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The Recoil of Backlash

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OK...WWE Backlash is over and done with, and thus, we move on to set up the next Raw PPV (don't feel like checking to see what it is...I'm guessing Bad Blood).


Let's do a match by match breakdown, and see what the future could possibly hold for the participants.



Shelton Benjamin © d. Chris Jericho


Shelton Benjamin continues to hold the IC title, holding it since October. He's rapidly approaching, if not having surpassed, Orton's reign in length in a short time. However, he hasn't defended the belt nearly as much as he could have, admittingly.


Personally, if they could find the right challengers for him, I would say that Benjamin should get an IC title reign longer than even The Honky Tonk Man's reign with the belt. Then, in a VERY competitive match, he loses it to someone who has proven themselves in the ranks. ...Heck, maybe even Hurricane if this tag team run goes good for him.


As for Chris Jericho, you know that, after the way he was building his obsession with gettting back at Shelton for the win that Shelton had over Jericho at Taboo Tuesday. So, I can see Jericho slowly start snapping again. Face Jericho just hasn't been working well, and maybe a really STRONG heel push is what he needs. Sure, it's only been one year, but who knows...it could be what his career ordered. A trade to Smackdown, forcing him away from Shelton and his revenge, could add to that as well.



WINNERS: The Hurricane & Rosey.


First off, let me just say that this pleased me. Hurricane's first title since his tag team title reign with Kane back in 2002...it warms the heart.




I'd like to see Hurricane and Rosey be a surprise team that gets good upset wins...building them into great champions that prove themselves by their hard work. Build them up as best they can, even with the gimmicks.


However, I have a gut feeling that a quick loss of the titles is in order. To who? Scroll down a bit.



Edge d. Chris Benoit


To fully sell this match, I think Benoit should be out this week on Raw. Say his head injuries were so severe that he was told to stay off Raw tonight, Doctors and GM's orders.


This could build Edge even more, as he could say that he was the man that Crippled the Crippler, even if just for a short time. From there...well, haven't thought much. Of course, he still has his contracted match. But who KNOWS what they're planning for that.


Kane d. Viscera


Well, since Vis doesn't have Trish anymore...and has gotten face reactions for what he's done...and I can't see anything else good to do with them...hell, if neither get traded, have Kane and Vis become a tag team. It could build the ranks...give some teams (including the champs) a challenge to face.


Hogan and HBK d. Hassan & Daivari.


No clue on Hogan and HBK.


If they aren't planning on keeping Hurricane and Rosey as champs, expect Hassan and Daivari to win the titles very soon. Tomorrow night at the earliest.


Though, Hassan could possibly be upset at Daivari losing for his team....



Batista © d. Triple H


Obviously, the Pedigree with no ref spot is a set up for Batista/Trips III...most likely in a Cell.


From there, who knows?



Trade Christian to Smackdown ASAP. I want a Christian/Cena WWE title feud.


...Scary thought...Edge World Champ, Christian WWE Champ.


Anyway, thoughts?

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Well one thing is for sure and that is Triple H has the fuel to make Hemsley/Batista III because when he pedigreed Batista he had him covered for the 50 count almost.....

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Benjamin jobbing the title to Masters is a horrific thought I could see occuring.


I'm really starting to hate "Happy Dave" as champ. Ditto for "Fun Lovin' Joker Dave".

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Triple H is this generation's Hollywood Hogan. Easy to pick off leading up to the PPV, but the second the bell rings he suddenly summons superhuman power that can see the mightest of opponents need to endure 20 minute matches just to bring him down.


Hurricane and Rosey's win means shit. Triple H already made them both his bitches over the past few weeks, not that there is any reason to give a damn about tag team wrestling anymore unless you're watching SD!


And I really, really, really hate it when people use 'Hell, ...' as the beginning for a sentence. It shits me. Just thought you'd all like to know that.

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Triple H is this generation's Hollywood Hogan. Easy to pick off leading up to the PPV, but the second the bell rings he suddenly summons superhuman power that can see the mightest of opponents need to endure 20 minute matches just to bring him down.


Hurricane and Rosey's win means shit. Triple H already made them both his bitches over the past few weeks, not that there is any reason to give a damn about tag team wrestling anymore unless you're watching SD!


And I really, really, really hate it when people use 'Hell, ...' as the beginning for a sentence. It shits me. Just thought you'd all like to know that.

Hell, according to Booking, HHH could win the tag belts by himself JUSt Like That. Way to strengthen those belts-uh

Hell, you beat me to it!

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They could build the Tag Division up on RAW as well.


Regal & Tajiri

The Heart-Throbs (did they wrestle at Backlash?)

Viscera and Kane (slow team but entertaining)

The Justice Squad (Hurricane and Rosey)

The Rockers

Muhammed Hassan and Davairi

La Resistance

Simon Dean and Maven

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Hurricane/Rosey just screams "transition champs", unfortunately. I'm hoping they get at least a month before they drop the straps.



You could argue that HHH/Batista is being prolonged because of the huge buy rate for Wrestlemania, but plans for the Cell match were put into place before the buy rate was known.


Thank goodness there's a draft coming up, or else there'd be no hope for fresh main event match-ups whatsoever.

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Yeah Triple H will get another shot, but they won't build it up this early. Batista will likely feud with someone (Christian) for a month, then they will have a number one contenders match where HHH will win and go from there.

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I can see the Heart Throbs winning the belts in a month or so.

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If that Hell in a Cell match poster didn't exist I would think HHH/Batista was done. It's funny that the wwe has built up challengers for both champions on opposite shows. Batista could concievably face off against JBL(pre-Mania build)) on smackdown and Cena can battle Christian on RAW. They can end JBL/Cena at Judgment Day.

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No Bad Blood this year due to ECW One Night Stand.


Next RAW PPV is all the way until June (Vengeance).

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I could see Hassan/Daivari winning the tag straps within the month, and then challenge HBK agian.. HBK this time teams with Jannetty.. Jannetty turns on him for not picking him in the first place. Leaving Daviari/Hassan as champs, raising the tag titles, and starting the Jannetty/Michaels feud that seems inevitable.

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If everyone's loving Christian's attack on Cena, how much more fun would it be to see Jericho doing the same thing in a rock vs. rap war?

Oh man, that'd be plenty of fun. But if Christian and Jericho both go to SD as heels, then who's going to make fun of the faces on Raw?

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