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Wrestling Moves you busted out In Real Fights

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The obvious answers here are gonna be the DDT. But any really unusual ones? Anybody bust out a vertical suplex?


A friend of mine actually hooked in a Figure Four in a real fight, it was torture for the other guy.

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It wasn't so much a fight as a scuffle for fun. It was more of a fight with no punches. But i got him in the liontamer with him trying to fight it the whole time. he tapped.

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Guest MideonMark

Yeah a little off topic but I was on the bus today and what I can only assume were a couple of marks were behind me talking about how a few years ago Steve Austins son was suspended from school for giving someone a Stunner and I don't even think Austin has a son.


But anyway yeah anyone who tries busting out wrestling moves in a fight is a serious tit.

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If i was in serious fight...no chance. Unless a basic choke is considered a wrestling move or an arm bar.

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You DDT me, I'll no-sell it.


I mean, for fuck's sake, pro wrestling isn't a useful style for streefighting. If you get concerned about doing the flashy bullshit, you're going to get your ass handed to you when you face someone minimally competent.

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Guest BDC

Just... no... Only way that's going to work out is if it's by accident or shootfighting holds that wrestlers use. I mean, I've heard stories of people trying to give someone a stunner and getting their asses kicked. The best one I've ever heard, though, was a guy tried to pedigree someone and broke both his kneecaps.


Don't waste your time trying to think about this. It doesn't work.

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I busted out a DDT one time out of sheer accident, then got the hell out of there before the guy could wake up.

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Okay, if a person is able to get you into a figure four leglock in the amount of time it takes to set up that move, you deserve your ass whoopin and deserve all the ridicule that comes with it...I would, however, mark out if I saw someone actually do a Pedigree and the victim didn't stick out his knees or hands to soften the blow...

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You DDT me, I'll no-sell it.

yes cuz a DDT on concrete wouldn't hurt at all. idiot

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Clothesline and I once tried to do a Texas Cloverleaf.

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are we excluding moves that are actually taught in martial art courses?


I can see someone getting bodyslammed, maybe even a Rock Bottom, hell I could possibly see and Angle Slam, but seriously...


On a sidenote, I do remember seeing a black kid climb on top of a car and do a Randy Savage elbow drop onto a chinese kid back in high school...complete with that finger in the air/adjust the front of his tights thing Savage always did...one the best things I've ever witnessed, EVER...

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On a sidenote, I do remember seeing a black kid climb on top of a car and do a Randy Savage elbow drop onto a chinese kid back in high school...complete with that finger in the air/adjust the front of his tights thing Savage always did...one the best things I've ever witnessed, EVER...


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You DDT me, I'll no-sell it.

yes cuz a DDT on concrete wouldn't hurt at all. idiot

You show me a kid who knows how to properly do a DDT and I'll change my mind. It's not as easy as it looks to get the facelock applied, it's easy to escape while the kid's trying to get it going, and there's an even chance the kid doing the move will take the whole thing on his back even if he does manage to get a tight facelock and not let the other guy escape by countering out with an escort hold or shake it off by lifting the kid off the ground and making him panic. If he takes it on his back or goes to his back and the facelock slips off, he's basically done for against a guy who has the sense to pin a forearm across his neck and block his windpipe.


Someone who gets in a solid grovit position and then tries to go for a DDT is so inexperienced that I don't trust them to properly execute the move on any level. Getting someone in a grovit and wasting it is the hallmark of someone who doesn't know what he's doing. There are just so many other things to do from that position that are less risky and more effective.

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all that is true.


I'm just saying if someone hit you with a real DDT. you'd have no choice but to sell it.

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I once tried an Irish whip, which I was planning to use to set up a back body drop, but for some reason, it didn't pan out.


Still can't figure out where I went wrong with that one.

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Not sure if an STO counts as a professional or amateur move...but I once hit someone with something resembling a running STO.


While technically not a 'real' fight, the Anklelock worked pretty well on one of my friends too.

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I was thinking about using a reverse DDT if the time ever called for it. I remember during 6th grade during the "boom" my friend tombstoned this nerd in the grass when everyone was fighting. I might have chokeslammed some peolpe during my day and I rock bottomed my brother either in the grass or on the floor. Ive never been in a fight so Ive never had the chance.

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The only moves I used in fights where submission holds, and I only used them to get the other one to stop because I am a huge pussy when it comes to fighting.


Basically, I was punching, and the other guy punched harder than me. So I did the following.


-Front facelock

-Switched to a Tazmission, on the ground with bodyscissor.

-From there, I figured I might as well switch to a Cobra clutch, and the guy had troubles breathing. He said "All right let's stop".


So yeah, it works. But I wouldn't try anything that requires an ounce of strength.

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Also not a shootfight, but a friendly scuffle with some friends. At one point I'm down and this girl tries to kick me. I catch the leg and lock on Kurt Angle's leg lace ankle lock. Damned if that move isn't as effective on TV. Really no place to go.

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So yeah, it works. But I wouldn't try anything that requires an ounce of strength.

I second that.

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I once used Backlunds chickenwing in a scuffle back when I wa s in 7th grade in PE class with an 8th grader. (this was in late 94 around the titme backlund regained the title and was THE heel at the time). This kid was crazy so in oder to restarin him, I put him in the hold and actually picked him off the ground (I was much stronger then he was and a bit bigger) I didnt hurt him though thankfully.



I just saw a fight in a bar on sat night in the pool room, like 8 guys surrounded and beat on 2 guys and the one guy grabbed a pool cue and dared them to hit him and thge other actually used a chair shot lmao



my elementary school friends and I used to wrestle at lunchtime in the early 90s. I often would be the ref and ignore the faces tag and allow the heels to cheat by being constantly distracted. we did royal rumbles by throwing each other over a barricade.


my cousin tombstoned me on his bed once and alter gave me the razors edge. no pain thankfully.


One time I foudn myself in 7th grade, having to fight approx. 6 or 7 guys on my own. I was taking karate classes at the time so I busted out some sweet kicks and actually held my own. I clotheslined one guy too.


In high school in class one kid did the peoples elbow to another during a friendly paly fight it was pretty funny.

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