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Guest jm29195

The Simpsons Question

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Not sure on the exact words but:


Homer: "But every time I learn something new, it pushes out something old. Remember that time I took a home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"

Marge: You were drunk!

Homer: And how!

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Homer: Oh God please give me a sign!

*phone rings*

Homer: Hello?

Phone: Hello Homer, this is God...frey Jones.

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"So Homer, pleas feel free to tell us anything. There's no judgment here."

"The other day I was so desperate for a beer I snuck into the football stadium and ate the dirt under the bleachers."

"I cast thee out!"

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Ned: It's been 4,000 days since my last drink. It was my first and last blackberry schnapps.


[Ned and Maude in bed]


Maude: Ned, did you clip Ann Landers today?

Ned: [climbing into bed] Ann Landers is a boring old biddy!


Ned: (sobbing) I was more animal than man.


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"Hello. My name is Barney Gumble, and I'm an alcoholic."

"Mr. Gumble, this is a Girl Scouts meeting."

"Is it? Or is it you girls just can't admit you've got a problem?"

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A quote from Season 5 that I'd never heard before.


Marge: "Oh Lisa, is that too spicy for you?"


Lisa: "*gasps* I can see through time!"




Lenny: "Newsweek said you died of liver failure."


Duffman: "Duffman can never die, only the actors who play him. Ooh yeah!"

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Bart: Look at that hunk of junk!


Grandpa: You're ignorant! That's the Wright Brothers' plane! In Kitty Hawk in 1903, Charles Lindbergh flew it fifteen miles on a thimble full of corn oil. Single-handedly won us the Civil War, it did!


Bart: How do you know so much about history, Grandpa?


Grandpa: I pieced it together, mostly from sugar packets

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This thread has inspired me to watch my Simpsons dvds, which reminded me of this classic:


(Homer laying on the couch, after refusing to accompany his family to Flanders' BBQ)


"Go ahead Marge; have a ball. What if they came back and I was dead from not eating. They'd cry their eyes out. 'We should have never gone to the Flanders! Oh why did we go to the Flanders' house and leave Homer all alone with no food!' And I'd be laughing. Laughing from my grave. Heh heh heh!"

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I remember at the end of the episode where the pig is flying through the air and the scen with Mr. Burns and Smithers always crack me up.

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Lisa: Networks love reality shows because they don't have to pay writers or actors.

Homer Simpson: Stupid writers and actors, priced yourselves right out of the business. Nice goin' geniuses.




Truest shit ever spoke.

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My all time favourite episode of The Simpsons is the one where Homer starts to get feelings for Mindy at work. Every line in that episode is hillarious.


"AH! I mean, AHello!"


Lisa: "It sounded like you were singing about a girl named Mindy, or a man named Mandy"

Homer's Brain: "Quick, think of something"

Homer: "I've got a small part in a broadway musical, it's not much but it's a start"

Homer's Brain: "Bravo. clap. clap. clap."

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Homer: Well, time to go to work.

Brain: Little do they know I'm ducking out early to take the Duff Brewery tour.

Homer: Roll in at nine, punch out at five, that's the plan.

Brain: Heh, heh, heh. They don't suspect a thing.

[camera pans down to Homer's mouth, but he doesn't say anything] Well, off to the plant.

Homer: Then to the Duff Brewery.

Brain: Uh, oh. Did I say that or just think it?

Homer: [panicky] I've got to think of a lie fast!

Marge: Homer, are you going to the Duff Brewery?

Homer: Aah! [Runs off]


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Marge: Oh Maggie, when are you going to talk?

Lisa : Well, don't push her. Remember, it is better to remain

silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Brain: What does that mean? Better say something or they'll think you're stupid.

Homer: Takes one to know one.

Brain: Swish!

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Agent: Now, before I give you the check, one more question. This place "Moe's'' you left just before the accident. This is a business of some kind?

Homer: [thinks] Don't tell him you were at a bar! Gasp! But what else is open at night?

[aloud] It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography.

[thinks] Heh heh heh. I would'a never thought of that.


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Homer: That picture makes your BUTT look big.

Marge: That's what I said, but they say it sells.

