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Wrestling Moves you busted out In Real Fights

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In real fights I've used hammerlocks to control people, front face headlock and my version of a sleeper choke. But I think my experience and training in Judo and Wrestling helped out. I've used a powerbomb before believe it or not. I'm a big strong guy though, 6'2" 275lbs so you know. And if anyone's wondering what version, the version I used was awesome bomb-like with a Vader-like thrust onto the ground.

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Well, this one time, some guy tries to kick me, so I whip him up and lock in the motherfuckin' sharpshooter. He fights out of it, though, so I gave him a brainbuster, and it was nuts. Full on, skull on concrete. I gave him a few kicks to the head, before taunting all the kids watching. Then, I climbed to the top of the school and dropped the big fucking leg drop from the top of the damn school! Half of them cheered, half were in disbelief. I then decided, what the fuck, may as well pin him, and I did. I counted my own three count and everyone celebrated, and then I drank beers with Stone Cold.

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Guest Shadow

I would never try to be an idiot and attempt a Pile-Driver or something gimmicky such as that, but I have been in a few fights where I would unintentionally use wrestling moves.


I have been in situations where a cross-face worked well in stopping the fight, same with a camel clutch. I also caught a guy swinging at me, grabbed his arm and took him down and wrenched his arm back and sat above him with his arms still wrenched(not sure what that move would be called). Ankle Locks are actually effective if you are capable of holding onto a legit frailing man. as for actual "wrestling" moves, I've done your generic rock bottom type slam and once unintentionally hit a german suplex.


Clothesline's i would imagine is one of the rare actual "wrestling" moves that could be effective, but it mainly would only work if the other guy is stunned or dazed. I could see, a headscissors kick working. Sweet Chin Music may work but not the whole tune up aspect. Just the sudden swift kick, which then it isnt a wrestling move but more a traditionalistic defense/offense staple.

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Yeah a little off topic but I was on the bus today and what I can only assume were a couple of marks were behind me talking about how a few years ago Steve Austins son was suspended from school for giving someone a Stunner and I don't even think Austin has a son.


But anyway yeah anyone who tries busting out wrestling moves in a fight is a serious tit.

Stunners are hard to pull off if the person you are doing it to has no idea what you are doing, it really is an ineffective move when you think about it, I mean the guy gets a little whiplash (and if they don't know what they are supposed to do they aren't going to oversell it McMahon/Rock style either), but chances are, he is still standing and you are sitting on the ground. Even if you add the kick to the groin to get him in stunning position

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Yea, stunners dont work. My friend tried to cut me with a knife and my other friend held me and was like "Come on Mike" so I just grabbed his head and fell. All the other person does is bend all of the way day and you have a hurt ass. If you cant tell, they werent really trying to cut me.

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Crossface Chicken Wing on some fatty in grade 3, he almost passed out...and that was in class. I had to write something out I think "I will not choke Stuart" 100 times or something.

In grade 5 or 6, I went to do the People's Elbow on some guy. Rock used to swing his leg around his opponent and then drop the elbow...yeah well I went to swing around my leg, the guy sits up, and I caught him in the nose with my shin. Gave him a bloody nose.

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Crossface Chicken Wing on some fatty in grade 3, he almost passed out...and that was in class. I had to write something out I think "I will not choke Stuart" 100 times or something.

In grade 5 or 6, I went to do the People's Elbow on some guy. Rock used to swing his leg around his opponent and then drop the elbow...yeah well I went to swing around my leg, the guy sits up, and I caught him in the nose with my shin. Gave him a bloody nose.

Yeah it sucks when the guy doesn't know how to sell for you


Did he think the move was just stepping over your prone opponent? Geez

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Yea, stunners dont work. My friend tried to cut me with a knife and my other friend held me and was like "Come on Mike" so I just grabbed his head and fell. All the other person does is bend all of the way day and you have a hurt ass. If you cant tell, they werent really trying to cut me.

