up a fight. Fuck that killing the pure bullshit they try to tell ya.

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Guest sek69

How ironic......



Hair must be cut in a traditional, conservative style–not shaved, spiked, tangled, or shelved. It may not be colored or highlighted.

Sideburns should not extend past the middle of the ear. Men are expected to remain clean-shaven.







You can't go to our college you damned hippy!

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Guest cosbywasmurdered

And were in the bible does it say Jesus looked like that?


I honestly don't know.

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Guest sek69
And were in the bible does it say Jesus looked like that?


I honestly don't know.

I'm sure Jesus wasn't the white boy seen in all the artwork, but he sure as hell wasn't sporting the conservative preppy look either.


I just find it funny that they want to be so Christlike, but if someone showed up to the campus actually looking like Christ (long hair, beard, sandals) they'd probably call the cops on him.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered

being christlike wouldn't mean trying to look like him, it'd mean following his teachings (or their versions of them) as strictly as possible.


But I see/agree with what you're getting at

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Actually the curriculum requires you to walk on water and then turn it into wine. Commencement ceremony involves being nailed to a cross. If you aren't resurrected, then they know your heart wasn't truly pure.

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Guest CronoT
I'm sending my kid.

I hope you have enough money to pay for all the therapy he/she'll need.

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