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Is the end really near?

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Not to mention you can easily forfill a prophecy hoping it'll convince more people to join your religion.


Prophecies are nothing more than religious recruitment ads.

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I told you, stop saying "clicky clicky."

Fine, next time I'll put down "Czech is a little bitch who thinks the words clicky clicky are evil, so I won't type this. Instead, just fucking click this."

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Muggy should hit up Crono's new board.


As for prophecies, for every one that hits, ten miss, and so I can't put too much stock into them.

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Muggy should hit up Crono's new board.


As for prophecies, for every one that hits, ten miss, and so I can't put too much stock into them.

The last place I would ever go is Crono's board.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Century 1 Quatrain 4


In the Whole world there will be one monarch

Whose life and peace will not be for long

The the fishing bark (of Peter) will be lost

It will be ruled to its greater detriment


Nostradamus' prediction that concurs with Saint Malachy that the 2nd from last pope will not be long for this world and then Armegeddon is upon us.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
The end is nearer than it was yesterday.




Shit he's right!



BTW did IDRM become Pope Benedict?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

St. Malachy was said to have had a vision during a trip to Rome around 1139 of the remaining 112 Popes. The new pope would be number 111 on that list, and is described in a text attributed to St. Malachy as the "Glory of the Olive."


To connect Benedict, a pale, bookish German, to anything olive takes some imagination. But Malachy-watchers point to the choice of the name Benedict -- an allusion to the Order of Saint Benedict, a branch of which is known as the Olivetans

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Guest CronoT
Not to mention you can easily forfill a prophecy hoping it'll convince more people to join your religion.


Prophecies are nothing more than religious recruitment ads.

Well, I can unequivocally prove your statement wrong, considering I prophecied almost to the day when my sister and her new husband would discover they were pregnant, 8 months before the doctor told her she was pregnant.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
There's been shit like this since the beginning of civilization. I read one time that Prince Williams was the antichrist.

We've got 3 reputable prophetic notions all coming around :


The Mayan's 12-12-2012 ends their calender




the Saint - whom was revered since the 1500's or sooner...

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The ancient work will be accomplished

And from the roof evil ruin will fall on the great man

they will accuse an innocent, being dead, of the deed

The guilty one is hidden in the misty copse*



*copse= Old french copse, a thicket of small trees and bushes


Reading Nostradamus' foretelling of the JFK murder and the coverup (and the Grassy knoll controversy) had chills going down my spine

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It's been scientifically proven that Oswald very well could have acted alone. I've seen the same evidence on "Forensic Files" and "History's Mysteries".

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Guest CronoT
Shhh..you'll spoil people's fun



I just can't believe that mankinds fate is predetermined.

There's a difference between Fate and Destiny.






Destiny is usually considered as being a personal quest that a person must accomplish some time in their life. Fate, on the other hand, is usually considered being the death and/or destruction of large groups of people or nations.


It was Luke Skywalker's destiny to face and defeat Darth Vader.


The fate of California is to be destroyed by a massive eathquake.


I personally like to think that everyone in life is destined to accomplish at least one great thing in their life. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. *shrug*

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
It's been scientifically proven that Oswald very well could have acted alone. I've seen the same evidence on "Forensic Files" and "History's Mysteries".

A picture (in 1988) was released of a man on the grassy knoll holding a gun in the same sequence of time that JFK was shot

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I watched that Forensic Files on JFK and i don't buy it. They were trying to stretch to prove the magic bullet theory.


there was no doubt a second gunman.


I think the world will end in 2012, yes cuz of the mayan calander and cuz the bible codes also pick 2012 as the year it will happen...although i'm not sure about the bible codes.


They say in 2010 an eathquake will basically wipe out California and a small asteroid will strike india.


in 2011 Yellowstone will erupt and wipe out the midwest.


in 2012 a large asteroid will hit the earth and wipe it out.


not saying i'm buying it 100%, but it's interesting.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Everybody knows that Nostradamus predicted Hitler by name, surely?

A. Everybody is mistaken, then! 'Hister' was in fact the classical name for the lower Danube. In the Propheties it is mentioned five times (II.24, IV.68, V.29, and Presages 15 and 31). On two of them (II.24, IV.68) it is coupled with the Rhine. IV.68, in fact, is specifically about rivers. Rhine and Danube used together to form the NE frontier of the Roman Empire. Two of the other references (Presages 15, 31) are specifically to the years 1557 and 1558. And in his Almanachs Nostradamus specifically to 'the river Hister, which is called Danube'.



How about: "Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth. Will cause the towers around the New City to shake, Two great rocks for a long time will make war, And then Arethusa will color a new river red."

A. The original French verse says absolutely nothing about towers. The expression 'autour de' is simply the French for 'around', and even 'au tour de' [masculine], as printed, cannot possibly have anything to do with the French word for 'tower', which is feminine. A more reliable (and artistic) translation of I.87 would read as per below. Line 3 is in fact based on a French expression ('faire la guerre aux rochers' - 'to make war on the rocks') which simply means 'to struggle fruitlessly'. 'Deux grands' means 'two nobles'.

What about: Garden of the world near the new city,

In the path of the hollow mountains,

It will be seized and plunged into the Vat,

Drinking by force the waters poisoned by sulfur?

A. Relax. It's nothing to do with New York. The 'garden of the world' is Eden, which means 'delight', which is 'plaisance' in French, which is the name of a village on the road north from Villeneuve (= 'new city')-sur-Lot to the Dordogne, with its caves and the village of Aubeterre('Dawn of the World')-sur-Dronne, with its hollowed out church and tombs...

All that the quatrain predicts is that someone ('he', not 'it') will be immersed and poisoned at Plaisance - which of course lies in an area that at one time was very familiar to Nostradamus during his time at Agen.

As I pointed out earlier, this is one of Nostradamus's many obvious 'local' quatrains, in other words. His horizons were a lot smaller than many people often give him credit for. There is absolutely no excuse for imagining that all of his predictions apply to huge world-events.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The Maya believed that time was cyclical instead of the western conception of linear time. This means that they thought that time repeated itself, so therefore, if they knew the past they could predict the future. By understanding time, they Maya could gain power over their world.

The Mayan Calendar is not predicting the end of the world 2012, but the start of a new era; the golden age.




Bible Code: Attempts at replicating the experiment failed to achieve the same result. From the paper: "A technical problem that gave us some difficulty is that WWR have been unable to provide us with their original computer programs. Neither the two programs distributed by WWR, nor our own independent implementations of the algorithm as described in WWR's papers, consistently produce the exact distances listed [by WWR]".

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It seemed like almost everyone I knew was finding some different form of "prophecy" for 9-11 after it happened


"Ye and the twin pillars collapsed..."

"The two brothers shall fall..."

"Two rocks will crumble..."

"I just made up this prophecy this morning, but..."

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Here is an interesting site about the bible codes.


Although if you go to the main page the guy who runs it says he's organizing an exodus to askum in africa next year cuz he think the bible coded told him to or some shit.


So the dude is probably insane. But it's cool to read all the codes him and his buddies found. The only code I've seen pop up in advance to an event a tsunami code. but it was pretty vague.


I'm more inclined to believe the bible codes than nostradamus.

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I don't believe the bible or Nostradamus. The world will end when the world will end and this stupid pope stuff is self-fulfilling prophecy when you pick a man who looks like he died 4 years ago and no one has told his family yet.


Plus if the world is ending, so what? What you gonna do, cry about it? Go to church and repent? No, you are going to work so be quiet and go make my Nike shoes.


God damn slackers.

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