I'm still trying to perfect Austin's "bounce right back up with the middle finger salutes and beer guzzle" Guess there is a reason you rarely saw stunners in places other than inside the ring


Have to rewatch vintage stunners, probably he never quite landed (this is for non-match stunners) straight down but more to the side so he could pop up and do the finger thing


Course why the hell am I anaylizing how Austin sold the post-stunner antics?



Actually here is a good question, in real fights if you want to do something akin to a rock bottom or choke slam, you just do it, why in wrestling do you have to drape your opponets' arm over you? Never understood that




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Just the other day I busted out a Space Flying Tiger Drop and a 450 splash in a brutal street fight. A couple of weeks ago I used a Shooting star press followed up by the 3rd degree to win a fight. In the past I have used Crush's Cranium Crunch, and once knocked a guy out after warming up the band before delivering a little sweet chin music.

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Well, this one time, some guy tries to kick me, so I whip him up and lock in the motherfuckin' sharpshooter. He fights out of it, though, so I gave him a brainbuster, and it was nuts. Full on, skull on concrete. I gave him a few kicks to the head, before taunting all the kids watching. Then, I climbed to the top of the school and dropped the big fucking leg drop from the top of the damn school! Half of them cheered, half were in disbelief. I then decided, what the fuck, may as well pin him, and I did. I counted my own three count and everyone celebrated, and then I drank beers with Stone Cold.

A friend of mine actually doesn't understand the concept of a sharpshooter. I told him you twist the legs by pulling them from underneath you and then you sit down on him bending your knees, he doesn't believe its possible, sadly I've yet to be in a situation to show him


Ever had that happen, where someone is incredulous to what could be the most simplistic move you can do?



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I remember getting in a fight back when I was like nine or ten and dropping this dude with back-to-back clotheslines.


I can also remember being in a fight probably a year or so later where if you went back and watched it you'd have sworn you were watching a wrestling match. Seriously, we were using headlocks and stuff on each other and at one point he actually had me in a full nelson for a bit before I got this big adrenaline rush, broke free and mounted this big comeback in the end.


Also, not a fight, but I did chokeslam my friend's little brother once for hitting me in the nuts.

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Crossface Chicken Wing on some fatty in grade 3, he almost passed out...and that was in class. I had to write something out I think "I will not choke Stuart" 100 times or something.

In grade 5 or 6, I went to do the People's Elbow on some guy. Rock used to swing his leg around his opponent and then drop the elbow...yeah well I went to swing around my leg, the guy sits up, and I caught him in the nose with my shin. Gave him a bloody nose.

Yeah it sucks when the guy doesn't know how to sell for you


Did he think the move was just stepping over your prone opponent? Geez

I was 10, wtf would I know?

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Crossface Chicken Wing on some fatty in grade 3, he almost passed out...and that was in class. I had to write something out I think "I will not choke Stuart" 100 times or something.

In grade 5 or 6, I went to do the People's Elbow on some guy. Rock used to swing his leg around his opponent and then drop the elbow...yeah well I went to swing around my leg, the guy sits up, and I caught him in the nose with my shin. Gave him a bloody nose.

Yeah it sucks when the guy doesn't know how to sell for you


Did he think the move was just stepping over your prone opponent? Geez

I was 10, wtf would I know?

Good point!

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The best one I've ever heard, though, was a guy tried to pedigree someone and broke both his kneecaps.

See, when Triple H portrays the Pedigree as the ultimate finisher from which no one can get up ever again... this is what happens

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The best one I've ever heard, though, was a guy tried to pedigree someone and broke both his kneecaps.

See, when Triple H portrays the Pedigree as the ultimate finisher from which no one can get up ever again... this is what happens

Another move I don't think ever gets done outside the ring!


Course thats what the Sledgehammer is for...


In fact, how many finishers are good for non-ring vingettes and such? Probably only a handfull once you get past submission moves and basic suplexes/slams



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If I was ever in a fight with a guy, I'd use the Chyna special: the low blow. Other than that, unless I was winning and was getting cocky, nah.


Actually, I'd do the Jericho Cocky pin, just to be a bitch. It's all hearsy though, as I doubt I'd get in a fight.

