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Coliseum Video Gems

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I was watching SuperSlams earlier today and was watching Bret Hart and Razor Ramon vs. Hakushi and Jeff Jarrett. Very good tag team match and it got me thinking about some of the other really good matches Coliseum Video put out as exclusives. Anybody have any memories of exclusive matches that you liked?

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The two big matches on the Smack 'Em Whack 'Em tape are highly over rated IMHO. Not bad by any means, just not particularly great either. I don't remember what tape it is, but I remebmer renting some Coliseum Video release that had Bret Hart vs Yokozuna in a cage that I thought was really good at the time.


Edit: The tape with Bret Hart vs Yokozuna in a Steel Cage is Inside the WWF

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Guest Trivia247

Would love to find an actual List of all the Coliseum Home video titles including the years they were made. I got a good number of them between 91-96 but would love to collect more.

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Guest LooneyTune

To name a few...


Hart Foundation v. LOD (WFest 91)


The Hart Brothers vs. The Steiner Brothers (WFest 94)


Owen Hart's fake World Title win in a Lumberjack Match vs. Bret Hart (Wham Bam Bodyslam I think)

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Guest jm29195

Brawl in the Family has Bret vs Owen in a submissions match, 123 Kid vs Bam Bam, and Owen vs Diesel on it, all are above average....

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The 4 or 5 Hart Foundation vs. British Bulldogs matches released by Coliseum have all been gems . . . even though they weren't "exclusive".


While Yoko worked hard in the steel cage match vs. Bret, I could just never get into the match since there was no conceivable reason that at any point, Bret couldn't get Yoko stunned and just casually walk out the door as Yoko would widdle and waddle around.

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Guest jm29195

I've also got


UK Fan Favourites (94) which has Owen vs 123 Kid, Yoko vs 123 Kid and Bret Hart/Bulldog vs Owen/Avil...


UK Rampage 92 which has Bret Hart vs Rick Martel and an incredible HBK vs Randy Savage match


World Tour 92 which has another great HBK vs Savage match on it (although not as good as the prior one)


Wrestlefest 95 which has HBK VS Tom Pritchard, Bret Hart vs Jimmy Del Ray and Savio Vega/Bret Hart/Razor Ramon vs Owen Hart/Yokozuna/Hakushi


Wrestling Superheroes in acton which has Roddy Piper vs Rick Martel


The UK version of Monday Night Prime Cuts which has Perfect vs Flair (loser leaves town) Steiners vs Beverly's and a nutty brawl with the Nasty Boys vs Headshrinkers


Superslams has Bret vs Owen on it aswell as the previously mentioned tag match...


Inside the WWF has Jannetty/Razor Ramon vs HBK/Diesel on it aswell as the Bret/Yoko cage match....


Grudges, Gripes and Groans has Flair/HBK vs Savage/Bret and Flair vs Tatanka


US Rampage 92 has another HBK vs Bret Hart match...


Battle of the Superstars has Tito Santana vs Mr Perfect and Ultimate Warrior vs Mr Perfect aswell as Dibiase vs Roberts


Wrestlings Grudge Matches has Flair vs Undertaker and Backlund vs HBK


Invasion of the Body Slammers has another Flair vs Perfect match

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Guest LooneyTune

Wrestlefest 93 has the RAW Retirement Match between Hennig/Flair, but it's not an exclusive.

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Guest Trivia247

I want to get all the Best of the WWF's those classic volumes from the early 80's up to the 90's

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There's an intense Steamboat/Savage IC Title Match (pre-WMIII feud) from Toronto on Best of WWF Volume 9 that features a juicy Randy Savage bladejob. Awesome match that w/ a clean finish could be argued to be better than the WMIII match.

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In relation to WWF/WWE, what was Coliseum home video?


When I was younger I saw some of their videos but I didn't really become a fan of wrestling until late 98. By that time, if I'm not mistaken, WWF produced its home videos through WWF Home Video.


Was Coliseum as separate organization or was it renamed WWF Home Video? And who was that quirky guy who gave the intros to the home videos?

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Wrestlefest 1993 is awesome. Money Inc vs. Nastys, Terry Taylor vs. Randy Savage and Flair vs. Hennig. All are ***+

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Guest LooneyTune

Coliseum Video was just a company that produced the videos for WWF until they started going down the tube, then WWF started marketing the videos themselves (and retailed MUCH cheaper) and have a company called Koch (or something) working on the videos as well.


I think thats how it is though. I stand corrected if any factual errors.


Off topic: How in the hell did CV get away with charging $59.95 for a 2 hour video?!

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Guest The Mandingo Warrior

Supertape II had some great stuff: the rockers getting DESTROYED by the powers of pain.. and I believe a good rockers vs. hart foundation match.. (or was this match on another tape?- I can't recall)

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Guest LooneyTune

Wrestlefest '90 I believe hosted Rockers/Foundation.


Supertape II had Rockers/PoP (1/90 MSG) and Rockers/Valentine & Bravo (Dark Match). The PoP match was surprisingly good, but the latter match was rather boring as hell.

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One of the best ones was Monday Night Raw Prime Cuts from 1993. Great CHV. Had highlights of Shawn/Jannett, Hennig vs. Doink, Luger/Yokozuna Contract Signing with Jim Cornette, Kid vs. Razor Ramon, IRS vs. PJ Walker, Savage/Crush incident (With Yokozuna giving Crush those 4 Bonzai Drops and Savage not helping), Steiners vs. Quebeccers, 20 Man Battle Royal - Razor/Martel for the IC Title, how they make the show et cetera... dope tape. If you pass by it, cop it.

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Guest Rrrsh

2 of my fav matches are still Stieners/Harts and The Kliq Tag match.



And I WANT that Savge/Steamboat match!

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Off topic: How in the hell did CV get away with charging $59.95 for a 2 hour video?!


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but generally it was not uncommon $10-15 years ago to charge exhorbitantly high prices on VHS releases. This ensured that the only people who could comfortably afford them were video rental outlets.

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The two big matches on the Smack 'Em Whack 'Em tape are highly over rated IMHO. Not bad by any means, just not particularly great either. I don't remember what tape it is, but I remebmer renting some Coliseum Video release that had Bret Hart vs Yokozuna in a cage that I thought was really good at the time.


Are you talking about the HBK vs Bret Hart ladder match from that tape? The actual ladder match before Razor Ramon vs HBK.

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Guest LooneyTune

I think the Hart Foundation CV has Bret Hart v. Ricky Steamboat from the Boston Garden. Great match, and 1 of the very few times they've wrestled (if they wrestled other than this time).

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Guest MikeSC

The Best of the British Bulldogs had a damned sweet Dynamite Kid v Bret Hart match from late '85-early 86.


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