Bart: Works for the Lumber King.

Homer:<hypnotized by the Lumber King's BUTT> Lumber...We need lumber...

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Agent: Now, before I give you the check, one more question. This place "Moe's'' you left just before the accident. This is a business of some kind?

Homer: [thinks] Don't tell him you were at a bar! Gasp! But what else is open at night?

[aloud] It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography.

[thinks] Heh heh heh. I would'a never thought of that.


This was classic. Gotta love Homer's brain.


FBI man 1: Tell you what, Mr. Simpson, from now on your name is Homer Thompson,at Terror Lake. Let's just practice a bit, hmmmm? So when I say hello Mr. Thompson, you say hi.

Homer: Check!

FBI man 1: Hello, Mr. Thompson.

[Homer stares blankly]

FBI man 1: [pause]

FBI man 1: Now, remember, your name is Homer Thompson.

Homer: I gotcha!

FBI man 1: Hello, Mr. Thompson.

[again Homer stares blankly]

FBI man 1: [FBI men stare at each other]

[hours pass by]

FBI man 1: [frustrated] Argh... Now when I say "Hello Mr. Thompson" and press down on your foot, you smile and nod.

Homer: No problem.

[stepping hard on Homer's foot]

FBI man 1: Hello, Mr. Thompson.

[Homer stares blankly again for a few seconds]

Homer: [whispering to the FBI man next to him] I think he's talking to you.

[FBI man gives up]

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That whole episode is full of great quotes.


Bart: Take him away, boys.

Chief Wiggum: Hey, I'm the chief here. Bake him away, toys.

Lou: What'd you say, Chief?

Chief Wiggum: [sad] Do what the kid says.




Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, it's Up Late With McBain! I'm your host, Corporal Obengruppenfuhrer Wolfcastle. And now, here's McBain!

[McBain walks out on stage]

Rainer Wolfcastle: Ja, thank you, ja. Let's hear it for my music guy, Skoey. That's some outfit, Skoey. It makes you look like a homosexual.

[audience boos]

Rainer Wolfcastle: Well, maybe you all are homosexuals, too.

[audience boos]




Selma: Sideshow Bob tried to kill me on our honeymoon.

Lawyer: How many people in this court are thinking of killing her right now?

[a few people raise their hands]

Lawyer: Be honest...

[everyone raises their hand]




[sideshow Bob ties up the rest of the Simpsons, then goes to Bart's room to kill him. All of the Simpsons struggle against their bonds except Homer, who is snoring and drooling on the deck]

Lisa: Oh, no! Dad's been drugged!

Marge: [annoyed] No, he hasn't.

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Marge: This is a perfect chance top get you kids some nice church shoes.

Bart: What do we need church shoes for? Jesus wore sandals.

Homer: Well maybe if he had better arch support they wouldn't have caught him.


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Homer: Well, time to go to work.

Brain: Little do they know I'm ducking out early to take the Duff Brewery tour.

Homer: Roll in at nine, punch out at five, that's the plan.

Brain: Heh, heh, heh. They don't suspect a thing.

[camera pans down to Homer's mouth, but he doesn't say anything] Well, off to the plant.

Homer: Then to the Duff Brewery.

Brain: Uh, oh. Did I say that or just think it?

Homer: [panicky] I've got to think of a lie fast!

Marge: Homer, are you going to the Duff Brewery?

Homer: Aah! [Runs off]


Similar to this:


"Homer, promise me you won't stalk Lenny and Karl."

"Oh ok, have it your own way Marge. I'll be back in a minute, I'm going outside to... 'stalk'... Lenny and Karl... D'oh!"


Is it Karl or Carl, anyway? I always say Karl based the on screen appearance of his name in the one where Skinner falls in love with Patty. I have his toy still in the box, but it's all the way back in my closet, I'm not getting up to look.


Oh yeah, also from that episode:


"What do they do there?"

"What don't they do? They do so many things, they never stop. Oh, the things they do there, my stars!"

"You don't know what they do, do you, Dad?"

"Not as such, no."


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Ha ha.


"Guess we'll be going down together... I mean getting off together... I mean..."


I've actually used that one in elevators with girls I casually flirt with.

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