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Guest TheJuice31

How hyped are yall for WM21?

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That MIGHT have been clever if the show was referred to as WrestleMania oh-four, held in Connecticut, and if Emeka Okafor turned out to suck instead of trailing Ben Gordon for ROTY. And even then I'm not sure. Even "WrestleMania Lindros" would have been better.

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Guest fanofcoils

Okafor is underwhelming (just like WM XX is to me) when compared to other top draft picks in Iverson, Duncan, Vince Carter, Yao, LeBron, etc.

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Guest MikeSC
Okafor is underwhelming (just like WM XX is to me) when compared to other top draft picks in Iverson, Duncan, Vince Carter, Yao, LeBron, etc.

Just checking --- do you actually READ what you type, or do you just type random words?


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Guest fanofcoils

Is there something wrong with what I typed. If so what? Before you are about to call me a "moron" or whatever, please explain what you don't get and I will gladly make things clear.

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Okafor is underwhelming (just like WM XX is to me) when compared to other top draft picks in Iverson, Duncan, Vince Carter, Yao, LeBron, etc.

Just checking --- do you actually READ what you type, or do you just type random words?


Well you see Mike it makes sense because Okafor isn't the best of all the guys that were picked in draft so he's not the ebst so when WrestleMania isn't the best it's WrestleMania Okafor and it's the Charlotte Bobcats.

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Guest MikeSC
Okafor is underwhelming (just like WM XX is to me) when compared to other top draft picks in Iverson, Duncan, Vince Carter, Yao, LeBron, etc.

Just checking --- do you actually READ what you type, or do you just type random words?


Well you see Mike it makes sense because Okafor isn't the best of all the guys that were picked in draft so he's not the ebst so when WrestleMania isn't the best it's WrestleMania Okafor and it's the Charlotte Bobcats.

Why not WrestleMania Shawn Bradley?

How about WrestleMania Dan Wilkerson?


When I'm being REALLY saucy, I call it WrestleMania Todd Van Poppel!


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Guest MikeSC
WrestleMania Ryan Leaf.


Is that Wrestlemania IX?

No, silly. WrestleMania XI.


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As far as I can tell, they really didnt bog down the show with really crappy matches. But consider the following..unless theres something done tonight for a US title match or Cruiser Title match, they wont get defended either..so..the titles being defended are:


Both World Titles

Women's Title


Not Defended

Both Tag Titles

Cruiser Title

US Title

IC Title


It just seems to be odd to me that they would not have title defense of some sort for those last 5 titles, because it completely devalues them. They might as well just go back to having 2 World Champions, a Women's Champ on RAW and a Crusier Champ on SD. No Tag Titles, no Secondary Titles..just those 4 belts. We already know the SD Tag and IC wont be defended..and unless something happens on SD, the US and Cruiser Titles might not be defended.


Not that Im clammoring for Orlando Jordan/Scotty 2 Hotty or Tajiregal vs La Resistance or uh..random Cruiser Madness at WM, but..Im just sayin..


Anyway..If this is a 5 hour show (or 4 1/2..whatever..) the fact that there are only 8 matches (as of now), then there should be plenty of time for all the high interest matches which..could be good or bad in some cases (I really would prefer Taker/Orton not go more than 15 minutes tops...but Angle/HBK better get at least 25 minutes).


Order of interest:


Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs. Triple H

Money-In-The-Bank Ladder Match

WWE Championship: John Cena vs. JBL

Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero


Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Women's Championship: Christy vs. Trish

Sumo Match: Big Show vs. Akebono


So..overall, the top 5 matches are enough to have me interested enough to plunk down $50. I dont think there's anyway that the last 3 can really ruin the show for me, unless the top 5 end up to be all stinkers...somehow.

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I'm looking forward to it alot. As someone mentioned above, many of the matches actually are unpredictable, something that's often missing from most PPVs. The only matches I don't want to see are the Sumo match and Women's match. Now, if they just add in a Cruiserweight Title match, I'll be completely set.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

No way in Hell am I going to give WWE $50 for 8 matches in a four hour show with 2 of them being PURE crap with Big Show vs. Akebono and Trish vs. Christy.


To be honest the only thing I really want to see is Piper's Pit.