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When I've gotten into fights, I've busted out the MutaLock and the Busaiku Knee Kick.


Just kidding.



If I fight someone, I'd just use some of the amateur wrestling moves I know to control them or If i was mad enough, I punch them and the stomach and start giving them knee kicks to the face.


A well placed knee can end a fight very quickly.

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In High School I watched my cousin, (who was doing some goth/biker/punk thing at this point) fight some preps. He got one of the preps off his friend with a SWEET chokeslam. He wasn't a viewer of wrestling or anything so it was just on instinct, but he goozled the guy with one hand, lifted him off the ground by his under-arm with the other hand, and slammed the fuck out of him in the hallway.

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I was in fight in middle school, it was me and a friend verus two ummq. I guess 'Gangsta's, so he Side Russian Leg Sweeps one of the guys and locks in an armbar. Meanwhile, I'm fighting a guy who has prolly 5 inches and 30-40 pounds and jump on his back and somehow manage to lock in a cobra clutch, so the fucker just jumps and squashes me but I manage to hold on until the fight got broken up. Then in 8th grade I did what was pretty much an FU, a fireman's carry while I was standing on some Jock. People still talk about that, although they use the incorrect term of bodyslam.

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Guest Hass of Pain

So I couple months ago I am sitting in a bar one Tuesday night with some friends and scoping out some ladies, when in walks a group of guys obviously looking to find some trouble. One of the guys stared at me, and then told me that he had a problem with my neatly pressed Hollister oxford. I told him that I was just looking to have a good time and wasn't in the mood for a fight. He get in my face anyway. Quick as a cat I moved on him, and after a few swings in my Campana he and his buddies darted out the door as quick as their legs would take them.






True story.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Oh yeah, and another time I was down in Tijuana doing some research on the mysterious chupacabra when a sidewalk performer became unruly after I didn't tip him despite dancing along with the wonderful sounds of his maraca. He began cursing and swinging wildly on my girlfriend.


To make a long story short, when la policia arrived, I had him restrained in the confines of a surfboard.





True Story.

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Holy shit!


Anyways, the german suplex is the best option in the midst of heated brawl.


Just do a standing switch, grasp him and fall back. Will end a fight 9 times out of 10.

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Guest BDC

While I can't compete with Haas, I'd just like to say that one time, I so totally had this kid locked in the dragon sleeper. He was going to tap until he made it to the fence and screamed "I've got the ropes." Then I got hit with a chair.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Last one, but one time I was trying to cross the border into Colombia when a guerilla from an unfriendly drug millitia stopped my automobile. Long story short, it's tough to point a gun at me when you are being stretched in a gory special...






Gosh my stories are so boring. I'm done now.

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When I've gotten into fights, I've busted out the MutaLock and the Busaiku Knee Kick.


Just kidding.



If I fight someone, I'd just use some of the amateur wrestling moves I know to control them or If i was mad enough, I punch them and the stomach and start giving them knee kicks to the face.


A well placed knee can end a fight very quickly.

Snap brain buster bitch

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Guest Rrrsh

Stunners ran wild back when I was in Grade 9 (that would be 97-98)


I gave a kid a Liontamer in a "bunch of males get bored on stupid High School retreat and scrap"

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Not in a fight, but me and my friend used to throw each other around on my trampoline (like, if he tried to suplex me i would jump with it so I didn't land on my neck and things like that...we weren't trying to kill each other).


So I'm like "let me try this fireman's carry" and basically what i actually was trying to do was a Somoan Drop, as he ran across at me and hopped up enough that i could catch him and fall back, not using much strength but instead his momentum to carry it over...



Well...I slipped, and the result was more like a DVD ...crunched him up like an accordian, if I would have sat straight down and not fallen back and onto my side... I might have broke his neck.


He got me back a while later by dropkicking me in the chest mid-bounce. I almost fell off the damn trampoline.

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Guest MikeSC

Vertebreakers and the like are routinely in my fights.


Of course, I only get into fights with toddlers or the elderly...


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