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Lightning Flik

How long does a string of bad luck last?

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Ok, first I'm gonna apologize in case this seems unreadable


Anyways IO'm wondering how long bad luck lasts. Cause I've nearly bustd my leg, had a power outage last nit, and just this morning had my glasses bust (so I'm wuite blind, hence why this post might not be readable).


Doesn't bad luck come in thress? If so, does the power outage count as one? Or am I do for one more?


Help me out the nearly blind guy. Please.


...although, I won't be able to read your answeres right away, cause I have to be an inch in front of my screen to see, I'd still like answers towards this very important question.

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It last until you stop touching yourself.






Well then I'm totally screwed!


I had a mini-stroke, my gf dump me and my ass kicked within three days of things back last year...and I don't even consider that a string of bad luck.


Bad Luck to me is something that shouldn't be possible or something very rare happening to you in a constant stream. Nearly hurting your leg, power outage and broken glasses doesn't sound like bad luck, no offense.


Now if you said you broke your leg stepping out of your car, the power went out in your home and only yours while you were finishing a 20 page term paper you forgot to save, and then your glasses fell apart in your hands while your toaster exploded even though you didn't turn it on....I'd say you were having a run of bad luck.


You've just got some bad beans in your life's stew right now.

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Bad Luck to me is something that shouldn't be possible or something very rare happening to you in a constant stream. Nearly hurting your leg, power outage and broken glasses doesn't sound like bad luck, no offense.

Not nearly hurting my leg? Maybe you didn't read that correctly. I nearly broke the damn thing. Meaning I landed right on it, and I can't move it much without causing myself a sheer lot of pain. And how I fell is a riot. I slipped on a patch of mud while walking. I don't know about you, but I don't think people slip on mud often.


I didn't think power outage counted, but I wanted to make sure if it did or didn't. Since it doesn't, I guess one more thing has to go wrong.


And my broken glasses can not be replaced, as I've got no money to replace them. So I mean, I don't know about you, but not being able to replace them, and having to be blind till I can find someway to get a new pair would seem like bad luck to me. Having to have anything infront of my face by

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Slipped on mud?

How bad of mud?

Seriously bad or barely worth mentioning?


Cause if it's the barely worth mentioning, then the Gods are totally pissed at you.

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Ask Jingus.

No. The only way to end this bad streak is to get far away from me by ceasing to post on TSM. And if you want to really be sure, you probably want to stop using the internet altogether, and maybe stop watching wrestling too.

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In your case, Flik? Seems to be going on 21.5 years, but you're really more of a special case.


When you die, we'll be able to answer the question.

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Aw... But Rando. I thought the best way to catch the Raodrunner would be placing magnets into this bird seed and using a magnet to bring that Roadrunner to me.


Less work involved in catching him that way.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Flik, it's a good thing you brought something like this to my attention. You need to learn about the duality (and extremity) of luck. We all see you make posts about this miserable stuff, and it's dwelling on these things that brings about a self-fulfilling prophecy that begets more bad luck. You need to be like Travis Bickel when he's burning himself; only with bad luck instead of fire. Ignore that superficial pain, god damn it. You also cannot fear bad luck, or else you're hit.


So, it's not a matter of "How long does it last?" because the answer is forever. You just have to learn to focus on the little good things that might happen to you that you miss while pacing circles about some other shit.

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Okay, three things:


1st - Um... M'kay. No offense, but I was more trying to ask if bad luck comes in threes, and I was using what just happened to me to find out if that was it, or if I should wait for one more. I wasn't trying to make it seem like another "woe be me" thread, so I apologize if I had.


2nd - The power outage didn't count. But the ISO of Grandia that I have, decided not to play and I'm at the bloody good part and can't go on... And now I want to play it, but can't but I really want to, and now its like ARGH~! Oh well, not that bad, but still just ARGH.


3rd - And something good that's just happened. Low and behold apparently my dad's medical insurance plan will allow me to get new glasses! So good thing happened! Wee!!

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Okay, three things:


1st - Um... M'kay. No offense, but I was more trying to ask if bad luck comes in threes

You're thinking deaths of famous people.


And come on. You saw my thread about life bitching. Two of my pets died in a five-month span and both my parents had to get surgery, but I powered through the stress and I'm fine now. You slipped in mud. You can get by too.

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Um... M'kay. I thought it was bad things, not just specifically deaths. My bad.


I'm over it now. Specifically cause I've had a string of good luck happen. ^_^ I get my glasses tomorrow, instead of waiting for weeks! I get money to spend cause my dad sold off the crappy little car we had (with many problems) and I get some money to go spendy (like 100!). Heheh. So yeah, totally over the slipping on the mud.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

It's actually just deaths in general. I used to work in a nursing home, and they went in threes, fives, or sevens. All odd prime numbers less than ten. Fasinating.

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What did you do in a nursing home? I'm guessing kitchen.


I can barely stand to walk through the doors of a nursing home. The docility drives me mad. If old people actually surfed and threw parties like on tv, it would be ok, but they just sit there.

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What did you do in a nursing home? I'm guessing kitchen.


I can barely stand to walk through the doors of a nursing home. The docility drives me mad. If old people actually surfed and threw parties like on tv, it would be ok, but they just sit there.

It's the docility for you? Most people would say the fecal stench

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I Work in a rehab hospital which is a catchy term for "Old folks that cant move, eat, dress, or do anything for themselves anymore trying, in vain, to figure out how to do that stuff for themselves again but pretty much failing."


Hell. we had 2 (OOH just 2) people die there the other week. Some Rehab that is.

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