I'll wait and rent the DVD's off NetFlix in a month or so where I can skip over the garbage- time-filler, which I have a feeling will be at least half of the show.


Times have changed, I remember looking forward to Wrestlemanias, but it just doesn't seem like that big of deal anymore for me. Plus the lack of good undercard matches is really a turn-off. No tag title matches or I-C Title defense??? As Gorilla Monsoon would say.......GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

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He was getting face pops thus the WWE had no option but to turn him against HHH.


Except they didn't actually do that, rather they did the opposite, had Orton win the belt as a heel with no buildup and then had HHH turn on him.

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Well Orton's pseudo face turn wouldn't have been that bad had it occurred before he won the title. HHH should have never letten it got as far as Orton winning the title, he should have DEMANDED that Orton give him his title shot from the start, and if Orton refused then of course you get the Horsemen on Sting type beatdown. Of course that also made Sting look like a sap 15 years ago.


I personally just don't think WWE has any concept of how to draw money, particularly in these self serving HHH angles. It's not even that all of it is intentional, it's that HHH views himself as a modern Flair and thus he has to manipulate and get the best of everyone on the roster. The irony here is that the "Heels constantly winning" booking in the NWA (while critically acclaimed now) was a disaster for that company and led to Crockett selling out to Turner in the late 80s.


For whatever reason in the buildup I am not feeling the Cena title win. It just doesn't seem properly built up, whereas the HHH job to Batista somehow does. The irony here is that SMDN BADLY needs a new champion, much moreso than Raw.

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As someone who hasn't paid for a PPV in 10 years (so that's not the issue), I think this is the least excited about a major event I've been in that entire timeframe. Eight matches doesn't seem like enough, especially when two of them have no business being on the show. The 'Money in the Bank' match would be tolerable if Benjamin wasn't in it, or if he'd dropped the title before the show. I just don't understand the concept of three champions wrestling matches with their belts not on the line (this assumes Eddie & Rey don't drop their titles tonight at the tapings).


I already saw the climax of Batista/HHH with the table spot a couple of weeks ago, and things have gone downhill since then. Orton/Taker has no real purpose if Randy needs time off and Angle/Michaels is just there for the sake of being there. Cena may or may not get the title although I'm certain he'll get the victory, and there's nothing right now that seems like a "WrestleMania moment" in the making with the possible exception of Piper's Pit. For a regular PPV, these kinds of matches would be great, for a WM, they just seem really lacking.

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Guest Ransome

The buildup has been poor.


Heck, even the buildup video packages have been badly done. I can understand the Hollywood theme they've got going, but using the reels of film montages seems so low-tech, especially for the high standards of the WWE production team.


As for neither tag titles being defended - I have to say I'd prefer it that way than to have the absolute timewaster tag matches of last year. I mean, come on, Jindrak & Cade getting a WM payday ? Rikishi and Scotty retaining the tag titles? Better to have no tag matches at all if that's the best they can come up with for the tag division at Wrestlemania.

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And why in God's green earth is Show/Akebono's match taking place on the biggest stage of them all???!!

You're going to need the biggest stage of them all to fit both guys.


I'd be more interested if they had a hot dog eating contest instead of a match. Then they could bring in that little guy who is the master of hot dog eating.


That would be more fun than a "sumo" match.

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The buildup has been poor.


Heck, even the buildup video packages have been badly done. I can understand the Hollywood theme they've got going, but using the reels of film montages seems so low-tech, especially for the high standards of the WWE production team.


As for neither tag titles being defended - I have to say I'd prefer it that way than to have the absolute timewaster tag matches of last year. I mean, come on, Jindrak & Cade getting a WM payday ? Rikishi and Scotty retaining the tag titles? Better to have no tag matches at all if that's the best they can come up with for the tag division at Wrestlemania.

Rikishi was in WWE for WrestleMania XX? No foolin'. I don't even remember that

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Okafor is underwhelming (just like WM XX is to me) when compared to other top draft picks in Iverson, Duncan, Vince Carter, Yao, LeBron, etc.

You're a dumbass.


Vince Carter and Emeka Okafor weren't #1 picks. And Okafor's putting up like 15 and 11 AS A ROOKIE. Very underwhelming. :rolleyes:

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